Laser Hair Reduction - Kansas City Skin and Cancer Center (2024)

After years of burning, bumps, and irritation all caused by bad razors and other hair removal techniques, you’ve likely had your fair share of experience with unwanted hair. It’s completely normal to have hair in places you’d rather not, but removing it can be time-consuming, tedious, and never-ending.

But here at Kansas City Aesthetic Center, we have the perfect solution for that unwanted hair: laser hair reduction in Kansas City!

When we first started the Kansas City Skin & Cancer Center, we wanted to help everyone who was experiencing issues with their skin.

So, we opened up our offices and began doing everything from skin cancer treatments and medical dermatology, to cosmetic dermatology and some aesthetic treatments, as well. How

Laser Hair Reduction Works

There are lots of different hair removal methods out there today, but few can provide you lasting results. And many can also cause adverse effects, like ingrown hairs, razor burn, and more.

So, why does laser hair reduction work so much better? It all has to do with how the laser is absorbed and interacts with the hair follicle itself.

During a laser hair reduction session, the laser device emits a light, which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. That light is converted to heat energy, which damages the hair follicles in the treatment area. This damage helps prevent future hair growth.

Is It Permanent?

Depending on the size of the treatment area and the coarseness of hair, laser hair reduction is an FDA-cleared, near-permanent solution for unwanted hair.

This can mean saving hours and hours by removing the need to shave, pluck, or wax—not to mention saving money on the appointments and tools needed for traditional hair removal methods.

Laser Hair Reduction - Kansas City Skin and Cancer Center (1)

How permanent laser hair reduction is for you depends on your hair’s density, growth cycle, and other factors. Most people may need a yearly touch-up session to make their results permanent. Any hair regrowth after laser hair reduction is usually less dense, finer, and lighter in color.

Our Process for LHR in KC

First: Your Consultation

You’ll meet with one of our trained experts to discuss your desired treatment areas and the factors that need to be addressed for successful laser hair reduction.

For years laser hair reduction was considered to be only for those with light skin. This was because the technology used was not capable of telling the difference between skin color and hair color. This means that the tools experts have been using were not able to help those of all colors.

With advancements in technology we are now able to provide any and all patients with the laser hair removal they deserve and have been looking for! And these new technologies can do LHR without seeing any scarring, discoloration, or other skin damage.

So by taking the time to meet with all potential patients we take into consideration the technology they need to do successful laser hair removal. So the consultation is the first and very important step in the laser hair removal process.

Your provider will answer any questions or concerns you have prior to coming in for your treatment, as well as discuss anything specific to your particular skin type.

Second: Scheduling

Once you are comfortable with how the process works, you and your provider will schedule an appointment and go over the dos and don’ts prior to your treatment.

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Patients will be instructed to shave the morning of or day before their scheduled appointment. You and your provider will also discuss any pain management options that may be needed.

Third: During Your Appointment

Once your appointment begins, we’ll prep the area and the appropriate laser. A beam of highly focused light is absorbed by the hair and disables unwanted hair follicles. There is some mild discomfort that lasts only a few seconds; the heat from the laser light destroys the hair follicle, and a hair can no longer grow from it. Treatments can be 4 to 8 weeks apart and require 6 to 8 treatments in total.

Lastly: Reactions & Recovery

Your skin may feel sensitive, warm, and red immediately after the treatment, but there is no downtime for recovery after laser hair reduction in Kansas City. Most laser hair reduction sessions are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to treat all hair growth cycles.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

How long does laser hair reduction take to perform?

The laser hair reduction procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the treatment area.

What are the side effects of laser hair reduction?

Some varying degree of redness and swelling is to be expected. Aloe or steroid cream may be applied to help relieve any mild discomfort after your laser treatment.

When will I see results?

You will see results immediately after leaving your first treatment! Over the following weeks, your follicles will naturally fall out, leaving your skin looking silky smooth and hair-free. Even though you will see immediate results, you’ll achieve best results by completing a full series of treatments.

Is there a way to perform laser hair reduction at home?

While many products claim to provide laser hair reduction treatments at home, and while this may be tempting, it’s best to keep lasers in the hands of professionals. We have seen so many clients over the years, we have developed an excellent sense of what the skin both can and cannot handle.

Will my hair grow back?

Hairs that are growing when you receive laser hair reduction will never grow back. However, hair follicles that are not in the active growth phase, or are “resting”, while being treated, will need to be treated again.

Since every one of your hairs is on a different growth schedule, all of this should be taken care of throughout a few rounds of treatment sessions. It is best to consult with one of our expert laser hair reduction technicians to find the perfect treatment plan for you.

Discover freedom from unwanted hair today with Kansas City Skin & Cancer Center’s LHR!

Unwanted hair can be a thing of the past when you come to Kansas City Skin & Cancer Center! While we hope we’ve helped you understand more about what goes into laser hair reduction in Kansas City, we’re always more than happy to meet with you for a consultation to answer any remaining questions you may have.

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Taking care of your skin is more than just cosmetic and skincare products—even though we have those, too! Whether you have a specific issue or a few general concerns, you can count on having a timely appointment with an experienced professional.

More Information

We have plenty of resources on our site, including FAQs, patient paperwork, insurance information, and educational reading sources.

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Laser Hair Reduction - Kansas City Skin and Cancer Center (2024)


Do people ever regret laser hair removal? ›

But, as with any treatment that ends with more or less permanent results, not everyone is pleased with their decision. While some feel freedom after banishing all the hair on their bodies for good, others express deep regret — especially given how the conversation around body hair has shifted in recent years.

What makes you a bad candidate for laser hair removal? ›

Also, the laser focuses in on the darker pigments in your hair. This means if you have fair skin and fair hair, or dark skin and dark hair, the laser may struggle to differentiate between skin and hair, and you could suffer from damage to the surrounding area or experience poor results.

Is there a cancer risk with laser hair removal? ›

Although laser hair removal uses light energy, it does not include any UV light. The wavelength used in lasers are less energetic, therefore it will not cause harm to the genetic material inside your cells. Meaning there is no increased risk of skin cancer from laser hair removal.

What happens if I stop laser hair removal after 4 sessions? ›

If you stop laser hair removal too early, you'll likely be left with something around the percentage that is there now. Once the particular follicle is dead it won't regrow, but new ones can be triggered by hormonal changes.

Who should not get laser hair removal? ›

Who shouldn't have laser hair removal?
  • Are pregnant.
  • Are taking certain medications, such as acne treatments.
  • Have genital herpes (HSV-2) or are prone to cold sores.
  • Have keloid scars (raised scars).
  • Have or have had skin cancer.
Sep 1, 2021

Do most celebrities get laser hair removal? ›

For people who want to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal is an extremely popular procedure, with millions of satisfied customers who swear by it. And yes, many of these customers are celebrities.

Is it bad to laser pubic hair? ›

Just like waxing, laser is also very safe to remove the unwanted pubic hair. Because the laser doesn't penetrate deeper than your hair follicles it has no risks when it comes to the private parts. The treatment is usually performed at every 5-6 weekly intervals, to capture your hair at their specific growing stage.

What happens if you don't keep up with laser hair removal? ›

If you miss a laser hair removal session, it's important to get back on schedule right away. The reason for this is because the hair that hasn't been treated during its growth cycle will return when it is in its growth phase.

What is the success rate of laser hair removal? ›

You can expect a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after the first treatment. To remove the hair, most patients need 2 to 6 laser treatments. After finishing the treatments, most patients do not see any hair on the treated skin for several months or even years.

Why is laser hair removal not effective? ›

Hair Thickness and Coarseness

Fine, thin hair may not absorb enough laser energy to disable the follicles effectively. On the other hand, coarse or deeply rooted hair may require more sessions to achieve the desired results.

Should I laser my pubic hair? ›

' Yes, it is safe to laser the pubic area for most patients. It should be noted that this is one of the more sensitive areas when it comes to laser hair removal, but it is quick and effective. Many patients also believe it is overall less painful than waxing.

Do all celebrities get laser hair removal? ›

Other celebrities who've embraced laser hair removal include Vanessa Hudgens, Kylie Jenner, Chrissy Teigen, and Victoria Beckham. Even Kanye West reportedly visited a laser hair clinic – demonstrating that laser hair removal is for everyone.

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