Pokémon: Universe of legends - Chapter 2 - Ultimateblazer - Pokemon (2024)

Chapter Text

2nd Generation

Pichu and Wooper watched in confusion as Suicune ran across the meadow while being chased by those strange floating letters with eyes. Those beings surrounded Suicune and emitted an intense light that blinded them. When they opened their eyes there was nothing.


Zzz...! What...? Oh, what a hit! What time is it? I-I mean... Welcome to the Pokémon world! I'm Professor Elm and I specialize in the study of Pokémon breeding. Pokémon are very mysterious creatures and we still have a hard time figuring out how and when they lay eggs. Something incredible! There are still many things we don't know. Well, I hope you have fun with this colourful world full of adventures.

See you!


In the distant past...

Pryce was born in Mahogany Town, where he had a fairly normal childhood with his friend Sheila. Years later his talent as a trainer allowed him to meet and confront Samuel Oak and Agatha, becoming friends with both in the process.

During those years he became fascinated with the beauty of ice-type Pokémon. He liked them so much that he even had two Iapras in his main team. They were called LP.A.ris and LP.A.rusd. Together with them he won numerous tournaments and even several important tournaments.

He was eventually named gym leader, the strongest in Johto. Thanks to his Iapras, winning in his gym was a very difficult task even for veteran trainers. A few years later both Iapras died in an avalanche.

Before they died, they had left an egg from which a baby Iapras hatched, which Pryce named Glacier. Unfortunately, the death of his two favourite Pokémon caused something to break inside him. One day a couple of friends, who worked at a Pokémon Day Care, gave him a baby swinub, which he raised as if it were his own child.

Over time, his broken heart healed little by little and he regained his happy and competitive spirit. He evolved his swinub into a powerful piloswine and together with Glacier obtained an unstoppable and icy duo.

When he was thirty-five years old he suffered severe burns during a fierce battle against a Kanto trainer. That day Piloswine disAppeared. He searched for him for days, weeks, and years until he accepted that his Pokémon had abandoned him.

"First his two Iapras and now Piloswine." Sheila said with a sad voice as she held back tears. Seeing how her friend's heart was going cold wasn’t pleasant at all.

"We have to do something," Oak said very seriously. "We can't let Pryce stay locked up in that damn icy cave."

“And what can we do?"

“And the song we composed for him? Did he heard it?" the Pokémon Day Care couple asked.

Sheila shook her head. Agatha, seeing that, let out a sigh of despair.

"Bah! We cannot save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. It's best that we leave it alone once and for all."

“I disagree. There must be something…" Oak very said seriously. Agatha looked at him sadly. Unfortunately, her friend wasn’t one to give up.

That third loss made the enthusiastic gym leader become empty. He never cared for any of his Pokémon again, treating them as if they were simple objects. That way, if he lost someone again, he wouldn't feel that pain that threatened to break the little sanity he had left.

His students were the ones who suffered the most from his rudeness and scolding. Pryce demanded too much of them and barely allowed them to rest, wanting to turn them into strong trainers who wouldn’t lose their loved ones...They only saw a cruel teacher who was destroying them.

Little by little his students abandoned him until there were only trainers just as cold as him defending the gym. To top it off, Pryce ended up cutting off all contact with his friends and never saw them again except on rare occasions.

Year 2013 - Pryce's House in Mahogany Town.

"Huh? What is this?" Pryce asked after taking the box that Sheila handed him.

"A package from Unova, although it doesn't have a return address," she replied, shrugging. "Don't worry, we have checked it many times and it doesn't seem to have anything dangerous inside."

Pryce nodded his head slightly and opened the package. Inside there was a kind of wrP.A.ping that protected a white object. When he took off the packaging he saw that the object was some kind of mask.

"Wow...it looks like one of those masks they sometimes use in operas," Sheila commented when she saw the object.

"What a load of bullcrP.A.," Pryce muttered, tossing the mask onto his bed. "Why would I want something like that?"

"The truth is, that it is a very curious “gift.”" Sheila admitted.

"Bah! I'll throw it in the trash tomorrow," Pryce said as he motioned for Sheila to leave his room right away. "I'm tired, tomorrow we’ll continue talking."

That night he had terrible dreams because ghosts from the past came to visit him. His friends, his students and his Pokémon. In the few moments in which he managed to relax he heard a soft yet cold voice whispering things in his ear.

The next day Pryce woke up in the middle of the night, right in front of the Lake of Rage. Totally unaware, he was tightly gripping the Mask of Ice in his left hand.

Goldenrod City - Headquarters of the Johto Pokémon Association

A young redhead and his signature Pokémon were waiting patiently for someone to explain what they were doing in that huge, empty room. At least they could see the beautiful city from the huge windows.

Sitting opposite to him was Charles Goodshow, the leader of the P.A.

"I want to make you a proposal," Charles explained. "Johto is still without a champion or Elite Four, something that Kanto has quickly corrected. Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Leaf and the champion Red. It is a very powerful Pokémon league that Kanto has formed."

"No doubt," Lance declared with a small smile. "A while ago I faced Red and Leaf, both are young but very formidable. Agatha, Bruno and Lorelei are in good hands."

"Yeah. As for Johto, the politicians are very desperate."

"Desperate to show the world that the region hasn’t lost military strength after the schism with Kanto?" Lance asked, crossing his arms.

Dragonite let out a small growl. He didn't like politics very much.

"…You could say so. They have been putting quite a lot of pressure on me on the subject." Charles said after taking a sip of tea.

"Let me guess, you want me to be part of Johto's new Elite Four?" Lance looked out the window again. "If I left the Kanto Elite Four it was so I could help my home region at any time, so I don't mind returning to that position."

Charles gave a small smile and stared at him.

"Lance, we don't want you to be part of the Elite Four, we want you to be the new champion of Johto."

"…Champion? I?" Lance's eyes were wide open, even Dragonite opened his mouth upon hearing Charles' words.

"You’re the strongest trainer in Johto and the next leader of the Dragon Tamer Clan," Charles said. "It’s obvious that you‘re the best suited for such a position."

Lance and Dragonite exchanged looks of surprise and concern.

"There are more elite trainers in Johto."

"But no one would be able to live up to such a position."

Dragonite placed his right claw on Lance's head, in an attempt to give him support. After several seconds, Lance rubbed his face and stared at Charles.

"If I accepted, who would be chosen for the Elite Four?"

"If you accept, you’ll have to choose," Charles responded after letting out a small laugh. "They’re going to be your Elite Four after all."

"So they leave all the work to me?" Lance growled as he rubbed his forehead.

"Anyway..." Charles began as he put a folder on the table. "Here you have several elite trainers who could help you. They are all natives of Johto, although not all of them live in the region."

Year 2014 - Old karate dojo of Saffron City

Someone was knocking insistently at the door of his house.

"Leave me alone!" Shouted Kiyo, who was lying on the couch in his house, surrounded by bottles of wine and beer. The doorbell kept ringing.

Tired, he got up as best he could and headed towards the door.

"I hope they’re not... I’ll kill those H-Helix witnesses with my own hands," he swore as he fought against his drunkenness. He opened the door with some difficulty to see that the person knocking was a tall, intimidating, red-haired young man.

"…Y-you're not…y-you're the new champion of Johto" Kiyo asked somewhat surprised while he tried not to fall to the ground. Even drunk he was able to recognize a big celebi when he saw one.

"And you are Kiyo Kochi, right? Bruno's friend who everyone calls the Karate King." Lance wanted to confirm after observing him better.

"Karate King... Ha, I'm just a loser who didn't know how to accept his defeat in front of a girl," the martial artist laughed bitterly after taking another sip from his bottle of wine. "Although I have admitted that I feel honored to receive the visit of such a Pokémon trainer."

"What’re you doing in such a deplorable state?" Lance asked.

"Wow, that's direct hit," Kiyo laughed again. "Haven't you heard the latest news? A demon with psychic powers took away my position as leader. What state should I be in?"

"Do you want to spend your entire life being a loser? You have more than enough talent to be in the Elite Four, you just need to focus your goals and train better."

Maybe it was the drunkenness, maybe it was the firm and strong voice of that young man, but Kiyo felt like listening to what he had to offer him.

Year 2015 - On the outskirts of Viridian city

In the middle of the cold night, a boy confronted a man who seemed to want to be anywhere but there. His nervous gaze was directed everywhere except towards the red haired boy to whom he had his back turned.

"The best… You said you wanted to be the best trainer in the world! And now you plan to abandon? And what do you plan to do then?" The boy was getting upset with every passing second.

"…A man who doesn’t know how to accept defeat cannot progress. I must be alone for a while so I can create a more powerful organization."

The boy didn’t believe his words.

"Bah! An organization full of minions that at the moment of truth let themselves be defeated by someone who’s only a year older than me. Pathetic!"

The man ignored the hatred and resentment in the boy's words.

"A well-structured organization with sufficient numbers should be capable of exercising great power. That’s the objective of an organization. I haven't known how to take advantage of the potential of my subordinates, plus I've let the raticate infiltrate my house... I swear that one day I’ll resurrect Team Rocket!"

The boy furiously grabbed the man by his black trench coat.

"I don't understand all that nonsense! I don't understand any of your ramblings!"

"…You’ll understand it too one day." said the man, shaking him off and leaving in a hurry.

In the distance you could hear the sound of police car sirens. Numerous areas of the city and the forest were being surrounded by Agent Jenny and the International Police. But the boy didn't care about all that.

"I prefer not to understand it... I don't plan to end up like you! With miserable minions around you, who join your organization to feel important just because they are nobodies. I’ll be a strong man on my own, without anyone's help! Alone, I’ll do it alone!

After releasing all his pent-up rage, the red-haired boy walked away from there, but not before realizing that there were about four people nearby.

"Get out of my way!" He said without giving them any importance. If he had done it, he would have met his future rival ahead of time...

Year 2016

"The articuno of the Seafoam Islands, the zapdos of the abandoned power plant and the moltres of Mount Ember… I would have preferred the Trio of birds of the Orange Islands but it’s not worth putting the world in danger yet… So these will have to do despite being less strong... Ho, ho, ho... Prepare for the attack my grunts!"


Former Team Rocket lair

Team Rocket's lair was completely covered in thick, piercing ice. The members who hadn’t been captured by the International Police or Agent Jenny had gathered again to plan what villains usually plan. Nobody expected a surprise attack perpetrated by a group of teenagers with half their faces covered by ice masks.

There were about twenty of them but they and their Pokémon fought like demons, destroying and knocking out anyone who got in their way. Team Rocket's elite would have acted accordingly and destroyed those fools, but a mysterious guy with his face completely covered by a mask of ice took care of them.

His agility, strength and speed were superhuman. His long old black cloak covered his large body making him look like a nightmare creature. Next to him, an articuno, zapdos and moltres protected him and defeated all enemy Pokémon they found.

"I should have stayed on the TCG Island!" James complained as he ran for his life. "At least there they respected me and treated me like a celebi!"

Jessie grabbed him without warning by his uniform and threw him to the ground just as they were going to hit him with a flamethrower.

"Shut up, hearing your stories about cards before we die is the last thing we want!"

"Meowth, that’s right!"



Several hours later…

"He has lost Mewtwo not once but twice. He was defeated three times by a ten year old boy. He has lost all his businesses, companies, contacts and position as a gym leader. Giovanni is a useless person who has allowed the organization that Madame Boss built with so much effort to be destroyed."

The members of Team Rocket were tied up and on their knees. Most with injuries and the rest had simply been given up in time. To prevent anyone from doing anything stupid, several ice spears were aimed at his vital organs.

"Who the hell are you?!" roared a burly grunt named Tyson.

The guy just laughed and bowed gracefully.

"You can call me Mask of Ice. From now on I’ll be the leader of Neo Team Rocket and I’ll lead you to an era of power and prosperity. I’ll give you several days to think if you want to remain loyal to a loser...or if you want to succeed. You have seen my power, you have seen that of my apprentices. With only twenty men we have conquered your base."

Jessie and James wanted to mention that having three legendary Pokémon and attacking them by surprise when they were at their lowest was what had given them victory, but upon seeing that guy's sad*stic look they decided to remain silent.

"We will never betray the boss!" Meowth said, making the other grunts also shout with fervour. "We are cowards but never traitors."

The Pokémon's words gave courage even to Jessie and James. Courage that disappeared when hearing the loud laughter of the masked man.

"And where is your dear boss? Enjoying his vacation with Matori, Domino and the rest of what's left of your elite?"

With just those words he made doubt, envy and anger settle in the hearts of many of the grunts.

"Among all of you there’re only four who can give a gym leader or the police problems. The rest of you wouldn't last anything against them. Even knowing about Team Rocket's bad situation, Giovanni didn’t hesitate to flee with his best men to feel safe in his new hideout. I want you to think carefully about it during these three days. This’s the time I’ll give you to decide if you’re winners or losers."

Mask of Ice snapped his fingers and his men began to move.

"Lock them all up. They’ll only come out as members of Neo Team Rocket."

"Do you realize that the initials NTR sound like netorare?" James said as they were taken to the cells.

"I had thought about it too." Jessie laughed.

"Just one day as boss and he has already left Team Rocket's name in tatters." Meowth said disappointed.

The rest of the TR members could only feel rage and helplessness. It was one thing to be locked up by a maniac, and another to be locked up with the TRio.

"I want to join you!" said a teenager quickly.

"Mondo, how quickly you betrayed Team Rocket." Jessie scolded him.

"Leave me alone. With Team Rocket I spent the day being your servant and getting you and the idiots you call friends out of trouble," Mondo confessed furiously. "At least with this new boss I’ll gain power."

"Wow, so much resentment." Jessie said offended.

"Although everything he said is true." James said.

"Especially about being Jessie's servant." Meowth murmured.

"You’ll be the first of many who’ll open their eyes to the truth, young Mondo." Mask of Ice laughed.

Soon a huge N made of ice appeared next to the R at the highest part of the lair. Neo Team Rocket was born.

“Good morning Johto, your favourite DJ has very good news! The Johto Elite Four has finally been formed! Our first member lived in Kanto but is originally from this region, Kiyo, thirty-eight years old and a fighting type specialist! The second member is Tōkichi, a fifty-three year old poison type specialist! In the third place we have Will, who is eighteen years old and specializes in the psychic type! And finally the fourth and strongest, Karen of eighteen old years too, this woman uses the mysterious sinister type!

Leading them all will be our new and first Johto champion, Lance of twenty years old! Let's hope they bring Johto into a new era of peace and prosperity!” DJ Mary, host of Goldenrod TV.

New Bark Town: Winds of a New Beginning

“Hello Ash! It's good to see you here. The technology is truly amazing. Now you can trade Pokémon with people from neighbouring regions. What a thing!” ―Tecno, the fat boy.

At the age of eleven, Ash travelled alone to the Johto region to participate in its Pokémon league, meet Professor Elm, and give the GS Ball to a certain Kurt. Professor Oak advised him that he should also take the opportunity to use the rainbow feather and investigate Ho-oh, since he was a legendary native of Johto.


Professor Elm was a man whose appearance could be disappointing His clueless face, his poorly organized laboratory despite the efforts of his assistants, and his clumsiness when handling the laboratory machines... All this made many believe that he didn’t deserve the title of best Pokémon researcher in Johto. Furthermore, many doubted that he was a former student and current rival of the great Professor Oak.

The numerous awards he received for his research on Pokémon reproduction made his detractors have to keep quiet and look for another victim.

"So this’s the famous Elm's laboratory... What are you looking at?" A mysterious boy who was spying through a window inside the laboratory snapped at Ash and Pikachu.


Pokémon Laboratory

The doorbell rang twice, interrupting Ethan's nap. The boy gave a loud yawn as he opened his honey eyes.

"I wonder who it’s." Professor Elm commented.

"I hope it's a pretty girl." Ethan said hopefully as I blushed.

When I opened the door I was greatly disappointed. Before him was a child and on his right shoulder was a pikachu.

"Hmm? Who the hell are you?" Ethan asked in a disinterested voice. "If you're a Helix witness, you can get out of here."

"I'm not... My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm from Pallet Town."

"Pallet Town? Isn't that Kanto?" Ethan asked confused.

"Eh? Oh yeah! You must be the boy professor Oak told me about, right?" Professor Elm said while he tried not to let the papers fall to the floor.

"Yes, and this’s my friend Pikachu," he said, pointing to his Pokémon.


"A Pikachu, one of my favourite Pokémon without a doubt, it's a shame they are almost impossible to see in Johto," Elm mentioned. "You've come to get the new Pokédex model, right?"

"Yes, professor."

“Before all that, can I ask you in favour?"

"What favour?"

“I'm doing a new Pokémon research right now. I was wondering if you could help me, Ash."

“Of course, professor!

From the speed with which Ash responded, Ethan believed that he couldn’t be very smart. Or maybe he was too naive. He didn't look like someone who was going to survive alone in that wild world.

"Look... I'm preparing a speech I'll give at a conference," Elm explained, "but there are some things I still don't understand. Could you help me?"

"A-a speech?" Ash asked confused and scared. "B-but I don't know how to make speeches..."

Luckily for Ash, the teacher's assistant stepped in to stop the conversation.

"Professor, focus!" Ethan shouted exasperatedly, putting a hand to his head. "It's Kris who helps him with the speeches and other boring things, remember?"

"True, what a mistake!" said Elm embarrassed. "Ahem... Okay... Hey, listen. I know someone named Mr. Pokémon. He investigates strange things and is excited by his discoveries. Well, yesterday he sent me an email telling me that he needs me to come to his house to pick up something. Could you go get it for me?"

"If it's just that, yes I can." Ash said sighing in relief.

"By the way, I need you to bring him this bag. It contains Poké Balls with Pokémon that are very important for our joint investigations." Elm said, handing him a brown bag.

"Wow, it's heavier than it looks..." Ash said as he picked it up with both arms.

"For someone capable of carrying a pikachu on his shoulder, that bag should be nothing." Ethan commented quietly.

Ash didn't listen to him, as both he and Pikachu were already running out of the laboratory.

"Wait Ash!" Professor Elm stopped him. "Do you even know where Mr. Pokémon lives?"

"…Well no."

Both Elm and Ethan slapped their palms on their foreheads.

"I suppose that for this mission you will need a guide, what better guide than my best assistant?" Professor Elm explained. Ethan puffed out his chest with pride as he heard the professor's words. "But Kris isn't here, so you'll have to go with him, Ethan."

The furious and offended boy began to shout insults but the professor completely ignored him.

"Ethan is ten years old and helps me, so to speak, with the laboratory tasks".

"The thing with the burned computer and the lost magazines were accidents." Ethan said immediately.

"…Kris is also ten years old but she helps me with field work. My assistant Dude used to do it, but he's recovering from the flu," Elm finished saying as he closed his eyes. "When you leave you’ll pass through Cherrygrove City. Hopefully you'll see Kris there working. She’s a responsible person, not like others."

Hearing nothing, Professor Elm opened his eyes. Ash, Pikachu, Ethan, and the egg were no longer there.


Cherrygrove City: The City of Fragrant Flowers

"That clueless old man thinks I'm useless... I'll make him regret it!" Ethan shouted.

"More than angry you seem excited." Ash commented with a smile.

"It's just that this’s the first time he's sent me on such an important mission," Ethan said, looking at the bag. "I didn't even want to be his assistant, you know?"

"And how did you end up working for him?"

Ethan forced a smile and began to sweat lightly.

“Let's say I was playing with my mother's Pokémon and I ended up breaking several windows and other valuable objects." He explained with a nervous laugh.

"And he forced you to work in his laboratory?"

"Yes, otherwise my mother would have had to pay for everything," Ethan confessed embarrassedly. "But over time I have realized that I like taking care of Pokémon...Maybe one day I’ll dedicate myself to this professionally."

He said this last thing, looking at the bag again.

"I hope that when I become a Pokémon Master you will stop being a bad assistant." Ash said jokingly.

"You? Pokémon Master? I don't know what that’s but it sounds like you're crazy." Ethan laughed loudly.

"What did you said?!" Ash roared furiously.

"What you just hear!" Ethan replied in the same tone.

Pikachu shook his head from side to side as he saw how those two began to bump their heads as they clumsily moved along the path.

After crossing Route 29 they arrived at Cherrygrove City and the two stopped when they saw that a girl with blue hair and sports clothes sitting on top of a house.

"Ethan, what took you so long?" The girl asked with a smile.

"Hello Kris! What are you doing up there?"

"So I could see you when you arrive."

"I was going to call you with the Poké Gear."

The girl just made an incredible jump and landed next to the boys.

"How did you do that?/Pika?" Asked Ash and Pikachu, amazed by the agility of that ten year old girl.

"That doesn't matter now!" Ethan interrupted them. "Let's finish the professor's task and return to the laboratory."

"Hey Kris, is it true that there is no one better than you at capturing Pokémon in all of Johto?" Ash asked, interrupting a very upset Ethan.

"No, what an exaggeration. Who told you that?"


Ash, Pikachu, and Kris looked at Ethan, who had blushed slightly.

"Well, okay, maybe I exaggerated a little."

"It doesn't matter, I want to be the best at catching Pokémon anyway," Kris said excitedly. "Someday there will be no Pokémon that could escape me."

"Well, I want to be a Pokémon Master." Ash said, ignoring the small laugh that Ethan let out.

“Pokémon Master? I don't know what that is but it sounds like you're going to have to work hard." Kris said.

Later Ethan and Kris made him buy a Poké Gear just in case and headed to Mr. Pokémon's house. Kris made them take the path through the tall grass because she wanted to take the opportunity to catch some Pokémon.

They met Mr. Apricorn who claimed to be Kurt's relative and finally arrived at Mr. Pokémon's house. The elegant man took the bag of Poké Balls that Ash gave him and gave them a Pokémon egg.

Seeing Ethan's excited look, his two companions decided to give it to him. On the way back they were talking about what Pokémon would be inside when Ethan received a call from Professor Elm.

"Hello? Ethan? What a disaster! Please, come back as soon as possible! He’s stealing the Pokédex!"


On the way to the Pokémon laboratory…

“…You're the one who bothered me earlier in the lab, right? You and your Pokémon don't seem like a big deal. ...I do have good Pokémon. Get out of my way!” ―Silver, the mysterious passerby boy.

When leaving Cherrygrove City they ran into the thief and after a brief Pokémon battle they managed to recover the Pokédex. During the fight the thief dropped the trainer token and Ash managed to read what he said on it.

"Not even the stolen sneasel has helped me...I'll have to look for stronger Pokémon." Silver said after recovering his ID and escaping from there, but not before swearing revenge.

Unfortunately one of Pikachu's lightning bolts had destroyed Kris' bike. Luckily the girl didn't take it too badly.

When they arrived at the laboratory, Professor Elm was being interrogated by Agent Jenny. Ash and his two companions told them everything they knew, including the thief's name: Silver.

Thanks to Kris' calming words, professor Elm's annoyance went away. As a thank you to Ash for defeating Silver, he gave him the new Pokédex.

Professor Elm then convinced Ethan and Kris to travel with Ash around the region. That way they would get more experience and would be able to help him better in the lab, or maybe they would discover what they wanted to do with their lives. He then kept the Mr. Pokémon's egg much to Ethan's chagrin.

After discussing it with their parents, both children began their journey with Ash. Although it didn't take long for him and Ethan to start arguing again.

"Hey, guys," said Kris, who was losing her patience. "Stop."

He said that last thing in such an icy tone that both boys stopped and even Pikachu lowered his ears in fear.

"I have worked with many children at the Violet City daycare and you two are the same...no, worse. My little sister is much more mature than both of you. Don't think that I don't know how to treat bad children. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!/Pika!" the three shouted at the same time. Angering the only one in the group who knew how to cook well was the same as committing suicide, so they would accept all of her orders without question.


Kris’s House

The girl was sad as she would not see her sister for a while. However, her sadness turned into surprise and confusion when she saw two Pokémon enter through the window of her room. He recognized one despite having a somewhat peculiar spiked ear, but the other was completely unknown to her.


Route 30

In this area they met a trainer that everyone in the place talked about non-stop. The youngster must have been about nine years old and yet he walked as if he were an adult ready to take on the world.

"I'm Joey and I'm not going to let you pass unless you beat me in a Pokémon battle!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. "My rattata is not like other rattata! Mine is in the top percentage of all rattata! He’ll become the king of the rattata!"

"A rattata..." Ash said with a lost look. From the way his face darkened, he seemed to be remembering something unpleasant.

"What happens?" Joey asked him curiously. "You don’t want to fight a rattata? Don't underestimate Rattata!"

"No... It reminds me of the one a friend of mine from Pallet town had," Ash explained with a certain sadness in his voice. "Although his evolved into raticate"

Two minutes later…

"My rattata has lost..." Joey said without being able to believe it.

He quickly asked Ash for his Poké Gear number so he could ask for a rematch one day. And when he found out that Ash was going to participate in the Pokémon League, Joey ran to his house to get ready. They would face each other in the Johto league! After that they continued their journey.

Violet City: The City of Nostalgic Scents

Upon arriving in the city Kris exchanged one of the bellsprout she had captured for an onyx and sent it to the professed Elm. Then the girl advised Ash to go to the Pokémon Academy, since there they could teach him something about Pokémon fighting.

Apparently Kris used to help out at the academy before becoming Professor Elm's assistant and knew the teachers and students very well.

Ash wanted to go directly to the gym but in the end they managed to convince him. There they met director Earl Dervish, who suggested that Kris participate in his dance classes again, but she rejected him with some regret.

"A shame, you were the best dancer in the entire academy." Earl Dervish said somewhat sadly.

There was also professor Priscila, who asked Ash and his friends to help her teach about Pokémon to the younger children.

Finally they went to the gym but the leader was busy patrolling certain streets in the city, since apparently his father was the chief of police and he used to ask him for help. To calm a nervous Ash, Kris suggested that he go train to the famous Sprout Tower.

The ancient and unique tower was supported by a central column that moved imitating the behaviour of the bellsprout. There Ash faced several sages as he advanced to the top of the tower. At this summit they met Silver, the mysterious redhead, and the Elder, leader of the sages.

Apparently Silver had overcome the challenge of the tower and left in a hurry, but not before mocking the old man, Ash and his friends.

"Bah! He claims to be the Elder, but he’s very weak. I would never lose to those who say you have to be good with your Pokémon. I'm only interested in strong Pokémon. I don’t need weak Pokémon."

Ash didn't have much difficulty defeating the Elder either. After resting all night at the Pokémon center, they went straight to the gym.


Before the confrontation, Ash and his friends helped Falkner stop some Pokémon thieves who had half their faces covered by ice masks.

"Strange, they have the Team Rocket symbol but with an N." Falkner commented.

"So Team Rocket is also in Johto?" Ash asked confused.

"They're Kanto criminals, right?" Ethan asked. "I remember when they said that a kid beat up their boss last year or something like that."

“I heard that too, it was on TV." Kris stated.

Ash tried to explain to them that that kid was him but his friends laugh at him. If it hadn't been for Falkner, who had connections with the International Police, he would have been a laughing stock for days.

After that revelation Ethan began to look at Ash with a little more respect.


Violet Gym

“They say an electric shock can knock out flying Pokémon. I won't let them make fun of them like that! I will teach you the true power of the magnificent bird Pokémon!” ―Falkner, the great expert on flying Pokémon.

Chikorita, Pikachu and Charizard vs Hoothoot, Dodrio, Pidgeot. At the end of the fight with Ash's victory, he received the zephyr badge.

When they left the gym they received a call from Professor Elm, telling them that his assistant Dude was waiting for them at the Pokémon Center to give them Mr. Pokémon's eggs. Elm believed that traveling with three children would make the Pokémon in the egg grow much healthier and stronger.

Of course Ethan ran and took possession of the egg without giving Ash or Kris time to say anything.

Anyway, they didn't care much because they knew that Ethan was the best of the three at taking care of Pokémon eggs.

“This egg… It's a togepi egg!" Ash said as he recognized the patterns on the egg. The first time they received the egg it was placed in a capsule with very opaque glass, but this time it was transparent glass.

"How do you know?" Ethan and Kris asked.

"A friend from Kanto, Misty, had one just like this."

When they left the store, they met a mysterious girl with purple hair. She was dressed in an elegant black kimono with golden lines and circles.

"Oh! That egg...!" said the girl.

"A kimono girl!" Kris exclaimed fascinated.

"A kimono girl!" Ethan exclaimed in a loving tone.

"Do you know me?" asked the smiling young lady.

“I-I'm a big fan of yours. Whenever I could I went to see her performances in Ecruteak City." Kris embarrassed revealed.

“I am also a big fan of her beauty…I mean her performances!" Ethan said.

The girl laughed softly.

"Thank you both for your words," the girl said before looking at Ash and Pikachu. "Interesting, you have seen the rainbow..."


“Forgive me, my name is Zuki and I wish you a good trip. Please, take care of that egg. Can I trust you to do it?"


"Anything you wish, beautiful lady!"

"…I guess/…Pika."

"Then don't let me down." “Zuki responded smiling as she left there, leaving Ash and Pikachu confused, but Ethan and Kris delighted.

NTR secret base

"Sham and Carl... from now on you are my two executives," Mask of Ice said to the young man and woman who knelt before him. "While the other members act as bait and do the hard work, you will be the shadow that is responsible for tying up any loose ends."

"Understood, sir!" they said at the same time while putting on the Mask of Ice. Their black suits were made to be as practical as possible and their belts bore the NTR symbol in the middle.

"Now go to Violet City and find out why the grunts I sent haven't returned."

"Yes, sir!/Wobbuffet!"

Ruins of Alph

“Prepare for trouble. And make it double. To freeze the world with evil. To electrocute all peoples within our nation. To burn the friends of truth and love. To extend our evil beyond the stars above. Sham! Carl! Neo Team Rocket controls the planet! Surrender now or prepare to die! Wobbuffet!” ―The NTrio, former TRio fans. And Woobuffet the double agent.

Unfortunately for Ash, Sham and Carl were just as insufferable as Jessie and James, just a little stronger and more competent. Because of them, they were separated in the Ruins of Alph, which were being investigated by Foster, a former student of Professor Oak at Celadon University.

Ethan and Kris met a boy named Bugsy, while Ash met a girl named Whitney. After numerous mysteries, puzzles and traps, they managed to get out of the ruins and defeat the NTrio.

Sham and Carl's next attack was in the Charicific Valley. The valley was led by Liza, an expert in bringing out the potential of charizard. Ash left Charizard, who wanted to become stronger for his trainer.

Sham and Carl's third attack before reaching Azalea Town was at the Union Cave. Of which it was rumoured that there were lapras in the deepest areas and the NTrio wanted to capture some as it was still an endangered species.

Azalea Town: Living Happily with Pokémon

Kurt was a renowned craftsman and expert on the subject of Poké Balls. He lived with his granddaughter Millie and used different colored apricorns to make special Poké Balls.

Ash wanted to give him the GS Ball but Kurt told him that he needed his help first. Apparently Neo Team Rocket was around the area kidnapping slowpoke and robbing people. The gym leader, Bugsy, had not yet returned from his investigation in the Ruins of Alph so the town was defenseless.

Ash and his friends managed to drive out Neo Team Rocket in less than a day, discovering that they were being led by the NTRio, who had hidden in the Slowpoke Well.

"With how good the slowpoke’s tails were." Sham said as they fled in a hurry, dodging Pikachu's attacks.

"Those brats has given us a good beating," Carl complained. "Jessie and James and Meowth weren't exaggerating."


Kurt gave a Lure Ball to Ash, a Fast Ball to Ethan, and a Heavy Ball to Kris as a prize. The latter stayed for a few days living with Kurt, watching how he worked and learning more about the history and methods of capturing Pokémon. She also get along with little Millie.

Three days later Bugsy returned and after thanking Ash and his friends for protecting his town, he accepted the gym battle.


Azalea Gym

“I'm invincible with bug Pokémon. My studies are going to make me an authority on bug Pokémon! I will teach you what I have learned.” ―Bugsy, the Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia.

Chikorita, Pikachu and Cyndaquil vs Spinarak, Metapod and Scyther. Despite Bugsy's effective tactics, Ash managed to win and take the Hive badge. The boy laughed as he wistfully thought about how bad Misty would have had it in this gym.

The group said goodbye to Kurt and Millie, but on the way out they met a very worried man. His name was Yosaku and apparently his son Silvester and his farfetch'd Pokémon had not yet returned from collecting wood from the Ilex forest.

Ilex Forest Shrine

While searching for Silvester and farfetch'd Ash and his friends encountered Silver again, but instead of fighting him, they had to save him from the leader of Neo Team Rocket himself, Mask of Ice.

They didn't know the reason, but apparently he wanted to kidnap Silver. However Silvester and his Pokémon had intervened, taking a beating in the process.

"Well, well, well...So you're the infamous Ash who made Giovanni flee with his tail between his legs..." that guy said with a deep and sinister voice. Silver looked at Ash with surprise and anger upon hearing that.

"Don't laugh so much since you’ll be next." Ash said very confidently.

"Idiot, don't be co*cky, he's much stronger than you!" Silver shouted too late.

Everyone's fear and surprise at seeing the trio of legendary birds emerge from the villain's Ultra Balls made him burst out laughing.

"Do you still think you can beat me?" Mask of Ice said in a mocking tone.

Ash, Ethan, Kris and Silver had to team up because it was the only way to get out of there alive.

For some reason Mask of Ice didn’t use the full power of the birds, he even seemed afraid of accidentally destroying the shrine. A detail that Ash and his friends took advantage of thanks to Silver's observations.

Bugsy, upon hearing the commotion that was going on in the forest, came to help despite having a type disadvantage. They were also lucky that a kimono girl named Naoko stopped by and helped them with her powerful Espeon.

"Bah…I can't keep wasting my time with such weaklings," Mask of Ice growled. "I'll take care of you another day, Ash and Silver."

The villain fled with the help of Articuno just as the police under the command of Agent Jenny arrived. The policewoman asked the relevant questions and made sure that no one was hurt after taking them to the Pokémon Center.

Yosaku thanked them for rescuing his son Silvester by giving them a lot of coal and wood. They had to reject most of it but in exchange they received food for themselves and their Pokémon.

"I thought we were going to die," Kris said scared. "Someone capable of capturing legendary Pokémon is no small fry…"

Ethan put a hand on her shoulder. She smiled and gently grabbed his hand.

"Is this the kind of thing you faced in Kanto?" Ethan asked Ash with a smile, in an attempt to relieve the tension.

"More or less…The truth is that I’m just as surprised as you."

Silver, who was next to him, made a small sound of disdain.

"And what's wrong with you?" Ethan growled. "We shouldn't have saved your life!"

"I didn't need your help!"

"What did you say?" Ash asked. Both he and Ethan prepared to face the boy but Kris stopped them instantly.

“Not worth it." She told them, making them both calm down a little.

"Don't get in my way again." Silver said, fleeing from there quickly, because he didn't want to be near the police for a long time.

"I noticed the darkness surrounding that young man." Naoko, the kimono girl, suddenly said, scaring the three friends because she had appeared suddenly and without warning behind them.

Kris was instantly praising the girl and her espeon, while Ethan tried to show her how much he had fallen in love with her within seconds of meeting her. Although he stopped when he saw the furious look... and jealousy? of Kris. Ash wanted to fight Naoko when he saw how strong she was but her friends stopped him.

Together with Naoko they went through the Ilex forest, where Ethan's newborn togepi learned headbutt. Ash noticed that Ethan's togepi seemed significantly more aggressive than Misty's. Nothing strange seeing that Ethan was a person with less patience than the Kanto mermaid.

At the exit of the forest they separated from Naoko, but not before receiving a warning from her.

"That villain is making the legendary birds suffer. Be careful because his evil is such that I could notice it even from afar."

M3: Spell of the Unown, Entei

Despite what they experienced in the Ruins of Alph, Ash and his friends still didn’t know the true extent of the Unown's power. These mysterious creatures took professor Spencer Hale to another dimension. Then they used the wishes and traumas of his daughter Molly to create a false kingdom of Kris and even gave life to a legendary Pokémon as an entei.

Ethan and Kris had the opportunity to meet Delia, Ash's mother, when she was kidnapped by said entity, since apparently Molly believed she was her mother.

During the rescue of Delia, Ash got the help of Charizard and together with all his friends they managed to convince Molly to stop using the power of the Unown. With Entei's sacrifice the unown spell was broken and Molly was reunited with her parents, while Ash recovered her mother.

Pokémon Day Care

A pretty house with red roofs was where Kris's grandparents lived, whom everyone called the Daycare couple. It was said that they knew even more than professor Elm about Pokémon breeding, but no one had gotten them to reveal their secrets.

That place was heaven for Ethan. Ash and Kris watched with joy and tenderness respectively as his friend asked all kinds of questions to the Daycare couple. He even got to work with them the three days they were there.

The couple was very happy to see someone so young excited about raising Pokémon. And on top of that he was Elm's assistant, whom they knew very well. They liked him so much that they ended up giving him a Pokémon egg.

"It was from a pair of pikachu but it hasn't opened for a long time, maybe it needs someone like you." they explained to Ethan.

"They almost look more like Ethan's grandparents than mine." Kris said jokingly.

"Kris, your boyfriend is very nice." His grandparents said.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

Kris' blush lasted so long that she didn't even want to be in the same room as Ethan for hours. Although he didn't even notice.

Ash, for his part, began to confront every Pokémon trainer who passed through the area while Kris looked for Pokémon to capture or observe.



A few days later they arrived at a city where bullfights were held. Apparently they were a tradition brought from a distant region called Paldea. Pokémon exchanges were also famous in that city.

Goldenrod City: A Happening Big City

The capital of Johto had it all. The three friends had a snack at a bar and then dinner at a restaurant. They visited the shopping center, which they almost never left thanks to Kris, and went to the famous Wheat Tunnel.

There Ash met again with Whitney, the girl who helped him in the Ruins of Alph. Pikachu and his cleafairy had collided so Whitney kissed Pikachu on the forehead to heal him. Ethan tried to hit his head on a wall to get a bump but Kris' furious look stopped him instantly.

Whitney took them to a Pokémon hair salon where twin brothers worked. There Pikachu and the rest received great service that left them quite happy.

When they left the hair salon, NTrio was waiting for them to steal their Pokémon. Ash and his friends chased them to the Magnet Train, which was still under construction, and defeated them there.

"Hey Ash, you're a very good trainer," Whitney told him when she saw how Pikachu sent the criminals flying. "Would you like to have a Pokémon battle?"

Ash was tempted but his friends reminded him that he had to rest to be at his best tomorrow.

“I'm sorry but tomorrow I'm going to have a gym fight."

Instead of being disappointed, Whitney smiled broadly.


Goldenrod Gym

“Here I’m! Just like I promised you! It shows that you take good care of your Pokémon. I love them too! They are so cute! Do you really want to face me? Whatever but I warn you that I am very strong!” ―Whitney, the Incredibly Pretty Girl.

Ash couldn't beat a single Whitney's Pokémon the first time. Her miltank was so strong that she overwhelmed Ash's Pokémon without much effort.

"Fun fact: I’m the only Gym Leader who has been chosen by a member of the Johto Elite Four themselves." Whitney told proudly after beating him. Those words discouraged Ash, but with the help of Ethan and Kris he managed to return to the gym with a new strategy.


The next day…

Cyndaquill, Totodile and Pikachu vs Jigglypuff, Clefairy and Miltank. It was difficult but Ash managed to get the Plain badge.

Whitney looked like she was about to cry but in the end she held back her tears and gave him the badge.

"I can't believe you defeated my miltank...you're lucky I couldn't use my full power."

"Don't be a sore loser" Kris asked annoyed.

"No, she’s right," Ash said after making the victory pose with the badge. "My friends Brock and Misty told me that gym leaders have to use Pokémon according to the badges the challenger has. If they always used their strongest Pokémon it wouldn't be fair or something."

“Wow, I didn't know that…"

Whitney puffed out her chest with pride as she heard Ash's explanation.

"Exactly! The next time we face each other I’ll use all my strength!" Whitney said as she hugged Pikachu.

"That’s the spirit!" Ash said just as excited.

"Anyway, if you ever want to visit Moo-moo Farm, give me a call. It's from my family." Whitney told them.

"We have to visit that farm right now!" Ethan said. Kris could only sigh before arguing with Ethan. It reminded the boy from Pallet Town of his arguments with Misty for some reason.


Ethan wanted to visit the casino despite Kris' complaints. Ash for his part didn't have good memories of casinos but maybe there was something shady so he went too.

The only shady thing about the place was how Mr. Game manipulated people to continue spending money. Or how there were people moving like zombies from machine to machine, looking for a prize that never came...or maybe it came and they wanted more.

Even Ethan began to notice the sinister atmosphere of the place and decided to leave there as soon as possible. They went to the bike shop but the bikes were too expensive.


Radio Tower

In the afternoon Ethan convinced them both to visit the Radio Tower to meet the famous radio host DJ Mary. She had fans in both Johto and Kanto and Ethan was one of them of course.

They wouldn't have let them meet her if it weren't for Whitney being there. Apparently the leader had been friends with DJ Mary for years.

DJ Mary had a smeargle and a drowzee, but she wanted to switch the latter since it made her sleep all the time, preventing her from working. Kris traded it for a meowth, which DJ Mary immediately accepted. Kris would later trade her meowth for a man's machop at the mall.

During the guided tour of the tower Ash met up with professor Oak, who apparently had an internationally broadcast radio show called “Oak's Pokémon Talk.” He used to do it with DJ Mary and that's why he had come to Johto.

Everything was going well until the NTrio attacked the tower. Apparently they wanted to kidnap DJ Mary and his assistant DJ Ben to give a message to all of Johto.

“Hear us Johto! We are Neo Team Rocket! Surely you have heard of Team Rocket, the infamous Mafia Pokémon of Kanto. Surely those of you who know us think that we are the second and worst part, but no! We are the reboot, the remake, we surpass the mafia! We are supervillains and we will rule all of Johto, whether you like it or not!”

They couldn't continue talking because Ash and his friends defeated them and made them blast off again. Even so, all of Johto had heard the message and concern was beginning to spread little by little. The International Police had already contacted the Johto police.

However, the politicians didn’t want to panic to spread even more, so they only put obstacles in place despite knowing how bad Kanto had it last year with Team Rocket.

"Leave everything in the hands of the champion and the Elite Four" was what the politicians said after washing their hands.


DJ Mary gave the three of them a silk scarf for defeating NTrio. Before leaving, professor Oak told Ash that Bill was at his house in Goldenrod City and that he should visit him.

Ash did it and the three spent the night at Bill's house. The young Poké Maniac told them things like that his mother was a kimono girl in the past, that his grandfather was taking care of his house in Kanto or that his sister couldn't blink...

The next day Bill introduced them to his friend Celio. It was with his help that he created the Pokémon storage system. While Bill was in charge of the Kanto system, Celio was in charge of the Johto system.

"When the Magnet Train is finished, Goldenrod City and Saffron City will be connected," said Celio excitedly. "That way Bill and I can travel between regions in a matter of hours. What a progress!"

After delivering a very important letter to a girl from a guard, Ash and his friends arrived at the famous national park. They participated in the bug contest and Ash won, receiving a Sun Stone as a prize. However, he gave his newly captured beedrill to his new rival Casey, a fan of Team Electabuzz.

Unknown place…

"I am the great Vicious, the best Pokémon hunter on Team Rocket," the man said arrogantly.

“The infamous Iron Masked Marauder, right?

"So you've heard of me? I'm not surprised. Who are you masked man?"

"My name is Mask of Ice and I have come to make you my slave."

Vicious stared at him for several seconds until he couldn't take it anymore and started laughing maniacally. This was the guy who had conquered what was left of Team Rocket while Giovanni was away? The level of the mafia had really dropped if that was the case.

"After the message your wimps gave on the radio, Giovanni has started sending his elite to see what's happening in Johto," Vicious explained while taking out several black Poké Balls. "It's not that it is our territory, but it’s next to Kanto and on top of that you are using our resources and men... Prepare to die!"


A minute later…

"M-mercy, please don't kill me!"

“Silence, idiot! I have a little job for you."

"Whatever you wish!" Vicious was grateful that the Articuno behind him hadn't frozen him to death as well as his Pokémon.

"You're going to capture a celebi."

Vicious's eyes widened and he would have fallen to the ground if not for the ice covering his body.

"D-do you want me to capture a celebi?"

Mask of Ice nodded his head and then clenched his fists tightly.

"The celebi I'm really interested in lives hidden in the Ilex. He’s very elusive... that's why I’ll use another celebi to attract him. But I'm too busy to waste my time looking for another.

"And what is the difference between the Ilex celebi and other celebi."

"That’s not your concern."

"…T-then what celebi do you want me to capture?"

"Any other. It is said that Johto is the place where it is easiest to spot this species.

"But celebi are capable of time travel. Of all the legendary Pokémon, it’s surely one of the most difficult to capture." Vicious complained.

However, when he saw how the ice spear went a few millimetres deeper into his neck, he knew he had no choice.

"Okay, okay, I'll do what you tell me! I'll capture a celebi for you."

"I like it that way." Mask of Ice said after raising his hand so his moltres could destroy the prison of ice spears with flamethrowers.

"Giovanni is going to kill me if he finds out I'm working for someone else." Vicious murmured after being freed.

"Don't worry about Giovanni, and worry about what I'll do to you if you fail me."

M4: Celebi, the voice of the forest

Ash and his friends met a boy named Sammy. Apparently he came from the past and wanted to save a celebi. Said celebi was being chased by Vicious, a Pokémon hunter and an executive of Team Rocket.

The cruel Vicious used Dark Balls to capture and control Pokémon, depriving them of their consciousness and will. By doing this to celebi, the little legendary lost control and was about to destroy an entire forest.

With the help of the legendary Pokémon suicune, Ash and his friends managed to save the celebi, send Vicious to prison, and Sammy returned to his time.

For some reason Ash felt the need to tell Professor Oak about this whole adventure and how sad he was about not being able to see Sammy again.

"Don't worry, Ash," the professor told him via video call. "The friendship between you and Sammy will last forever. Of that I'm sure."

After finishing the call Kris noticed that professor Oak knew Sammy's name even though they hadn't told him.

"Remember that professor Oak is a know-it-all genius." Was what Ethan said, making it clear that he wasn't going to think much more about the subject. However, the whistle of the boat they had to catch distracted them and made them forget about the topic.

Later in Pallet Town, professor Oak took out a drawing book identical to Sammy's, only older.

"It seems as if my adventure with them had been just yesterday…" Samuel Oak murmured with a certain nostalgia and joy.

Shortly after Ash and his friends met Attila, Hun and professor Sebastian. Three Team Rocket traitors who were now working for Mask of Ice as members of Neo Team Rocket.

They were a group created specifically to capture the three legendary beasts and they already had a raikou and an entei in their possession. However, the intervention of Ash and his friends managed to free the raikou and the entei and destroy all of professor Sebastian's research on them. The three criminals managed to flee and decided to hide from Mask of Ice's wrath.


Along the way they arrived at a Pokémon Jiu-jitsu academy, which was run by Tōkichi of Johto's Elite Four. Here Ash met again with Aya, Koga's younger sister from Fuchsia City.

Ecruteak City: A Historical City

An ancient and quiet city, the complete opposite of the avant-garde Goldenrod City. Ash and his friends really enjoyed feeling the mystical air that the city had.

During their stay at the Pokémon Center they met up with Bill, who was apparently finishing reviewing a new machine he had created.

"I've come to Ecruteak City to see how well my new invention works," Bill explained over dinner. "The time capsule!"

"You have invented a time machine?/Pika?" Asked Ash and Pikachu excitedly. "Tecno was right, technology is incredible! / Pika piiii!"

"Can we travel to the past?" Ethan asked curiously.

"I'm interested in knowing more about the future." Kris said excitedly.

"No, it's called like that because it sounded cool!" Bill explained quickly before they got the wrong idea. "With it, people from Kanto and Johto will be able to exchange Pokémon without having to be in the same region."

"I remember Tecno telling me something similar." Ash said.

"He probably read about me in a magazine or saw me on TV," Bill deduced. Tomorrow all the Pokémon Centers in Kanto and Johto will have activated my machine."

After the talk, Bill gave them three tickets to the famous Dance Theater, where the kimono girls worked. Apparently I have seen the show many times already.


The next afternoon Ethan and Kris grabbed Ash's hands and before he knew it they were running towards the theater. Pikachu almost flew through the air due to the speed with which they carried his trainer.

"Let's go to the theater!" Kris shouted very happily.

"Let's go to the theater!" Ethan shouted, very in love.

"They really like kimono girls." Ash murmured as he tried to keep his feet on the ground.

The five kimono girls were really beautiful and elegant. Zuki with her umbreon, Sayo with her jolteon, Naoko with her espeon, Miki with her flareon and Suki with her vaporeon. After seeing them dance, Ash understood why they had so many fans, because the theater was packed to the brim.

Just when the most important moment was going to arrive, the NTrio along with many grunts invaded the theater. Apparently they were looking to kidnap the kimono girls as revenge for what Naoko did in the Ilex and to gather information about legendary Pokémon.

Ash had never seen so many angry people at the same time. Neo Team Rocket couldn't even get close to the kimono girls because the public took it upon themselves to beat them all up. Kris was the one who led the defense and assault, doing it all over in a matter of minutes.

"We shouldn't be wasting time here," Sham said, scared as she saw how her grunts fell one by one. "We are in the middle of an important mission."

"Right, if they catch us we'll spend the rest of our days peeling potatoes," Carl said. "That is if the boss doesn't kill us first."


The three fled from there, leaving the grunts at the mercy of Agent Jenny and the police. Although to their surprise the grunts didn’t resist because they wanted to be away from Kris and the angry public.

Ash reminded himself again that he shouldn't put Kris in a bad mood. While Ethan's heart began to pound every time he saw his friend.

As a thank you, the kimono girls allowed Kris to participate in the show as a background character. They even dressed her up as one of them and gave her an eevee. For Kris that was the best day of her life.


During their dance and using various Pokémon behind the scenes to create special effects, the Kimono girls told the most important legend of the city:

Seven hundred years ago, two towers were built to foster friendship between Pokémon and people. The Brass Tower, which was said to wake up the Pokémon, and the Tin Tower, in which the Pokémon slept.

One hundred and fifty years ago a lugia decided to make its nest at the top of the Brass Tower. Unfortunately, lightning struck the tower shortly afterwards, engulfing it in fierce flames for three days and three nights. That lugia caused a downpour and thus ended the fire. The Brass Tower became known to the people as the Burned Tower. Only 32 silver bells and 4 glass bells survived. The sages took them to the Tin Tower, which would become called the Bell Tower.

However, the biggest tragedy was that three Pokémon were burned to death during the incident, so a ho-oh with its rainbow wings descended from the sky and brought the Pokémon back to life. Raikou who represented the lightning that started the fire, Entei who represented the flames of the fire and Suicune who represented the rain that calmed the fire.

When the three legendary beasts appeared, they struck terror into those who saw their rise. And some even attacked them in vain. The legendary Pokémon, disappointed, fled and abandoned the scared people.

According to legend... when the souls of Pokémon and humans unite, Ho-oh will descend from the heavens and give them eternal youth.


After a loud applause that lasted minutes, the show ended. Ash and his friends had dinner with the kimono girls, who without their traditional clothes no longer looked like young adults but rather teenagers.

They gave the eevee to Kris and listened with surprise as how Ash and his friends had already encountered the three legendary beasts on their travels. But what surprised them most was knowing that Ash had seen a ho-oh and that he even had a rainbow feather in his possession.

The kimono girls quickly looked at each other after seeing the rainbow feather and after nodding they gave Ash a silver feather, which they said belonged to a lugia. The kimono girls almost fell to the ground when Ash happily told them that he had also met a lugia on the Orange Islands.

"It's like he attracts legendary Pokémon," they murmured to each other. "Have you been blessed by Ho-oh?"

After dinner the kimono girls advised them to visit the Burned Tower. It used to be closed to the public but they would ask the gym leader, Morty, to give them a tour. It seemed perfect to Ash, he even thought that he would want to fight Morty inside the tower, an idea that the kimono girls quickly put out of his mind.

Ash and his friends returned to the Pokémon Center while discussing the eventful day they had had.

"Capturing Pokémon is fun...but I've always liked shows more," Kris confessed while looking at her new kimono and the Poké Ball with her eevee. "Since I was little I wanted to be a Pokémon idol but my parents told me that working with professor Elm would ensure my future."

“But we always see you excited when you capture Pokémon and talk about Poké Balls." Ash remembered.

"Because you should always give your all when you do something, that's what they taught me." Kris said with a smile.

“How pathetic, Kris!" Ethan said, startling Kris. "What's the point of giving your all to something you don't like? You're just wasting time of your life! If you have a dream, go for it, no matter what anyone says!"

"Not all of us can be as unconscious as you, Ethan."

"Excuses! The thing is that you are a coward."

"What did you said?!"


The next morning - Burned Tower

A long time ago there was a very famous Firebreather who everyone called Face because of his funny painted face, Morty told them as he took them inside the tower. People say that it was him who actually started the fire in the tower and not lightning. That's why as punishment he and his two Pokémon, Horsea and Seadra, were burned to death. It’s said that their souls live in torment on a ghost island, the Glitch Islands. Nobody knows how to get there, but if by some misfortune you end up there you will have to fight Face. If you lose you’ll be forced to escape from his sad*stic and bloody Pokémon... If you win you will reappear at your house, but be careful, if someone calls on the phone, don't pick it up... or you will be in a coma forever!

Ash, Ethan, Kris and Pikachu gave a loud scream as they jumped and hugged each other due to the fear they were going through. Morty laughed loudly having gotten the reaction he was looking for.

"Don't worry, kids, it's nothing more than a silly urban legend that Infernando the Firebreather told me."

"W-well it sounds very real!" said Ash, who no longer liked the darkness of that tower so much.

"S-stop p-playing j-jokes on us!" Ethan complained while still hugging Kris.

"T-that’s right!" Kris said.

During the visit to the tower they met Morty's best friend, Eusine, a young man obsessed with capturing Suicune. The poor man almost died of envy when he found out that the three friends had already met one before.

"Of the three legendary beasts, Suicune is said to be the closest to Ho-Oh," Eusine explained with a certain pomposity and with his eyes closed. "Furthermore, I have heard that there may also be a connection between him and the Unown."

Eusine opened his eyes when she saw that no one was answering him and saw that they were already walking away while Morty continued with his explanations.

"Hey!" He shouted, very offended. "Wait for me!"


The view had to be interrupted as Ash once again found himself face to face with his Johto rival, Silver. Who, as soon as he saw him, show him his Pokémon.

"Oh, it's you. I came to see if there were any legendary Pokémon around, but all I see is a loving Pokémon loser and his friends! After all the trouble I've had getting to this dump..."

"You can't fight in this place!" Morty warned them when he saw that Ash also showed his Pokémon.

"It's time we know who’s the best of the two." Ash said, ignoring Morty.

"You can't fight here!"

"It doesn't feel good when they ignore you, does it?" Eusine said to his friend with a malicious smile.

"Beat him, Ash!" Ethan encouraged his friend.

“…Watch out Ash, Silver!" Kris shouted suddenly.

Luckily Morty had already gotten ahead of the girl and grabbed the boys just in time. Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt struck the place where they had both been.

Morty's gengar came out instantly and stood in front of his trainer.

“What happened?!" Ash and Silver asked at the same time.

“I happened." said the sinister voice of Mask of Ice, who was riding on top of Articuno. He was covered in sunlight coming through the wall that his Pokémon had just broken.

"The infamous Mask of Ice who leads Neo Team Rocket, right?" Morty said with a smile, despite being sweating inside.

"So the gym leader of this city knows me? Admirable." said the criminal, making a mocking bow.

"You tried to kill Bugsy in the Ilex forest. Now all leaders are warned. We know everything about you!"

“Hu, Hu, Hu…I highly doubt it. Tell me where the legendaries of this tower are hiding or you will suffer a cold as intense as that of Mahogany!"

"I'm not very good at fighting..." Eusine said trying to flee from there but was stopped by Ethan and Morty.

"If we are going to die we’ll die together, my friend." Morty joked.

Ash, Ethan, Kris, Morty, Eusine and Silver fought Mask of Ice, but soon the tower was surrounded by Neo Team Rocket grunts.

"Coward!" Ash said. "Giovanni always fought alone against me."

"And that's why he lost! I won't make the same mistake!"

Agent Jenny and the rest of the police tried to enter the tower but the unstable structure and the number of grunts were a problem.

Right at the worst moment the three legendary beasts appeared and drove the three legendary birds back. Everyone present was surprised to see that.

"They are the entei and the raikou that we saved." Ash and Ethan said.

"And the suicune who helped us against Vicious…" said Kris.

"Suicune, my beloved Pokémon, be part of my team!" Eusine shouted excitedly when he saw him.

In a matter of seconds the battle was completely lost to the criminals and Agent Jenny dedicated herself to arresting them all.

"D-damn legendary beasts!" Mask of Ice said as he fled. The grunts watched with rage as his boss abandoned them to his fate.

After this Suicune and Kris exchanged glances and for a moment seemed to be able to communicate with each other. Something that many noticed, including the jealous Eusine, who became even more jealous when he saw how Suicune let himself be caressed by Kris just before he disappeared from the tower.

For his part, Raikou looked at Ash and Entei at Ethan before following Suicune.

"...Interesting..." Morty murmured as he observed all that. Then he asked Ash to rest and that they would have their gym match in the afternoon. Silver on his part let out a couple of insults and left quickly when he saw agent Jenny approaching.


Ecruteak Gym

“It is said that legendary Pokémon appear before trainers of great value... I believe in those legends and, since I was born, I have trained here in secret. And thanks to that I can see things that others don't see... Try to show me what those legendaries have seen in you.” Morty, the mystic seer of the future.

Noctowl, Pikachu and Cyndaquil vs Gastly, Haunter and Gengar. After winning the fight Ash received the fog badge.

"Be careful on your travels," Morty said. "My sixth sense tells me that many tribulations still await you."

Ash didn't know what "tribulations" meant but he nodded while smiling when he saw his new badge.

After that Ash and his friends went to Summit Stadium to watch a lecture by professor Elm about the pichu, the pre-evolution of Pikachu. At the entrance they gave away a small doll of pichu that Pikachu loved.

Before leaving town, the kimono girls treated them to a tea ceremony and listened to what had happened at the Burned Tower.

Route 39

Here Ash met up again with an acquaintance from Kanto, Mr. Baoba. This elegant old man was the owner of Safari Pokémon and remembered Ash very well for being the boy who captured thirty tauros. Ethan and Kris looked at a very embarrassed Ash in shock upon hearing that.

"Even I haven't caught that many Pokémon of the same type yet." Kris commented, covering Ethan's mouth to stop him from laughing.

"It was unintentionally." Ash said in a low voice, not wanting to continue talking about the topic.

"If you ever stop by Cianwood City, I hope you visit the new safari zone I created for Johto. Maybe this time you will capture thirty miltanks. Who knows" Baoba laughed.


Moo-moo Farm: Enjoy our fresh and tasty milk

Speaking of miltanks...Ash and his friends arrived at the most famous farm in Johto. There they met Whitney again, who was helping her family that day. One of the miltanks was a little sick, but with Ethan's help they cured her right away.

"Since I've been doing nothing but taking care of baby Pokémon lately, I always bring berries of all kinds." Ethan said very proudly after giving the miltank orange berries.

Whitney gave them several bottles of the highest quality moo-moo milk before they left.

Olive City: The Port with Sea Breezes

The maritime city was full of fishermen and boats that didn't seem to have much desire to move. In the distance you could see a soft fog that covered the sea and made the atmosphere seem sad and desolate.

"It hasn't always been like this. A few days ago my dear Amphy became ill and he cannot use his powerful energy to illuminate the Lighthouse. The sailors are used to sailing using the light of this lighthouse so they have refused to continue working. Jasmine, the gym leader, explained to them.

They had met her after looking for her at the famous Olivo Lighthouse. Of course Kris had warned Ethan what would happen to him if she tried to flirt with the beautiful leader.

"Ethan's berries haven't worked/Pika..." Ash and Pikachu said, worried when they saw that they couldn't cure the ampharos.

Jasmine gave a soft sigh.

“Nurse Joy told me that only a medicine made in the pharmacies of Cianwood City will do, but I don't dare leave Ampy alone."

"Don't worry, we'll bring the medicine!" Ash decided immediately. Receiving a loving smile from Jasmine.

“…And, why don't you put Amphy in a Poké Ball and we'll accompany you to Cianwood City?" Kris suggested.

Cyanwood City: A Port of Crashing Waves

Using a small boat owned by a girl named Luka, our heroes passed through the Whirl Islands and arrived at Cianwood City. The first thing they did was go to the pharmacy, where the herbalist gave them the secret potion for Amphy.

Jasmine, very happy, thanked her new friends. Before leaving Ash took the opportunity to go to the city gym and Ethan accompanied him. Kris for her part of her said that she had something to do.

Jasmine went back to her city because she needed to turn on the Lighthouse as soon as possible.


"Uoooohh! You're going to see how tough I am! I meditate every day under this waterfall. What? You don’t see the relation with Pokémon? ...Maybe you're right... ... ...Okay. Get ready to fight!” Chuck, his roaring fists do the talking.

Pikachu and Bayleef vs Poliwrath and Machoke. Thanks to Bayleef Ash was able to defeat Chuck's two Pokémon and receive the storm badge.

"My teacher Greta won’t forgive me for how weak I have become." Chuck muttered scared.


Meanwhile Kris listened to her sixth sense and walked along the beach feeling that someone was calling her. She finally met Suicune, whom she hugged with joy. However, the meeting was interrupted by Eusine, who had managed to follow the legendary. Without warning Suicune left the area and began running through the sea.

"Hello Kris! Wasn't that Suicune?" Eusine said very cheerful. "Seeing such a beautiful Pokémon run through the waves...Wonderful. Hell yeah!, I will fight you to earn Suicune's respect!"


Misdreavus, Jigglypuff and Marowak vs Drowzee, Haunter and Electrode.

Eusine wasn't a bad fighter, but compared to Ash he wasn't much of a problem for Kris. Ash and Ethan arrived in time to see Kris win. Eusine, with a downcast look, could only leave there but not before swearing that Suicune would be his.

They later saw Silver walking by after stealing some poor man's Pokémon. Ash defeated him and returned the Pokémon to its owner. He gave him a shuckle which Ash gave to Kris, which she sent to professor Elm.

They avoided, or rather Ash did, going through the safari. Even so, they saw an old friend of Ash's come out of the entrance: Todd Snap, who was looking to take photos of the three legendary beasts.

He had already taken photos of raikou and entei, tracking them after the rumors of what happened at the Burned Tower in Ecruteak City. When she found out that Suicune had been close to her she almost had a heart attack.

"Let me travel with you a little, Ash," Todd asked. "I have the feeling that if I stay by your side I’ll see something interesting."

“Hey Ash. The Whirl Islands Cup will be held soon. It is a famous competition that takes place every three years. Kris told me that you are close there so you might be interested. Of course, only water-type Pokémon can be used in the tournament.” ―message from Professor Elm.

Whirl Islands

With the help of Luka and her boat, Ash and his friends travelled on the boat throughout the area.

Blue Rock Island

Here Ash signed up with other trainers for the Whirl Cup. Later Ash and Pikachu met up with their Kanto friend, Misty. The three of them gave each other a big hug and talked for hours about how things had gone since they last saw each other.

Ash introduced Misty to his new friends. She liked Kris a lot, saying that it was about time Ash has another responsible girl as a friend.

"You can't go two seconds without getting in trouble, huh?" Misty said worriedly upon hearing his battles against Neo Team Rocket.

"It's not my fault that problems haunt me." Ash complained. Misty smiled fondly when she heard that because it was true.

"Still, I'm glad to see that you're okay."

Ash scratched his cheek nervously.

"…Thank you."

"You two... are you dating or something?" Ethan asked suddenly, making both of them blush instantly.

"O-of course not!" they said at the same time. Although the answer didn't seem to convince Ethan and Kris at all.

"They remind me of us." Kris told to her friend.

"I don't see how." Ethan responded, earning a sigh from his friend.


Yellow Rock Island

Ash and his friends went to this island to train and Misty took the opportunity to capture a pretty cute corsola. They also met those who would be their biggest rivals in the tournament: Christopher, Harrison, Marcelo, Trinity and Kevin.

On this island Ash wanted to fight Misty in case they were unlucky enough to not be able to do so during the tournament.

Pikachu, Chikorita and Bulbasaur vs Togepi, Starmie and Politoed. Ash won but Misty told him that he wouldn't have it so easy in the tournament.

For their part, Misty's togepi and Ethan's togepi got along well despite having very opposite personalities.


Red Rock Isle - Scarlet City; Whirl Cup Headquarters

The inauguration of the tournament took place in a ceremony performed by the Mayan priestess, a woman who also participated in said cup. There were many trainers but in the end only the eight strongest were left.

-Quarter finals: Misty vs Harrison, Ash vs Christopher, Maya the Sea Priestess vs Kevin and Trinity vs Marcelo.

-Semifinals: Misty vs Ash and Maya Priestess vs Trinity.

-Final: Misty vs Mayan the Sea Priestess.

Misty ended up winning the tournament and received the Whirl Cup and Mystic water as a prize, an item that strengthened the power of water-type Pokémon.

Without anyone expecting it, Suicune appeared momentarily to the surprise of everyone present, including a very happy Todd Snap who took the opportunity to take several photos before he vanished. After that it was Todd who left after thanking a confused Ash.


Silver Rock Island

Sea Priestess Maya invited Misty and her friends to her house for dinner. On this island the entire culture revolved around Lugia. The priestess was shocked to learn that Ash and Misty had an adventure with the lugia of the Orange Islands. That made her trust them enough to tell them that she needed their help. She have had a premonition that something bad was going to happen soon on the Whirl Islands.


Ogi Isle

It was a supposedly desert island that was connected by caves to Silver rock Island. Sea Priestess Maya told them that it was actually the home of a lugia.

"It is the same Lugia that lived at the top of the formerly known as Burned Tower," Maya explained while taking an object out of her pocket. "This is the Tidal Bell that was awarded to me by the kimono girls of Ecruteak City. With it I can summon Lugia."

The priestess used the bell and two lugia appeared, one adult and another baby named Silver. She was in charge of taking care of them from any danger but her premonition told her that she was going to need help soon.

Ash's rival, Silver, wanted to capture Lugia but NTRio, along with Professor Namba, beat him to it. So Silver, the human, was forced to help Ash, Misty, Ethan and Kris.

In the end they saved both lugia from a strange machine created by Professor Namba, which allowed him to control Pokémon while enraging them. Apparently it was this professor who gave Vicious his Dark Balls, which used similar technology.

Silver, seeing how close the father and son Lugia were, decided to leave them alone to the surprise of Ash and the rest. While the Sea Priestess Maya thanked them greatly for their help and wished them a safe journey.

Misty wanted to stay a little longer on these islands and said goodbye to Ash.

"Take good care of him, he doesn't know how to do anything if he doesn't have good friends by his side." Misty said to Ethan and Kris, ignoring Ash's constant complaints of her.

"Don't worry, your boyfriend is safe with us." Ethan said.

"Yeah, don’t worry about him." Kris said.

"W-we're not dating!"

South of Azalea Town - Altomare City

"Are you sure we should do this favour for Giovanni?" Annie asked without much interest. "The guy no longer has Team Rocket and he's a more wanted fugitive than us. I don't think he can pay us."

"He gave us already some money and his mother was always very good to us. Also, if he can't pay us the rest we can always sell the soul dew to this Mask of Ice." Oakley said.

M5: Heroes Latios and Latias

To rest from so much adventure, our heroes decided to visit the city of Alto Mare. There they met the legendary Pokémon Latios and Latias, who were the guardians of the city after their father died.

Both Pokémon in turn were protected by a girl named Bianca and her grandfather Lorenzo. However, Giovanni, leader of the TR, had hired two famous thieves: The sisters Annie and Oakley. Their mission was to obtain the Soul Dew, an object that contained the power of the city's previous guardians and with which Alto Mare's Defense Mechanism could be activated.

Ash and his friends managed to stop the sisters but Latios ended up sacrificing himself to save the entire city, creating another Soul Dew with his body since the previous one had been destroyed.

Before leaving, Ash received a kiss from Bianca...or maybe it was Latias disguised as Bianca. He never knew.

Olive City

After returning to Olive City they saw that the Lighthouse illuminated the entire port with great force. Happy that Amphy was okay, Ash headed to Jasmine's gym to challenge her to a match.


Olive Gym

“Thank you for helping us with the Lighthouse thing... For that reason alone I’ll tell you that I’m an expert in the use of Pokémon of the... Guess what! Steel. Do you know anything about the Steel type? They’re very tough and cold Pokémon with overwhelming strength. Don't you think the same?" ―Jasmine, the steel-clad defense girl.

Pikachu and Cyndaquil vs Magnemite and Steelix. After Ash's victory, he obtained the mineral badge.

Our heroes spent the night at Jasmine's house, where they met her grandfather Myron and her apprentice Janina. Jasmine also told them that she really liked Pokémon contests but in Johto there were few and they weren’t very popular, that's why she used to travel to other regions.

The next morning they said goodbye to her and decided to go to Mahogany Town for the next badge.

Eggseter Village

In this small town, an annual race was held in which trainers showed their skill using a skateboard tied to a Pokémon. There they met up with the Pokémon Day Care couple, who had gone to visit the Pokémon Day Care in the area.

Ash entered the race with Bayleef upon learning that Silver was also participating. The NTrio tried to steal the participants's Pokémon but Ash stopped them and ended up winning the race. As a reward he received a trophy and an egg from which a phanpy would later hatch.

“I've trained all over the world to improve my psychic-type Pokémon. And I have finally been accepted into the Elite Four. I can only continue to improve!” ―Will of the Johto Elite Four.

During their trip they met Will, who was going to visit a woman named Calista.

"Calista? The weather woman capable of predicting the future?" Ethan asked, recognizing her immediately.

"Yes, apparently her xatu is giving her headaches by sharing his prediction powers with her." Will explained. "So I have come to see if I can fix my dear girlfriend's problem."

"And then we can fight?" Ash asked.

"Of course, I've heard about you and I want to see how you fight."

The NTrio attempted to kidnap Calista so they could use her predictions to their advantage, but they were defeated by Will and Ash. After this Ash fought Will, losing miserably.

Mount Mortar

"I used to train here when I was little." Kris commented when they arrived at the mountain. "My mother helped me a lot with Pokémon catching practices."

"Wasn't this where you broke your arms?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, it was a difficult time but thanks to that I learned to throw Poké Balls with my legs."

"A very cool skill." Ash commented.

"Pika!" Pikachu said in agreement.


"Hello! Do you want to train with me in this cave?" ―Kiyo Kochi, the Karate King.

That member of Johto's Elite Four was obsessed with showing how strong he was, to the point that he wouldn't let anyone cross the mountain unless they fought him in a Pokémon battle. Ash, Ethan and Kris did it and lost.

Kiyo ended up giving Ethan a tyrogue after seeing how well he took care of his baby Pokémon. He then helped them out of the cave.

Mahogany Town: Home of the Ninja

Something was happening in the Lake of Rage, there were more and more magikarp evolving into gyarados and they seemed very angry. Pryce used his Ice Pokémon to freeze certain areas of the lake and prevent them from advancing towards populated areas. Still, that was just a band aid but Pryce had no intention of continuing to help.

"Pryce, please. At least call even another gym leader." Sheila asked him.

"Bah! For what?"

"What if something or someone is harming the Pokémon?"

"I doubt it, surely they are already tired of humans. After all, humans and Pokémon can never be friends."


Ash was the complete opposite of Pryce and that drove him crazy. He reminded him too much of him when he was young and optimistic. For that reason alone he refused to fight him even though he couldn't do it. The scold that Sheila gave him was legendary.

Even so, Ash ignored Pryce when he learned that a red gyarados was leading the other gyarados, destroying the ice on the lake and putting people in danger.

Ash's bravery and courage at that moment somewhat surprised Pryce, who secretly followed him.

North of Mahogany Town - Lake of Rage

Our heroes saw how the herd of gyarados was causing great damage to the lake. However, nearby they saw a red-haired young man with a dragonite next to them. This young man had defeated several gyarados with great ease and the people around applauded him enthusiastically.

The young man quickly approached our heroes upon seeing them.

"You're the famous Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, right?"

Ash nodded in surprise. He had seen this guy before on TV and couldn't believe he knew him.

"That's right and this is my pal Pikachu."


"Nice cape… I-I mean, I'm Kris!" Said the blushing girl with a shy voice because she knew who the young man was.

"And I Ethan." The boy said while looking at him with jealousy.

"I've also heard about you two, although less," Lance admitted. "The boy who defeated Giovanni and now faces Mask of Ice. What a record and with only eleven years old, Ash Ketchum."

"Thank you!"

"…Ah, I know who you are!" Ethan exclaimed, surprising everyone.

"It must been difficult for you to recognize the most important person in our region." Kris commented.

"You're the one from the potions ads!" “You can't become a champion without knowing how to use full restore!” "

A long and uncomfortable silence formed in the place. A slight blush could be seen on Lance's face while Kris put a hand to her head. Even Ash and Pikachu gave a long sigh knowing that they weren't the dumbest of the group.

"I thought no one remembered that old ad anymore." Lance muttered embarrassed.


Lance left the topic of the gyarados to Ash and his friends. Meanwhile, he went to a store that had caught his attention because next to it there was a tree with a kind of antenna inside.

What he didn't know is that Mask of Ice showed up to try to capture the red gyarados. However, not even his three legendary birds could take on an entire pack of gyarados, the Pokémon of our heroes, and the Pokémon of the Mahogany gym trainers at the same time.

That's without taking into account the surprise appearance of Suicune and his pursuer Eusine. Without thinking twice Mask of Ice ended up fleeing from there. Even so, thanks to his indirect help, our heroes were able to calm the few gyarados left standing and capture their leaders.


Tyson, commander of Neo Team Rocket, wasn't sure the plan was that good. Even after using the latest version of Professor Namba's machine things had gone very wrong. Right now he and his men had barely managed to escape and only had about five healthy Pokémon left.

"This lake was already full of magikarps," Tyson complained. "Why did you use the ones we stole from Celadon University last year?"

The man on the screen laughed as he saw the concern on Tyson's face.

"Since when have you been such a coward?"

"Don't you see that we can't control them?! They only follow the orders of the red Gyarados!"

“Interesting...Maybe if I adjust certain frequencies...yes, I could...Hee hee hee, it seems to me that soon I’ll be able to control even legendary Pokémon, just as Mask of Ice ordered."

"Can you hear yourself, damned bastard?! Do something before me and my men die!"

"Bah! Do you want to shut up…"

"Professor Sebastian? Professor Sebastian?!" Tyson asked when he saw that the connection had been cut.

"If I were you, I would worry about myself." Ethan said in a mocking tone. Tyson and his men turned around and saw three children and a pikachu.

"Not only do you steal, but you also make hundreds of innocent Pokémon suffer." Kris said.

"Neo Team Rocket, your misdeeds are over!/Pika!" said Ash and Pikachu.

"Ash Ketchum!" exclaimed the grunts upon recognizing the child.

"The damn twerp who followed us to Johto to further ruin our plans." Tyson roared furiously.

"Ruin your plans? It‘s you who never learn!"

"Kill them all! Let's avenge Team Rocket!" Tyson ordered immediately.


Lance had taken care of all the members of Neo Team Rocket who were hiding in the store's secret base. Soon the police would arrive and they would only see defeated grunts and Pokémon. The Johto champion was barely breaking a sweat and had only needed to use two of his Pokémon.

"Ash and his friends might be in trouble, let's go!" He said to his dragonite.


Leaving the dirty work in the hands of children wasn’t ideal at all and he felt very bad about himself. But Ash Ketchum had shown great talent when he came to deal with criminals so perhaps he shouldn't worry so much. Things like age and gender were irrelevant in Pokémon battles...

Even so, Lance was very surprised to see that Ash and his friends had not only defeated the grunts and calmed the gyarados, but that Kris had captured the red Gyarados.

"I'll give it to my sweet little sister," said the girl, very excited. "It will be her birthday soon."

"A Shiny Gyarados and you’re going to give it away? Are you stupid?" Ethan said laughing.

"Not all of us are selfish like you, and this gyarados only wanted to protect his friends. Someone so noble deserves to be with a noble person."

“What a lot of nonsense."

“What did you said?!

"I see that everything has turned out well for you." Lance said to Ash. He smiled and gave him a victory sign.

"We've had help from Pryce." Said Ash pointing to the older man who was on the edge of the lake, observing the already calm gyarados. Lance approached the man and gave him a slight bow.

"Thank you for helping them…You are the gym leader of Mahogany Town, right?"

Pryce nodded his head slightly.

"There’s nothing to thank, Johto champion. Furthermore, as the guardian of the lake I should have realized that those scoundrels were the ones behind such a ruckus."

"…By the way, haven't you seen the mysterious Mask of Ice?"

"…No, when I arrived he was already gone."

"I have heard that despite having three legendaries, the one he uses the best is Articuno."

"It makes sense, with that name of his," Pryce laughed. "It's unfortunate that someone with the same specialty as me is so evil."

After seeing Ash's actions at the lake, Pryce told him about his past. While doing so, they both walked and ended up falling down an ice cave. Apparently the commotion from before had created said entrance.

Inside the frozen cave they manage to see a huge block of ice in which Pryce's piloswine was encased. The Pokémon carried herbs in its fangs that healed burns, so Pryce deduced through tears that Piloswine never left him. He simply went to look for herbs to cure Pryce's burns but he must have had an accident.

Using Quilava's flamethrower and Pikachu's lightning bolt, they managed to revive the Pokémon, bringing happiness back to Pryce's heart and face. All of his negative ideas about the friendship between humans and Pokémon were shattered as he hugged Piloswine. Grateful to Ash, he wanted to give him the badge but Ash refused because he wanted to win it in combat.


Mahogany Gym

“Pokémon live all kinds of experiences. I have also seen and suffered a lot in my life. I've been into Pokémon since before you were born and I won't lose easily. I’ll show you my power!” ―Pryce, the Teacher of Winter's Harshness.

Quilava and Pikachu vs Dewgong and Piloswine. The match ended in a draw even though Ash was sure that Pryce hadn’t given it his all. The old man didn’t want to force Piloswine because he wasn’t yet fully recovered. With this he also taught Ash a good lesson about always worrying about your Pokémon even at the cost of your goals.

Even so, Pryce gave him the Glacier badge and showed him and his friends his museum with ice statues he built himself. Our heroes were especially drawn to the numerous ice masks on the wall.

Mewtwo Returns

“You can break my body, but you won’t break my will.” ―Mewtwo.

Giovanni, in a vain attempt to regain his former power, decided to look for Mewtwo again. With his elite team led by Domino, he discovered where the legendary clone of Mew was located.

What the mafia boss didn’t expect is that Ash and his friends had also arrived at Mount Quena. Not only that, but Brock and Misty were also in the area since they were the bodyguards, at the request of the Kanto Pokémon Association, of two Pokémon researchers named Luna Carson and Cullen Calix.

Domino infiltrated the team of investigators, while the TRio returned only to steal Pikachu again. They also confessed to Ash that the NTRio woobuffet was a spy passing information to them.

During the adventure, Ash and his friends saved the clones that Mewtwo was protecting, recovered all the memories that the legendary had erased, and defeated a furious Giovanni again. Just in case Mewtwo erased Giovanni and Team Rocket's memories, although he spared Jessie, James, and Meowth.

Mewtwo finally understood that cloned Pokémon had the same right to be part of the world as normal Pokémon and decided to let them go. He said goodbye to our heroes and flew away from there.

The next day Brock and Misty said goodbye to Ash, Ethan and Kris. Ethan and Brock had become very good friends so they exchanged information about Pokémon breeding and pretty girls...the latter earned them a strong scold from Misty and Kris.

“Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best.” ―Karen of the Johto Elite Four.

On the way to Blackthorn City they met a mysterious woman, who was surrounded by an umbreon, a houndoom, and a murkrow. Dark-type Pokémon, a type that is very difficult to see in Kanto, so Ash was excited to know that the woman was from the Elite Four and specialized in that type.

Karen's mentality was the same as Ash's when it came to Pokémon battles so they got along quite well. They even had a Pokémon battle although Ash couldn't beat any of Karen's Pokémon.


Ice Path

That place was an ice labyrinth in which people could easily get lost and never come out. Luckily they had the help of the kimono girl named Sayo... Although first they had to help her warm up since the poor girl had become immobile due to the cold.

Sayo and Kris spent the rest of the trip talking about Pokémon shows while Ash and Ethan watched out for wild Pokémon.

Blackthorn City: A Quiet Mountain Retreat

"You’re Ash, Ethan and Kris, right?" an imposing looking woman asked them when they arrived at the city.

"How does a beauty like you know us?" Ethan asked immediately.

"My cousin Lance and my friend Liza told me about you three. By the way, my name is Clair."

"Lance is your cousin?" the three asked surprised at the same time.

Clair nodded.

"The most famous dragon tamers of Kanto and Johto were born in Blackthorn City and we are part of a clan."

"Wait, you said before that the beautiful Liza is your friend, right?" Ethan asked, ignoring Kris's murderous look.

Clair nodded again.

"We are childhood friends…She usually comes with her charizard so I can train them. What's more, right now she's in my house with two charizard."

One of those charizard was Ash's, who got so excited when he saw it that he burned them all with flamethrowers. Liza told them that Charizard had a romantic relationship with her charizard, Charla.

They had come to visit the Dragon Holy Land, a Pokémon paradise with more than five hundred years of history, always protected by the city's gym leaders and a dragonite that belonged to the first gym leader.

After eating with Clair and Liza, they wanted to go to the gym for the Pokémon battle, but NTRio appeared to steal the dragon fang, a very important item for Clair's family. Not only that, but they stole the Flame of Prayer, a flame that had been burning since a shrine was formed on the sacred land, angering the old dragonite in the process.

Ash and his friends defeated the NTrio and managed to calm the dragonite with the help of Clair, Liza and the charizard.


Blackthorn Gym

"Let us begin! But I warn you that I don’t hold back before any Trainer!" ―Clair, the blessed user of Dragon Pokémon.

Snorlax, Pikachu and Charizard vs Gyarados, Kingdra and Dragonair. Thanks to the intense training that Charizard had undergone, Ash was able to defeat Clair and obtain the Rising badge.

After that Charizard returned to Charicific Valley. Now Ash could participate in the Johto league, which would take place in Silver Town, right at the base of Mt. Silver.


Before leaving town, Clair advised them to visit the Week Siblings' house.

Mona, Tuscany, Wesley, Arthur, Frieda, Santos and Sunny.

"We actually live in Kanto, more specifically on Route 26," they said when they met them. "But we usually come here to get items that boost Pokémon's elemental types. We only sell it to exceptional trainers, of course."

Ilex Forest

“Time to test my power, Karate King!"

Kiyo howled in pain as he felt the ice spear penetrate his flesh and a stream of blood stained the grass.

"Burn! Burn! It burns!" Kiyo shouted through tears of pain.

"Yes, ice burns and soon all of Johto will burn before my power," said Mask of Ice, laughing with pleasure. "Compared to Kanto's Elite Four, Johto's is nothing more than a bad joke. The only ones I have to worry about are Karen, Will, and Champion Lance. Don't you find it curious that Karen and Will, being practically kids, are a bigger threat than you will ever be?"

Mask of Ice laughed sad*stically as he watched Kiyo and Tōkichi writhe in pain on the ground, with all their Pokémon out of combat and unable to defend their owners.

"…Dam it all." Kiyo murmured as he concentrated to avoid feeling pain.

"As much as it hurts to admit it, this villain is right," Tōkichi acknowledged. "We do not possess the power necessary to be members of the Elite Four and we are paying the consequences for that."

"N-no…we can still…" Kiyo fell silent when he saw his comrade's sad look. The truth hurts too much.

Mask of Ice didn’t kill them, it was enough for him to have left his Pokémon on the brink of death and to have broken their spirits. After so many defeats, rage and hatred had invaded him, so he had decided to attack two trainers who could pose a threat in the future. In his cowardly heart he knew that one day he would have to get revenge on Ash, but that kid was too lucky...

No, no more pity, if there ever was any! He would gather all of Neo Team Rocket and invade Goldenrod City. One last assault to conquer the capital of Johto and make it clear to the entire region who was their new leader...


Goldenrod City - One week later...

"You're Mask of Ice, right?" Lance asked Pryce. After the attack on his two Elite Four companions, his patience had reached its limit. The rest of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four were gathered there as well.

"The ice masks in your museum, the fact that you allowed a suspicious store to be built so easily in your own town, Mask of Ice's mention of Mahogany Town, your numerous absences throughout the year… And of course, no one has ever seen the villain and you in the same place at the same time!"

Lance's accusations made Pryce look guilty, but the other leaders had their doubts. It was true that recently until Pryce was someone unpleasant who almost never had good words for others, but that didn't mean that he was a crazy man eager to conquer.

Giving a heavy sigh, Pryce prepared to give his explanation. He told them how he received a Mask of Ice a long time ago and how since then he suffered from sleepwalking. In addition to the numerous dreams he had about the masked man, that’s why he carved so many masks. He soon discovered that some Neo Team Rocket grunts were using a hypno to manipulate him, so Pryce defeated them.

"How interesting! It's true that Pokémon hypno can do such a thing." Will commented.

"According to the report you made, there were several drowzee and hypno inside the secret base, right?" Karen said to Lance, who nodded.

"And they did manipulate you into committing crimes?" Chuck asked worried.

"That doesn't make any sense, Pryce isn’t someone who can move like the masked man...No offense." Bugsy said.

"Don't worry, you're right, I'm too old to go with legendary birds from here to there," Pryce laughed. "What is true is that they manipulated me to do whatever they wanted in my town without me putting up much resistance."

"So, if that's true, Mask of Ice made sure you were absent whenever he appeared in public." “Morty deduces.

"I guess."

"So who the hell is that masked guy?!" Whitney asked tiredly.

"He must be someone who holds a lot of grudge against you if he has bothered to create evidence that points towards you." Falkner commented.

They couldn't continue talking since bad news reached everyone's ears. Goldenrod City had been completely surrounded by Neo Team Rocket. All of his agents were invading the streets and attacking anyone who resisted.

"Come on, we can't stand by while those scoundrels attack innocent people!" Clair shouted, quickly getting up from the conference table and jumping out of a window as she pulled her dragonair out of the Poké Ball.

"Wait cousin, we need a plan!" Lance told her, but Clair was already far away.


“When the capital of Johto falls, the rest of the cities will too, even if it is one by one… No one will be able to stop me! Giovanni, Pryce, watch as I surpass all your expectations and become the regent of these inept people!” ―Mask of Ice.

The final battle against Neo Team Rocket had begun. Agent Jenny and the rest of the police were in charge of the evacuation of civilians. Gym Leaders protected them and prevented damage to important structures. Meanwhile Karen and Will mercilessly defeated the grunts and elite agents without much problem. Lance on his part used his Pokémon to surround the city and prevent any criminals from escaping or hiding.

There were even trainers helping in any way they could.

"Suffer the wrath of the strongest rattata in Johto!" Young Joey shouted, jumping on top of an unsuspecting grunt.

"Rat! Rat!" Rattata shouted after defeating several enemy Pokémon using quick attack.


Mask of Ice attempted to kidnap the most important people in town, including DJ Mary, professor Elm, and Bill who cursed having come to visit just then. The kidnapping attempt was interrupted by a furious Silver.

"I'm already fed up with you and your big ego. You’re just as pathetic as Giovanni and just like him you’ll be defeated by a child." Silver said.

"Killing you would be too merciful, besides, I can use you as a hostage against that pathetic man." Mask of Ice said.

Luckily something unexpected happened. Suicune, Entei, and Raikou appeared, with Kris, Ethan, and Ash riding on top of them. The three legendary beasts, sensing what was going to happen, had gone to our heroes to ask for help. Suicune mentally communicated with Kris and together they led the other two to Goldenrod City.

"We look like the Johto Rangers!" Ethan shouted excitedly.

"You’re right!" Ash said just as happy.

"Children, please concentrate, there is a city to save!" Kris said with a smile. "Although it is true that we look like the Johto Rangers."

Our heroes weren't the only ones who had come without an “invitation”, because when Karen and Will seemed to be in trouble, they were saved by Bruno and Koga.

"Who the hell are you two?" some grunts asked while the rest trembled when they recognized them.

"I'm Bruno from the Kanto Elite Four," the hulking man explained. "I have come to avenge the defeat of my friend Kiyo Kochi, the Karate King, I’ll fight alongside the Elite Four of Johto!"

"I was just a mere gym leader in Fuchsia City but thanks to my friend Tōkichi I reached a new level," Koga said with a calm voice but a furious look. "Mask of Ice... You will regret leaving such an honourable man in a coma!"

"Honour? I thought you ninjas didn't know that absurd concept," Mask of Ice commented with a laugh. Then he glanced around to see all of his enemies. Ethan, Kris, Silver, Ethan, Ash, Will, Koga, Bruno, Karen and Lance. "Time for all of you to join Tōkichi and Kiyo!"

Mask of Ice not only used the legendary birds but also a delibird, a hypno, and a gengar. And to everyone's surprise he put the three birds together inside a Dark Ball and when he took them out they were fused and you could clearly see the suffering in their eyes.

"Ha ha ha! Professor Namba and Sebastian's special Dark Ball has worked" the villain laughed madly. "Now I have an invincible Pokémon!"

"You monster!" Ash roared furiously when he saw that. The others also shouted insults at the villain.

After almost half an hour of battle, Mask of Ice's Pokémon were defeated and the fusion of the three birds was undone. When it seemed like the villain was finally going to lose, he took out a shiny object and started waving it in the air.

"With the Soothe Bell I stole from Ecruteak City I’ll be able to control the legendary beasts!"

Pikachu launched two thunderbolts in a row at such speed that it surprised even Ash. The first one broke the bell before the villain could use it power took. The second hit the villain in the face, knocking him back and breaking his mask into pieces.

The villain stood up from the ground furious. His face finally revealed. A man with short black hair with a look of pure evil.

"Damn you! How dare you keep getting in my way?!"

"Who the hell are you?" Ash asked.

"It's Grey, one of my former students." revealed Pryce, who had arrived recently. The gym leader quickly explained how during his time of apathy he treated his students and Pokémon very badly, causing many of them to leave.

"You made me think for years that I was talentless and would never amount to anything," Gray said, removing his cape and revealing a Team Rocket suit underneath. "I decided to join Team Rocket to gain enough power to take revenge on you. I reached the position of executive, however Giovanni lost against a damn child and abandoned me along with the rest of the grunts while he fled with his elite guard... I swore I would take revenge on him too. It took me more time than I thought but I got the three legendary birds. Although they weren’t even half as strong as those of the Orange Islands, it was enough for my plans.

"Is all this for revenge? You're crazy!" Ash said.

"Hu, maybe, but I'm the crazy man who has put an entire region in check."

"I have been a bad person and a bad teacher. I gave you the darkness that invades and corrodes you," Pryce said sadly. "But I'm afraid forgiveness is the last thing you want from me, right?"

"Forgiveness? I don't even care about you anymore. Ash Ketchum prepare to die!"

"You wish!" Ash responded, accepting the challenge.


Grey's defeat was televised by many networks so that the entire region could know that the threat had been defeated. In a few days, normality was restored.

The grunts were locked up in prison. The NTrio narrowly escaped but Woobuffet abandoned them to return to the TRio. Ash asked Agent Jenny not to lock away Silver, at least not until the Pokémon League ended. The woman accepted only because Silver had helped in the final battle.

Entei and Raikou left but Suicune stayed with Kris and agreed to be captured by her, much to Eusine's misfortune.

Bruno and Koga returned to Kanto after checking that their friends were fine and would recover without problems, although Koga had a long and secret conversation with Lance.

Professor Elm then gave Ash an egg from which a frightened Larvitar hatched. Apparently they had the mission to take him to his home, which was near Mt. Silver, so that's what our heroes did.

Silver Town - Hospital

"I'm very sorry, Lance, but I must leave," Tōkichi said. "I don't have the strength to be someone in the Elite Four, especially when there are people more qualified than me out there."

"But, what are you saying?" Lance asked confused and surprised. "You are one of the best Pokémon trainers I have ever met."

"And yet I still suffered a big defeat against Mask of Ice. That he used legendaries is no excuse." the ninja remembered bitterly.

"Do you think the same, Kiyo?"

The karate king slowly nodded his head.

"It has been a pleasure to be able to help you, but to think that I was up to the challenge just because you managed to make me stronger… pure arrogance on my part. I'm sure you'll find someone better very soon..."

"I'm sure we can find good candidates in this year's league." Will joked, he didn't want to think too much about the subject.

Karen gently nudged her friend while using her hair to hide her sad gaze.

Johto Pokémon League

Ho-oh's fire had lit the torch, the league had begun.

Salvador, Macey, Jackson (Ethan and Kris' childhood friend) and Harrison. Ash defeated them all and prepared to face his rival Silver.


"I know that if I can participate in the Pokémon League it’s thanks to you, but don't expect me to thank you for that," Silver said very seriously. "If I'm going to thank you, it's for getting rid of that useless Grey. You've come far but it's over. Get ready because I plan to tear you to pieces right here!"

"I'm not going to lose you. Finally we’ll see once and for all who’s the best," Ash said with a big smile. But in the end you have to go to jail, you promised."

"Shut up, don't remind me of that! Plus, I won't go to prison just for stealing!"

Pikachu, Heracross, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile and Donphan vs Sneasel, Gengar, Crobat, Magneton, Alakazam and Gyarados.

Their first matchup in the past had been Pikachu vs. Sneasel, so it was poetic that their last matchup was also Pikachu vs Sneasel. Pikachu's thunderbolt was what gave Ash victory over his rival, ensuring his place among the top eight in the league.

Silver for his part couldn't believe it.

"I have lost... I did everything I could... What you have and I don't... I’ll find out why I can't win and be stronger... I’ll challenge you as soon as I discover it. And I’ll crush you with all my power. Until then, keep training and winning!"

"You bet I’ll!" Ash said excitedly, especially when he finally saw a sincere smile on Silver's face.


Ash didn't expect Whitney, the gym leader, to be participating in the league but she was. This time the girl used her best Pokémon and destroyed all of her rivals, Ash included. Whitney won the league but lost to Will when she challenged the Elite Four.

"I'm sorry Karen, even though you chose me as leader, I haven't been able to reach your level." Whitney cried. Karen laughed as she stroked her head.

"Don't worry, you can still try next year. There will soon be two seats in the Elite Four so don't be in such a hurry."

During the celebration for the end of the league, DJ Mary from Radio Goldenrod tried to do several interviews with the participants, with Ash being the one she spoke to the most since she also wanted exclusive information about his adventures against Neo Team Rocket. Unfortunately, Lance, upon seeing this, intervened and said that that information was classified.


Ethan and Kris decided to accompany Ash to Kanto since they had never left their home region. Upon arriving in Pallet Town, at Delia's request, they settled in Ash's house. Ethan spent the day helping Tracey take care of the Pokémon in the lab, while Kris studied more about Pokémon with professor Oak.

Daisy Oak, the professor's granddaughter, also worked as her grandfather's assistant and liked to wash the Pokémon's hair. According to Ethan, the girl was very talented.

Viridian City

Meanwhile Ash went to check on Yellow, who had already completed her trip through Kanto. Ash told all of his adventures to his impressionable “little sister”, who couldn't believe so many things had happened to him.

The girl, for her part, was now much stronger and knew how to handle her healing and telekinesis powers a little better. She could even raise the level of her Pokémon but only in extreme situations.

Yellow was the one who prevented some members of Team Rocket, especially TRio, from returning to their secret base in the Viridian Forest. Both the Pokémon and the people in the area adored her, which made her happy but also a little uncomfortable.

Gary, for his part, was very busy as the new Viridian gym leader and dedicated his free time to studying Pokémon.

"Until recently Agatha was covering the position of gym leader. Now the trainers enter the gym very happy thinking that since they no longer have to face someone from the Elite Four, getting my badge will be very easy. Their faces of despair when they see that this isn’t the case are glorious!" Gary laughed.

Of course Ash soon challenged him to a Pokémon battle. He didn't feel comfortable knowing that he got his Earth badge from fighting Giovanni.

"Do you need to make a call to Grandpa?" Gary asked, because he didn't know if Ash was ready or not.

"Don't worry, I was recently at the professor's ranch and since I was expecting a fight against you, I came prepared." Ash said with a competitive smile.

"Hu, typical of you to only think about Pokémon battles."

Pikachu, Charizard, Wartortle, Bulbasaur, Snorlax and Muk vs Umbreon, Arcanine, Blastoise, Exeggutor, Rhydon, Pidgeot.

Yellow acted as the battle judge of the fight and without a doubt what she saw left her mouth open. Both Ash and Gary had improved a lot. It was a close fight in which they used all the strategies they had learned.

Neo Team Rocket, Silver...Those victories didn’t make Ash confident because he knew how dangerous Gary was. At the end, only Pikachu and Umbreon were left, with the victory being for the electric mouse.

"I see you haven't been lazing around." Gary said with a smile.

"Of course not! I still have a lot to improve if I want to fulfil my dream."

"Dream, huh?" Gary murmured thoughtfully.

Ash had the feeling that his friend and rival didn't seem particularly happy being a Gym Leader.


A few days later professor Elm came to visit but the poor guy was kidnapped by Cassidy and his partner. Apparently professor Namba, who had once again been loyal to Giovanni, wanted to know the secrets of the Pokérus and Elm knew a lot about the subject.

Ash, Ethan and Kris rescued him and Elm was able to give his speech alongside professor Oak in Viridian City.

A few days later Ash and Yellow received an urgent call from their friends on TCG Island. Apparently something serious was happening just when the new competition was going to take place. Even though they went in a plane, by the time they arrived the damage had already been done.


TCG Island

James from Team Rocket had many fans thanks to his skills with the Trading Card Game, some of those fans had become his apprentices. When they learned of his defeat at the hands of Mark last year, they swore revenge. To do this, they formed Team Great Rocket and spent a large sum of money to buy an airship and an island next to the TCG Island.

Team GR had stolen players' cards and kidnapped several club leaders and grandmasters. Now they were hiding on GR Island. All this was told to Ash and Yellow by a girl from Johto. Her name was Mint and she had gone to the TCG Island to become the best player.

Ash, Yellow and Mint went to GR Island. There they faced the GR commanders and thus obtained information about James' most diehard fans.

Ronald (James' former rival in the TCG), had gone undercover beforehand as the mysterious commander GR X, which made things much easier.

Parker, Catherine, Bernard, Brooke, Brutus, Claire, Avery and King GR Villicci. All of them were the biggest enemies to beat in a card duel. They succeeded and peace returned to the world of TCG.

James apologized on his knees for the actions of his fans and did everything, many illegal things, so that they wouldn’t end up in jail.

Pallet Town - Ash's House

“Hello everyone, I'm DJ Mary and I have great news for everyone! Due to the great success of the first tournament. The Pokémon World Association has decided that the second Stadium tournament will take place in White City, which is located on a small island between Kanto and Johto.

Therefore now trainers with Johto nationality will also be able to participate. More trainers, sixteen gym leaders, two Elite Four, and two champions! This second Stadium tournament promises to be a thousand times better than the first! Trainers, sign up now and prove that you are the strongest in Kanto and Johto!”

Ash stopped playing Pokémon Puzzle Challenge with Yellow when he heard that news.

"Yes, an even more intense tournament than last year! I plan to win it!" He shouted super excited, scaring his mother, who ended up laughing.

"It seems interesting, do you want to participate, Kris?" Ethan asked his friend.

"…I guess it could be fun. I'll call professor Elm to get him involved too!"

"It's going to be a difficult competition" said Yellow. It's not that she was very enthusiastic about Pokémon battles, but she wanted to be even stronger for her city and forest.

"I'm going to call Agent Jenny so she lets Silver participate." Ash said quickly going for the phone. Ethan and Kris could only observe this without being too surprised, since they were already used to the craziness of his friend.


White City


The young woman watched him for a few seconds until her gaze lit up slightly.

"You are professor Oak's grandson, right?" said Sabrina, breaking into a smile that stirred something inside Gary. "I remember when you challenged me to a gym fight the last year. And also our matchup in last year's Stadium tournament. You made a big impression on me, I must admit. So now you're the new Viridian Gym Leader?"

“That's how it’s. If you're going to ask why you haven't seen me at gym leaders meetings... It's because I'm sure they're very boring."

Sabrina laughed a little when she heard that.

"Why do you Viridian gym leaders always do whatever you want?" She said jokingly.

Gary just shrugged and smiled too.


Ash faced Sham and Carl, who looked like other people without their Neo Team Rocket half masks and suits. He also saw the mysterious Mr. G again, who continued to look at him with great hatred, especially when he lost again.

Almost everyone Ash knew was giving their all in the tournament, even youngster Joey was killing it with his rattata.

Ash was lucky enough to face Red in battle, but he still couldn't defeat a single one of his Pokémon. That made him see that he still needed a lot to reach the elite level. Yellow for her part was defeated by Lance while Ethan lost to Silver, who rubbed the victory so many times that Ethan was about to commit a crime right there.

Joey vs Dorian, Jasmine vs Brock, Whitney vs Misty, Surge vs Morty, Pryce vs Erika, Falkner vs Sachiko, Sabrina vs Bugsy, Blaine vs Clair, Gary vs Chuck, Karen vs Agatha, Bruno vs Silver, Koga vs Kris, Leaf vs Will, Oak vs Elm, Red vs Lance…


"The Poké Ball Trophy goes to professor Oak for his fifth place. The Super Ball Trophy goes to Karen for her fourth place finish. The Ultra Ball Trophy goes to Leaf for her third place finish. The Master Ball Trophy goes to Lance for his second place. And the Stadium Trophy is for Red, the winner of the tournament. Congratulations to all the Stadium tournament participants!" Stadium commentator. "W-wait, no Jigglypuff, you can't sing this year... No, don't!"

After waking up from the long collective nap produced by Jigglypuff, Ethan and Kris returned to Johto. While Silver returned to jail.

-Ethan: In the end you weren't as stupid as I thought. I have learned a lot with you. I hope you come visit us, pal... I say this because my shiny pichu starts to cry when he thinks that he isn’t going to see Pikachu! Eh? No, I don't plan to stop showing off my shiny pichu!

-Kris: Thanks for everything Ash. If we meet again, you will be closer to fulfil your dreams, although I’m still don’t know what mine are. And learn to cook, because without Brock or me you're going to starve! And don't forget to call us, that's why you have our number!

-Silver: You're not as useless as I thought. And maybe you were right about being friends with my Pokémon... Even so, the day will come when you kneel before my strength and that of my Pokémon!


Ash and Pikachu saw Ho-oh again after a brief confrontation against the TRio. Apparently the legendary was heading to the Hoenn region. Ash and Pikachu decided that they wanted to continue their journey and that new region would be next. So professor Oak gave them the tickets to take a boat to the Seafoam Islands.

"Alright Pikachu, it's time to go!" Ash exclaimed excitedly as he left his house.

"Pikachu!" His friend exclaimed just as excitedly.

"Be careful and don't forget to change your underwear!" Her mother reminded him with a smile.

"Mom, please stop saying that!"

End of the Second generation

-Ash's Pokémon in Johto: Pikachu, Heracross, Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw, Noctowl (Shiny), Donphan, Charizard (In training).

-Ethan's Pokémon: Pichu (shiny), Togetic, Hitmontop, Jynx, Magmar and Marill.

-Kris' Pokémon: Suicune, Jolteon, Misdreavus, Hitmonchan, Jigglypuff and Marowak.

-Silver's Pokémon: Sneasel, Gengar, Crobat, Magneton, Alakazam, Gyarados.

-Misty's Pokémon: Togepi, Psyduck, Starmie, Politoed, Horsea, Seaking and Corsola.

-Brock's Pokémon: Steelix, Crobat, Golem, Forretress and Vulpix (Returned to its owner).

-Yellow's Pokémon: Raticate, Dodrio, Buterfree, Golem and Omastar.

-Tracey's Pokémon: Venonat, Marill and Scyther.

-Gary's Pokémon: Umbreon, Blastoise, Arcanine, Nidoking, Exeggutor, Rhydon, Pidgeot, Alakazam, Nidoqueen and Scizor.

Save game?… Saving data... Game saved!


-Games: Crystal, Heart Gold, Soul Silver and Stadium 2.

-Anime: Seasons 3, 4 and 5; Movies 3, 4 and 5.

-Manga: Pokémon adventure arcs Gold, Silver and Crystal; Pokémon the Golden boys.

Pokémon: Universe of legends - Chapter 2 - Ultimateblazer - Pokemon (2024)
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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.