Should You Try the hCG Diet? (2024)

The hCG diet promises fast weight loss of 1–2 pounds (0.5–1 kg) per day without hunger. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deems it illegal and dangerous.

This article examines the science behind the hCG diet (1, 2).

Should You Try the hCG Diet? (1)Share on Pinterest

The hormone hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is present at high levels in early pregnancy.

In fact, this hormone is used as a marker in home pregnancy tests (3).

It’s also been used to help treat fertility issues in both men and women (4, 5).

However, elevated blood levels of hCG may also be a symptom of several types of cancer, including placental, ovarian, and testicular cancer (3, 6, 7).

A British doctor named Albert Simeons first proposed hCG as a weight loss tool in 1954 (8).

His diet consisted of two main components:

  • an ultra-low-calorie diet of around 500 calories per day
  • hCG hormone injections

Today, hCG products are sold in various forms, including oral drops, pellets, and sprays. They’re also available through countless websites and some retail stores.


The hormone hCG is produced in early pregnancy. The hCG diet uses a combination of hCG and an extremely low calorie intake to achieve dramatic weight loss.

hCG is a protein-based hormone that the body produces during pregnancy.

It helps maintain the production of important hormones such as progesterone to support the healthy growth of the uterus and fetus (9, 10).

After the first 3 three months of pregnancy, blood levels of hCG decrease.


The hormone hCG is produced in large amounts in the first 3 months of pregnancy. It stimulates the production of other essential pregnancy hormones.

Proponents of the hCG diet claim that it boosts metabolism and helps you lose large amounts of fat — all without you feeling hungry.

Various theories attempt to explain hCG’s weight loss mechanisms.

However, multiple studies throughout the years have concluded that weight loss achieved by the hCG diet is due to ultra-low-calorie intake alone. It has nothing to do with the hCG hormone (8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15).

Most of these studies compared the effects of hCG and placebo injections given to individuals on a calorie-restricted diet. Weight loss was identical or nearly identical between the two groups.

Furthermore, these studies determined that the hCG hormone didn’t significantly reduce hunger.


Several studies indicate that weight loss on the hCG diet is due only to drastic calorie restriction. It has nothing to do with hCG — which is also ineffective in reducing hunger.

One common side effect of weight loss is decreased muscle mass (16).

This is especially common in diets that severely restrict calorie intake, such as the hCG diet.

Your body may also think it’s starving and reduce the number of calories it burns in order to conserve energy (17).

Proponents of the hCG diet claim that it only causes fat loss, not muscle loss.

They also claim that hCG elevates other hormones, boosts metabolism, and leads to a growth-promoting, or anabolic, state.

However, there’s no scientific evidence to support these claims (13, 14).

Low calorie diets may promote rapid short-term weight loss, but they’re not effective for long-term weight loss.

When you’re on a very low calorie diet, your body adapts by increasing hunger hormones and slowing energy expenditure, which makes maintaining your weight loss very difficult. This is why nutrition experts recommend small calorie deficits over extreme calorie restriction (17).


Some people claim that the hCG diet helps prevent muscle loss and metabolic slowdown while severely restricting calories. However, no evidence supports these claims.

The hCG diet is a very low fat, very low calorie diet.

It’s generally divided into three phases:

  1. Loading phase. Start taking hCG and eat plenty of high fat, high calorie foods for 2 days.
  2. Weight loss phase. Continue taking hCG and eat only 500 calories per day for 3 to 6 weeks.
  3. Maintenance phase. Stop taking hCG. Gradually increase your food intake but avoid sugar and starch for 3 weeks.

While people seeking minimal weight loss may spend 3 weeks on the middle phase, those seeking significant weight loss may be advised to follow the diet for 6 weeks — and even repeat all phases of the cycle several times.

During the weight loss phase, you’re only allowed to eat two meals per day — usually lunch and dinner.

hCG meal plans generally suggest that each meal should contain:

  • one portion of lean protein
  • a vegetable
  • a piece of bread
  • a serving of fruit

You may also get a list of approved foods to select from in specific amounts.

Butter, oils, and sugar should be avoided, but you’re encouraged to drink a lot of water. Mineral water, coffee, and tea are allowed as well.


The hCG diet is usually divided into three phases. During the weight loss phase, you take hCG while eating only 500 calories per day.

Most of the hCG products on the market today are labeled as homeopathic. In general, homeopathy involves the use of potent substances that have been highly diluted.

Homeopathic, over-the-counter (OTC) products don’t contain any actual hCG. Real hCG, in the form of injections, is administered as a fertility drug or hormone treatment. It’s available only through a doctor’s prescription (2).

Only injections can raise blood levels of hCG, not homeopathic products sold online.


Most of the hCG products available online are labeled as homeopathic and don’t contain any real hCG.

The FDA hasn’t approved hCG as a weight loss aid.

On the contrary, the FDA has questioned the safety of the hCG diet as well as OTC hCG products. These products are unregulated, and they contain unknown ingredients. As a result, they should be avoided (1, 2).

There are also a number of side effects associated with the hCG diet, such as:

  • headaches
  • depression
  • fatigue

These may be largely due to its starvation-level calorie intake, which is almost guaranteed to make people feel miserable.

In one 2014 case study, a 64-year-old woman was on the hCG diet when blood clots developed in her leg and lungs. It was determined that the diet likely caused the clots and other side effects (14).


Official agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have questioned the safety of hCG products, and numerous side effects have been reported.

The hCG diet limits calorie intake to around 500 calories per day for weeks at a time, making it an extreme weight loss diet.

Any diet that’s this low in calories will make you lose weight.

However, numerous studies have found that the hCG hormone has no effect on weight loss and doesn’t reduce your appetite.

If you’re serious about losing weight and keeping it off, there are plenty of effective methods that are much more sensible and safer than the hCG diet.

Speak with a doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist to determine which method might be right for you.

Should You Try the hCG Diet? (2024)


Should You Try the hCG Diet? ›

No. The HCG diet isn't safe, and it doesn't lead to long-term weight loss. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It's a hormone made in the body during pregnancy.

What is the disadvantage of HCG diet? ›

A Big Con: Rapid Weight Loss

The biggest benefit of the HCG diet can also be the biggest setback. If you stick to an improper diet that has you losing too much weight in too short of a time period, you can face problems like heart failure, kidney failure and other stress-related conditions.

How long can you stay on HCG diet? ›

You cannot do this program for ANY less than 26 days. If a client has more weight to lose, he or she can continue the diet for up to 43 days but that is the maximum allowed time for the diet to remain safe and effective.

Can you gain weight on HCG diet? ›

During this period, amount of calorie that is takeninto the body is high. This is to stock up the body for the future days of low calorie intake. This phase is the preparatory phase that sets the body for the fat release program. During this loading phase, you may observe some weight gain.

Does the HCG diet reset your metabolism? ›

Some people claim that the hCG diet helps prevent muscle loss and metabolic slowdown while severely restricting calories. However, no evidence supports these claims.

Do doctors recommend the HCG diet? ›

No. The HCG diet isn't safe, and it doesn't lead to long-term weight loss. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It's a hormone made in the body during pregnancy.

Can HCG cause heart problems? ›

This medication may cause a condition known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This condition may occur during or after treatment. Rarely, serious OHSS causes fluid to suddenly build up in the stomach, chest, and heart area.

Does HCG get rid of belly fat? ›

HCG itself doesn't result in weight loss

It's actually the diet that accompanies “prescriptions” of HCG that causes the weight loss. HCG has been in the news a lot recently as a weight loss “aid.” Ads claim it “targets the fat” and “reduces cravings.” However, HCG providers prescribe a 500-calorie diet, too.

What happens if you eat less than 500 calories on an HCG diet? ›

The very low-calorie diet of 500 calories a day triggers your hypothalamus to change your body's metabolism, to continually release the stored nutrients in the abnormal fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day, but most of these come from the stored fat.

How much does HCG cost per month? ›

Patients for whom we prescribe HCG will typically spend $70 – 100 per month for a therapeutic dose of HCG. Patients who elect for prescription of HCG must be aware that we do not have control over the price or supply of this medication and there are times when there is no supply or the price temporarily goes up.

What happens when you stop HCG? ›

The maintenance phase that occurs after hCG injections stop can last up to nine months. After that time, your body's metabolism should be completely reset and your weight should be easier to manage.

Can I eat eggs on an HCG diet? ›

Yes, but eating eggs on the HCG Diet is not something that you should do every single day. It is better to have just egg whites instead of the yolk.

What should I avoid in phase 3 HCG? ›

* Corn, peas, yams and sweet potatoes not allowed.

*If you use tartar sauce, make your own with dill pickle relish and mayo or salad dressing. *Jams and jellies are not allowed in this phase, nor are sweet pickles.

What happens if you eat carbs on HCG diet? ›

You Won't Feel Hunger

As if the initial binge wasn't bad enough for their weight loss goals, quick carbs provide little-to-no satiety beyond physically filling the stomach. This leads to more hunger, more attempted discipline, and more binges. You don't have to worry about feeling hungry on the HCG diet.

Can you eat cheese on the HCG diet? ›

During the maintenance phase you will increase your calorie intake to 1500 calories, making up 3 meals and snacks. It is important that these meals are comprised of healthy foods. You may now consume any meats, eggs, fruits, cheeses, milk, vegetables and low sugar dairy products.

What foods are allowed on an HCG diet? ›

Vegans and vegetarians can also use the HCG diet by choosing the plant-based protein sources approved below.
  • Approved protein shakes.
  • Buffalo.
  • Beef (extra lean and grass-fed only)
  • Chicken.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Crab.
  • Eggs (one whole and three whites per serving)
  • Lobster.
Oct 7, 2019

Does hCG have negative effects? ›

Side effects that you should report to your doctor or health care professional as soon as possible: allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue. breathing problems. breast enlargement.

Does hCG raise blood pressure? ›

Higher circulating β-HCG level is correlated with severer pregnancy-induced hypertension. Inflammatory factors are associated with severer pregnancy-induced hypertension. Oxidative factors are associated with severer pregnancy-induced hypertension.

What is the problem with hCG levels? ›

HCG levels unrelated to pregnancy

Normal levels of hCG are typically undetectable in females who are not pregnant and in males. Higher levels can sometimes point to an underlying health problem, such as: some cancers, including cancer of the liver, stomach, pancreas, lung, breast, or skin.

What vegetables can you eat on the hCG diet? ›

Add vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, spinach, beets, radishes, celery, and cauliflower. Ideally, the vegetables should be steamed or eaten as a salad. Certain types of fruit can complete the meal. Citrus fruits or a handful of berries work.

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