The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY MAY 18 1915 IS sale junk licenses from $10 to $100 charities Howard A King visiting calistenics and swimming during the the fee for junk peddlers' licenses from Edward Stone mem summer months was reported The HAMPDEN COUNTY NEW ENGLAND AAIRS WESTIELD CONNECTICUT CHICOPEE SOMERS GERMAN PROPAGANDA DIES WHILE MAKING A CALE THOMPSONVILLE BUYING WOOL the the of SUIELD COAL POCKET SITES MISSING ROM HOME HAZARDVILL3 LOAN CAMPAIGN RESULTS SOMERSVILLE ARRESTED OB MURDER METHODISTS SEEK $4757 Per Cent Subscribed by WINDSOR LOCKS BLANDORD ELECTS DIRECTORS GEN McARTHUR STATUE to EAST LDNGMEAD01Y or 33 Cents? LUDLOW ANNUAL INCREASED license fees We serve all tastes of Your Chance Again IMPORTER ORMERLY ITH AVENUE To Again Remind You My Twenty Per Cent Every Depositor a Part Owner Of This Old Institution Discount Sale Continues Throughout the Week Elm Street Opposite Auditorium Swift Company A HYDER CO A I Side thin the superior court under $500 bonds and not being able to furnish the sama he was placed in the Tolland jail GOWNS SUITS of of in Alderman Joseph 'Lussier Has' Pro posed Ordinance ramed With This End In View Chicopee May 15 An ordinance raising the fees of junk and pool li censes will be introduced into tho board of aldgrmen at the next' meet ing by Joseph Lussier' chairman 'of the aldermanic committed on licenses It would increase the fee for Whole High School Building Commission Will Delve Into Alleged ailnre to Em ploy Local Labor Chicopee May 15 The high school building commission will thoroughly investigate the case of O'Neil Doroin a mason of Willimansett who com plained to the alderman that he had been refused work three times on the new high school building according to John Blanchfleld chairman of the commission Mr Blanchfleld said to night that as soon as he received official word of the protest he would call a special meeting of the com mission He said that the commission had always encouraged the employ ment of Chicopee men and that it had received the co operation of te contractors in this respect Aiderman the provision dealers must There has been the wholesale The fee for remain at $15 Purchases made at This Time Will (Upon Request) Be Billed July 1 1 urther elaboration of this statement should be unneces sary for you know the worth of my merchandise and you know the trend of prices Come To day for Best Selection Barre Vt May 15 Mrs Isabel Parker and George A Long aged 39 a lodger for a short time at Mrs house were arrested to day on the charge ct murder in connect tion with the death of Mrs Harry Broadwell aged 29 and the mother of three children whose unclad body was found in a garden oft North Main street Sunday morning May 4 ously'burned about the body and face at her home on Main street this even ing while attending to the kitchen fire It was during a short absence of her parents that she had taken the lid oft the stove to put on some more wood when the flames shot up and net her dress on fire She screamed and tried to put out tho fire at the sink faucet before her father got to the room from the store downstairs but the flames had readied her body and she was badly burned on both sides near the waist and also on the face and neck Dr A Outerson attended her and she was taken to St hospital in Hartford The body of Edward Wyant 2S was brought here from Norwich for burial tn Grove cemetery this afternoon He was a son of Mrs Jane Wyant of Spring street and had been an In mate of the state asylum for a few years past His death occurred there suddenly Wednesday The members of Euclid lodge of Ma sons will give an informal reception and dance in Memorial hall riday evening In recognition of the 50th an niversary of the institution of the lodge The exercises to commemorate tne anniversary will be held at lodge room Monday evening Local Notices Wtit Pprlngfield Co operative Bank of shares of new series continued all week Advt Dealers DeGray and Howard Get Permission to Use Uhjcopee Com pany's Land Chicopee May 1 1 As a result of a conference held to day between McCormick general manager and treasurer of the Chicopee manufactur ing company and Mayor Coak ley plans will be drawn whereby the two Chicopee alls coal dealers A DeGray and Howard can place coal pockets on Blake street on the property of the Chicopee manufactur ing company Mr DeGray and Mr Howard nave been asked to move their coal pockets from their pres ent sites because of plans of the Chic opee manufacturing company for im proving its property It is expected that the plans for the new pockets will be ready within two weeks In the meanwhile Mr DeGray and Mr Howard will use the present sites Chicopee alls Church Has Largest Quota Being Assigned $2571 Chicopee May share of the Methodist centenary drive is $1757 "The Chicopee alla Methodist church has the largest quota being assigned $2571 The Central Methodist church is assigned a quota of $1644 and the aith' Methodist church at airview is given $542 All these churches have organized for the drive to: start Sunday and expect to raise their quotas in record time Culver Spear and Charles Seaver are in general charge of the drive at the Chicopee alls Methodist church William LiUey is In charge of the drive at the Central Methodist and A orbes at airview Miss Alice Higgins of Chicopee alls Stricken By Heart Disease Chicopee May 15 Miss Alice Hig gins 47 of 47 Arlington street Chico pee alls died suddenly this morn ing while calling on a friend Mrs Mary Hines of 379 Grove street Al though Miss Higgins had been In poor health for several years she was apparently in good health when she left her home She was stricken with heart trouble shortly after reaching Mrs home Dr I Shea was called but it was too late to ad minister aid Miss Higgins was well known in Chicopee alls where she had lived all her life She was the daughter of tho late Michael Higgins She was an active member of St parish She leaves two brothers James Higgins and David Higgins both of Chicopee alls The funeral ar rangements have not been completed You should be a part owner Open an account to day This Idea Suggested as Memorial Local Veterans In Recent War Chicopee May 15 The erection a statue of Geri Arthur McArthur civil war fame who was born Chicopee' and whose son Gen Doug lass McArthur recently has been ap pointed "head of West Point academy as a memorial to the Chicopee men who fell in the great war is a plan that has been proposed by the city plans commission The commission proposes that the statue be placed on the grounds of the new high school This idea will be submitted to the city memorial commission They Will Mark Graves of World War Members of tho Memorial day committee of the Lieut Amos Kin ney camp Sons of Veterans will be at airview cemetery St Rose ceme tery Calvary cemetery St cemetery and St Anne's cemetery Sun day to meet relatives of the world war dead and to learn the location of the graves of the heroes A few of the veterans who died in this country are buried in Chicopee The times at which the' committee representatives will be at the cemeteries are as fol lows: St cemetery between airview and South Hadley alls 8 a to 845 a St Rose cemetery Aldenville 9 a in to 945 a tn St cemetery Chicopee alls 19 a to 1050 a airview ceme tery Chicopee Center 515 to 545 Calvary cemetery Chico pee Center 6 to 630 Tomas Roca of Las Palmas Spain has patented process for the use of banana fiber for textiles yarns cords and alpargata sales as a substitute for hemp and jute Trials have proved so satisfactory that a factory is about to be established in Las Palmas the machinery having already been or dered from the United States Athletic and Recreation Association Makes Important Offer Ludlow May 15 The Ludlow ath letic and recreation association held its annual meeting in the Stevens memorial Wednesday evening The following directors were elected for four years each: A Hacke James Elphinstone David Wilson and Mrs Morrill The report was given and showed an in come of 8647334 with disbursem*nts of $603956 balance on hand $43379 A meeting of the directors for or ganization will be held Monday even ing at 830 The matter of interesting the schoo committee of Ludlow in co operating with the association to the extent of defraying one half of an expenses to teach the school boys charge from Newport News Va and is home Amount 1380') 15950 2550 4850 250 150 2800 Subscriptions 170 163 19 36 4 3 85 James McGourn Boy Scout Has Been Gone Since the Oth Disappeared Before Suffield May 15 Word was re ceived here by the local police that James McGourn the 14 years old son of Mr and Mrs James McGourn of Ratley road West Suffield left home on the Gth and had not been seen or heard from since Every one of our 54000 depositors owns a part of this great institution with its deposits of $26000000 and all profit equally in its earnings Blandford May 15 Mrs Plumb Brown of Springfield president of the Springfield alliance of the auxiliary home missionary union was present at the meeting of the local branch yesterday (Tuesday) and spoke on the work of the union and of tho close relation between home and for eign miss onary work The following officers were chpsen: President Mrs I Childs' vice president Miss Cora A Boise secretary Miss Mar garet Delahanty treasurer Mrs Peebles membership committee Mrs A Blodgett and Mrs Hayden program committee Mrs Haley Mrs A Smith and Mrs Hepsley The funeral of Randall Gladden S3 was held this afternoon in the New Boston church preceded by a prayer service at noon at the home of Mr and Mrs A Snow The annual spring convention of the Chester Huntington district Sun day school association will be held at the North Blandford church June 10 Arrest Woman's Assailant Somersvllle May 15 The mystery of who attacked Miss Inez Standish bookkeeper for George Homer and inflicted a wound on the head which required several stitches was cleared up yesterday with the arrest by the state police of Joseph Bernie 18 of this place irst Selectman A Hurlburt had the state police work ing on the case the morning follow ing tho crime Suspicion pointed to Bernie Previous to the night of the assault he was working in one of lunchrooms in Hartford but could not be found until this week when he returned to work for a local storekeeper Selectman Hurlburt noti fied the police Upon his arrest Ber nie confessed saying that ho was as sisted by another man The police have reason to doubt this however He said that he hit Miss Standish three times over the head with a stone believing she had considerable money about her person ollowing his arrest he went to Miss Standish to say that he was sorry for his act He was bound over to the Juno term of ChIM Seriously Burred Windsor Locks May 15 Esther Co Iir 10 years old daughter of Mr Mrs Pasquale was seri Stearns Building Two Eighty Nine Bridge Street Local Notices ftssrt Quanee aunouners whit mil epeuinff Press sport hats in all olori Dark colored bat greatly reduced ta priceAdvt a'NIe and Mrs A Allen of Wyben are planning to move into town soon Walter Bazrowa for violating the light lliw Nv4S''fine4 jn district this 'mornlhg bership Horace Paradis The fol lowing is a list of residence of pa tients: Ludlow 196 Indian Orchard 128 Wilbraham 18 Springfield 18 Chicopee alls three: Waterbury Ct two: Three Rivers two: MUtineague one Vermont one with a total of 369 patients The receipts for the year were $1129940 disbursem*nts $1103797 cash on hand $26143 The annual report of the society for year ending April 30 1919 fol lows in part: Ludlow hospital has passed through another year which has been marked here as else where by problems arising out of the war and out of public health emer gencies It has been a year of in creasing costs which have not ocen made up by an increased revenue The executive board lias not seen fit 111 evwv wv lo niaxti tiu I undertaking a success the associatian makes these recommendations: That the classes for swimming and calis thenics be conducted every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2 to 530 and all schoo! boys who reside tn Ludlow be eligible for membership at a nominal fee of 25 cents per quarter The classes should be organized at once and started as soon as an in structor can be secured Also that the schoo committee be asked to notify the school boys of this arrange ment through their superintendent We sell beef of a given quality at practically the same price all over the country except for slight differences due to freight rates Returned Soldier To Speak Hazardville May 15 A union meet ing of the young society of Christian endeavor will be held in the Methodist church to morrow (riday) evening A collation and social will be held In the institute at 6 Services at the church will commence at 730 George Gordon will lead the praise service and the devotional exercises will be led by Rev Curtis of Somers Stephen A Potwine of East Windsor a former president of the union and but recently re turned from rance will give a short address The subject of the principal address will be "Roasting the and will be given by Rev Percy Thomas of the Union Congregational phurch of Rockville Customers of other retailers demand choice sirloins at 66 cents These retailers buy meat from higher priced cattle Also the retailer who carries complete stocks delivers to your door and lets you run a charge account has to get higher prices than the retailer who runs a and store $10 to $25 and the fee for poolrooms which isCnow $2 for the first table and for every additional table to $10 for tho first five tables and $2 for every additional table Lussier also includes that wholesale junk board the junk yards much complaint that yards are unsightly vegetable licenses will Aiderman Lussier says that he feels that this ordinance should be passed as Chicopee is behind other cities in the amount of the fees charged TO INVESTIGATE PROTEST for de ot de agreed Hines Makes Large Purchases at Auctions Thompsonville May William Hines wool buyer for the Bigelow Hartford carpet corporation returned to day from the government wool auc tions held in Boston and Philadelphia At the auction in Boston he bought carpet wool valued at $190000 At Philadelphia he bought 802700 pounds of the best grade of carpet wool for $500000 The shipments will be made about June 1 or several months Mr Hines has attracted the atten tion of the textile trad by his large buying of high grade wool in the gov ernment auction markets Capt A Chapman Gets One Hel met 1955 Subscribers Ludlow May 15 A C'TIacke Sec retary of the Ludlow Victory loan committee announced the results of the recent campaign to day quota was $244500 and she has gone over the top with a total subscrip tion of $278600 with 1955 subscribers The helmet is awarded to Capt A Percy Chapman for the largest num ber of subscriptions ollowing is the standing of the house to house LdITipdign Captain cnapmau Quinby Brunelle A Whitney King Bennett Harry Sanford Janjes Glover In the mill canvass a close contest was won by Capt Stuart and the helmet goes to mills' 5ahd 6 for the largest percentage of employes sub scribing The standing by mill giuup was htills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 Mechanical Yard Outside Administration And our profit hardly affects the price at all only a fraction of a cent per pound Relinquish Golf Links The shareholders of the Enfield country club held their annual meet ing in the town building last evening It was voted to continue the club and arrangements were made with Allen Hathaway for leasing the clubhouse and the grounds exclusive of the golf links The club will have no golf this year The following new board of directors was elected: George Phelps John A Best Stephen Bridge Leslie Brainard Mul lane Allen Hathaway Walter Schwabe Mark Bushnell and Lyman A Upson The directors elect ed the following officers: President Mark Bushnell vice president Walter Schwabe and secretary and treasurer John A Best The board of selectmen and the board of finance held a special session in the town building this afternoon principal matters discussed were the need of an extra appropriation for the repairs of roads and bridges and an extra appropriation for school fire escapes The officers of the aid society of the irst Presbyterian church chosen at the annual meeting yester day are: President Mrs Edgar Parkman vice president Mrs John A Best secretary and treasurer Mrs John Bridge: auditor Mrs Hamil ton Potter assembly Catholic Ladles of Columbus will bold a class initia tion undav afternoon In Knights of Columbus hail The ceremony will be rh of the degree team from Danbury The state officers will at te '1 Ti members of riendship of Odd allows went to East Hartford this evening and were entertained the members of Crescent lodge CAPES BLOUSES MILLINERY We buy live cattle according to quality all the way from $700 to $2000 per hundred weight live weight Sirloins from these cattle vary greatly in quality Some retailers sell 33 cent sirloins These steaks come from cheaper cattle 'Officers Chosen and Activities Year Reviewed Ludlow May 15 The annual meet ingof the Ludlow hospital society was held Wednesday evening in thehospital building and the following officers elected: President Samuel DaPlant vice president Ernest Sherman secretary Alfred Katz treasurer James O'Neil aids and 68 098 680 448: 761 462 553 608 A recent Government bulletin quoted sirloin steak in different cities at prices ranging from 33 to 66 cents! Award German Helmets Somers May Somers went over the top in the Victory Liberty loan with $30200 the quota being $28590 i There were 130 subscribers i Gager won the German helmet from the Somers end of the town with a total of 36 subscribers Charles H'in toon obtained 28 subscribers and gained the helmet for Somersvllle Need Nsw School A Public school meeting was held in the interest of education in hall Somersvllle Wednesday night Demonstration lessons were given tie teachers of Somersvllle Levi Gar rison of Willimantic and A Potior of Willimantic spoke on the need of new school accommodations and especially of a new and adequate building in Somersvllle Supervisor Leon Staples also spoke and there was singing by the school children Miss Mae Bass has resigned her po sition as teacher in the Battle street school and is now in a position in a West Springfield school Miss Jane of Holyoke has taken the Bat tle street senooi tor the rest year East Lojtgmeadow Jlfay A party Of 26' Wilder class social (Wednesday) the home of Sir and Mrs Harold Jgiaw on Parker street Games 'were played and re freshments seryedr As the "occasion was the Stews' sixth wedding anni versary the class presented them with a picture Mrs Mary Coomes who has been spending the winter with her daugh ter Mrs Martin Bush in Mt Vernon has returned fop the summer to the home of her daughter Mrs Ashley and accompanied by Mrs Bush who will spend the week Mrs Cassie Harvey has returned to her home on Pleasant street from the Noble hospital in Westfield Mr and Mrs Miles 31 Smith of Shaker farms have been recent guests of Nir and Mrs II A Tread well rank Speight who recently re turned from overseas to Camp Up ton was granted a short leave of absence and came home to see his parents Nir and Mrs Speight of School street rank Govang who enlisted in the medical corps has received his dls Charles Ludden has been appointed to take charge of the local Salvation Army drive and will announce his assistants soOri As yet no definite plans have been outlined for the drive Plans for placing new Windows and chairs in the city nail were discussed fit a meeting ef the city property com mittee to night inance sewer and highway com mittees of the board of aidermen will meet to morrow (riday) evening The aid society of the United Presbyterian church will observe ts 25th anlversary morrow (riday) evening Pupils of the 8th and 9th grades of the Robinson Valentine school re cently visited the exhibition of Amer ican and rench bronzes at the Ames family school A substantial contribution will be rrade to the Salvation Army fund by Chicopee council Knights of Colum bus The pupils of the Robinson Valen tine school have adopted more rench orhpansand are supporting 10 under the direction of the fatherless children of rance organization Plans are being formulated for a tag day for the benefit of the visiting nurse association ROCKS COATS SEPARATE SKIRTS SUMMER URS Whitney Gets Two 'Of Dropped rom Planes on Doughboys "Westfield' 'May 13 How the 'Ger mani 'attempted to undermine the fighting qualities of the Yankees In the trenches 'is evidenced by two sample's the Hua propaganda re ceiyej Jy Mr? Maria Whitney of Union" Wtreet from a friend in rance la the service" The two specimens were dropped from Teuton airplanes upon thw trenches you a brave Tnam or coward?" asks the first propaganda circular "which is en titled dThe better part of takes a brave man to stand up for his principles Cowards stand behind leaders and die imagining that by so tiding they become heroes The mo 'fcf an atUjs its measure If you think the war is hell and that you as aTTritizerr ot the United States of America hao no business to be fight ing" in rance for England you are a coward' tO Stay with it If you had the courage to face criticism you would get out and Over the top in no time to place where there is wms llklihood you may see home again "Whit 4uslness is this war in Eu ropettb "you anyhow? You want to annfex lmythingdoyou? You want to give' up your lifo for the' abstract "thing humanity If yon believe in humanity and that life Is precious save your own life and dedi cated to the service of your own country and the woman who deserves it pt you Lots of you fellows are staying with it because you aretoo cowardly to 'protest to assert your own Adils Your wills are the best judge of what is good for you to do ask any opinion as to wiat you would betjer do! Do it and save ydur life! "Germany never did any 'harm ydu all the" newspaper tgles jjf wrong were printed to ih flame you to tho fighting pitch they were lies you know you believe Vviiat you read it) the papers If you stAy with tfi A outfit 10 chances to orerall will get out of it will bextombstonfe The other 6i 'imen is a pseudo American paperentitled" albeit published at rankfurt The news' articles jibe at NVilson Gerard Roose vettijnd play upon the alleged Ameri can dislike "of tho English A photo graph of two apparently happy Negro sptdfgrs taken as prisoners from the American army are shown as proof that Yankee doughboys should desert shall put CHOCOLATES Assorted One Pound Boxes on sale This Saturday for the Second Time AT 59c BOX MOVED TO STEARNS BUILDING 303 BRIDGE ST ormerly at 244 Main Street Importers of Oriental Rugs Carpets Linens Silk Kimonos Hand Embroidery Laces and Japanese Art Goodsv Watch or This Opening About May 22 Distinct and Exclusive Will Be the Plan of This Store JOHN SMITH Druggist MAIN OPPOSITE POST OICE Two fop $110 and only Two to a Customer Last Saturday we had the BIGGEST KIND A SALE and it is a pleasure to offer such a value again PART MILK PART BITTER Coating and the same centers which are in one of the most popular brands we handle at SI 10 a box Miss It! Buy Two! SPRINGIELD INCORPORATED 1827 INSTITUTION OR SAVINGS All will come who bought before but we have enough for all 5100 Chocolates 59c Lb 55 To Stock Raiter 296rf idea of helping the boy in Ludlow to develop himself physically was pre sented to Moore of the school committee The A A have a building with all the facilities the town has not In the past the asso ciation has defrayed the entire ex penses at a considerable loss and will do so now In other cities aj towns some provision is made fraying the entire expenses veloplng the boy Mr Moore the committee should and In taking the matter up with the other mem bers of tho school board they agreed also If tho A A directors are agreeable to tho arrangement where by the town of Ludlow will pay one half of the expenses and co ooerata In everv wav to make this tlents seeking always to serve mo community at the lowest possible rate the activity of its mem bership secretary your board can re port an increase in the number of sustaining members over the previous year Last number was en larged by 35 so that on April 30 39J9 90 people were entered on the secre record year 19f8 to 10t9 stands out in the history the hospital more than any other in its service to tho community in an emergency town of Ludlow must ever be grate ful to the hospital staff fbr its work during the epidemic of Spanish in fluenza important sources of revenue amounting to approximately $1660 have been lost to us The first is the town grant of $1000 which has been forbidden under an amendment to ar ticle 18 section 2 of the Massachu setts constitution according to which grant appropriation or use of public moneys shall be made by the common wealth or any political party thereof for the purpose of found ing or maintaining any hospital Is not pub licly owned and under executive con trol order and superintendence of public officers This amendment was ratified at the elec tion of November 1917 and became effective October 1 1918 The second source of revenue which came from the Liberty mutual insurance com pany amounting to approximately $600 a year was lost when the Lud low manufacturing associates opened up its own first aid room on May 1 1918 All Ludlow employes are treated within the mill yard now nnd payment for such injuries is made to the associates by the Liability 'h surance company hospital board has endeavored to expend its money economically and judiciously Because of high prices as a result of war times no improve ments in equipment or maintenance have been voted with the exception of having the small sterilizer outfit replated This was dona on 'hb recommendation of the matron Miss Bolt It will eventually ba installed in the maternjty ward when funds Ill Do You Pay 66 for Sirloin Steak? I ill! lit 11 it II III! II 1 1 I I It I I Mk I I ifil A oonirrnfl I hnnni'Nvnr Ck Illi ClAeW MVWI IVw VilvVVAUtVU I i II hi ill I I I III I I i i a a fl Illi 1171 Ilk I I I IB I fill i I HU fill I III III (I 1 I I i I I 'ijih if liili I I lllDU I 'i 1 1 li VW liil is I I I I I Tf 7 a 'liJ 'ir a gif Ar Ar tx 1 I ft 1 Rw IM 3 2 i i I S' I i 8 '3 9.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.