The Swarthmorean, 1962-09 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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.,'----;..,._'" 8WARTRMORI COLI.~GK LlnnARY 1'£, • . ' . , SEP? 1962 \ THE SWARTHMOREAN -----------------_._, -.. VOLUME :u -NUMBER 36 , POLICE· CHASE, FIREMEN'S FIRE OFFER UNUSUAL EXCITEMENT SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, SE PTEMBER 7, 1962 $4.00 PER YEAR A Philadelphia driver last week found that it didn't' pay to Ignore hundred more who brought seven a- SWarthmore pollceman's signal additlonal v~hicles from four other to stop. Wben the man, whom companies, Media, Parkside~ Up­Patrolman . Edwa'rd \ Burgett ob- land and Brookhaven. Two-tegged served traveling fast along Balti- and four -legged spectators gather-more plke, failed to honor his ed en mass again. By 1 p.m. signal Burgett chased him into there was no evidence of the up- Media. A merry chase ensued usual two-day hoUday 'week-end activlUes except a couple of stone '4durlng which one-Way street signs foundation supports, a heap of were also ignored, and It is re- smouldering rubble, scorched ported some shots were n,red. leaves on a few trees which had The driver finally ran from his shaded a home that had outlived car, leaving the motor running, itS usefulness, and three boys but later gave ,himself up to police Jumping rope with a protective and paid $70 fine plus costs on Une that had been strung along a variety of counts including driv- tthe west side of the bu1lding. ing without a license. Lab' L bo D orlOus a r ay At .12:55 p.m. Sunday the fire Small fry commented that the signal 4-4-4 Indicating 8. fire at I engines running around made the the college sent three hundred I holiday seem Ilke Memorial Day spectators and several dogs, on when children are taken for rides. and oflleash, scurrying along with . on the borough company's appar- 100 firemen and, 15 pieces of atuso Flrel"!len agreed they were apparatus' . from Swarthmore, unaccustomed to such a laborious Springfield, Morton, Rutledge, Labor Day, although those wl}o South Media and GardenCityCom- were active six years ago found panies to a vacant house on College less strnln in this fire then ,in lane between the railroad station and the college power house. Just as the local company was about to \ lose its fine reputation with botoughItes for standing around grinning and dOing nothing while dense smoke bllIowed from the rOOf of the three-story frame structure, to say nothing of nearly getting into an altercation with some Springfield firemen who re­sented not being allowed to beat Swarthmore in getting water onto the bOnding, - word got around that the fire was merely a realistic drlll. It seems the college and Swarth­more Chief Hub Hartman thought burning the building would provide fire -fighting experience for area firemen, as well as get rid of the old structure which the college planned to demolish anyway within the next ten days to make way • for a new one-story modern buildings and grounds service headquarters to be built by Robert E. Lamb Company at an approx­imate cost of $140~000. The building was considered ideal for the purpose, located as it was at considerable distance Crom any other building but also not very close to fire hydrants. Hartman surprised ever\ his own firemen by setting the fire on the third floor, returning to the fire­house, and giving the alarm him­self when no one else seemed to have discovered and reported it after about five minutes. A half-hour later, when flames finally broke through the slate roof, firemen were permitted to turn on the hoses which they had strung from Chester road, about 700 feet to the east, and from in front of the college field house, about 200 feet to the west. One out-b~u~d and one in-bound train paused for a few minutes in their trip along the tracks, 50 feet be­hind the burning building, ap­parently motivated more by a sight-seeing urge then by need for caution. Flames, smoke, firemen and spectators had faded by 2:30 p.m. but the outer shell of the two lower floors remained. Swarth­more fire authorltfes plalUled to finish the job on their own at noon the next day. However so many other firemen of Delaware Countys Sixth District desired to participate that the surprise dr1ll element was retained by sending In the alarm at 8:50 a.m. Fire ReS4!t This time the fire had .• been set by Joe Dalosier, college maintenance employee who is also a member 01 the Fire Company. Jtbegan at the bottom and quickly dem.ollshed the remainder' of the buUding, aided by batcbetswielded by Sunday's firemen plus a halI-one which occurred, strangely enough, at the college on Saturday of Labor Day week-end,' 1956. It began in· quarters for ... \11n1ng room employees in the 2 1/2 story rear annex to the college's main building, Parrish Hall,' destrOying the annex and requiring the best e.f. forts of all firemen and other disaster groups in the area to save Parrish itself. That year, as now, stUdents were due on campus just a little too late to be among the spe-ctators. The 1962 football team is scheduled to arrive this week, and freshman on September 19. Used many years ago as the college Infirmary, the bul1cUng's first fioor apartment and upper domUorles housed members olthe kitchen staff last term. When its new 170x'10 foot flat roofed T shaped combined ware­house, shop and offices is com­pleted the buildlngs-and-grounds department w1ll ,turn Its present quarters in the Beardsley Hall engineering bullding over to aca­demic use, said a college spokes-man. Five local boys were fined be­fore a Borough Magistrate Wed­nesday night for disorderly conduct. Three were fined $5 each one $25 and the other $50. ------_._-,-- Laubach Staff Member To Speak Here Weds. "Eyes for the Illiterate" wlll be the topic of an open meeting Ito be held Wednesday evening at Sp.m. in Fellowship Hall of the Methodist Church, under the spon­sorship of the Women'S Society for Christian Service. Speaker for the occasion will be Mrs. Chester Warlow, volun­teer member' of the teachIng staff of Dr. Frank C. Laubach, famous for his "each one, teach one" method of spreading literacy through the world. Mrs. War low has just returned from 11 weeks In Latin America where, at Dr. Laubach's request, she made a survey of Uteracy needs in G~atemala, Bol1via, Costa Rica, and Ecuador. Previously, in 1960 and at her own expense she had spent five months in 30 countries around the world as an advance agent for Dr. Laubach and his Hteracy team. TRINITY CUBS MEET TONIGHT AT ,8:00 Cub Pack I, Trinity Church, wlll hold an organizational meetl~ at the home of Dr. Irwl.n (Rudy) Schmidt, 611 Elm avenue, at 8 p.m. tOnight for all parents of old and new cubs. Mrs. David Binns Is available at KI 3-5548 for further Infor­mallon. BORO ENTERTAINS 36 EUROPEANS Thirty -six young people from Western Europ4! were guests in SWarthmore homes last week. They were part of a group of200 ran~ng from 20 to 30 years of age who are now on various four-week tours of the United states and Canada. The group arrived Tuesday, August 28, in Philadelphia where they were met by Nick Lore and Nancy Lane. They toured the city during the afternoon, finiShing UIJ with dinner at International House. They converged on Swarthmore that evening for a reception at Whittier House where the guests met their hosts and hostesses. Wednesday morning they met at the high school parking lot for an all-day trip that took them to Long­wood Gardens, to Strasburg, and along the Road to Paradise. That evening they attended a folk dance and folk song-fest at the Rutgers A venue School. Thursday morning, some of the guests took a dip in the Swim Club Pool. They' all left at 2 for Baltimore where they met with the rest of their group. The group is sponsored by the Association for World Travel Ex­change, New York City, under the direction of the Rev. Robert Te3- dell and Kenneth Sluicer. The ma­jority of the visitors are studying to l!e teachers, and have been In this country for most of the sum­mer, working as camp counselors, and attending conferences in New York. They are scheduled to return to New York from their tours on September 23. Nancy Lane and Ann Richards of the high school served as social chairmen for the two~and-a-half day visit, assisted by Nick Lore. Their appreciation extends to a large committee of "food provid­ers", to Melvin Drukin, element­ary prinCipal who made the school available for the folk dance, and to the famllies who offered their hospitality to the visitors on very short notice. Host families in­cluded: MRS. E.G. MOORE CELEBRATES lOlst BIRTHDAY TODAY Mrs. Elizabeth G. Moore, 112 Park avenue, is celebrating her 101 st birthday today. Her celebra­tion, however, will be a quiet one, as she is recuperating from a bro­ken leg suffered earlier in the sum­mer. After a stay fIrst In Taylor Hospital, she was later moved,to Belvedere Convalescent Home, re­turning to her own home on Sat­\ I nlay. \Irs. Moore is the oldest living llIember of the Swarthmore Pres­byterian Church. Memorial, Service For Mrs. Willard Borough Resident Died Thursday, August 30 Mrs. MariCln E. WUlard of Har­vard avenue passed away onThurs­day evening, August 30. She had been a guest at the Rose Wood Rest Home in Claymont, Del., for the past two and a half years. Mrs. W1llard, the former Marion E. Field, had been a Swarthmore resident since 1941. l30rn In Smithvllle, N. J., on October 9, 1880, she was a graduate of Tren ton state Normal School and taught in East Orange and Bloom­field, N. J. She was married In 1909 to Will1am A. Wlllard and they resided in PassaiC, No" J., unt1l hIs death in 1935. She attended the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, was n mem­ber of the Swarthmore Woman's Club, Friendly Circle, Golden Age .Group and tbe Needlework Guild. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lord of Harvard avenue and two grandchildren, Mrs. Reuel S. Kaighn of Cambridge, Mass., and John G. Lord, Jr., of Harvard avenue, and two great grand­children. The Rev. Robert O. Browne w1ll officiate at the MemorialSer~ vice to be held on Monday, Sep­tember 10, at 10 a.m., at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. ARTS C·ENTER TO BEGIN OCT. 1ST Open House Sept. 23 . Marks 15th Season The Community Arts ce~ter'~ Fall SchedUle of Classes which w11l begin on Monday, October 1, are now being made by the faculty and staff. The art center's president, Mrs. George Kearns, Jr., promises a variety of courses that wilI be fun and worthwhile tor the entire lamlly. There wlll be classes for chlldren and adults in painting, drawing, sculpturei mUSic, crafts, etc., as weli as some new and stimulating courses. -The center's annual Open House, scheduled for Sunday, September .23 from 2 until 5 p.m., wlllfeature demonstrations by the f~culty and samples of . their work. Regis­tration for courses w1ll be held at this time, and those wishing to register beforehand may do so by telephoning the office at LO 6-1739. All residents of Delaware (Continued on Page 5) Boy Scout Troop 1 Calls Organizational Meeting The first meeting of the current year for Swarthmore Boy Scout Troop 1 will be held' Tuesday, Sept~mber 11, at 7:15 p.m. In' the Trinity Episcopal Church iDeeting room, according to an announcement made today by the troop committee. 'Sc'outs who have completed work during the summer will have th8 opportunity to advance in rank by appearing before a Board 01 Re­view at the September 11 meet1J\g. In addition, plans for the coming year will be completed at the meeting. Tentative plans call for a full year of organized Scout activity, without the customary summer hiatus. All present members 01 Troop 1, all former members who plan to resume Scout work, and all boys 11 years of age or older who wish to become Scouts are urged to be present for this organizational meeting. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Maxey Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. David Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Do:lovan, Mr. and Mrs. George Herschel, Mr. and, Mrs. George Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. John Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fine, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. M11lard Ty-, son, Mr. and Mrs. John MacAlpine, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cratsley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edwards, Mr. and Mrs., Henry Gayley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Enion, Mr. and Mrs. James Hornaday, Mr. and Mrs. Ba­ker Mlddelton, Mrs. M. B. Lore, Mrs. Henrietta Bruce. J-WEEK, HIKE COVERS 180 MILES ALONG APPALACHIAN TRAIL CHILD DEVELOPMENT , COURSE AT SHS Dr. Ruth To.wne, associate pro­fessor of elementary education at Temple' University, w1l1 instruct a course on ch1ld development at the Swarthmore Senior High School, College avenue. The course will study and discuss the developmen­tal aspects of the chUd from pre­natal period through twelve years of age, and w1l1include readings, anecdotal records and obser­vations. First class and registration for the course will be on Wednesday, September 19, at4p.m. The course w1ll be olfered for either graduate or undergraduate credit. ROSE SOCI ETY TO ME~T The 06laware County Rose Society w1l1 meet at 8 p.m. Tue2!day at the Whittier House on the college, campus. Speaker of the evening wlll be Mrs. Violet ~ 'Weir, speaker and arrange~. She wUI demonstrate and speak on the" Art 01 Arranging Roses." It is report~d that Dr. Frederick W. LuehrIng, North Chester road, paid more than twice the price for a shave and a halr cut when he returned to Swarth­more last week In beatnik style after having hiked for three weeks. Shaving equipment, he said, only adds to the weight of a 40 pound pack, and anyway there were no electrical outlets on the trees along the Appalachian Trail. On this trip he and Paris Walters from Newark, Del., covered a total of 180 miles from Lee, Mass., to Hanover, N. H. Rafn, cold and fog for about a week did not dampen the enthu­s asm of the hikers even when they found no shelters of lean, tos. A piece of plastic hung over twine stretched between the trees provided some protection from the heaviest rain. Their rich diet of metracal fortified with skim milk powder, sardines, and cheese was supplemented with an abun­dance' of blueberries, red rasp­berries and choke cherries picked alon$ the way. The famous Long Trail extend­Ing from Massachusetts to the Canadian border coincides with the Appalachian TraU for a dis­tance of 90 miles. Dr. Luehring and Mr. Walters spent a day with about 100 membersot the Green 'Mountain Clu~ at the 'Stratton Mountaill Boy Scout Reservation where the 50th anniversary 01 thE' Long TraJI was being celebrated. Mr. Walters has hiked this trail for five' summers completing on this trip the enUre length of 250 miles of the Long TraU. He was presented with an .. End to End" certificate and an "End to End" emblem for his pack. The Long Trail is unusually well equipped wi~h shelters and is well main­tained which makes hiking at­tra~ tive as was evidenced by t~e number of men and women and young people whom they met on the Trail. Thf: noise from the porcupines gnawing at the wooden supports of the shelters disturbed nightly sleep from time to time, but they gave added interest, and an Inti­mate knowledge of the "annolll1g pests" of the Trail. The outstanding mountain peaks were Mt. Plco, Killington, Peru, Bromly, Glastonbury and Grey­lock. From some 01 them on clear days it was" possible to see the Adlrondaks, the Taeonlcs and MpusUauke and other peaks ot the southern mountains. Dr. Luehring and Mr. Walters deSCribed the beauUes of nature as U tltey were in paradise, and hiking as the most wholsome, exhilaratlng, and inex­pensive recreation BERE~VED Mrs. Henry C. Ford 01 Amherst avenue Is bereaved by the death of her lather, SewallS, Shaw, Sr., of Brooklyn, N. Y., who dJed on Au,l'IBl ~. '

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~~:c:~~[Sr------y~iijlDi¥S~~PiIT~~THE SWARTH~OREAN-T _____________ ~ _ ~~ _ ~ _ ~~~~ Tile bridesmaids wer. tile ... M..... 01 The _&..rDd _ ...... -Dta MlsS1t8 Mary Reuss Dlet_, tile 'US8Jl Sblrley wJCbe.......r - •• _v are Tile marriage of MIss Dae Mr. and Mrs. .JOIID C. WJcbe 01 Mr. and Mr.. Ira K. Gcmt or , Mr. end Mrs. F. Harry BewleY Of Park avenue leave Monday. September 10, for a two week trip to Portsmouth, N. H., where tbey wlll spend a few days, and along the coast of MalDe to Bar Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Trar.y and children Patty, Michael and Danny, of Dartmouth avenue re ... turned on Monday from two weeks spent at Rouse Point, N. Y .. Montreal, Canada, and Rlpton, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. HIli formerly of Wallingford moved In August to 6 College avenue, the former home. of Mr. anti Mrs. George L. Woelfel who recently moved to New Hampshire. Mr. Donald Little of Cleveland. 0., and his Ilancee, Miss pony Cowan, were recent Visitors at the home of his grandmother Mrs. Ralph Little of Park avenue. Mrs. William II. Thatcher of College a venue and her g-randson Bill Reed of Harvard avenue went by plane to Seattle and visited the World's Falr In late July. From ~bere they drove to California with Mrs. Thatcher's brother- and sister-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Willis B. wOod of Corona del Mar, Calif. They were joined there by Bill's mother Mrs. Barbara T. Reed and children Michael and Slisan and all stayed for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Lucian W. Burnett and chUdren Larry and Betsey returned borne Saturday after spending two weeks at Weston, vt. They also traveled to Quebec, Canada, down tbrough tbe WhIte Mountains In New Hampshire and made another stay ai_Weston be­fore their return home. Dr. and Mrs. John H. Wigton and daughters Suaan,PatendClndy have return'9d from a two-week trip In which they visited Niagara Fans; Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing at their sIlmmer home In the Thousend Islands, Quebec; and then down to tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones at 'Sebec Lake, M .... They spent Labor Day visiting In Portland, Me., With Mrs. Wlgton~s parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson. Jolut Lord, Jr., returned Friday from a two-month, 13,000 mUe automObile trip throulrh the United Slates and Canada. Dan Israel of Moylan, and Edward Green of West Hartford, Conn., classmates and fraternity brothers at Amherst College, accompanied him on the • trip. Mrs. John Derickson of West­minster avenue returned on Fri­day, August 24, from athree-week visit to California and vicinity. She JOined a tormer classmate Mrs. Esther Rlnalduccl, now a resident of San FranCiSCO, and from there they drove down the coast staying tor a few days In Monterey, a day In Los Angeles will< friends; they altended a bull tight In Tla Juana and tben stayed for a few days In Enclnada, Mex­Ico, returning to San Francisco for the rest or the week. Mr. Derickson and sons Peter and Jolut, m, hael been vacallonlng at their summer home at Ocean View, Del., during Mrs. Derick­son'S absence. She joined them there for last week and they all returned home to~ether on Monday. r"llUlllnnallllllllHlHllulnunilliilnlnllUIIIIIIIHHI! ~ Buffet Luncheons I g= JJ:30 to 2:30 ;= = = Ii Served Do lIy I I BOTH HOT & COLD DISHES IE I B.~l~.... I I Thursday 5 to 9 Sunday 3 to 8:30 $2.15 THE WID GOOSE Route I, Baltimore Pike (4 Miles West of Media) CLOSED ON MONDAYS AlzuplttS ofWas5ll1c,N. Y., dauch- brldejP"oom·. iIlster; Marjorie ter of Mr. and Mr •• Paul BIncIIlUO, BarbaraScboUlns, Marie A. Pur end Reoee Manoa. Al>lupltls, to Mr. .Juris George Miss Patricia Cramer was Raudseps of Columbus, 0., BOn junior brldemald, and fiower girls of Mr.· and Mrs. Alexander Mll ed Lo I C Raudseps. took place Saturday, were, dr u se remer September I, at 5 o'clock In the Linda Jean Boyle. Mr. John Rosenberger was IIest Kent School Chapel, Kent, Conn. man. The ushers were the Messrs. The service was performed In the Latvian language as both David MegerUn, Tbomas Overly, Herbert Jolutson, James Bois and families and mosl of the guests James Toll!. were originally trom Latvia. Ac - Mr. Dietz ts a graduate. or cording to custom the couple SWarthmore IUgh School. walked together to the altar fol­lowed by the brldesmalds and groomsmen. Both bride and brlde­groom wore the ribbons denoting the Latvian fraternal orders to which they belong. At the close of the wedding ceremony, a rep­resentallve order' presented the bride with a bouquet of roses. The bride wore a princess gown of white taffeta with chapel traiD, a short veil held by a small crown wound With myrtle, symbol of weddings In Latvia. She car· rled a bouquet of white roses. BIRTHS Dr. end Mrs. Henry E •. Rlcbler of Groton, Conn.. announce the birth of their second son, Jonathan Edward, on August 31. The maternal grandmotber Is Mrs. Vauglut K. Foster of Harvard . avenue. Capt. and Mrs. H. E. Rlchler, USN (Ret.) ot ValeJo, CaUf., are the paternal grandparents. A/2C and Mrs. Herman Joseph Boyd,. Jr., of Tucson, Ariz., an- STEAKS-HOAGIES OTHER SAt-ID~"CI; THE HOAGIE SHOP DiMaHeo's Fairview at Michigan .................................. I 9 Cheater Road The brldesmalds, Mtss Martha Call Swarthmore 6-0476 Schrader of st. paul Minn., Miss Jolanta Berzins of Kent, Conn., Miss Rudlte Petersons of New York City, and Miss Anne IUrsch of SWarthmore, wore peaco*ck blue shantung dresses and carried old­fashioned nosegays of red rose­buds and miniature white mums. nounce tbe birth of a son on 1+~~i::I~n~~~i-,~~~~~~~~~i=~~~~~ August 7. The baby Is named for The ushers Included Mr. Vlsvaldls Boku*ms, Mr. William Schoene, and Mr. Peter Raudseps, brother of the bridegroom, all of Columbus, 0., and Mr. Peler Alzupltls of South Bend, Ind., brother 01 the bride. A wedding reception was held In Salisbury, Conn., with a bufret supper , followed by dancing till 1 a.m,'- The bride Is a graduate of Swarthmore High School, 1957, and of Mt. Holyoke Conege, 1961. Sbe received her master's degree from his father. The paternal grandparents live Duquesne, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Foster of Crest lane are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Snape of Norfolk, Conn., are receiving congratulations on the birth of their second boy, Geoffrey Clark Snape, on August 17. The maternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKernan of Rutgers avenue, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape of Harvard avenue are the paternal grandparents. MOTOR TUNE·UP with lNGINE SCOPE GULF GAS & OIL WHEEL ALIG"MEHT DYNAMIC WHEEL -BALANCE U-HAUL RENTALS V. E. ATZ, Mgr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Opposite Borough Parking Lot '........ a·ou. Dart.Ht_ I.d Latlrltt. a ...... Closed Saturday at 12:~0 P.M. I WAS A I Jumped fencel. ran ..... f. md up wltll bl4 40". uplet .arblo'li CUI, .... l"U.UIed DetBbbof1;' Ihrubl • • • theD OIl" da, tile bON put IZlIl .!II ilia car ••• J thoulbi It ... die end. ••• but do ~ mow- wbl'ra,he 'toOk .e' To the • , DOG TRAINING SCHOOL OF DELAWARE CO. the University of Chicago, In 1962. She Will teacb EngllSbcomposltlon at Ohio state University while her husband studies for his Ph. D: I learned to Beel. to 8lt. to $taf. to Come ••• aDd I LIKZD III W'b'r' Mr. and Mrs. C .... rles A. Foley 01.t leU YOUR bola 10 lab ,OU lb .... of Roxborough are receiving con- Next Cou .. e Starts Wednesday Eve~lng, S.ptember 12 gratualtlons on tbe birth of thetr Swarthmore High School Gymna.l~m He Is a 1960 graduate of Prince­tlrst chlld, a son, Charles A.. ClI.e;·"1 blnh,." .lJ ....... A4nllce reu"aUoDl ton University, and received his M. A. degree In electrical en­gineering from Ohio State Uni­versity. Foley, Jr., 00 August 20 In the DOa TRAil I •• SIHOOl OF DELAWARE lOUin University of Pennsylvania Hos- PALMa"" lULL. PAXON .OL(,O~ aoaD. £.11. t. ....... ...... .... pltal. I ~~~~~~~~~~~!~!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKernan I..: FolloWing a wedding trip to the Berkshlres, the couple wt1I make their home In Columbus. They wtIl be home alter October 1. DiETZ. BOYLE' Miss Patricia Anne Boyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boyle of "HappyHnuse,"Rldley Park, became tbe bride of Mr. Chprl.b W. Dietz, son of Mrs. Evelyn R. Dietz of Ridley Park, and the late Mr. Dietz, at a 12:30 ceremony Sslurday September I, In St. Madeline's Church, Ridley Park. The Ret'. Francis J. Walsh orrtclated. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was attended 'by her sister Miss Bernadette Marie mald of For MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Call MRS. LLOYD E. K13-2080 An 7 7 a I,esllen-up of Rutgers avenue are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foley ot' Darlington, Md., are tbe paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. WDllam G. Gove ot Wallingford announce the birth of a daughter, Sylvia Elizabeth Gove; on August 22 In Lankenau Hospital. Mrs. Gove Is the former MIss Annoqncing the MEN' OF ROSE VALLEY Fall Get-to':Gether WHEN - September 10 WHO -You (any man 16 WId up) WHAT -An aU Male Glee Club WRY - Sing for tun & a COlnCE!rlIl now and then MARK YOUR CALENDAR For Further Information Call: Jim Bryson KI 4·3073 Fred Pllrter LO 6-6287 ,(J.' 111111/"." Get your family set for a festiVe fall. Give their wQrdrobe a lift with deep-down dry cleaning that keeps their clothes look­ing crisp and bright as an autumn leaf. A quick phone call is all it takes for prompt PICK-UP&DELIVERY HOME OF LUSTER GLOW WEINSTEIN YOUR PRFESSIONAL DRY aWiER 100 Park AWl. II 3- 1727 n n 0 a aa a o • 0 • FORSYTHE STUDIOS OF THE ARTS Ballet-Toe-Tap-Baton Modern J~~z-·Ba,Jlr,)on~ i Charm-PIWlo-Vocal-Drama.-Art CHILDREN AND ADULT CLASSE$ TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE ENROLL NOW KI 3-3688 LE 4-1259 APPLES & PEACH.ES fRESH CORN, TOMATOES, BEANS DRIED FLORAL MATERIAL LlNVILLA ORCHARDS "rile Fa"" Wiq> tile 00"11'""" B_" Qttedf-,: From Swlrthmot. ~ 0tI laltlmor. Plk. '0 c ............ ,.. .... .... _ ~ _.Id CItootu. Dttt. IV.. 2 milo, ..... 'r!91o"<111 _Il00 ..... /or 1'1 -. Open 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Dally & Sunday "I can get it for you wholesale" Have you ever cl"cke prices In so·calle discount stares with t!>ose at standard stores? With the .... c.ptlon of heavily advertised loss leaders, notice that they are about the same? The difference: They pretend they are lower. PAULSOhppul. to you on the hasls of quality, ex. r.,lence, and satisfaction. but without penalty of price; ecause "PAULSON can me.t or beat any sale price or .,.clal In carpet." . (pAul"", !J' ~r.!~ "" .... awl! Carpeting • Camplal. PrIce Ranp e OrIental Rup 100 Parle Ave., s.artlvnot., Pa. Klngswoocl 3-6000 - CL.arbrook 9 4646 d'-.J ... . Personals Mrs. George T. Sarglsaon of Rldle, . Park and Mrs. Guy G. DeFllrla or North Chestsr road entertained oa Thursday morning at the latter' 8 bome at a coffee In bonor ot Mrs.StsveoM.Spencer of Ogden ayeDlle. Mr.. end Mrs. Spencer wlll move. to New York . the latter part of the month. Mr. end Mrs. W. E. Dungan, Jr., 01 RlverYIew road Will accompany their daughter Susan to Emory University, Atlanta, Ga., on SUnday end then go on to Clear­water, FIa., tor a visit and va­cation Witb Mrs. Dungan's sister Mrs. W. H. R1ppard. Dr. Ronald Estabrook at South P rlncelon avenue returned today alter dallverlnc a paper to the German Medical Society meeting near Munlcb, Germany. on the return !rip be visited laboratories In Heldelherg, Amsterdam, and Oxford end Cambridge, England. Mr. and Mra. PaulGaY!llRlver­vtew road·wWI tllelr cblldren 'Andrea UId steve. aDd their niece and nepbe" Kathy and Bill Biad­bury, retul'lled laat week from a month's trip to Wyomlnc. WbIIe T·RE SWAR-THIIOREAN McCAHAN NAMED GENERAL AGEIII there they speDt tbree weeks at David McCahan, Jr., C. r.. U., Trail Late Ranch, near Dubois, bas beeD appointed Northwestern as the guests of former Phlladel- Mutual Llle _ranee Company's phJans Mr. end Mrs. Charles Beck. general agent at PrOvidence, R. I., As a sldetrIP, tbey ezplored the effective September 1. Tetons and Yellowstone Nallonal Mr. McCahan, wbo Is the son Parks. on' the way home, they ·of Mrs. David McCahan of Dart­spent some time In the Black mouth avenue, joined NML In 1952 Hills of South Dakota. Their other as a special agent tor the Flnk­niece Joan Bradbury had preceded blner Company general agency, them home from Indlan Brook Philadelphia. ImmedJately prior to Farm and WUderness Camp, Ver- this he was a student of the UnI­mont, where she had been a coun- verslty of Pennsylvania, where be selor .slnce the middle otJune. graduated from the Wharton School Joan wt1I return as a junior to of Finance and Commerce With Swartbmore College later In the a major In life Insurance. He Is month while Andrea will leave on a member or Psi Upsflon the 15th to enter EarlhamCollege, fraternity. Slnee 1959, he basbeen Richmond, Ind., as a freshman. agency development manager for the Finkbiner general agency. Mr. and M~s. David Bingham Mr. McCahan received his traveled to IdlewUd Airport, New chartered life underwriter deslg- ~." ." '~.~!O"1~!M~!o"i.~ . ~.; .:, ..'~ York City, TUesday to meet Mr. nation In 1955. He Is currently 'ON THE BRIDGE SHOP' Bingham'S brotber-In-law end second vice-president of NML's sister Mr. and Mrs. Max D:!ehler C.L.U. assoclatlon;fJ:om 1958-60, 1 North Providence Rd. when they returned from traveling he was a director Of Philadelphia'S Vlaliingford In Europe for tbree months. To- C.L.U. group. He also Is a member aM,· RJIIdII:~ gether they proceeded to Green- of the Philadelphia Association of •• II'VWUt. wlch, Conn., where they were the Llle Underwriters. overnight guests of Mr. Bingham's E;;1l'ly In his career, he received uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. NML's three sales production Fletcber Rockwell. They returned awards _ the bronze, silver and to. Swarthmore "Where Mr. and gold citations. He has qualified Mrs. Daehler wUI visit the BIng- for yearly membership In tbe hams for several days before re- Million-Dollar Round Table of the turning to .theIr home In Cedar National Aesoclatlon of Life CUSTOM LAMP SHADES HAND PRINTED-FABRICS AND WALLPAPERS Peggy MacNair 565 - 0220 KI 3-7056 •;;;~=;;";;;;=;;=;;";;~~R~a~PI~ds~, ~Ia.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:d UNnatdioenrwalr itQerusa lltayn_d Ahwaasr d wO01n tbtbaet PERSONALIZED STATIONERY :~~~I:~~a:.rlng eacb of the Mr. McCahan Is a native of for every occas·l·on Swarthmore. HIs father, the late Dr. McCahan, was president of tbe American College of Life to use W·lth pleasure Underwriters and professor of In-surance at the Wharton school. Davl<l McCahan, Jr., his Wife Nancy, and tbree children have been 'lIving In Rosemont. Their new address Will be 3 Glenfield drive, Barrington, R. L • and ~::::~.~, ember with pride INFOR·MALS- distinctive monograms CALLING CARDS lor each one in the family • BIRTH Dr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harrar and daughlers Joan, Mrs. Rollo Greer and son Roll, have returned from a week's stay at Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. Greer, ttie former Suzanne Harrar, returned Tuesday to Shel'ldan, Ind., where Dr. Greer has started veterinarian practice. Joan wtIl return to PennsylvanIa state . University where she Is working toward her Master's degree. The Harrar family are or ADOPTION announcements residents of Yale avenue. PARTY ACESSORIES for the elite ~ Mr. Arthur W. Jones, formerly of Nortb SWarthmore avenue, moved recenUy to his new apart­ment at Runnemede Farm, Grady­ville and Providence roads, New­town Square. Mr. Jones Is head . of the mathematics department at Penncrest High School •. K13-19oo • • •7 • n GIFTS 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD • • a a Cralg Smtth of Riverview road returns today from a visit to tbe home 01 Mr. Colby Andrus In Minneapolis, MinD. On Sundsy his parents Dr. and Mr s. Glen T. . Smith wltl accompany him 10 Dur­ham, N. C., where he wltl enter Medical School at Duke University. • n • • S WE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING ALTERATIONS. s PLEASE EXCUSE OUR APPEARANCE AND ANY INCONVENIENCE IT MAY CAUSE. WHEN COMPLETED WE HOPE TO SERVE YOU FASTE~ AND MORE EFFICIENTLY. THE ALTERATIONS -we hope- WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE THIRD WEEK IN SEPTEMBER. The 401 .&lL. •• As I 7 on Ie •• a S 7 • u n •• 7 Pale 3 Mn. Robert Do HIIlme and cblldreD RandY. Mlcbasl and KIm­berly 01 Haverford plaCe spent most of tbe sUmmer vIBltlng Mrs. Hulme'S father Mr •. II. E. KeDfQII . at bJtI. summer bome In South Berwick, Me. He bas returned with them for a v1sIL i DICK FRANCHml - 'TELEVISION i TELEVISION-HOME & AUTO RADIO-PHONOS !!i U.H.F. COMVERUR51MSTALLED fat ROCKLYM RD."MlnlonIIIKI 4-T028HIIIIHIIDSPRINGFIELD. P • iiinIlIIUIIRIIIIIIIIIHIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIH.II _ IIIttHII ••• IIIIIIIUlIIIIIIRIBUIIUIIIIIII . EMBERS SLASHES PRICES COMPLOE DINNERS - $1.29 to S1.49(top (Including Fried Chicken, Hamr Sea Food) price) these prices in effect Mondays, T uesdaysr Wednesdays, Thursdays. EMBERS Wonderful Food is still wonder lui but these new prices make it cheaper to eat at EMBERS than to eat at home. Children's Menus KI 3-064~ Carry - Out 888 Baltimore Pike Springfield IT'S FUN TO EAT AT EMBERS ! 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItn",IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIU",1I01ll1ll1l1l1l1ll1ll1l1ll0111IIIlIIn11111llU11 Fill out this coupon now ----~ L_._. ___ ·------------ , . ....... ~~.~ ... ~ ..................... ; ..... . (:.~~.~.¥..:::~.~~~.~~.~~~.~~~~: ... .i Bank and Trust Company Provident, Tradasmens uKey" Check Credit Dept. P. O. BOll 8166 Philo. I, Pa, "K .. Check· Credit money Ves l'd like '0 hoye my ed y 1'\ 'and application. , PI send e 01 , right away' ease NAME (PIIIOS. Prinl' STREET· _ -------------- I ... I '? Ii" I ',',.,'" WI Iii; bi t'" \~ I ZON,,--ST ATE ti CITY ",,', L-mr~~"~~-~~~ ....... iii,; Have money for "back-to-school" expenses with Provident Tradesmens ~~KEY" CHECK CREDlT! .• Apply for any amount ... $300 to $3480 ... up to 24 months to repay amount in use . • Each monthly payment rehuilds your credit· for use again. • Interest less than 1 % monthly on average outatanding halance. • Free life inswance (under 65) ... free imprinted checks •.. free complete monthly statement. If you COlI repay Y _ total credh Is How 10 $12.50 a month $300 J.t.nni,.. 25.00 a month 600 rour 75.00 a month 1100 10101 creJif: 10CUIO a month 2400 145.00 a month 3410 "K_y" CMc1- Cr.dit is a ".rfOItOI/i .. 0' c;.., '0' yo., 10 use wile., as ollfl il you " .. d II' PROVIDENT TRADESMENS ; .. : .. :::,~.; . •... ;:,. Balik alld Trllst Compa11Y THE KEY DANK OF IJF.LAWARE VALLEY I )"I,III'"n' (:'oun'y (J/lir'('lf: I.imll 1.0 6-Haoo (Drive-In &. Parkingl" Ml.-diu LO fi..HaOO Springth'ld (Drive·Jn ~ Parking,·- KI 3.2430; Swarlhmure-· Kl 3-1<4:11 Nether ProYldcn(.'(.'-LO 6 .. 83'00 (Driv(!'(n" Parkin., AooW' ollierll open Fridoy" even(ngll Mm',. Office: Broad and Ch~tnut St •. ....:....LOeuet 4.3000 M .. m"""· J.'nlrrallhp' .. i, 1".~'Qn"" t:fII"p!"alion • M.",k, FftI'NlI Ilnc"''tt ."iy,,11_ .s

---------- Page 3 ----------

Pale. THE S","ARTHMORUN f'UBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY IJ SWARTHIotORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE T. TOLD. publisbers Phone Klngawood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor BARBARA B. KENT. Managing Editor Rosalie D. Pelrsol. Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told Entered as Second Class Matter, January 24, 1929. al lbe Post Ofl ice al Swarthmore, Pa. . under the Acl of Marc, h 3. 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. SWARTHMORE. PENNA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1962 L "All that Is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world Is that enough good men do notblng". Edmund Burke . ----:--:------' PRESBYTERIA:N NOreS Morning Worship' will be' held at 9:15 and 11 o'clock on SUnday. Church School Teacher Tralnlng Classes w1ll begin Sunday, from 9:15 to II a.m. The 10th Grade class will meet at 10:30 In the Hearth Room. The Senior High Choir re~earsa1 will be held at 5 p.m. The picnic supper for local Presbyterian students leaving for coilege will be held at 6 p.m. on the porch and lawn of the Junior House. Those plan'ntng to attend are asked to call K13-4712 to let the church know what dish they will bring. Beverage w11l be provided. In the event of raln, the picnic will be held In the manse at 212 South Chester road. The Committee on Missions and Benevolences will meet at 7:15 p.m. Monday at the home of the chairmanJ Mrs. Peter E. Told, 322 . Park avenue, to meet Tekletslon Tewolde-Berhan, ex­change student from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Dessert wll1 be served. The Christian Education Com­mittee will meet. Monday at 8 p.m. Morning Prayers will be held at 9 Tuesday. The Trustees will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m •. The Board of Deacons will meet at 8 p.m. The Music Committee wll1 meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday. All young people's chOirs w1ll start rehearsals Thursday, at 3:30 and at 4. . , The Chancel Choir wlll rehearse at 7:30. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES There will be no 8:30 a.m. service this week. The early ser­vice wll1 begin next SUnday, Sep­tember 16. Mr. Kulp will preach at the 11 a.m, service of Morning Worship on Sunday, September 9: The Literature and Library Committee will me'lt Immediately after the 11 a.m-. service on SUn-day. Tbe Benlor High MYF wUl meet Sunday . at 7 p.m. for a panel discussion summarizing the most critical questions ralsed by the last four speakers on the subject "Convictions and Commitment." Monday eventog at 8 p.m. the newly organized Commission on Worship will meet. The Commission w1ll meet Tuesday p.m. on Edncation evening at 8 Wednesday afternoon the child­ren's choirs wlll again begin re­hear. sals - the Carol ChOir (four years to second grade) at 4 p.m. and the Wesleyan ChOir (third through sixth grades) at 4:30 p.m. The 'Commisslon on stewardship' and Finance will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday evening. The W.S.C.S. w1l1 meet Wednes­day evening at 8 p.m. In Fellow­ship Hall to· hear Mrs. Chester Warlow on the subject ItEyes for the IIllter. .. te." Mrs. Warlow Is a member of Dr. Frank C. Lau­bach's teaching staff. Dr. Laubach is famous for his method of spreading education throughout the world - "each one. teach one." THE SWAft.THMOREAN FRIE~D$ M_~TJMGNOTEi$ A' colfee !lour wW be beI4 In WhltUerHouse at nOon _y folloW1Dc Meeting for worship. Personals Jobo ThUrman of Cedar lane baS been vtalttng for 10~p' In Green Lake, Wise., at tbe SlImmer IIome of hie Swarlfimore College room­mate BUI Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rothschild and children P.J., 7 1/2, Karen 2 1/2, and Jimmy 13 months are now resldelng at 610 strath Haven avenue, the former borne of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Schumann. Tbe Rothachllds moved from SWarth­morewood. Mr. and M~s. JObo Aaron and ramUy of North SWarthmore avenue 'have returned home from stone Harbor, N. J., where they spent the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Ford of Amherst avenue hsve returned from a month's trip to the North­west and Banff, Canada. They met their son and daughter-In-law Dr.' and Mrs. lIeory C. Ford of Port­land, Ore., in Seattle, Wash., where they visited the World's Fair. Other )Xllnts of Interest Included Glacier National Park. They also spent two days atlendln&, the Shakespearan Festival heldlnAsh-land, Ore.' . Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Courtney C. Smith of Cedar lane, was among the 23 guellts honored at a tea held yes­terday by the Smith College Club of Philadelphia. The girls are en­tering Smith College as freshmen this month. Barney Binns returned Saturday to bIs home on Ogden avenue following a month spent at Camp Miller, Shawnee-on-the-Delaware. His brother David had returned earller from Estes Park, Colo., where he had spent a month with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Binns. • Karen Peterson has returned to her home on Vassar avenue fol­lowing a summer spent in Ding­man's Ferry as a counselor in the waterfront unit at Girl Scout Camp Hidden Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Morgan and family, formerly of Park ave­nue, are now' residing at 77503 Fallen Leaf lane in San Jose , Call1. They are about four and a half miles from Sunnyvale where Mr. Morgan Is employed. John Cratsley returned to bls " . Appr.ciate Map To tbe Editor: ' We noticed the area. map posted on the corner of SWarthmore ave­Jlue and Walnut lane. We think these maps are a good Idea for drivers and bewildered swarth­moreans wbo find It hard to give directions clearly. ' We hope more maps are posted at entrances to the town. Ashiey Fine Mimi McWilliams . ' \ , completed, I called tbe loCalllCbaol • to coaIlrm tbe ract that lie w.ld be JoII!Inc his former classrDatell. T .... secretar)'wbo answered tbe :'pb9ne'was ~ as cordial u Mr. Reese bad been, usurlng me tbat they were very happy lIe:could return. AU day long I have been thlnk1J11t how pleasanUy this trans­action was handied. In a private school, Wbe~ some of, tbe cost may be for s[leclsl attention, It might be e_cted. SUch warmth of feeling speaks very well for the officers and staff of the Swarthmftre-Rutledge Schools. Sincerely, Mary S. Patterson (Mrs. HeoryC.) 320 Maple Avenue SUsan Campbell of Vassar ave­nue will be among ~he junior claSs C members at Wilson College to at-ltes Courtesy tend ateahonorlnglncomlogfresh- To the Editor: men 8JId the juniors. The tea will A 'year ago my son, who had' be held tomorrow afternoon at the spe".t all his 111.rin SWarthmore, home of Miss Alice S. Kfinger, went ~f to boarding school. We Philadelphia, president Of the WII. though( be liked It very much and son College Club. were surprised; almost on the eve -~-:::;;:;;:::';:=::;;::;;=::;;;;;;~--' of returning, when' he decided he would like to come 'back to Swarthmore High. Going down with him to the' high school to see whetber he could be reinstated, and graduate with' his class, I was very pleased with the courtesy otfered him by the I assistant prinCipal, and tbe as­surance that they would by very g:lad to ha~ him 'back. Today, after hearing that his boarding schOQI had found a replacement for him, and the transacUon was WEST LAUREL HILL CJMpd tUrd N"*,,, ' wnt. Of' phon. 215 Belmont Ave., Bala.Cynwyd. Po. ,MOhawk 4·1591 LIONS CLUB SPRINGFIELD ADULT SCHOOL 10 Monday N19hl~ - 8:00 P.M. ~EPTEMB~R ,24 through NO·YEMBER 26 Bridge - Beginners Bridge - Intermediate Bus'lness Law Golf . Guitar - Beginners Investments 011 Painting Persuasive Speaking $ 9 Physical FitneSS-Woman $ 7 $ 9 Russian - Beginners $10 $10 Sewing - All Levels $ 9 $ 6 Small Boat Handling $ 5· $ 8 Speed Reading $20 $ 7 Typing - Beginners $ 9 $10 Typing - Intermediate $ 9 $20 B8.llroom Danclng- . Beginners Couple $10 I,REGrSfRA TION (alld INFORMATION) at Springfield High School, Tuesday, September 18, and Thursday September 20; 7:30 to 9,00 P.M. ' , Informatlan: KI 3-4246 after 5:00 P.M. CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH D. Evor Roberts, Minister 'Robert O. Brow ne ,Assoc.Min i s ter Mlni~'er of Christian Edu~ation Thursday evening Ihe adnlt choirs resume rehearsals - Cha<>el Chol~ (sev~nth to ninth grades) at 7 p.m. and the Chancel Choir at 8 p.m. home on'Strath Haven avenue Mon... I~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii day following a summer ~ spent r. • Sunday, September9 , 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Worship 9: 15 A. M.-Teacher Tralning 10:30 A.M.-Tenth Grade Class 11:00 A. M.-Morning Worship 6:00 P.M.-College Picnic In W8Ohlngton, D. C., as an In-terne In Senator Joseph S. Clark's office. Jobo, the son of Mr. and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES Mrs. Edward K. Cratsley, will The Indestructible relationship enter SWarthmore College as a of God and man will be empha- senior later this month. sized at Christian Science church Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Loveridge Bervlces Sunday in the Lesson- and children Christine, Luisltaand _________ Sermon on "Man." George. moved' Friday from 208 METHODIST CHURCH Dickinson avenue to 507 Maryland Tuesday, September 11 9:30 A.M._Morning Pr.yers All are welcome to attend the avenue; Aldan. The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister services at 11 a.m. In First Church Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow Charles Schlslel of Christ, Scientist, 206 Park of Rutgers avenue will entertain Minister of Music avenue. at dinner tbls 6venlng for Otto Sunday, September 9 I--::::::-:::-::-=:~:-:-: _______ I Springer, Dean of the University 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp wJll preach T'HE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY of Pennsylvania and Mrs. Springer, 7:30 P .M.-Br. Hlgb MYF OF FRI ENDS and Professor and Mrs. Stegmuel- Wednesday, September 12 Sunday, Septembe1" 9 ler fro~ the University of Munich, _8..=~0_~~..:.-=!:.S:?.:~~ ______ 10:30 A.M.-Hymn Bing ·Germany, now visiting Professor 11 :00 A,M.-Meetlng for WorShip at the University of Pennsylvania. TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector The Rev. George R. McKelvey Curate Sunday, •• nb.r 9 (Trinity Xll) , 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and Word 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. 10: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Monday, September 10 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer. , Tueaday, September 11 9:.15 A.M.-MorninK Prayer 7:15 A.M.-Evening Prayer Wedn •• doy, September 12 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7: 15 P.M.-Evening Prayer Thursday, September 13 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7:15 P .M.-EveniDg Prayer Friday, Septe .. be,14 9:15 A.M.-Mornina Pra.yer 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer 12 Noon- Coffee Hour In Whit- Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Murray tier House and children Jean, Steve and SUkie Monday, September 10 returned borne on MOJlday after All-Day Sewing tor AFSC spending three weeks at their sum- Wednesday, Sept.mb.r 12 mer home on Long Beach Island, All-Day QuUtlng tor AFSC N. J. .-------- The Misses Mary and Elinor FIRST CHURCH OF I Bye of Yale square spent the last CHRIST SCIENTIST week of August with their cousin Park Avenue below Harvard Mrs. EmUy Ashman at Manasquan, Sun' da y, Se ptem b .r 9 N. J. 11: 00' A.M .-Sunday School Jim Robinson of Guernsey road 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson Sennon wlll leave on Tuesday for Cam-will be "Man." bridge, Mass., where he willenter his freshman year at Harvard Law Wednesday evening meeting each School. Peg' Robinson, his sister, week, 8 P.M. Reading Room, leaves September 16 for Centenary 409 Dartmouth Avenue. open College for Women, Hackettstown, week-days except holidays, N. J., where she will be a fresh- 10-5; Friday evening 7-9. man. LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 900 Fairview Road Th. Rev. Jo .... Barb.r, Mlnl.t., Sundar, September 9 9:00 A.M.-Church School 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow of Rutgers avenue recently re­tU", ed from a vacation In Canada. GOing by plane from Sydaey, Nova Scotia, tbey vlalted Salnt-Pierre the French Province orr the Coast of Newfoundland, and then drove In the Maritime ProVInces of Canada. The more modern the school, the greater the need for electriCity The need for electricity in school~ gets greater all the time. Modern educational facilities are planned with careful provision for the many electric-powered de­vices that make teaching more effective. Electricity operate~ slide and motion picture projectors, tape recorders. phonographs, telecasts, and other vital teaching aids. Such obvious benefits as scientific lighting and good ventilation are also provided by electricity. e Philadelphia Electric is ready to supply all the power needed for these many demimds wherever and whenever needed-and at reasonable rates. , , ' PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY AN INVESTOR·OWNED COMPA~Y WITH MORE THAN 100.000 $lOCKHOlD~RS SeacoIts ChaIlPions Oller Awilds Made . p .... lor tile 10- ..... .., ..... 0(7'll1 ...... am III"st - Mra. u..r Pe1r80L, Awardii for We". tbo lIIIbaR potnte In tIIeJr .... IrouglIIIn IIIlbarlu L II" COrDpeUUoa dur­lnir tbe IUllUlUlr - pi IIWlmmers: TO BEGIN INROUTE TO EUROPE lat Dr .... ' -.. .r_ .. CIutI (CO~DU~ fIoni Pille Olltl) elf Rhentew roM 1ft HlOIIIiI CGIIIIIJ are wlceme, to atIHd tbe to II ..... , wllere Dr. CIarIr 11M OpeD Bouse. aclloidlded 1110 1ec1llre ...... r- . ' 1881 MRS. E. W. THURIMN WWcI 'baa _ r.a.Is ........ On 'aborDay SUe ScbrDldt .merged u Cirl cbaDllllOn « tbe rear and steve CusbiDc u boJ j:bampJan to .last TI'ursdaY'1I Saacolt 'lllIowdown at Swarthmore 8w1m Club. Each won backstroke, fr .... yle. and butter­fiy .venls In tbetr respective dI­vtalons. 10-and-UDder girls and elght-and-uDder boys, as well as placing secolld In breaststroke, to tolsl an Ident1ca118 points. Marcia McCVdy.lIIJdcet 89 points; Terri McCurdr, jImlor8e POints; .Ann .TowIIes, bterrDedlate 41 polnls; SUe WIlton, senior 55 points; boy'; Jabn Scbmldt, midget 56 points; Jack Cushlnr, Junior 45 points; SaDdy Robinson, intermed­Iate 43 points; Richard McCurdy seDior 23 points. Divers - girls: Terri McCUrdy, Junior; Joanne Dumm, Intermediate; Beth Pur­nell, senlor; boYli Cbuck Seymour, junior; Sam Caldwell, inter­mediate; Jerry Sherwin, senlor. The statr of tbo .rUD1or Theatre ucee., He will pre88llt papers 1ft busy mek"'C plans for thI8 OR arttnclal lnIerna1 orgue to rear. Mrs. J. G. Croat. IaaIruetor !be meeting at the J211d 1IIIer­of the Juntor TMUI'e, will teacb Datlonal Coacres. Of PbyalolCIgJ III"st year sIIldeata. T~ roung_ at the University ef Lelden In sters wW leara 10 elPr_s !bem- The Nelberlands.,. and at GuIY'~ selves orally In froDt of a group HOIIpllsl In London, EnglancL and will receive ItaInIng In diction, Chief of !be arnnclsl kidney voice, and creaUve dramatics. unit al Jefferson Medical College They will learn acting tecbnlqoes Hospilsl, Dr. Clark ·18 also an through pantom1ne. Mrs. Crost associate In clinical medicine at plans two cuestperformances the \i)apllsl, and serves as cbalr­during tbe year. Mrs. Crost Is a man of the medical and sclentlftc M .. .... fII .... i.le lit. ~_'. IDOII!er,lIra. ...... Tllllrmu.eIf SDrnIl'llet. It)'. lira. ThIIrIDaD !lad 1'la.Ited In swarth­more maD, Umell In ,.... put. Sile te IIUnIwcI, In thI8 YlclnII1. ItJ • ~r lira. .r.mes lt. PoweU, areat ;raudCblldren .. san aDd Timothy PoweU all·of Wallingtord, and a lP"andaon, John Neal Thurman of Cod&r lane. : Jobo and his motber, Mrs. E. Neal Thurman went hy plane to Kentueky for the oervtceswblcb were held on Wednenclay • HIgh scorers tnolbaragegroups during tbe fray for the j. v. swim team were: 12-and-under - D. Danlel,glrls; K. Dumm and R. Heisler, boys; 16 points each. 10-and-under boy. - R. Lamber­son, 13 points. Elght-an<\-under Cirls - J. Gos-lin, 14 IoOlnls. ' others who captoredtlrst places were: D. Schmldl ll1-and-under girls backstroke and freestyle; M. King­ham and G. Bell 10-and-under girls and boys breaststroke; W. Campbell 10-and-under boys back­stroke; E. Logue, H. Herschel and M. Michener, eighl-!md-under girls backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle; T. Schmidt elght-and­under boys backstreke. "amily Roc.s The annual Labor Day program of novelty and famUy races, a'!lard presentallons, and water. polo Ivas beld at 4 p.m. Monday at the pool with most of tbe several hundred spectators and partiCipants re­ma n ng for lbe season'S l80t pool picnic at 6 p.m. Nancy SeymourandJohnSchmldt WOD the girls and boys spoon race for Children '10 and under. Nancy Cornel1us and Fritz Seyferth won the balloon race,s for U-and-12- year-olds. Judy Golz and BlIl Wilburn were victors In the candle race for 1,4-and-under. Mimi Mc­Will"' ms and Doug SUtherland won .tbe tube race for ,those ClYeJ'.,l4. . Dr. Erwin R. Schmidt, Jr., and 'children Debbie, 'sue and Terry won the famUy relay for those with two children under 11. WUfred Brown and Children Bue, lJernie and Bradiey won'ln the "two under IS" bracket. Mr. and Mrs. Jobo CUshing and sons Jack and Bill won In the "twound.r 15" divlalon. A Dew event thI8 year, the novice family relay limited to those.who had not been On tbe "11in teams, was won by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland and children Karen and Seacolt plaques - Sue Schmidt and steve Cushing as champions; and Mrs. Raymond, (Marianne) Hood as "the most enthuSiastic coach ima:g!nable._" 1962 Awards 1962 pool awards to iv1nners In the a mual championship com­petition ,,~airist SWarthmore team. reco~ds . SUe Hosford, Jack Cush­ing, swi IImers; Joanne Duh.m Chuck Seymour. dlvers. " Ll1esavlng award for highest scorer in tbls sea"son's courses _ John SblgeQka; honorable mention - Sam Caldwell. Oulstandlng SWimmer Awardfo~ achievement and Interest - Terri McCUrdy. ' Millard RobinsOn Trophy for all around aChievement, particlpaUon and service - Barbara Gerner. Service awards - Mrs. Schmidt , heading actlviUes, Seacolts, and divln~ Janet Taylor, coacJdnti Seahorse Swim team and water balleti Mrs. Hood for her "oul­standing and unexpected job" ,with the SellcoUsi, Mrs. Peirsol, record keeping and publicity; Mrs. Leroy (Lois) Peterson, scoring. . Safe Operation Pool Manager Mqlard'Roblnson thanked the stalf and poolltes for their contrlbutlon to another safe and successfUl Bummer's opera­tion o! tbe pool. P resident Gerner pald tribute to Robinson's long term management and, presented him with a basket of hor,. d'oeurves with a speclsl centerpiece from' the Mermat:ls, his swim class for women. An elgbt m'ID team of guards (Gene Melcher, Joe Mawhinney, SkIp Bernard, John Seybold, Bob Wagstaff) defeated an .. All-Star" team of nine (Andy SeybOld, Mark Good, Bob Frost, Tim Jenkins, Peter Kent, Carl Paddlson, Graham Pitterson, Bob Rowland , , GeOrge Her schel) 4 to 1 In as wUd a water game as any spec­tator could wish. Doug. ~ CELEBRATE 25TH Mrs. Marshall KInnIe ~II~~~~:II Mr. and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson actlvlties cb&irman, and of Guernsey road entertained at President D. Robert Gerner an open house on SUnday In honor nounced and presented of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. awards as follows: Lincoln or Haverford avenue who Silver Cup Winn.r. were celebrating ·their twenty- Silver cUps Yor completing four Fifth Wedding Anniversary. The weeks oftbe80-to-llO-laps-a-day ~polntments were carried out In developmenlsl prolP"am - Paul silver and white. Zecher, KfmShay,Helen Among the 50 guests present Robert Lamberson. were Dr. and Mrs. Edward K. Plaques for exhibitions of eD- Cralsley of Btrath Haven avenue durance - Alfred Anderson for434 who were also celebrating tbeir lP"aduate of Nortb Western UnI- advisory board ottheSoutbeaatern PLAN AHHIVERSARY DIMMER ,v erstty School 0 f Spee c h an d Pennsylvanls Chapter of the Tile Sprtnghaven country Club' Dramatic Art. 10 addlUon to ber NatiOnal Kidney Disease FOUD- wlll hold Its Twenty-fifth AnnI-experience at the Evanston CbIld- dation. .,.rsary DInner and Meetlng on ren's Tbeatre, sbe has worked on .September 12, at 6:30 p.m. Children's theatre productions In Nearly 80 per cent of adoles- The speaker will be Donald V. Duluth , MInn. ,and W8 Oh''."..'6..,.o n cents suffer froin acne vulilarisl Hock, esquire, Attorney, speaker D• C• at one time or another. and lecturer. Mrs. stuart Graves, director of l:::--"-::--:::-::-~::--:--"7-~~~~~~~-;;:--:---=--­tbe Junior Tbeatre, started the lI&... ~,.;:.It..diIL,.,....a...JI,. theatre In 1948 wben the Com_Pl' , .... ~~~"'. munlty Arts Center was IIrst'es­tabllshed. A 'gradUate of the School of Speech and Dramattc Art of Syracuse University, Mrs. Graves has taught speech and directed Children's plays for 30 years. A larger number of studenls in the Junl~r Theatre ls e:.pected In the advanced group, and IlIJ enlarged program has been planned. These students have hsd at least one year of previous tralotng, and they will continue with more advanced wOrk In oral e:.presslon. The great Interest of this group, however, Is In preparing for the mlllor producUon to be given by the Junior Theaire next Aprll 6. One of several well-known children's classics Is being con­sidered. Last year, the group pre­sented "Tom SawYer." in which 42 youngsters part1clpated. The Junior Theatre Is open to all boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 13. Many appll­cations have alreadybeenreceived for tbls year's program. Anyone Intarested In registering sbould call Mrs. Crost at LO 6-6880. .; Perry Owens Named Plant Personnel Mgr. C. Perry Owens, Yale avenue. has been appointed personnel manager for the Marcus Hook plant of American Viscose Cor)Xlratlon, . efteclive September 1. In his new position, Mr. Owens will be' in charge of personnel and industrial relations for the plant and cor­poration departments at Marcus HOOk. Mr. Owens joined American Viscose In 1955 as a lime study analyet In the Industrial engineer­Ing department of the Nitro, W. Va., plant and from 1957 to 1960 was staff assistant in the person­nel department there. In 1960 he was p~omoted to staff assistant In the' personnel and industrial relations department of 'the cor­porallon's headquarters 011lce In Philadelphia. Since 1961 he, has been with the personnel department In Marcus Hook where he has been assistant plant personnel manager for the past year. Fashion decrees shapelier dresses for Fall. They're here in luscious tones and textures. Be ready for a glorious season. Come in now I THE PARK AVENUE SHOP ,. K .I 3.-2.51 3 .104 Park AYI • ~~~-,..,.~~~,) THE OTHER DAY a l~gal question came up in conver­satIOn : . On a ,Hook and Ladder. Fire Truck (with a 'driver up frontan'd with another driver in the rear at 'the "Till.r Wheel") do both drivers n .. eeI a licence and in cas. of an accident, which driver is responsible? : This question should be answered by someone well versed in our Highway Laws. For answers to legal qU1stioO$ you go t.o a qualified lawyer. For medical attention or prescriptions you see a licensed doctor or druggist. non-stop laps, Carol TwentJ:-Flfth Wedllng AnnIver-and Richard for 504 . Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. A gradua'" of Marshall College, Mr. Owens holda a 1'1. S. delP"ee :, in personnel management. WHY then do some people go to discount' "dry goods" stores for Camerasl WHY 684 SOUTH ~EW: MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA - Oppo.lte HIgh ..... dow - (between Dutton 11111 Road and Knowlton Road) T .lephone - TRemont 2-72(16 .. Ask tor BRn Palmer" ROY' CHRYSANTH BROADLEAYED EVERGREENS PLANTS: firelhom, CoIoneaslers9 Hollies PEAT MOl, FERDUZER and MULCHES ·POITEO STAR ROSES • and MINIATURE ROSES WE DELIVER 0,... D.11y .. til 5:30 s ••• .,. 1~ •• til 5r3O P.M. P.M. RECEIVES AWARD Dr., Harold A. Silkoff of SChool lane was honored as a recipient of a Dr. WIIl1sm J. Stickel Award a paper on "Tissue Repair". presented at the annual Convention of tbe Am,erlcan Podiatry Assocl­allon In Washington. Dr. Sltkott Is a Fellow of the , American College of Foot SUrgeons . and Is Immediate Past President of the Easlsrn Division of the American., College of Foot Sur­geons. Mr. aDd Mrs. EdwardD. 'Alpslle, Jr., of North Cbester road have returned home after spending four weaks at Cryatal Lake, Frankfort, Mlch. They we~e wtStted by lbelr son-In-law and daughter Mr. aDd Mrs. Lawrance D. Decker of Red Bank, N. I., for, one week. They 'returned home by way of Macldnac Island, . \IDn tbroUCb CIDada to ,MOIIb'eal. not a Camera storel Don't they know that it's almost impossible to purchase a Cam­era anywhere that is. not discountedl. OUR STORE will be glad to show, discuss and help you with your Camera purchase. We will also guarantee it for one yeiU a gainst minufacturing defects - AT COMPETITIVE PRICES ! THE CAM~RA & HOBBY SHO}> ,4·6 Park Ave., Swarthmore 'KI 3-4191 • . FRI 9 to 8:30

---------- Page 4 ----------

• i 6 '- THE SWABTHIIOREAlII._. !j~~neriE5~iaQ@~----j:.;~;;~~b7~-;Ue~~kU;;.~r~na~l;kma::'~~~~':Dd~Mr~.a.~Le~ro~,~&t·~~!M8~r-:r~w=====~ TO ", 1962 Student Here Wins NYU Scholarship Cbrlatlan Unlverslt,ln TokJO. 8011 01 v_ ... - .... bad as GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Tbe schOlarsbip ell" .... pro- bouse &1IIIItS for Ue put _It' S ...... lIer 7th . Yorllu> Taucblda. an American Field Sel'Ylce exchanp studenl at swarthmore High SChool Septem­ber 1957 to Jane 1958, hu won lhe flrst ....... alDouglasMacAribar SCbolarship ciYl!n by New York Unlverslty. Yorlko. 21 and a Uni­versity of Tokyo co-ed. wtl1 begin her year's study at NYU In September. Yorlko Is an honor student In the College of General Educatton (Kyoyo-Gakuba) of the University of TokJO. She Is majoring In in­ternational re1allons. a field of study first. Introduced In Japan after World War n. She hopes to coollnue her studies at NYU In tbls field. The new NYU scholarship for a Japanese student was named to bonor the peacetime accompllsb­ments of General Douglas Mac­Arthur In the reconstruction of Japan after World War IL The reciprocal scholarship has been gram was .rraace4 by the New Mr. PeterllOD's mother Mrs. Eric Yorlt-TUyo SlStar-<:ltJ AfIlUaUOII. Peteraoo of un· ... "OII. Fla.. and an organIZation. whlcb fosters Mrs. PetsrsoD's niece SUsan Japanese-American frlendsblp. Sawyer of BueDOS Aires. Arcea­tina. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE - SUmmer or winter TED WANTED- Practical nurse desires position. Hospital experience, Swaqhmore references. Call TRe­mont 4-32·26. Between 7 and 9 'P.M. bome near Split Rock Lodge and Ski. stroudsburg. Living ronm, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath. Hot air heat (011 automatic). All modem conveniences. Wooded. small WANTED- Two bedroom apartment. creek. Call MAdison 6-7589. second Oonr, by one adult. FOR SALE _ Pint and QUart Mason Swarthmore or viCinity. TRemont lIreservlng Jars. First orrer takes'J.6-99 _ 8_2_al_t_e_r 6_P_._M_. ______ Call KIngswood 3-1808. WANTED _ A Viola reasonably iFO~RiifS~AL~E~-:-NN;ear;;i;ly~ne;'w;-:jr;;;;;;;;;t.1 priced ror Elementary school Call KIngswood 4-1518. pupil. Klngswood 4-5095. FOR SALE _ Moving. WANTED - D...,·s work. cleaning, desk; 9 x 12 Karasbah rug; Ironing. etc. Call TRemont Ing cbalse lounge; cbest of drawers; J._6-8- 8-0-9-.----~----­pictures; miscellaneous Items. WANTED _ Practical nurse desires LOwell 6-1061. rull time private duty or con-valescent. SwarUtmore references. FOR SALE - Four piece TRemont 4-6497. suite; gan stove: electric ESTATE NOlICE erator. Klngswood 4-1071. WANTED _ D...,'s work. Mond...,. 'l'Uesd..., and Frldo;y. Swarthmore F.:SrATEOF FREDJ. GUEnER, FOR SALE - CUstom made all references. TRemont 4-8047. deceaaed (L,.teofBOroup as Swarlh- wooden bird feeders. No metal or 1 _______ -:-______ _ 110 .... PI!IUUIJ'IYsn1a). plastic to InJure eyes or feet of WANTED _ Expertenced woman Laters of Admlnlstratlon on· the birds. The S. Crothers. Jrs.. 435 available as companion. bouse-aboYS Fstate bave heen IfIIDted to Plush Mill Road. Wallingford. I ~~~~l or baby-sitter. Call Klngs- Ibe undersigned wbo reQUBBta all LOwell 6-4551. I, 3-4709. _sons bavlng clalms Of demands I .. ------------~ lw'ANITFm _ Used' and anllque fu .. IIPIDst the. Ealate 01 the. de~edent FOR SALE _ BOw front mabogany Dishes. coins. stsmps to mike knoWD Ibe same. and aIlper- chesl. $40. Large mahogany mil- LlJdl 6-0574 LEhl ·_8 ..,dehted to tbe decedent to rot. $15. Brazillen cedar chest·I~~~r;:~' co°;;;wruurtoi~·;;~;;W;ghfu lUIIe _ .. t ,without del...,. to $15.Cbeap- studio coueb, refrige .. Alma au_f. Aamiflilitratds, or to ator. kitchen dresser. two beds. - Coml'anlon for elderly ber Atton;..., Donald S. Gut"ilp.. 25 etc. 4 04 VBssar Avenue. Klngswood her Florida home ibis East Plftb Street, Chester. Pennsy1- 3-4961. wi~~er. Leave late September. LO- ~a. 3T-9-7 .::.....::::..:.:.:..--------------1 6-8371. . , FOR SALE - O. E. Refrigerator; -;NTiD-::S;;;;;ilf;;;;;~;j~~; I JewelrE" ReMPalILredSpphI' EKSl3-4216 Crib, complete $6. Small washing WANTED - Small rumlshed machine. $12. Large revolving fan ment or room by lady $12. 8 MM movie ·camera. $15. student. Call KIngswoo,:! WATCHMAKER 1900 Columbia Graphophone and I--------------....,.--...,.,~ F I of F C D_'_ nd Son cycllnders. make ofrer. Two ladder WANTED - Good home for white OiUar y •• --a • back chairs. Klngswood 3-0618. killens with black and orange FIne Watcb and 128 Yale Ave. ... harlequin markings. Well house-lock Repairs Swarlhmore. Pa. FOR _ Transfonner Lionel broken. Klngswood 4-2651. Tralnmaster' type V. 150 watt. Klngswood 3-1448 PERSONAL Lat da;y an elector ma;y I8move from one eleetlon disulct to another in order to be permUted to vote in the new '!iee­tion dislrietrat tbe General Election; Persons monoe after thJs date ma;y vote In old election district if otherwise qualified. Sept.ber 17th Last da;y all electOrs ma;y l8g1ster w vote at the General Election. Thls includes electors who will become of age on or before November .,n., 1962. September 17th Last da;y for an elector who bss I8moved Into a new elec­' tion district to give noUce to the Registration Commission In order to be permitted to vote in the new election district at the General Election. The removal card must set forth a removal date into the new election district which cannot be later than september 7th., COURT HOUSE HOURS Regular business houts up to and including Monday, sep­tember 17th. Monda;y through Frida;y - 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Together with such additional houts as deSignated below: September 7th September 8th September 14th S,e ptember 15th Frlda;y Saturda;y Friday Saturda;y 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. HOURS fOR ROVING REGISTARS - 2 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Date of Registration Bor .... gh, Town or Tow~shlp Location Septem, b.r 11 N.ther Providence Twp. Neth.r Providence High School, Nether Provld.nce Elementary School Moor. Road Borough Hall. Park & Dartmouth Sept.mb.r 11 Providence Twp. September 17 Swarthmore Dorough Mrs. Clothier of Rose Tree.Media. entertained In honor of Miss Josephine Haubner.daugh­ter at Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Haubner of Wallingford at a lunch­eon on Monday. Miss Haubner will become the bride of Mr. Rlchllrd Gordon Hughes on Saturday at the Swarthmore Trinity Episcopal Church. John W. Snape. Jr., of Norfolk. Miss Roherta Nygard of Mari­etta avenue lert on WedAesday for a two-week tour of the Hawaiian Islands. Piciure Frami., IOGER RUSSEll WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes and Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed. General Hauling I $15; Transformer. American Flyer 6, 75 watt. 115: Lawn" mower, power, $25. Crafta •• selr-propelled. reel type; Bicycle. boy's 26 Inch Eng: lIsh type. $12; Reconi Player. 45 portable. RCA, automatic changer. like new.· $30. KIngswood 3-7661. PERSON AL - qarpentry jobbing, Conn •• has been vlsiling his grand­recreatiott rooms, book cases.. parents in Swarthmore, Dr. and perches •. L. J. DonneilJ', Kings-wood 4-3781. Mrs. J. F. McKernan of Rutprs Photographic Supplies BrATB .. MONRO. IIT8. Hanllng Ave •. Morton. Po. I. ~, ;::==========~. FOORrc bSaArLdsE. -PrPoveaidcebnecse. ERIo aRda nnceb~o MillY Elle. /lOse Tree. Open 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. FLORIST South Ch"ler KI 3-8093 SPECIAL PRICE ON EXTERIOR ED AnUS 800 Fairview Road FOR - Aatiques, Country rockers, side cbalrs. and reruabed. 3-2165. FOR SALE - Swarthmore. excel-lent Investment. apartment house. Tbree apartments plus private room and bath. $3000 •. retu,,, annual Income. Price $27,000. Klngswood 4-2190. FOR ReNT FX>R RENT - Interestingly fumlsh-ed, garden-set house for school season or longer, four bedrooms. 225 Wallingford Avenue, Wailing-' ford. LOwell 6'8371. avenue last week and Mr ;and Mrs. PERSONAL-Plano luning speclal- J. Roy Snape of Harvard avenue 1st. minor repairing. Quajilled 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ memher Plano Technicians" O\IUd. ten years. Leaman. KIngswood 3-5755. AUTO DRIVING ~CHOOL PERSONAL - CUstom-made slip , 5 covers. Pin fitted In your home. KI 4-377 You supply material. I make them. (L ) 0 . Wor!< guaranteed. prompt service. Louis ou ronzlo cLearbrook 9-6311. 1343 PERSONAL - Gilbert's Iltearn Wall I~~~~~~~~~~~:~ scraping, remove .paint over Pllller. Interior palnting. George Gilbert. "l'Remont 4-7082. PERSONAL - Roofing, spouting. gutters. Recreatlon rooms a specialty. Ray J. Foster. GLobe 9-2713. - THOM SEREMBA. fumlture renovated 35 years experience. repaired. $8. up. THE BIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU SUNDAY ·8:45 . a.m. WFIL. 560 kc MEDIA LOwell 6-21'6 OPBN PRIDAY BVBNINOl3 .JOHNS MANVU.I.E Aluminum Siding Parch Enclosure. Enameled whlte.torm windows Insulation and Ro .. 1inll Al.l.' '.1..'_.. .a.._... .." 11'::. PENNA B80FlNG A SIDING 00. 11_._, P .. ....... STAMPS AND COINS --,-_-.-_- ..-... BOUGHT AND SOLD Ford •• •• P.t And Hobby Shop 627 Baltimore Pike Springfield. P a. .1<14-0121 West Sid. of A & P FOR RENT - Apartment half block from station and bus. LIving of room, bedroom, tile bath, kltchen­dinette. Available Immediately. and slip covers In your '-i;;;;;";. our samples. 11 years I references. Free 6-7592. ELNWOOD Conyaleseenl HOlle Quoket:J Mara DIAlo, t) i) e D Jade Prichard PAINTING D INTERIOR &. EXTERIOR D D [; 11 Fte1! EStimatES Klaeswoed 3-8761 AIR CONDITIONERS AMANA CARRIER CHRYSLER GENERAL ELECTRIC: $159.95 up FACTORY AUTHORIZED Sales and Service Po..- .... '- All CIea".,. Raymond J. Dawson 210 West SIne St., Me4111 0,... h. ..... 7:.-'P .... (E.ceptWed. & ie ••• I .. p' Call KIngswood 3-3811. FOR RENT - Large efficiency room overlooking Country Club employed woman. Phone TRemont 2-2531. FOR RENT - Garage. 739 Yale Avenue, $4. per month. RENT - Apartmellt In beauti­fulsunoundlngs; luge uVing" room bedlOOms. tile bath. dinlnl kUchen. deek porch. garage. transportaUon.Adults. $120. FOUND ! 'lTrOll ROOfIlI6i ,~. COMPANY !: ., established J873 • ' PERSONAL China and glass repaired. Parchment paper lamp shades recovered. Miss I. P. Bunllng. Klngswood 4-3492. PERSONAL - Auto driving In-struction. Ap""lnted by the De­partr. ent of Public Instruction to offer a course leading to full op­erating privileges at age 17, re­sulUng in loweriQsurance premium" EdwarJ F. Mau. 925 ~dgmont Ave­nue. TRemont 2·4346. PEHSONAL - .~itcr"tlons on eve nlng clot"es and .treet clothes KIngswood 306649. 6U1I1RS Free Esllllltas Baltimore Pike & Llncoin Ave. Swartlunore Established 1932 QUlle,. Restful Surroundings With Elcellent 24·Hour Nursing Care Klngswood 3-0272 FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICE BUDGET PLAN COAL VAN ALEN 'BROTHERS, INC. KJ W742 01' LB Z-zt48 i,i CUSTOM KITCHENS by H. D. C •• reh 3 PARK AVE •• SWARTHt.ORE Klngswood 4-2727 • _.' ." I. _~. .' , , Belvedere Convalescent Home 250., Chestnut st .• Chester TRemont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursing Care Aged. Senile. Chronic ConValescen~ Men and Women ExoelleatF\JOd· SpaclQIa GroundS Blue cross lIonoJed Eft. ...... .... ,... G.,.1ftIf CDIIft CiCIGi 'Slace ',.. ...... a ... 1401 RIcIIey A ..... ChI.I_, 'Go ft 11 •• 2-4719 II II.' ~1689 , September 7, 1982 , AWARDED'SCHOLARSHIP wbo have been awarded schOlar­ships by the UnIversity. Tbe value GeOffrey II. Nearlog, son of Dr. of these grants varies from an and Mra. HOmer Nearing. CheStnut bonorary award wltb no stipend to avenue, baa been awarded a Milton a mllll1mum of rull collep es- S. Com/cort SCholarShiP to· the Unl·. penses. depending on need. verslty coNlocbester. Geoffrey wtll begin hlsfr.eshman A graduate of Swarthmore High year In September. Schon1. be Is one of 260 students . ____________ _ SWARTHMORE· RUTLEDGE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT The Statutory audit report for the school year ended July 1. 1962 med with the Prothonotary. Court of Common Pleas, Del­aware County on the 24th day of August 1962, In accordance with the requlremenls of Section 24'32 of the Public School Code of 1949 will be confirmed absolutely unless an appeal Is taken within thlrtl' days of filing. . Condensed financial statements are as follows: BALANCE SHEET July I. 1962 ASSETS; Cash In hank and on hand: General fund Cafeteria fund Activities fund Sin king fund $158.474.58 2,213.01 13.482.31 1.40 Accounts receivable: Uncollected taxes prior years Ottler Invlintorles: . Text books, at estimated cost Food, etc. 174·,171.30 5,008.39 870.99 34.384.00 , 688.82 Grounds, buildings and contents 2,183;188.64 $2,398,312.14 LIABILITIES: Accounts payable. salarle6. wages. withheld payroll taxes. etc. $ 111.824;65 Bonde>i indebtedness. with vote of electorate Series H. 1953. due serially at the rate of $20,000 per year. with fnterest at 2 liS per cent GenBfal fund Cafeteria fund Activities fund Sinking fund Invesled in fixed assets net of bonded indebtedness FUNDS: . $116,042.32 3,772.82 13.482.31 1.40 1,943.188.64 240.000.00 321,824;65 2,076.487.49 $2,398.312.14 STATEMENT of CASH RECEIPTS and DISBURsem*nTS of the GENERAL FUND for the year ended July I, 1962 Balanee, July 2. 1961 $1.06,062.99 Receipts: Taxes. current year including penalties: Real estate $001.897.58 Per capita 49,150.65 Realty transfer 24.356.81 DellnQ.uent taxes and penalties State appropriations Revenue from, federal government Tuition 675.405.04 4,683.39 242.064.27 2,572.00 • 24;555.92 3.030.00 6.832.73 4.779.44 Rent from school facUlties Interest Oil time deposits Other Disbursem*nts: $983.922.79 Expenses of general control $46,982.68 E:xpenses of instruction 564,497.99 Auxiliary agencies and coordinate activities Operation of plant Maintenance of plant Fixed charges (employees retirement, etc.) Debt service (Including $25.312.60 transferred to sinking fund an.:! $8 7050.00 rentals paid to . . 14,811.26 82,448.62 14,501.72 50,382.07 authority) 112.362.60 Captlal outlay 17,286.61 Other 8.237.65 Excess of receipts over disbuisem*nts Balance. July I, 1962 $911,511.20 ESTIMATED BORROWING CAPACITY July 1. 1962 Net 'aSsessed valuation. 1962 as reported by 52,411.59 $158.474.58 Board tor the Assessment.and Revision of Taxes. Delaware County $9.031.850.00 Indeb~edness allowed by law. (1 per· cent of assessed valuation) Outstanding Indebtedness. JIIiY 1. 1962 Deduetions allowed by law: Cash In sinking fund Revenue 1962-63 appli­cable to reduction . $240.000.00 $1.40 of Indebtedness $19,998,60 $632,229.5C $20,000.00 Net debt Estimated borrowing capacity $220,000.00 THE· SWARTHIIOREAN Pa .. " Mrs. Wayne Randail of North Gearp S. Macpberson. 8011 of Swarthmore avenue IIDd .... s.·Rus- Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Macpher­seU .11. Kent 01 Dartmoutb avenue son'oI CorneU avenue,andTbOmas spent the Lallor Day weekend II. BOnnell. son of Mr. and Mra. visiting In Elmira. Skaneateles Allen T. Bonnell ., WoDlnglQrd. and IIbsca, In NorUern New York wlll)le amoog the 131 members Slate. of tbe freshman c1us at Haver- . Mrs. II. Go RlDcWfe 01 lIbaill HaftD a_ wUl ellterlaln tile. student mIrR8 of tbe __ • Professor and Mrs. Melvin C. ford College who will begin a ftve­Molstad return to tbelr home In day orlentaUon prorram on Sep­Rose Valley ibis week following tember 18. Classes wUl begin a year In Tokyo wbere Professor September 25. George Is a grad­Molstad was teaching chemical uate of Friends' Central School. engineering at the University of Thomas Is a graduate of Nether Med1cal CaUete SC_I 01 JIVrsIIIc at ber Ocean City hOme tomorrow. The .vent 1B In a_I all.., auliDc far the lIIll"aea. Mra. RIn­c1lfte Is a-member of Ue 8OU'd of Corporators of Ue eollep. Tokyo. . n. J.provldence High SChool. Miss Barbora B. Keol of Dart­mouth Ilveoue was tbe guest Oftr the weekend of Mr. and Mra. Oscar A. Klamer In WbIPP"DJ. N. J. Boneless Round STEAKS or ROASTS lb. NONE PRiem HIGHER FRESH CHICKEN LEGS lb. 4'gc BREASTS SSe: lb. WINGS lb. ZOe (NONE PRICED HIGHER) ----~-- FRESH CRAB MEAT ClAW 8ge REGUlAR $1 09 '·Ib. can 1·lb. can • 1IIIIIIIIi 111111 J I 111111 I 11111111111111 1111111 1111 II 111111 1111111111111111111 c BANQUET or MORTON MEAT PIES CHI:::: ~=KEY 6 ...... 15° ,kg •. DEL MONTE YELLOW OLING PEACHES TIP TOP ASPARAGUS SPEARS JANE PARKER IGED SPANISH BAR I SAVE 4c I SGOnlSSUE Z 2toOL 250 canl Z '4~ •. ~ .. calli .,.,... lOch 36e 3 ron. 3&0 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NONE PRICED HIGHER GRAPES 2 ICEBERG LETTUCE NONE PRICED HIGHER Ibs. 29C 2 I .. rllle 2ge heads Neslles GoHee INSTAN! ....... 61" SAVE 6c ior Tomato Sauce HUNrs 6 .... L 630 c ... . Maxwell· House INSTANT 6-0 •. 9ge COFrEE jar . S M' LlnDN'S . DUP II CNICKEN NOODt.E pk •• 2ge of 2 Handr And, RinSD Blue 1500 •• 39c 28-0 •• 61e boH'. boH'.- Tomato Juice HUNrs Z ~:. 5&e Tomalo Paste HUNPS. 6 !::'1&a Surf Delergenll SA~"I 2 ~::. 53e 2 lor •• 61e IwIx •• Silvardust Fluffy All Vim TabletS with dish cloth Z 10 ••• lie box •• Rinso Blue Swan Liquid I s~~EI Lifabuor Soap L-ifebuo, Soap . g;anl 1ge box 22-oz. 64e bottle 2 both size 33e bar> SpI'J SHORTENING '~:. 32e ::: •. 85e JIF BlnER LUI Soap lui Soap Airwick DEODORANT WITH MUSHROOMS • • • SPAGHml SAlCE CHEF BOY·AR-DEE PARA CRYSTALS GLICK'S l·lb. 39c pkg. pk •• 41 0 .f 24 4 ~.ul.r. 390 .. a:. bon 3 bath II .. 440 bo .. 12:oz. 43C laf 15V2-oz. 210 can 2Va·lb. 85c Ilkg. LESTOIL SPARKLE SCENT 15-0z. 31e 28-0z. 63C bottle bottle , SAVE 8c on 2 Bottles 2 15·oz. bottles 6&0 SAVE 7c 5e. 28-0z. bOttle U-LUX LIQUID DETERGENT I S~:E I rs.wEl DETERGENT ~ \"SAvEl DETERGENT ~ COIDENSED ALL DETERGENT I S~:CE I 'RICES EffECtiVE THROUGH SATUROAY. UPTIM8E. quart 7" bottle iT quart bottle V2-gallon $1 23 can • giant &7' pkg. . •

---------- Page 5 ----------

tB ASS'N CALLS FOR ARTISTS The Delaware County Tuberc:u­losls and Health AssoclaUon this week remlDded area artists that they have unUI October 1 to submit L,ONS CLUB TO HOLD CLAMBAKE SATURDAY The Swarthmore Lloos Club WIll bOld Ita first ofCIclal get-toge~r Of tbe year at a clambake ·to oe held tomorrow at the' home of Gus Titus on Swarthmorel'vewe. Baseball and other spcrts WIll designs for the 1964 Christmas start at 2 p.m. Dinner WIll be Seal to tbe National Tuberculosis served at 5:30. 10 the event of Association. , rain •. tbe clambake will be held The artist whose design Is on Sunday. selected wnl receive a cash award, . ______ _ plus natiOnwide. PUbllCItYCOnnectedl NEWS NOTES with the Christmas Seal Campaign of that year. Mr. and Mrs. John Keitt. will A leaflet. "A Call For Artists," I move shortly from IU1ltop road. has been prepared that provides: Wallingford. to 1161 WInWOOd,. complete Information. including Lake Forest, m. Mr. Keitt has exact spacU!catlons. aboutthe COn- been transferred by Chilmplon test. It can be obtafned by writing, Papers,lnc.. to theChicagooUice. to the Delaware County Tuber-' Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam B. Patton culosls and Health Association at of Haverford place returned home 9th and Welsh Streets. Chester. Monday eveDlng from Towanda Pennsylvania. or by telephoning where they spent the holiday week­TRemont 6-8297. end vislUng Mrs. Patton's parents Mr, and Mrs. Paul B. Banks at "I Saw It In The Swar~hmQ..real!" their summer home. At the Request of Local School Administrators TEMPLE UNIVERSITY offers a Graduate Level College Course at SWARTHMORE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Beginning Wednesday, September 19, 1962 Registration ••• First Night of Class Designed to meet Advanced Degree and • Certiflc:ation Requirements. The Course is taught by a regular TEMPLE UN.VERS"Y Facu.ty Member .•• and win carry 3 5.emester Hours of CoUege Credit ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 105 Child Development 3 Semester Hours of Credit Wednesday 4 P.M ...• Dr. Ruth Towne' Swarthmore Senior High School '. THE !lWARTHMORE~N New Books at Public Library FICTION - Jane Barry. A Time In tbe SUn. David Beaty. The Wind off the sea. John Christopher. The Long Winter. Joo Cle~ry, The Country of Marriage. WllmaDyke­man. The Tall Woman. C. S. Forester, lIoroblower and the Hotspur. Brlao Glanville. Dia­mond. Ronald Hardy. Act of Destruction. Paul Horgan, Moun­tain Standard Time. Victoria Lincoln. Charles. Francolae Mal­met- Jorls. Tbe Favourite. Edgar Allan Poe. The Complete Tales and poems. Katherine Anne Porter. Ship of Fools. GraceZar­Ing Slone, Althea. NON-FICTION - William 'Bar­clay. The Acts of the Apestles. James Warner Bellah, Soldiers' Battle: Gettysburg. Bruno Bettel­helm. Dialogues with Mothers. Paddy Chayefsky, Gideon. Anna Chennault. A Thousand Springs. Donald B. Chidsey. The American Privateers. Randolph S. Churchill. Churchill: HIs Lite In Photographs. Lane Cooper. ,The Greek Genlous and Its Influence. Thomas B. Cos­taln; The Last Plantageneta. Dalal Lama, My Land and My People. Ernest Gordon. Through the Valley of the KwaI. Marshall Hall. K",ght In the Sun. Sibyl Hathaway, Dame of Bark. Louis E. Lomax, The Negro Revolt. Michelangelo. I, Michelangelo. Sculptor. John MIl­ton. Areopagltlca. Clark R. Mol­lenhoff. Washington Coverup. Dan Tyler Moore. Cloak and Cipher. Gerald Moore, Am I too ,Loud? Alan Moorehead; The Blue Mlle. Jack Olsen. The' Climb to Hell. Samuel Pepys, The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Milo Quolte, The History of the United States Flag from the Revolution to the Present. Hugh ,Edward Richardson. A Short History of Tibet. Andrew Carndutf RitChie. Sculpture of theTwentieth Century. Abraham Rosenbach. A book HUnter's Hollday,Adventures with Books ,!nd Manuscripts. Mar­cemoe Hemingway Sanford. Anhe Hemlngways. Arthur Schnitzler, Analol. George N. Shuster, The Ground I Walked On. Joseph Ii. Smith. Colonial Justice In Western Massachusetis (1639-1702). spcrts lllustrated, . Spcrts lllustrated Book of Safe Driving. Barbara W. Tuch­man, Tile Guns of August; P. G. Wodehouse. Authorl Authorl Paul E. Zinner. Revolution In Hungary. REFERENCE - Helen Comstock. The Concise Encyclopedia of An­tiques. Volumes 3. 4. and 5 (Helen Brown Memorial). Wllhur W. White. White'S Political Diction­ary. U. S. BOND PURCHASES Purchases ofU. ·s. Savings Bonds In Pennsy!vantIl during July were 16 per cent greater than a year ago. reperts Charles S. Krumrlne. state chaIrman of the SaVIngs Bonds organization. In Delaware County. July sales amounted to $640.261. Weekend Special I Swift's Premium oast It costs no more to enjoy the Best fit ••• The .:. ' .. 13 YE~R RECORD Marie Louise For8J.1be Fl1rvIew road, received herballetecllcatloo from Clltherlne Llitleneid of PhIl­adelphia, VUzak-Shollar of New · York, former pa~ei of Pavlova, Bernice Holms of ChiCago, and BaHet Arts of New York~ Following her ballet study, MIss Forsythe danced prote.~lonally In the legitimate theatre In New York for three years. and did solo work In television. She Ia a former member of the Littlefield Bal.let Company and tbe Radio City Bal.­let Corps. One Of her pupils Is now a member of the Radio City Rockettes. Her pupils appear fre­quently before various Delaware County Women's Clubs. Miss Forsythe has taught In Delaware County for 13 years. DOG TRAINING SCHOOL BEGINS NEW COURSE The Dog Training School of Del­aware County will begin the oext course In dog obedience traIning on .Wednesday .evenlng. Septemher .12, at Swartlrinore High School. Beginners classes will start at 7:30 and 8:30: Novice abd open dogs WIll be tralned at 9:30 p.m. Local graduates from the cur­rent course are: David L. Hart·s MIXed dog "Lass", Ogden avenue; HarryP. Buzan's GermanShepherd "Shep", 11)56 Georgetown road. Mrs. Charles E. Ennis's Boxer "Bar­on" ~ 250· Haverford avenue. · Rosalie & Sandy Pelrsol's Beagle uCimmy", Lafayette avenue. COUNTY GARDEN CLUB PLANS EXHIBITION I' The Delaware County Garden Club will hold Its fall Eiuubltlon' Th~rsday Evening September 20. Entries must. be placed from 6 · to 8 p.m. and removed by 8 p.m. Friday evening, september 21, In the Community Federal Saving & .Loan Building. Sproul and state roads, Springfield. NOn - members are welcome. . . -. ;' . ,~'- , .. -, . Se,pteDlber 7. 1962 . COM.PLETES sUMMER SERYlCE WITH AFSC David MorrlsonofNorthC .... ster rOad completl!dworldDg 011 the. .$.merlcan Frle ..... Service Com­mittee work- project OD. the' Tule River Tqdlao Reservation In southerD California last saturday. Hia plans Include hltchhlklng back througb TlaJuana, Meltico, Texas. New' Orleans, Atlanta and on back home. Dave will begin his second year at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y •• on september 20. TO TEACH AT HAVERFORD New faculty apP,Ointments at Haverford College Included Lucius R. Shero of North Chester road. visiting professor of classics who will teach one course during the , first semester; and Frederick W. Turner. 3rd. of Wallingford, who will be a part-time Instructor In English. MODERN DRUGS ... YOUR BEST Modern drugs may save your lile - 'Bpd at, reany reason­able · costs. They almost al· " ways reduce your total cost of sickness because they are 'So effective. We regularly carryall the new products. so bring your· prescriptions to us. Fair prices, always. A G. CATHERMAN PHARMACIST 17 South Chester Road Swarthmore, Penno. • STORE) HOURS M..-, & Frldoy ,.30 A.M. fa , P.M. T .... , ..... 1M ... , s.t. ':30 fa 5:30 EDGEMONT .t.YEIWE, seVENTH 'AND WELSH STREET SEMI:-ANNU AL S~ I 4] ~J ~T 41 I/~_ FUll·FASHIONED and SEAMlES~ STOCKINGS Reg. 1.00 79c fUU fASH,I ONED WALKING-SHEER AND DRESS-SHEEI SPI':,o\RE'S BOS'.:Rl'­) lala Floor Reg. 1.15 99c SEAMLESS MICRO-MESH nAT·KNIT AND MICIO-MESK 5-T·I-I-T.(.H SEPT. 4th Through SEPT. 15th ONLYI , SEP 141962 S\'lnrthnol'o Collegtr L1brnr~ SVlarthmore l'p. THE SWARTHMOR VOLUME 34 - NUMBER 37 ARTS CENTER OPEN HOUSE SEPT. 23 REGISTRATION, TEA WILL SET OFF ACTIVE SEASON As a harbinger for Its 1962C 1963 season. The Community Arts Center, 408 Rogers lane, Walling­ford, has planned an Open House to be held on Sunday. September 23. Tea will be served from 2 until 5 p.m. Highlight of the occasion will be the opening of the 15th annual faculty exhibition. Mrs. Arthur Freedman of Springfield, faculty chairman. sug­gests that the Open House affords an excellent opportunity for pros­pecllve students to meet with faculty members on an Informal I basis and to see samples of their work. The Open 1I0use will also serve as registration day. although stu­dents may register for courses any time between now and Mon­day. October 1. the first day of classes. by calling the Arts Center office at LO 6-1739. The Office Is open Monday through Thursday from 9 to 4:30 p.m. and Satur­day from 9 to 1 p.m. The' AI"ts Center offers courses for all age groups - children, teenagers, and adults. Classes for beginners as well as for advanced students will be given In palnt­ing1 sculpture,. crafts, danCing, dramatics, and music. Gerald Kynett of Wallingford, a new member of the Arts Center faculty, will give a courSe entilled uean the stock Market Work for You?" Mr.. KynetHs course Is designed to give a practical ex­planation of stocks and bonds and the art of Investing •. Another new member of the faculty Is Albert Serwazl of New­town Square. A painter and winner of many awards, Mr. Serwazi studied at the Pennsylvania Mu­seum and School of Industrial Art and at the Pennsylvania Academy Of Fine Art. His goal Is to help each student to see and to de­velop his own creative ideas In palnJlng. • Kay Spina Is also a new faculty member. A resident of Newtown Square, she Is a winner of 44 palnllng awards and Is a Fellow of the Academy. She will teach a Saturday morning class for par­ents and teenagers. Alice Crost of Wallingford, an­other new faculty member I will teach the Junior Theatre's first year students. Corrine Kaufmann of Havertown,· who teaches Modern Creative Dance for Children, is Introducting a new course this year J "Modern Exercise for Women," to be held Thursdays from 10 to 11 a.m. The Arts Center cordially In­vites all Interested residents of Delaware County to attend Its Open House on September 23. KINGHAM NAMES DISTRICf LEADERS Dr. Harry W. Kingham. Super­intendent of Schools, has announced the appelntment of elgM depart­ment heads who wUl funcllon on a .dlstrlct -wide level In a co­ordinatlve and supervisory capaci­ties. The new department heads are: Mrs. Hanna K. Mathews - English. Harry Oppenlander - Science. Halfred Wertz - Mathemallcs, Ernanl Falcone - Social Studies. Adeline Strouse - Modern Foreign Language. Millard Roblnson­Physical Educallon. Robert Holm - Music, James Gal!!Or - Art. SCHOOL NIGHT There will be a School Night Program at Swarthmore High School Tuesday, September 25. at 7:30 p.m. At that lime Parents will follow a typical day'S program. SWARTHMORE: PA.~FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1962 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECIURE MONDAY A public lecture on Christian Science will be presented In First Church of Christ. SCientist. 206 Park avenue, next Monday evening at 8:15 p.m. Man's purpose and destiny as a child of God will be the topic of the lecture to be given by WIlliam M. Correll of Cleveland. Mr. Correl! Is a member of The Christian SCience Board of Lextureshlp. He entered the public practice of Christian Science heal­Ing atter his mllltary service In France during World War n. and has also been an authorized leacher of the religion for a number of years. . More recently, he has partiei­pated In a sel'ies of Christian SCience television and radio pro. grams. Mr. Correll graduated from Oberlin College. majoring In mathematics and philosophy, and is a native of Missouri. -----_ .. FAMILY NIGHT TO HEAR DR. MRS. F.W.NEWMAN Dr. Frank W. Newman, senior surgeon and physician of the 250 bed Central Hospital. Elat. Came­roun, Africa, and his wile will speak at the Presbyterian Church Family Night Sunday evening. Sep­tember 16. The Newmans were sent to China as medical mission­aries in 1936 but were forced to leave when missionaries were ordered out. They began their work In the Cameroun In 1952. Mrs. Newman is a registered nurse in charge of the X-ray work and the operallng rooms and directs nurses training. Dr. New­. 'man has been appelnted to the staff of Norwich HospUal, Nor­wich, Conn., while on furlough this year. The Newmans have spoken at the church in former years. Sev­eral years ago the church under­took to furnish funds for the com­pletion of the hospital's recovery rOQm. Their appearance hereSun­day evening Is mutually antiCipated. The date Is earlier than expected, since Dr. Newman will be unable to accept later dates. due to his hospital appointment. It is hoped that church families and any others Interested will take note of the date and arrive at McCahan Hall promptly at 6:30. with sandwiches In hand for the Infonpal, picnic type meal which will be enjoyed together before Dr. Newman's talk and pictures. Dessert and beverages will be available at the church. There will be no chlldren'spro­gram, since church parents have stated their conviction that child­ren ·of school age prefer to hear the speakers and see the films offered. PHILA. ORCHESTRA MGR. SPEAKS HERE Junior Club Opener Inviles All Interested Roger Hall, manager of the Philadelphia Orchestra. will launch the new season lor the Swarthmore Junlor Woman's Club Tuesday evening, September 18, at 8 p.m., with an informative and anecedotal account of "Back­stage at the Philadelphia Orches. tra." Hall, a Wynnewood resident, has spent many years j 'backstage", having been the national sales manager of Capitol and Angel Classical Records and the as­sistant manager of the Chicago Symphony. He isalso the business administrator for the Academy of Music. Tuesday evening he plans to view the Philadelphia Orchestra as a business corporation bring­Ing into focus Its personalities and recent tour to the West Coast. Residents are cordially Invited, without charge, to come to the Woman's Clubhouse, 118Park ave­nue, Tuesday evening to hear Mr. Hall speak. Those young women of the SWarthmore area who are interested in becoming members of the club are particularly urged to come or to call the membership chairman, Mrs. David Ffrench, 318 Yale avenue, KI 3·3779. List New Chairmen Also Tuesday evening the new officers and committee chairmen of the club will conduct their first business meellng. They are: PreSident, Mrs. Rodney G. Miller; Vice-president, Mrs. Wil­liam E. Schmldhelser Jr.; Re­cordlng Secretary, Mrs. Robert H. Heinze; CorrespondIng Secre­tary, Mrs. J. Lawrence Shane; Treasurer, Mrs. Frank W. Tolani Director, Mrs. Thomas S. Linton; Senior Advisor. Mrs. John Pinkston. Community affairs, Mrs. Gordon L. Wahls; fine arts, Mrs. Charles H. Keyes; art. Mrs. Ii. David Leslie Jr.; drama, Mrs. Harold M. Tague; llterature, Mrs. Richard H. Reuther; logbook, Mrs. Thomas S. Linton and Mrs. Donald R. Aikens; mUSiC, Miss Sue Bauer; year book, Mrs. John R. Meyer Jr.; hospitality, Mrs. T. George Van Hart Jr.; International affairs. Mrs. Rex L Gary Jr.; member .. ship, Mrs. David Ffrench and Mrs. John R. Agler; program, Mrs. William E. Schmidheiser, Jr.; publicity. Mrs. James L Head; religion, Mrs. Robert L. Lamber­son; and telephone, Mrs. Robert S. Marrs. WILPF MEETS SEPT. 20 The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, SWarthmore Branch, starts US SCAC DRIVE GAINS ENERGY 1962-63 season on Thursday, sep· 'Iember 20 at 1 O'clock In Whittier At a meeting held Monday Sep- House, SWarthmore College Camp­tember 10, It was reported that us. with a meellng open to all - memberships came in steadily members and non members. during the past week. A follow-up The theme: "Know the WlLPF" campaign of personal contact will will Involve small group d1s­be started shortly. cussion ot our basic policies and Coach Robinson gave a brief why WILPF Is concerned about talk on the development of the the headilnes •... Cuba. Berlin, nu­football squad to date both at camp clear tesllng.lntegratlon etc. Some and at practice on Rutgers Field. of our own branch chairmen, Edna A meellng Is scheduled for Mon- Wagner. Mrs. Richard Wray. and day September 17 at 8 p.m. In Mrs. Joseph Goldberg will led the the High School Cafeteria to which discussion which will be moderated all mothers are Invited. by Mrs. Frederick Tolles. The subject presented by Mr. Robinson will be "How to Watch Your Son Play Football." 'Thls topic bas proved very Interesting In the past, not only giving mother a better understandingotthegame. but also shnwlng :he e(fJlpment that Is used for the protection of the players. Dudley D. Heath. Cross Country Coach, discussed the progress of his squad to date. NURSERY OPEN HOUSE The Swarthmore Friends Nurs· ery School will start Its school year on Monday. september 17. An Open House . will be held at the School on Whittier place from 9:30 a.m. to 1'1 a.m. All mothers of registered chlld­ren and their younger brothers and sisters are Invited to attend. .- _.- 1D TELEVISE RED CROSS GRAY LADY Mrs. George Plowman of Har­vard avenue, Red Cross Gray Lady serving as a volunteer at Coatesville Federal Hospital for the past 11 years, Is scheduled to participate In an NBC television Veterans Hospital Program to be taped today at the hospllal. It will picture the work of volunteers, American Legion and Red Cross, and is to be shown on Veteran's Day, November 11. Mrs. Plowman's work has been In recreation. A rhythm band will appear and she will be taped read­Ing aloud to pallents In the hos­pllal library. Three volunteer therapy services in regular oper­ation at Coatesville will be demon­strated: occupational. physical and educational. In the latter program veterans have been able to com­plete high school work and finish college. aM FAlL ••• ate lie t4JIUAl. EXCHAH Less spectacularly than nocks of wild geese flying south, but for the past 20 years just as regularly, the Swarthmore-Wo­man's- Club-sponsored Fall Mu­tual Exchange Is a signal of the approach of fall. ' Mrs. James Connor, chairman of the excmnges which conslgners and purchasers proclaim to be mutually helpful, announces that Tuesday, October 2, will open the four day event. Goods for ex­change will be received at the club on that date from 9 unlll 3 p.m. Selling will occur at the clubhouse On Wednesday and Thursday, October 3 and 4 and settlement on' Friday, october 5. Announcemenl of the Exchange date Is made as early as possible In order to permtt time for home­keepers to make a seasonal In­vestigation of housewares and family wardrobes, toys and books, in canny preparation for exchange­able items as well as replacement. the exchange committee issues its usual warning that hats ~nd shoes will not be handled. The committee has decided to ofIer clubmembers the opportunity to donate agaln jewelry for the club's own booth which Is under the Volunteer direction of Mrs. A. E. Longwell. Such donations must be in Mrs. Longwell's hands early in order that she may clean, mend and polish them well In ad­vance of the exchange. A box will be placed at Mrs. Longwell's home 222 Lafayette avenue for their receipt. New residents are advised that the exchanges are a neighborly, cooperative undertaking. Origin­ally begun as a rally to meet war time shortages, they have more than proved their usefulness, ac­cording to the. many Swarthmore women who have con!ributed long and laborious hours oC service to­ward their continuation. Goods are handled on a percentage basiS, the club's share being earmarked toward the maintenance of Its building and the upkeep of Its grounds. ------ HENDERSON in SRA POST At the last regular meeting of the Swarthmore RecreaUon As· soclatlon, It was deCided that In view of the additional recreational programs being sponsored by the ASSOCiation, the community could be better served with the appoint­ment of a Program Coordinator. As a result of this decision, the BRA Is pleased to announce that DOnald lIenderson has agreed to act as Supervisor of Activities for the following year. $4.00 PER YEAR AREA GARDEN CLUBS JOIN IN SEPT .22 SHOW Choose Wallingford School As Central Location _The gaI:den clubs of the Wall­Ingford- Medla-Swarthmore area will hold a flower show entitled 'I Autumn Highlights". it was an­nounced by Mrs. W. C. Gretzinger, general chairman of the event. The show will be held on September 22 at the Summit School. The following members will as­sist the chairman: Treasurer Mrs. W. It Lamason; schedule Mrs. Samuel Crothers. Jr.; staging Mrs. w. v. s~uter; properties Mrs. W. H. LamasoD; registration Mrs • R. B. Price; classification and passing Mrs. Virgil W. Ware; Judges and awards Mrs. Cad Castellan; hospitality Mrs. K. E. Vought; publicity Mrs. William C. Rowland; music and dis­mantl1ng Mrs. Joseph Lynch. Accredited judges will judge the entries supplied by the following garden clubs; Hill and Hollow J JUnior Providence, Mlnqua, Pine Ridge, Providence, Swarthmore, Twin Creek Gardeners, Village Gardeners, and the garden de­partment of the Swarthmore Wo­man's Club. Features include horticultural exhibits and arrangements, one of which w11l be a Sunday Night BufIet Table by each club par­tic pat ng. There will also be an educallonal exhibit. The show will be held at the Summit School. Plush Mill road, Wallingford. and will be open to the public from 3 until 9 p.m. There will be no admission charge. RED CROSS SEEKS MORE VOLUNTEERS The Swarthmore Branch of the American Red Cross issues an urgent request for Gray Ladies, Blood Program Aides and Nurses Aides. A training course for Blood Program aldes will be held at Red Cross Headquarters In Phila­delphia on september 27 for which registration will close on Septem­ber 21. A three hour course will accredit an aide. Reglstrallon may be made by calling Mrs. Robert M. Fudge. chairman of the local branch KI 3-5354. or Mrs. RoLert M. Grogan, chairman of volunteer servlc~s. KI 3-0314. An accred1ted alde Is quallt1ed to do any phase of volunteer blood work-staff aide, nurses !llde, gray lady or canteen. General orientation and Gray Lady courses will be given on September 25 in Norristown, on October 1 In Philadelphia. Regis­tration for the September course will close on Friday. September 15. Either Mrs. Grogan or Mrs. Fudge will be glad to furnish information about these or other volunteer services. In August, 17 volunteers Crom the Swarthmore Branch served 156 hours. Four Gray Ladles ser­ved 62 hou rs In area hospitals; eight volunteers statted a Blood­mobile visit at AcDie In Philadel­phia for a total of 57 1/2 hours; five others worked at the city center on the Blood Program, delivered cakes to hospitals, etc for 36 1/2 hours. JR. ASSEMBLIES NOTICE Swarthmore Junior Assemblies will begin In October. Any children who do not at­, ena Swarthmore Public SChOOls. but reside In the Borough and wish to apply for admission are asked to call Mrs. John Espen­chade, KI 3-7869. The Assemblies Include grades 6 through 9.

---------- Page 6 ----------

Page 2 PERSO ALS Mr. and Mrs. W. fL Gehring of University place wUl entertain. at open bouse at their home on Saturday and Sunday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Undy and their chl1dren Hugh Oldach 9, John OIdach 7, MargaretOldach 6, David OIdach 4andSarahOIdach 3, former residents of 405 Elm avenue moved last Thursday to their newly purchased home at 407 North Swarthmore avenue, the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones. Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Har­vard avenue and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson of Guernsey road will entertaln for the Captalns of the United Fund at a tea at the home of Mrs. Morse on Tuesday, Sep­tember 19. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole and family of North Swarthmore avenue have returned home alter spending the summer at their cot­tage at Rehoboth Beach, Del. Jack Poole has returned to Brown Uni­versity, Providence, R. LJ where he enters his sophom*ore year. Mrs. Paul Hummer of Rutgers avenue has returned from a tour of Europe where she visited Hoi­land, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France. Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of Mt. Holyoke place spent Wednesday In Harrisburg and Friday In Pitts­burgh attending the Platform Com­m Ittee Meeting of the Republican Party. On Saturday she attended the State Commtttee Meeting to accept the plaiform. All Of the Republican Candidates were pre­sent and spoke. Mrs. MacElwee as State President of the Pennsyl­vania CouneU of Republican Women also addressed the state Com­mittee. She will be traveling for two weeks with the Political Acttvlttes Caravan which covers all reglons of the State. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Banks of Harvard avenue returned home last Tuesday after spending the Bummer at their home tn Towanda, Pa. ROSIER - SNYDER The marriage of Miss Janet Ruth Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyder of Dartmouth avenue and Mr. Thomas D. RosIer, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rosier of Indianapolis, Ind., was solemnized In the Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon, I September 8, at 2 o'clOck,. The Rev. John C. Kulp officiated at the double ring ceremony. The altar was festive with a white arrangement of feathered and but­ton chrysanthemums and gladiolas. The bride's cousin Miss Joyce Koch of Hagerstown, Md., and Maryville College, Tenn., was the solOist. The bride was given In marriage by her father. Her gown was of lIoor length white sUk organza, the bodice fUted :wd trimmed with Imported chantilly lace. The sabrina neckline sparkled w!thse­qulns and seed pearls; the lull sktrt was appllqued with lace. The bridal veil was held by a lace Juliet cap outlined with sequins and seed pearls. She carried a white bouquet of roses and feather­ed mums, with Ivy. Buffet Luncheons 11:30 to 2:30 Served Daily BOTH HOT & COLD DISHES SUS Buffet Dinners Thursday 5 to 9 Sunday 3 to 8:30 S2.7S THE WILD GOOSE Route 1, Baltimore Pike (4 Mil •• W •• t of M.dla) CLOSED ON MONDAYS Morrison otGlenolden altended her as matron of honor. Miss Gloria Deeble of Havert'!wn and Miss Ruthe Simpson of Glen MUIs ser­ved as brldesmalds. The altendants were gowned In romance blue peau de sole styled with fitted bodlce and sc~p neck Unes. The bell skirts were accented with abutter­fly back with roseltes at the waist I\ne. Their headdresses were matching pearl trimmed crowns. They carried bouquets of taUsman roses and feathered chrysanthe-mums In fall shades. ' Mr. Morrison, the bride·s brother-In-law attended the brlde­groom as best man. Mr. WllIlam Madison of Glenolden and Mr. Davis Moscrlp of Dartmouth ave­nue served as ushers. The bride's mother chose a gown In a deep blue shade, with matching accessories. Her cor­sage was of yellow cymbidium orchids. The bridegroom's mother'scor­sage was of green cymbidium or­chids. Her gown was of yellow flowered taffeta with matching hat. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the cere­mony. Mr. and Mrs. Rosier will make their home at Newport, R. L The bride Is a graduate of Swarthmore \Ugh School and has been employed by Scott Paper Company. Her husband was school­ed at Indianapolis and Is nOW serving with the United StateR Navy. The bride'S aunts Mrs. Alfred Madison and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson were hostesses at the Rehearsal dinner Friday night at 300 Lyn­brook road, Springfield. Mrs. Charles Grier, Mrs. L. T. pur­nell, and Mrs. Don Dickinson had entertalned In her honor at the home of Mrs. Grier. She was also feted at occasions hostessed by Miss Rulh McLeod, of School lane Mrs. Edward Morrison of Glenolden and Mrs. Arthur Mos­crlp .of D-artmouth avenue. . HUGHES - HAUBNER The marriage of MlssJosephine Georgeanne Haubner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Haubner of Wallingford, to Mr. Richard Gordon Hughes, sbn of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Hughes also of WalUngford, took place on Saturday at 12 noon' In Trinity Church. The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer of­rIclated at the double ring Cere­mony. The altar decorations were white gIadlolas, fugl mums, emerald greens and white p*rn poms. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of light Ivory peau de sole. Tbe fitted bodice had long sleeves and a bateau neckline underscored with an applique of Alencon lace etched with seed pearls. The Intermission skirt with controlled front bad an a symetrlcally appllqued matching lace band. Folds drawn up to the carriage back were topped by a For MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Call MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN K13-2080 THE SWARTHMOREAN small butterny bow and fabric rose flowlnC to a chapel train. . Her three· tiered bouffant .... 11 of light Ivory was beld-with a crown of seed pearls and crystals. She carried a bouquet of white Fuji mums. Miss Alice Briencer Haubner. sister of tbe bride, was mald of honor, and the brldesmalds were Mrs. Tbomas Rome, Bergenlteld, N. J., sister of the bridegroom; Miss Barbara Master, Charles­town, W. Va.; Miss Evan Dague, Houston, Pa.; Miss Linda Celke, Pennfleld, N. Y.; Mrs. David Her­man, Baltimore, Md. All wore dresses of aqua organza with head­bands of leaf shaped organza with fore-veUs to match. Mr. William MulUn of Denver, Col., was best man for Mr. Hughes. The ushers were: Messrs. Rome, the bridegroom's brother-In-law; Ronald Baer, Pittsburgh; Rendell Strawbridge, Narberth; James Whitesell, Wallingford; JOhn Gold­smith, Annandale, N. J. The bride's mother was gowned In avocado green peau de sole over' a taffeta sheath with a hat of embroidered ribbon and shoes to match. Brown and green cym­bidium orchids on the matChing bag completed her costume. The bridegroom's mother chose a champagne organza sheath em­broidered In white with mink brown bat, shoes and gloves. Her corsage was of Phal.anopsls orchids. A reception was held at the Spring Haven country Club Im­mediately following the ceremony. Mrs. Hughes graduated from Linden 1Ili1l, Lititz, Pa., attended Muhlenberg College In Allentown, and Is working for tbe General Electric Company at Valley Forge In the Space and Missile Depart­ment. Mr. Hughes graduated from Solebury School, New Hope; Grove City College, Grove City; and Is associated with Girard Trust­Corn Exchange Bank. After a week's wedding trlp to Cape Cod, Mass., the young couple will reside In Secane. A rehearsal dinner was glven by the bridegroom's parents at their home on Friday evening. Others entertaining for the bride were Mrs. Thomas Rome, sister of the groom, ata tea on September 5. A linen shower was given by Mrs. John Bowers of Wallingford, and a kitchen shower by Mr s. Irving Marshman at Bowllrig Green. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. James R. Taylor 1Il of Drexel place announce the arrival of their third daughter, Melissa Jane, on August 23, 1962, at the University Hospital. 'ON THE BRIDGE 1 North Providence Rd. Ylallingford dlmln CUSTOM LAMP SHADES HAND PRINTED-FABRICS AND WALLPAPERS Pes;,gy MacNair KI3-7056 ••••••••••••••••••• September It, 1962 ............ The Bouquet SALON 9 Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6-0476 •••••••••••••• FORSYTHE STUDIOS OF THE ARTS' Ballet-Toe-Tap-Baton Modern Ja;zz.-BaiIJroo,ml Ch81m-Piano-Vocal-Drama-Art CHILDREN AND ADULT CLASSES TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE ENROLL NOW KI 3-3688 LE 4-1259 in MEDIA Over 30 Yean - Corner of State St. & South Ave. STERLING HEADQUARTERS OPEN FOR FRIDAY 'TIL' P.M. Reed & Barton SMALL WEEKLY Gorham PAYMENTS ON Towle OUR CLUB International PROGRAMS Heirloom NO BUDGET & Ofhers ORCARRYtNG JEWELRY & CHARGES WATCH LO 6-0981 REPAIRS Ss·.,Ss? • • S ••• SWARTHMORE HIGH ADULT A. A. TICKET DRIVE $5. 00 TICKETS COVER FREE ADMISSION TO ALL HOME GAMES OF ALL SCHOOL YEAR SPORTS TUFSDA Y EVENING 7 - 8: 30 P. M. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Friday S Saturday ~ ! Only : : SEPT. 14 ~ 15, 1962 ! ~;::::::::::::::::::~~~~I: 25% Off Each $8.00 : • : (or over) : ! STEIFF STUFFED ANIMAL! ~ : No Reordering : ! No Gift Wrapping : :• All Sales, Final :• EINSTEIN'S 100 PARK AVENUE (Now Under New Management) g~ u PROFESSIONAL • • : Large Selection : : For Xmas! : .:• TH'E CA MERA & HOBBY SHOP .:• : 4-6 Park Avenue, Swartlamore : • KI 3-4J9J FRI 9 to 8:30 : : ..................... ~ ........... . ALL KI 3·172J FOR OUR PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVIC J To 'Our Customers • • • for the Pleasant Relations WEARE LOOKING FORWARD WITH PLEASURE TO SEEING YOU AGAIN THE COMING YEAR -' • and Staff PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. CHESTER ROAD and YALE AVENUE Guaranteed Used Cars Telephones KINGSWOOD 3-1250 - 3-1251

---------- Page 7 ----------

4 THE SvrARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PINNA. PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE T. TOLD. publlshers Phone King_wood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor BARBARA B. KENT. Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsoi Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24.1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa .. under the Act of March 3. 1879. DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. _ ... oJ.u&!.l, t'ENNA. · ... RIDAY. 20. 1962 "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is that enough good men do nothing". There will he two services of Morning Worship at 9: 15 and at 11 0' clock on Sunday morning. From 9: 15 to 11 the second In the series of Church SchOOl Teacher Training Classes will meet. At 9:30 the Women's Bible Class meets In the Women'S As­sociation Room. At 10:30 the 10th Grade class and the Pre-College groups of the Church School will be In session. At 6:30 p.m. the first Fall Church FamUy Night will begin with a Ught supper in McCahan HaU. Families will furnish their own sandwiches. Dessert and bev­erage will be available at the church. The speakers will be Dr. and Mrs. Frank: W. Newman C1,cle chatrmen and their de­partment heads are reminded of the annual training workshop on Wednesday, September 19. The opening hour Is 9:30 a.m. Program, Sp1rltual Life, FeUowshlpandPro­jects chairmen from each circle are urgenUy requested to attend. Thursday evening, September CHURCH SERVICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH D. Evor Roberts, Minister RobertO.Browne,Assoc.Mi!\iste Minister of Christian Education S'unday, :;ep'tember 16 9: 15 A.M.-MOrning Norship 9: IS A. M.-Teacher Training 10:30 A.M.-Tenth Grade Class 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship 6:00 P.M.-College Picnic 6:30 p.M.~Family Night Pro-gram Tuesdoy, September 18 9:30 A.M.'-Mornlng pr.yers METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister Charles Schisler Mini ster of Music Sunday, September 16 11: 00 A. M.-Mr. Kulp will preach 7:00 P .M.-Br. High MYF Wednesday, September 19 8:00 P.M.-W~S.C.S. --'.~----, ..... -- TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layt"n P. Zimmer, Rector The Rev. George R. McKelvey Curate Sunday, September 16 (Trinity XIII) 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion and Word 9:30 A.M;-Holy Communion Ser' Sermon and Church School II: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Ser­mon and Church S chaol 7:30 P.M.-Evensong Monday, September 17 9:15 A.M.':'Mornlng Pr83'er Edmund Burke 20, at 8 p.m. nelgbborbooO ship chatrmen will meet In Mc­Cahan Hall. Church School sessions. wUI open on October 7. All students, former and new, are asked to complete the registration blanks rece1ved In the mall during Sep­tember. -----,.,..,- MeTHODIST NOTES Tonight at 6:30 the Pairs 'n' Spares will hold a banquet In Lansdowne. Mr. Kulp will he guest speaker. Mr. Kulp wUl begin a series of nine sermons on the Apostles' Creed under the theme "Beliefs That Conquer." His sermon this week at both the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services of Morning Worship wUl be "M1ghtler Than All Might." The Sacrament of Infant Baptism wUl be adm1nlstered Sunday after­noon at 2 p.m. The Senior High Fellowship meets SUnday evening at 7 p.m. at the church. On Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. In the Parlor, the Commission on Missions wUl bave Its first meeting of the fatl season. The Ladles Bible Class will hold Its regular meeting and covered dlsh luncheon at 12:30 Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Paul M. Paulson, 100 Park avenue. The Commtsslon on Membership and Evangelism wUl meet Wednes­dsy evening Ilt 8p.m.lntheParlor. Thursday morning from 10-2:30 p.m. Is the first sewing day for the Methodlst Hospital. The group will meet at the home of Mrs. Charle" Seymour, 408 Strath Haven avenue. FRI ENDS-';"M';';E-E-T--IN-C; NOTES Oil September Ibth, Friends and their families will hold the first of the season's Covered Dish SUpperI'. Friends are asked to bring lhelr "dish" and utensils. Beverage and dessert will be pro­'. Ided. SUpper begins at 6:30, and will be followed by the Monthly Meet­Ing for Business at 8 p.m. THE RELIGIOUS- SOCIETY Qf FRIENDS Sunday, September 16 10:30 A.M.-Hymn Si ng 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worsh1p , 12 Noon- Coffee Hour In Whit-tier House Monday, September 17 AlI-D83' Sewing for AFSC Tuesday, September 18 6:30 P.M.-Covered Dish Sup­per. 8:00 P.M.-Meeting for Bus­iness. Wednesday, September 19 All-Day Quilting for AFSC FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Park Avenue below Harvard 1: 15 P.M.-Evening Pra.ver Tuesday, Septembv 18 9:15 A.M.-Morning Pr83'er '7:15 P.M.-Evening Pr83'er Wedn.sday, September 19 (Ember Day) Sunday, Sept ....... 1& . l1:00A.M.-Sund83' Schoor , 11:00 A.M.-The Lesson Sermon 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7:15 P.M.-Evening Pr83'er '7:30 P.M.-Holy Communion Thursda,~ Sep.tember 20 9:15 A.M.-Morning Pr83'er 7:15 P.M.-Evening Pr83'er Friday, September 21 (St. Matthew) 9:15 A.M.-Morning Pr83'er 9:30.A.M.-Holy _Communion '7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer '7:30 P.M.-Holy Communion $oturdal, Septemb.r 22 (Ember Day) 9:30 A.M.-:-Hol), Communion , will be ·"Substance." , Wednesd83' evening meeting each week, 8 P.M. Reading Room, 409 Dartmouth Avenue, open week-days except hoUdays, 10-5; Friday evening 7-9. LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 900 Fairview Road Th. Rev. Jame. Barber, Minister Sunday, September 16 9:00 A.M.-Church School 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship THE SWARTHMOREAN September 14, 1962 in Home 10 Home SPOrtS program scbool ' A.A. Drive Tuesday Night, . year~ 'The swEEt sHop The third annual SWarthmore High School A.A. drive has been scheduled for Tuesday evening from 7-8:30 p.m. At this time a large contingent of Swarthmore High School girl and boy athletes and cheerleaders will canvas the borough In an attempt to sell as many adult A.A. tickets as pos­sible In support of the local school's broad and comprehensive sports program. The goal this year wUl be 300 tickets sold, and If reached, wUI go far In helping the A.A. to balance Its budget for the year. The adult A.A. Ucket entities the bearer to admission to All home sporting events, which in­cludes five Varsity football games and 10 Varsity basketball games.' The A.A. supports other sports sponsored by the .local school In­c udIng six girls hockey teams, six girls basketball teams and six girls lacrosse teams. Boys sports, 1ft addition to varsity football and basketball Include junior varsity football and basketball teams, three junior high football teams, high school cross country, three junior high basketball teams, junior and senior high baseball and junior and senior high track. The Board of School Directors supports the major portion of ex­penses but the remafnlng cost of ' operation must be gafned through admission to games to which only varsity football and varsity basket­ball games require admission - other sources leave butthe student and adult A.A. ticket sale. It Is estlmat<!d that over' 600 swarth­more Senior and Junior High stu- The program for the evenlnc wlll begin when the students re­port to Athletic Director BUI Reese at the school at 7 p.m. to receive their quola of tlokets. They wlU make their calls and report back by 8:30 p.m. The drive wUI be a success U the group can ap­proach the 300 goal. I CONSERVATIVE CLUB The SWarthmore Conservative Club wUI present R. Stephen Uzzell, Jr., to speak on eeA Nation that hesitates is Lost". on Tues­day, September 25, at 8:30 p.m., In the American Legion Room of Borough Hal). CANDY & PLANTS COLONIAL COURT "PTS. Rose Valley Nurseries, Inc. 684 SOUTH NEW MIDDLETOWN ROAD MEDIA . - Opposite Highmeadow _ ' (betweon Dutton 11111 Road and Knowlton Road) T _Iephone - TRemont 2-7206 "Ask Cor Ben Palmer" Y CHRYSANTHEM EVERGREENS BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS PLANTS: Firelhom. Cofonea*rs~ Hollies PEAT MOSSr FERTILIZER and MULCHES ·POTTED STAR ROSES * and MINIATURE ROSES Open Daily until 5:30 Sundays 12 unlll 5:30 WE DELIVER P.M. P.M. dents actively take ~p~art~~In~t~h~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ", Pure Springfield Water is not an acciqentj it is the product of many highly trained minds and willing hands utilizing the most advanced scientific procedures known to man. Behind every sparkling drop of this basic essen­tial of life are countless hours of planning and research, huge reservoirs, purification plants and a complex net­work of transmission and distribution pipelines - all of them conceived and operated by the coordinated efforts of some of the foremost experts In the water industry. M 0/ SPRINGFIELD PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY • Pace 5 THE SWARTHMORE AN PROMINENT IN Mrs. Lois Peterson, ~ e r'OUNCIL CITES POLITICAL RALLY for tlMi PeDDSylvanle General As- ~ , Two swarthmore women wlll be sembly. will speak to tbe after-featured members of panels at DOOn group on state Issues as SIDEWALKS TREES the Workshop for Democratic wo- they affect tbe peeple of south- , men to be held Tuesday, September eastern P''1IlIylVll!!'.. Borough CouncU discussed the 18 In Sprlngfleld. Wlll1am shippBrd,asslStant pro- poor condition of many of the Mrs. ROY McCorkel wUl be a fessor of chemistry at Bwarth- town's Sidewalks, Monday night, member of the morning panel more College, was recently and urged that homeowners have elected treasurer of the Phlladel- t dlscusslng achievements and pro- hi 0 _ft'c Chemists Club for hem repaired. Mter October 1 grams for Pennsylvania's fUture. p a. r5~9u63 Borough Secrelary Henry Coles .l!...I.I.IA..i.R.l.iI.I.I -I-IIIIIHlIIIlIlMllIliIIIlllUUlIIIIlIlIlIlR1UR i1lIlItII.III!IIlI6U2II.I-IlA!U IIIHsIIeIIaHsUoInIII.I IIlIIlluTllllllUHUIt wUI conduct an Inspection and re- I DICK FRANCHml -TELEVISION ; ~;rel~~~:::y :;v:;;:~:s :n:~ = = at that time. ~ TELEVISION· HOME & AUTO RADIO-PHONOS ~ Mr. Coles and Borough Engineer ~ U.H.F. CONVERTERS INSTALLED ' ! Gus Houtman were askedtosuper­' 39 RO,CKL YN RD.'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKI ~-10,2811111111111ISPRINGFIELD. pt,' 'vise repairs to the College side of the ratlroad underpass at a IN SWARTHMORE . . FALL ART CLASSES NOW FORMING FOR CHILDREN 8 TO 18 New York Artist, art director and teacher for thirty-five years whose prize winning paintings, etchings and photographs have been wldelr ex­hibited and reproduced in internationa art magazines is now opening after school and Sat. urday Art Classes in 'Swarthmore for chi Idren 8 - 18 years of age. Reasonable fees. Write or phone for full information. KENYON ART CLASSES HALLAS EDWIN KENYON 313 HAVERFORD PLACE - SWARTHMORE Kln~,swOlod 3-3189 "I can get it I for you wholesale" Have you ever made a purchase which you regretted? This is one thing which we try to preve"t at PAULSONS. We try to be informed about carpet, and to answer your questions. We offer, a wide selection, trying to take into account your specific objectives in the carpet you are buying. We show carpet samples in your home, take measure­Dlents, suggest ways of getting the best use of 'four carpet. ' Then, If. diss_qtisfaetlon ~lU.results, we try to adlust ,it." Because: We are not satisfied, unless you arel {PAUlSMt U Cm.tge~ Mcilaawlt Gar, • Campi'" Price Range • Oriental Ruvs 100 Park Ave •• Swarthmore, P •• Klngswoocl 3-6000 - CLe.rbrook 9 4646 (/'~.J.... KNOWS Carpet' ~~~~~~~ .. -. -' Install automatic =--- ,'. . HOUSE~::i. HEATING! .,' .... : :. ..... ..... -.: ; .": .,. ..".,.. ',: " .... -'," ..,'. " ' ',' . Right now is the ideal .- .. ,'- .. cost not to exceed $1000. Councll authorized reimburse­ment of the Fire Company for $1050 spent on converting fire truck radlos from the old police wave-length to the new band for fire apparatus. Mr. Coles was dlrected to request the Company to consult him and the public safety chairman, and to secure two bids, In folure when It con­templates an expenditure of such an amount. CooneU directed that Mr. Hout­man he engaged to check lines of the apartment building on the Strath Haven Inn grounds, when Cornelius WUdman Is ready to begin Its construction. Dr. Edward Cratsley questioned whether Coun­cU's agreement to permit the erection of the bulldlng 'had not expired since actual buUdlng had not taken place for over a year. RECEIVE FORD GRANTS Gall Donovan and Pattonsteuher of tbe Swarthmore Senior Class have been granted Ford Scholar­ships to study this fall In the College of General Studles, Uni­versity of Pennsylvania. Alter­nates selected were Graham Pat­terson and WUllam Ryerson also Swarthmore seulors. Gall and Patton wlU be attendlng class with college ,students, studying Calculus and Analytic Geometry. Mike Kelcy of SWarthmore High School, select­ed this summer to study on a Ford Scholarship, has completed 3credlts- In' Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. Swarthmore High School Is one of the 20 public schools In Greater Philadelphia chosen to nominate students for the Ford Motor Fund High School Scholarship Program. The purpose of the program Is to provide unique Intellectual chat­lenges to selected high school stUdents beyond the scope of the curriculum offered by high schools. Students wlll not receive high school credit for their work at the Uulverslly, but at the com­pletion of this work a letter, which may he made a part Of their permanent records will be sent to the high school This letter wUl certUy 'thelr participation In the program, course or courses taken, and grades achieved. The Univer­sity of Pennsylvania wUI un­equivocally grant college credit for all work undertaken and suc­cessfUlly completed. Otber institu­tions, dependlng on their policies, mayor may not allow credlt. • • • n BOY SCOUT TROOP 2 test w1ll sIart. ELEMENTARY SCHOOl F001BAU TO OPEN swa,tIunore Boy Scout troop I started Its fall program Tuesday evening September 11 wltba meet­Ing In McCahan HalloflhePresby­terian Cburch. The next regular meeting wlll be held Tuesday tbe 18tb at 7:15 In McCahan Hall. Tbe elementary scbool ~ football program wlll r !l'e tills fall. The' program will ...... _ September 28, 19&1 and wW _­Unue UDtIl November 17, 1961L All boys DOW registered In Troop 2 and all other boys Interested In an active scouting program and their fathers are urged to attend. Troop organization will be set for the fall and the first patrol COD-All penes w1ll be pl.,.... Id the Riverview FIeld and wW be dli-eeted by Harvel' BeDDett, the physical education Insb:uctor Id the elementary school. In the past many fathers bave assl&ed. Bow •• J08 kao. a.o.t CHIISII'. SCIEICI' 1hou-.ds '--leatned "-ugII Scieflce how to ffnd , ..... "- '-. «ill 7 '. and lu'IaticNL ..... _ flEE ' I.... f UIHIII. "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE REVEALS A NEW VIEW OF MAN" by William M. CoereII, C.S.s. of CI_lanel, Ohio Memberof the Board of Lectureship of . The Mother (.burch" 'lbe First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. Massachusetts MONDAY, 8:15 p.m., SEPTEMBER 17 First Church of Christ. SCientist. 206 Park Ave., SWartbmor.. AU ARE WELCOME - ADVENT CALENDARS from DENMARK, AUSTRIA, WEST GERMANY GAY FOR THE YOUNG-IN-HEART ,2)0 come U£ G"J dee u.. It." ~ GHJ 41u11erJ, ~GH4"ip u" ou4 WEDDING INVITATIONS Ur- lad Ur- aJJ, ou'" . pe'l.uuu;'/~J f'41'e'" ~ ,~ at 4uck ,"o.Jed ~!! ~ GIFTS KI3-1900 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD .O..P..E.N.. .F..R IDAY EVENINGS • u. u • • '. '.' . winter comfort by ..... ..'.. .... , , ' , '. .. ',- .: .:::: installing auiomatic gas ':,' ',:, WE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING ALTERATIONS. :.,:.> '::' heati'ng . .in just about a "':.:'_.: :', .:<: day's time, the h~ating system ca<,:,:::'. :, :,- be installed ani you're assured of "::;:;'. j::: ,<: constc;mt, de~';nd6ble warmth,:/: ., , , throughou,f the ~n'tire house ,. ..,. . ' ',' for years' t~ come>',What's ;' .. :: '. '. : .".-. ",::: .......... .', .: . more, op~r'lting costs',compare " , . . :. ::-.. -:.- -, : .', .' -; '::. '-"., . .. '., '.: ,', "::".:> . ...~ ~. .. : :.' . . "',.: ,''-.. - . favJrably with \ot~er a~tomatic heating "', :, fuels. " , . , " .: .' .. ' . :::::.~. :.: -::.' ':. .: ..... ....... '. .. ...... ,. .' ;': ," :. . ,,',- .. . '.:-" :.~ .. ':-:/'::" .: " . :.::: . :. '. :.:' .... '. . .: . Get more ;nlorma';o'~ '~n' a';,,~';';~;i~ ~al house heafing by calling your 'Dca' plumbing or heafing con'ractor or any 01 out suburban oRices. PHILADELPHIA ELEC'RIC, COMPANY , ' PLEASE EXCUSE OUR APPEARANCE AND ANY INCONVENIENCE IT MAY CAUSE. WHEN COMPLETED WE HOPE TO SERVE YOU FASTER AND MORE EFFICIENTLY. THE ALTERATIONS -we hope- WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE THIRD WEEK IN SEPTEMBER . The 401 DIu I •• All .... fOOD MAlai

---------- Page 8 ----------

LADIES' DAYS to New York OnlY~(~~g FROM PHILADELPHIA Wednesdays and Thursdays Go on any tr-:,ln startJn9 wllh the 9100 A.M. trCllin from PeMa. Slo.- 30th St. and the 9116 A.M. tratn ~ North Phila. Sio. Return same day, for other Idledvlel from PhIlo. phone, EV 2.3030. Pennsylvania Ra·ilroad· . THE 8WARTHIIORSAN Mlcnsel Paulson, Park avenue mercbaot, left ,esterelay for Wash­iDCtOn, Do 0., to attend a Forum of the National Instttute or Rug loC., to be he14 today and tomorrow. Mr. paulaon WIll speak tomorrow mondlllr on records maoacement. CLASSIFIED ADS PERSONAL FOR SALE - Peaches. EI RaI~ebcl :---------- Orcbards, Providence PERSONAL - qarpenby l<>bblns, Rose Tree. Open 10 A.M. to 6 porrecchreesa. tloLd. Jro. omDso, nnbeolloyk, KcalnsgeSs,- wood 4-3781. FOR SALE - Antiques, furniture, rockers, side PERSONAL - Plano tuning Blleclal· :::halrs recaned aod tat, minor repairing. QIall!led Bullard, T<Tngnwood member Plano Technician,,' Gljlld. FOR SALE - Swarthmore, excel-lent Investment, apartment house. ten years. Leaman. KIngswood 3-5755. PERSONAL - OUstom-mue slip covers. Pin fitted In your home. You supply material. I make them. WOJk guaranteed, prompt semce. MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENCINE $COPI GULr: GAS. & OIL WHEEL ALlGMMENT DYNAMIC WHEEL BAI,.AHCE U-tiAUL RENTALS V. E. AT%. M9r. RUSSW.:S SERVICE Opposite Borough Parking Lot .... i .... aoM... DIrt ..... II. LlllJltte .,_, Closed Saturday ot 12:~0 P.M. OTHER SA,,,mWICHF.,\ Threellllartments plus private room and bath. $3000. return annual Income. Price $27.000. Klngswood 4-2190. FOR SALE - '56 Ford H~~~I CLearbrook 9-6311, THE HOAGIE SHOP convertible. MagnUicent tion. fully equipped. Phone well 6-0274 or Klngswood 3-4032. FOR SALE - Small mimosa trees. Two for 25¢. Plant now for early start. next spring. Call Klngswood 3-1808. FOR SALE~Ground mushroom soil. 3-~'tM5. Ray tee*tsel. Klngswood FOR. SALE - Two reCrigerators one $60. and one $10. Klngswood 4-0324. FOR SALE - Yellow electric blanket, dual control. Klngswood 3-0937. . FOR SALE - MoVIng. Maple high chair, $12. 48 Inch mabogany bookcase, $14. 9 cubic toot retrig­erator, $45. 16 Inch oscillating tan $12. Apartment size washing machine. $7. New 5'h toot skis make otfer. Kings wood 3-0618: FOR SALE - Small solid walnut flat top bench for rumpus room KIngswood 3-4709. • FOR SALE - Home work shop Power Tools. Klngswood 3-8157 evenings or weekends. PERSONAL - Gilbert's Sham Wall scraping, remove paint over D'M" ' paper. Interior painting. George ' all eo s Gilbert. TRemon~4-7082. F airview at Michigan PERSON AL - Roofing, SP<lutlng, 1-':~=iiiiii;;:;;;======;;;;;;;iI gutters. RecreBtlon rooms II specialty. Ray J. Foster. GL,obe 9-2713. Ii'ERSONAL - TROM SEREMBA. Upholstered furniture reLovated reasonable 35 years expenence. Chair bottoms repaired, $8. up. Upholstery and slip covers In 1nur fabric or from our samples. 11 years of Swarthmore references. Pwe estimates. LUdlow·6-7592. ItERSONAL - China and e1ass repalred. Parchment paper lamp shades recovered. Miss I. P. Bunllng, Klngswood 4-3492. PERSONAL - Auto driWig i~· structlon. Appointed I\Y the De­part .. ent of Public Instrudlon to ofter a course leading to fIlU OP­erating privileges at ace 17, re­sulling In lower Insurance Plemlum. Edwar~ F. Mao, 925 r:dgmont Av& 2-4346. Call TRemont 6-2530 "Satisfying ServiCe" GFFIOE· RESlDEleE • IIDUna, • Expert Flltr Wull, • JIIH,r S.nla' • To, t. I,H.. H ......... 1., • RIP ••• FIr.Hlr. n ... , ... . II 'Ilf H'.I • WIU. II. Woo.w"t W ••••• • W. H'III 1ft. R •• ". St,r .. 5 •••••• Sor .... Servtng Delaware County Over 47 Years Free Estimates· Fully Insured 'ROPICALS 255F CONCORD ROAD Aston Shapp)", C."te, VillAGE GREeN Fr~h and Sa~ Wo'*' TROPICAL FISH Over 150 Varletl .. Delco'. Largest Selection! • Aquarium. and Ace.non. " Outdoor Pond. anel TropiCAl Plant. • Compt.te Foodl-SuPP".' VISIT OUR SHOWROO'MS FOR It PlEASANT SURI'tIISE 'ROPICALS .hon. TR 4-7500 L=---'===~====='::;- FOR SALE - To keep the C ..... Klngswood 3-1448 dinals in your back yard, get your TRemont 6-2530 Picture Framing 121 E, lar. STREET ROGER RUSSELL Pa •• 7·24-2111. WILLIAM BROOKS bird feeder working now. For the best In feeders, all brpes and Ashes and Rubbisb Removed Pprliucsehs . tMheil l S. RCoraodth, ersW, aJlrIsln.g. fo4r3d5. Lawns Mowed. General Hauling LOwell 6-4551. H ... dlng Ave. Morton, Pa,.,' !--;.::....:.-.=.::.::..-----­FOR SALE - Four drawer chest, PERSONAL - Rose bushes tor the Repalred Ph. Kl3-4216 digginS aod a bucket of soU. EMIL SPIES . Milry Ellen FLORIST South Chester KI 3-8093 SPECIAL PRICE ON EXTERIOR ED AINIS 800 Fairview Road STAMPS AND COINS BOUGHT AND SOLD Fordes's Pet And Hobby Shop 627 Baltimore Pike Springfield, Pa. KI 4-0121 West Side of A & P Jack Prichard PAINTING INTERIOR'" EXTERIOR Free Estimates Klng.wood 3-8761 chest, two fioor- lamps, assorted appllaoces. SALE - Flat top desk oak ,4 foot x 2 foot 6 inches: ccndltlon. .Two drawers on side. Box V,. The Swarth' SALE - 1959 Raleigh Motor good condition, cheap transportation. 60 M.P.G. best offer over $100. Call Klngswood 3-5794 after September 4. WANTED Phone Klngswood 3-3597. WATCHMAKER PERSONAL-Piano Teachel. Plano Formerly of F.C. Bodo and Sons lessons In YOU~[~~;~c;:on~s~:·;irv~af:·1 t~~~:~~~:~~LI tory Graduate. md Fine Watch and 128 Yale Ave. vanced, Popular lock Repalrs Swarthmore, Pa. Adults and Ohlldren. Mr. Klngswood 3-3273. LOST FOUIoID LOST - Umbrella, black vLth gold and black handle. It found, please call Klngswood 3-5794. AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL KI4-3775 Louis (Lou) Oronzio 1343 Park l,ane FOUND - Eyeglasses, temple pin. THE BIBLE ned. Chester Road near Rutger& WANTED- Pracllcal nurs" desires Avenue. Klngswood 3-6528. SPEAKS position. Hospital experIence FOR . il'ltiiT. Swarthmore references. Call Tae: ~ont 4-3226. Between 7 and 9 P.M. FOR RENT'" Garage at 3O!i Soulll TOY 0 U WANTED _ Day's work ~!~~~~'~ :i·1 Chester road. Phone KJngswood Ironing, etc. Call' ~3;C-iRll~26~';;r::R;;;;;;:r;;:;b;;i;;;;;1 SUNDAY-BAS a.m. 6-8809. FOR RENT - Room for WFIL. G60 kc , or Professional man ,_.= •••• __ ... IYANTED - Used and anllque fU.. lege. Call KIngswood nllure. Dishes, coIns, stamps ~~6~~s. LtJdiow 6-0574. LEhigh FOR RENT - Apartment ill WlAivNeTlEyD a n-d hGeoaoldth )'h osmixe sw e_f:oe;r; jki~~~1 th~refel ~~t~~~;J~~largeb aItIhv,i adgi n10in0gm klttens. One gray, one c porcll, ga".~el Klngswood 3-1401. Adults_ WANTED - Good used baby rLage tor the winter months. TRemont 2-5509 between 7 9 P.M. WANTED - To buy second LOwell 6-8684. WANTED FOR RENT - Apartment half block from station and bus. Living room, bedroom, tile bath, kLtchen­dinette. Avallable Immediately. Call Klngswood 3-3811. RENT - Large effidency' overlooking Country Club woman. Phone 'TIIemont ELNWOOD COltalescelt Home Baltimore Pike & Lincoln Ave. Swarthmore Establlshed 1932 .~Ilet. Restful Surroundings ""u .• Excellent 24-Hour Nursing Care Klngswood 3.0272 ~~:!!~~!!;!!!;!~~~!I anadd oorraanbglee sJl<llS. Call Klngswood ~W~AN~T~EiDt-~o~n~eJ2~0~i~nC~h~~~~ EXPERT PIANO TUtll~ AIR CONDITIONERS and REPAIRING AMANA CARRIER CHRYSLER GENERAL ELECTRIC $J59.95 up FACTORY AUTHORIZED Sales and Service Pap .. Ball. fa, All CINn.,. Raymond J. Dawson 210 W ••• State St., Media 0,... Evenlnlls 7:30 - 9 P.M. (Exc .... Wed. & Sot •• venln,.) ," goodcondlllon. Glass bookcase, simple In deSign, proximatelY 6 foot X 4 foot X Inches. Klngswood 4-0433. • PATTON i COMPANY , established 1B73 • ,I, , , 47 Years of Experlenc. with All Makel A.L. PARKER LOwell 6-3555 ROOFING GUTTERS - ... -- ~ SPOUTNG ~ SIDING ~ ~ i ~ Free Estimates ~ ~ , .~ ~ i MONTHl Y FINANCING ARRANGED , : Sw(~rfhl"'o"" I KI 4·0221 ~ - ._ .of FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICE BUDGET PLAN COAL VAN ALEN BROTHERS, INC. KI t-4'lU or La 2-2440 Photographic Supplies STATE .. MONKOII ST8. IDDLl LOwen 6-2t76 OPBN PRIDAY BVBNIlIOS Aluminum Siding Porch Enclosur •• Enameled white stann windows. Inlulatlon and Roofing A.D..Y _ 1iI_ '''liau ' ............ PENIq. RPOFING A _.ricS., m..O. Gc::G. , .. _-"'- Q;;ker.~ -.L MIlIU DIALU CUSTOM KITCHENS by H. D. Church 3 PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE 4-2727 Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut St., Chester TReljlont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursing Care Aged, Senile, Chronic Convalescen~ Men and Women Exoaileot Food - SpaQoua Oroonda Blue cross HonoJed Eft."..".._ ." GenerGf Con'ractot LDERS'Since 'ree .... m .... 1401 Ridley AnnUl c:heshW. Pa. .'IaIla .ll.l Dnt 2-4759 Dnt 2~1J6'9 ;::lle::::p:::te::m::be;;r:..::14•::. .:17.9~82==-__~ :-.-==::-::~:--___ -:--:-:---:~_~T~H~E~8~W AR TH II 0 R E AN • Mrs. John If. Pear80ll or aut week Mr. Slrorrr's brotber-lo-law ESTATE NOTICE r-irBi=iT corneD avenue moved on Monday and. sister Mr. and Mrs. stanley ESTATE OF GWLADYS EUZ .. • to an apartment at 139 Ru..._ '-_- Johnson and three Children, twins CBEEATSHE D.C IANCI PUTNAM, DE-avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Chrtatopber and Davtd and slx- LeHers Teatamenta17 on the SPe"ce and family or SprlDcf1eld month old Michael or Jthnca. N. Y. abo.,. estate bave been panted to wtJl he the new OCCUP&llts of tbe Mr. strong's uncle and aunt Mr. pIbeer sownisd ehraslvglnnesd clwabimo sr eoqr udeeslDtaB laldlal former Pearso" bome. and Mrs. Martin Wagoer or Ro- acainst Ibe estate of Ibe decede"t Mr. and Mrs. Rohert strong of to make aod all Dreael place had as lIIeN last Dlgbt cuests. ~er!lO!!~_ SWAR.THMORE • RUTLEDGE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Tile statutory audit report for the school year ended Jul;r 1, 1962 filed with the Prothonotary, Court of Common Pleas, Del· aware County on the 24th day of August 1962, in accordance with the requirements of Section 2432 of the Public school Code of 1949 will be confirmed absolutely unless an appeal is taken within thirty days of filing. Condensed financial statements are as foliows: BALANCE SHEET July 1, 1962 ASSETS: Cash in bank and on hand: General fund Cafeteria fund Activities fund Sinking fund Accounts receiVable: Uncollected taxes prior years Other. Inventories: Text books, at estimated cost Food, etc. Grounds., buUdings and conterits LIABILITIES: $158,474.58 2,213.01 13.482.31 1.40 174',171.30 5,008.39 870.n9 34,384.00 688.82 $2,398,312,1'4 attorneys, Cl."!,, aod Yardley. Philadelphia 2, 3T-9-28 STEWING CHICKENS lb. 4 to 6 pound 35e sius FRESH HAMS whole 5ge lb. 55e ~~~ 6Se VISIT beautiful WEST LAURa HILL .~ any day from 9 to 4. Belmont Ave. above City Un. Bala.Cynwyd Stop in Office 01 Oock Tower for guidance Accounts payable, salaries, wages, withheld payroll taxes, etc. Bonded indebtedness, with vote of electorate Series H, 1953, due serially at the rate of $20,000 per year. with interest at 2 ,1/8 per cent $ 8t,824;65 240.000,00 321,824;65 TOKAY GRAPES 2 Ik 25e CANTALOUPES~~~rz~2 fDr45( Pac. 7 General fund Cafeteria fund Activities fund Sloklng fund Invested in fixed assets net of bonded Indebtedness FU~DS: $116,042.32 3.772.82 13,482.31 1.40 A&P FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 2 I!::. 48' 6 :::'1ge 100 ··:"l1e 2.1.n.. 2ge ANACIN .EG.~~ ;::IUE MARVEL SLICED WHITE BREAD .eav ... 1,943,188.64 2.076,487.49 $2,398,312.14 STATEMENT of CASH RECEIPTS and DISBURsem*nTS of the GENERl\L FUND • for the year ended July 1, 1962 Balance. July 2, 1961 $l06,d62.99 Receipts: Taxes, current year Including penalties: Real estate $001,897.58 Per capita 49,150.65 Realty transfer 24;356.81 Delinquent taxes and penalties State appropriations Revenue'from,federal government Tuition 675,405.04 4,683.39 242,064.27 2,572.00 24.555.92 . 3.030.00 6,832.73 4,779.44 Rent from school facilities Interest on time deposits Other $963,922.79 Disbursem*nts: Expenses of general control $46,982.68 Expenses of Instruction 564,497.99 AuxUlary agencies and coordinate activities Operation of plant Maintenance of plant Fixed charges (employees retirement, etc.) Debt service (including $25,312.60 transferred to sinking fund and 14;811.26 82,448.62 14,501.72 50,382.07 $87 :050.00 rentals paid to authority) 112,362.60 Captialoutlay 17,286.61 Other 8,237.65 Excess of receipts over disbursem*nts Balance. July 1, 1962 $9i1.511,20 ESTIMATED BORROWING CAPACITY July 1, 1962 52.411.59 $158,474.58 Net assessed valuation, 1962 as reported by Board for the Assessment and Revision of Taxes, Delaware County $9,031,850.00 Indebteliness allowed by law, (7 per cent of assessed valuation) $632,229.50 Outstanding Indebtedness, July I, 1962 $240,000.00 Deductions allowed by law: Cash In sinking fund $1.40 Revenue 1962-63 appli-cable to reduction of Indebtedness $19,998:60 $20,000.00 Net debt Estlmated borrowing capacity $220.000.00 $412,229.50 DEL MONTE PEACHES CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP Tuna Fish Chick." 01 the Sea 121'.1 .... lUll, Ught Mea' can '"' liscl*ts y .... w Cling $Ike .... Halv .. '0 ..... , ., lallard ~~ •. 2&° lOIN •. '10' ·~n 3,.. •• · 2ge Pre-Fall Sale 01 Mellowmood Nylons! SAVE 30e ON 2' PAIR OF NYLONS! DELUXE SHEER 6U GAUGE - 15 DENIEIt STRETCH SHEER 60 GAUGE-15 DENliElt 2 PAIR 99' 2 PAIR '1.29 lOC \ ToiiTOES l~:'lQe SEAMLESS SHEER 400 NEEDLE -15 DENIEIt 2 PAIR $1.39 SHORTENING CRISCO SALE: / WHOLE POTATOES "/ Aap SAUERKRAUT w!~~ '::'" 1 ... rTAiIJ 3 lb. '::"'1'" Ll!...J can 80e PERSONAL SIZE MEDIUM SIZE SOAP IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP IVORY SlOW 4 bars 27e 4 bars 3ge 2~!:6ge SOAP DETEltGENT DmltGENT IVORY LIQUID JOY LIQUID OIYDOL 12-oz. 35e 22-oz. 62e 12-01. 35e 22-01. &20 boHle boHle bottle boHle 2 ~~: 69c DETERGEN,T DETEltGENT SOAP TIDE CHEER DUZ 2 large &7e boxes 2 !.rge &7e boxes 2 ~:~ 6ge DETERGENT HOUSEHOLD CLEANEIt CLEANSEIt DASH SPIC 'I SPAI COIET large 39C giant 7ge 16-01. 28e 54-01. 91e box box box box 2 1!::. 31e CLEANER FAilIt/.C SOFTENS DETERGENT TABLETS IR. CLEAI DOWIY SALVO 15-01. 3ge 28-01. 67e 17-oz. 43C 45-0z. 79C 12 'n41e 24 in 7ge boHle boHle boHIe botti, pkg. pkg. 1' __ ~!i~A~L~L~P~R~IC~E!S~E~F~FE~cr~IV~E~'!H~.~OU~G~"~SA~T~U~.~D!A!YJ.~M!FT~~~H~.~15J'~h~~ __ -J rptl.i •• dShoppi ... C.n .... a 6011a1timar: Pike ..

---------- Page 9 ----------

'P-ace 8 . H S. Grid"ron (.., ad' tng are co-captalns Rick Filler • I ""U' al guard and Jay Thomson at center, but other letterman who Readies for Season got experience last year and are making serious bids for varsity Tbe 1962 Garoet Foolball squad posillons are co-captain Ronnie bas been bard at work slnee Aug- Huge at IUllback, George Welsh usl 23rd in preparation lor the ·at rlghthaU, Carl Gersbach, who 62 season. A week at camp proved was a Mlback last year, but Is beoll1clal Cor coacbes and players playing end this year, JerryStam­alike, tbe sQJad bas gone at Its Cord, a left halfback moved to left _rk with a zest ever sInce. One end, Dick McCurdy at quarterback, or the largesi squad In numbers Chuck Kurzthalz tackle, BlII Zlm­in recent years, helps to pl'<)vlcleJ merman at tackle, and BlII Spencer a bright outlook lor the coming at right halfback. This group has season. the potenllal for a very formidable The loss or senior letterman; nucleus. co-captslns Mal Anthony and The splrll and dedIcalion that THE SWARTHMOREAN WRCOMES Swarthmore College this fall continues a program to bring dIsllnguished scholars to the cam­pus as vlsillng professors with one-year appointments to the faculty 01 a biologist Irom Pak­Istan and an economIst Crom Japan. Bond, AI Bullard, George Hamil- these boys have brought to the. lon, Jerry Liddell,JohnPalterson, squad oC 62 has been unusually Dr. Hamid Khan Bhatti, rellred head 01 the zoology department 01 the University 01 Punjab In La­hore, Pakistan, will Join the Swarthmore faculty for one year in the biology department. Dr. Bhatti, an authority In fish and fisheries and soil zoology, Is pre­sently president 01 the Secllon 01 Biology of the All Pakistan Science Conference, the second lime In the last few years that he has held this ofllce. He has most· recently been a member of the laculty 01 Forman Christian College In Lahore. Jim Rowland, and Greg outstanding, but Is more Inhanced mates It mecessary to bulld by tbe enthus!asm of several new-complete oew team. Bob Frost, comers to the squad. Particularly one or the outstanding players noteworthy have been the efforts end last year, b'eS'csUl,.us,,1 oln.rscS"Cnhooes.I'1 of .sophom*ores-; Russ Jones and but ts ineligible Bob WUl1ams· at halfback, Dick ter attendance regulations. Wagstalf at guard, and "play me ooly Ml season veterans anywhere" John Derickson. The MODERN DRUGS ••• YOUR BEST sophom*ores have the largest rep­resentation on the squad, and their spirit and rugged efforts Indicate that several will see varsity acllon and "woe', a nd behold" any upper-class man who slips on the job. The second viSiting professor Is Dr. Norman Sun. professor of economics at International Chrls­lIan University In Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Sun lormerly taught at Yench­Ing University In Pelplng and at Thammasat University In Bangkok, and at the University of Southern Calilornla, University of Cali­fornia, and Park College. Dr. Sun was born In China and has been Modern drugs may save your a United states citizen since 1951. life - and at really reason­able costs. They almost al­ways reduce your total cost of sickness because they are so effective. We regularly carry all the new products so bring your prescription~ to us. Fair prices, always. They are, quarterback Tommy Gaylord, guards Phil Silva and David LaIrd, tackles Hal Kulp, and Dave Shugarts, ends Jim Livingston, Bruce Shoemaker. Bill Crawford, and BlII Hasletlne, Al deProphetis at center and recent addIllons B1I1 Carruth and Bob BradIey. Upperclass old timers who are ARTIST PLANS CLASSES making a serious varsity bid are: Hallas E. Kenyon, prominent In John O'Neill at center, BUI Gill New York area art Circles, Is at fullback, Curt Young at guard, organizing an after school and Parkle Smllhatiackle, DougDumm Saturday morning art program for at end, Walter Kaminski and Bill eight to 18 year olds. Shugarls at tackle, and new seniors Before coming to Swarthmore Jim Hunter and B!ll Mowbray. this laU with his daughter Mrs. Alan Shoemaker, Dick Dason, Jim Robert D. Hulme, Mr. Kenyon Morrison, Dave Gilfillan, Van resided for many years In Upper Jones, Paul Anderson, fill out a . Montclair, N. J., where he taught A G. CA~ squad that hopes to pull a couple In his studio and In Maine slnce surprises during the season. The 1955. He studled at the Hartford PHARMACIST managers of the team are senior Art School, Syracuse University 11 South Chester Road Dave Morrow, junior Barry College of Fine Arts, Ecole des Swarthmore, Penno Bretschneider, sophom*ores, Dave Beaux Arts, the Arts Students f7J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.!.M~a~r~tln~an:d~J~lm:m~y~H~a~y:e=s~.! !!!!!!!!!!!'!;:'il dLieraegcutoe.r FIno r s3e0v eyreaal rsm ehter owpaosli atarnt advertising agencies. LIONS CLUB SPRINGFIELD ADULT SCHOOL 10 Monday Nights - 8:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 24 through NOVEMBER 26 Bridge - Beginners Bridge ~ Intennediate Business Law Golf Guitar - Beginners Investments Oil Painting Persuasive S~eaking Organ - Beginners $ 9 $ 9 $10 $ 6 $ 8 $ 7 $10 $20 $ 8 Physical Fitness-Woman Russian - Beginners Sewing - All Levels Small Boat Handllng Speed Reading Typing - Beginners Typing - Intermed~ate Ballroom Dancing"" Beginners Couple $ 7 $10 $ 9 $ 5 $20 $ 9 $ 9 $10 REGISTRATION (r~a INFORMATION) at Springfield High S20 Ch_ l, T, "eptember 18, and Thursday September • 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. ' Inf_atlon: kl 3-4240 after 5:00 P.M. Weekend Special I He favors small learning groups to permit Individual attention and the encouragement oUhe Individual studont to develop In the direction In which his Interests are great­est and to determine by experi­menting, the media which most nearly s~lts his ability and desire. BOOK FAIR SET Dates for the annual three day Book Fair at the Swarthmore Ele­mentary School are October 17, 18 and 19. Dally hours wUl be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. More than 600 IIties wUl be on exblbllfor inspecllon and order­Ing most of them lor children 01 elementary school age. Proceeds will go to the EI~­mentary School. Mrs. John K. Walsh 01 Rutgers avenue ts the over -all chairman or Fair. 5Wlfl"S PREMIUM It com no more to enjoy ,b. Best Of ••• The 401 Deal • .It An ••• lOGO MARKET RETURN FROM 10 MONTHS IN MOSCOW Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Overstreet returned on September 5 from 10 months In Moscow arid a two month bicycle tour on the continent and In England. Mr. Overstreet, a professor in the Polilical Science Department of Swarthmore College was a par~ IIclpant.Jn the United Slates Gov­ernment's academic and cultural exc hange program with the SOviet union, conducting research,on the topic "The Nature 01 Polillcal Activism In the Trade Union Organizallon" at the University of Moscow. He and his wife lived In the 411nternatlonal wing" of the Uni­versity dormitory. Mr. Overstreet had studied the Russian language for several years. Mrs. Over­street studied It for one year before they left for Moscow and . conllnued the study when the uni­versity provided further language instruction lor the six American wives In the group. Ian and Leslie Overstreet at-tended Tourn• esol School In Gstaad, Switzerland while their parents were in Moscow J Joining them in Copenhagen, Denmark Cor the Christmas vacation which they spent visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vagn. Jeppesen, Eisenhower Fellow, who had visited the Over streets In September 14; 1962 Swarthmore and send greetings to Swarthmore friends. (Mrs. Over­street had spent four years prior to their trip program mlng lor the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship). After Mr. and Mrs. Overstreet left Moscow, they collected Ian' and Leslie at Gstaad, purchased four bicycles In Geneva and pro­ceeded to bicycle an up-and-down dale, country side journey to Dleppe, France, enjoying a seven day stopover In Paris. There they . stayed In the apartment of another Eisenhower Fellow Mr. and Mrs. Michel LeGouls, also known to a number oC SWarthmore residents. They arrived In London on Aug­ust 5, In time for their assign­ment to hostess the Jointly spon­sored American Friends Service and the London Friends service Counell's International Seminar at Studley College, Studley, War­wickshire, near Birmingham, England (a post the John Sey­bold'S held last year). Mrs. Over­street spent eight days In a London hospital undergoing emergency surgery but was able to JOin her lamlly for _almost two weeks 01 the Seminar. They /lew home to begin mOving from their former home at 500 Harvard avenue to their present residence at Ben­jamin West House on the college campus. They anticipate the ar­rival 01 their Swiss bicycles in one month. Do you walk more than 1 block each month to pay bills? Pay them without leavin~ home with a Provident Tradesmens Key Checkin~ Account Fr?m now on, sit down comfortably in your own home, wrIte checks ... and breeze through the month;s bill. i,:, minutes. That's what thousands with budgets the sIze of yours do with a Key Checking Account. A Key Special Checking Account requires no minimum balance, includes imprinted checks, costs only a dime a check and a quarter a month. A ~ey .Regular Checking Account is economical if you mamta!n a moderate or substantial balance. For your convemence, open a Key Checking Account . . . at your convenience. PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Balik alld Trrlst Compal1Y . "rltl-: Kfo:V BANto; OF I>F.LAWARF. VALI.I·:V , ,Ih·/o."'flrt' CUURIy lJIFc'('s: ~ . 1~lmn~I.(J 6-8;]00 (DnV;t.'-fn 8t Parking,; ML-di,,~- LO 6·M;JOO SprJngfid~ (Dnve-In ~ Parkmg,-KI 3-2430; Swarlhmorc~KI 3-14:U ether Provldencl."-LO 6·8300 (Drive-In & Parking, . Aho[./(' ol/ic,·.~ ol'rn Friday evening.Of ~aln Olfice: Broad and Chcslnut Sls.-!..Ocual 4-3000 .M I'",""-r "'ed~rnl Df'pmu', Inllotlrllnn' (.'orplln,f;on • Mt'mbt-r FI'{/,.r,,! Rf'Rrn.' S"NIl'nI . • CHEST X-RAYS MONDAY S\'ltIrtimoro College" Li'hrar~ Swarthmore ·1'£, • SEP 211962 SWARTHMORI THE SWARTHM N H&S MEETS TUESDAY ,VOLUME ].4 - NUMB E;.R;-3;;B:------~---;:S;;;WA~R;.T;:;H:;;M;;O:;;R:-;;E:-,' :PA7'.-, ';:'FR~I:::D:-:-A':'Y:...:_::,::-:S:.:E~P=::T~E~M~B"::E;:,:::R:....-:.:.:2':"1:.!.,~1:":"9::6-;2~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~-=--=--=--=--=--=--=-:.:$ 4.; :::.O~0"lP~E::.·.R. .. ...:-Y~E~A~R HS ELEVEN CONTEST H~~?~:~~~~n~~;.~~ re- FREE CHEST X-RAYS MEDIA TOMORROW tired after years of service as MON AT BORO LOT Swarthmore Borough Secretary , The 62 Swarthmore High School football team Will open the season with Its traditional rival, the Media MUstsngs. Tbe game wlllbeplayed on the Rutgers Avenue Field with klck-off Ume slated at 10 a.m. will be among the 11 members of the Pennsylvania MuniciPal Au- SCHOOL ADMINIST1u'TORS thorilles Association to receive I\A • awards at It 20th annual confer- RED CROSS WILL lCCUT ence In P1IIsburgh Sunday through fU.J Wednesday. The Sahli Award will be presented at the annual banquet Tuesday night. II recogulzed R~chardson's contribution to the Authority In 21 years service as board member. When the Garnets take the field, there w1l1 be many new faces In the lineup. There are two and three boys the coaches find dlf­Ilcull to choose from for starting assignments. This has created a ~~~I~~~,,!,uslastlc spirit In the H & S LISTS COMM . At lett end Jerry Stamford and Jim Hunter, are the candidates, ON STUDENT ETHICS at ieft guard Dick Wagstafl and Curt YOUllgi at center Jay Thomp- To Collect Dues Tuesday son and .JQho O'Nelll, right guard, cO-caplaln Rick FllIer, has the D edge; leftlackle-Parkie Smith, uring 'Parent Nighl' BlII Zlmmerman,andBIIIShugaris are almqst a toss up at this A standards Committee, under spot; at right tackle Chuck Kurt- the chairmanship of Mrs. Walter zhalz, Hal Kulp and Walter Kam- MOIr, has been set up by the lnski are sure to se~ plenty of Boarlt _of the Home and School action. At right end Carl Gersbach ASSOCiation, to work out a code has had the edge over Doug Dulnm of ethics for stUdents In Swarth­but there Is every chance that more-Rutledgs High School. Carl will see a lot 01 back-/Ield· An outgrowth of the youth action with the weight of the end Sludy Report, the committee will play resting on Doug Dumm'S be composed 01 high school stu­shoulders. dents and parents. Members an- 'At quarterhack Dick McCurdy nounced to date Include: Mrs. leads the /Ield and the general- Robert Thomson, Mrs. Richard ship of the team will rest on his Enion, -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young, shoulders. At left hall Russ Jones Principal WUlIatn Bush, Rev.John and Mark Detwelller are the top Kulp, Rev. T. Royal Scoll, Charles candidates, at fullback co-caplaln Marlin, and Don Henderson serv­Ronnie Huge will get the call II Ing In an advisory capacity. be Is physically sound otherwise At the Board meellng last week tha fullback job wUl rest on the it was announced that plans have shoulders of Carl Gersback or Bill been finalized for the general Gill. At right half It Is doubtful meeting on OotoOOr 23 when that top candidate George Welsh Robert Christy, secretary of Long will play but his position will be Island University, wUl· speak on covered by Speedy BUI Spencer the school merger bill. and Bob WOllams. At the fall Open House Tuesday It Ia a new season and a new evening In the !Ugh School, class .team but the same old Garnet treasurers and assistants wl1l be spirit ts bigger and better than posted outside the home rooms to collect annual Home and School ~:e~;""'~';:~c~hean~quf~=e:.:r :t~ dues, which are $1 per lamlly. sure ·to make up for In spirit. Mrs. Leslie Baird, chairman of Media has also been rebuUdlng the finance commlUee, urges that and brings a team spoiled with all parents come prepared to join. President Dlno McCurdy an­outstanding. performers at lUll· nounced that IUnds had been do- ::-~~YSan!e~~~ r!~S t':~I:~:~ nated to Home and School by the :fennts Club to have two addI­nmoi ssG Iatr. net rooter can afford to tlonal tenols courts resudaced, DR. MOORE OPENS FORUM Dr. JOhn M. Moore, a member of the Swarthmore College laculty, will open the Adult Forum series at the SWarthmore Friends Meet­ing House, on SUnday, September 23, with a discussion of' "The Bible as Hl8tory." Dr. Moore, who is ASSOCiate Dean: Registrar, and Professor of Philosophy and Religion, has been at Swarthmore College since 1943. A graduate 01 Park College, he r~celved his M.A. and Ph.D. de­grees from Harvard and Columbia UniverSities, and a B.D. degree from Union Theological Seminary. He. Is the author of the book "Theories 01 Religious Exper­ience." Three addillonal Forums, each stsrtlng at 9:45 a.m., will be con­cerned with the Bible. September 30, "The Bible as Literature", Everett Hunt; Oct .. ober 7, ('The Bible as Rel1glon", Dan Wilson, October 14, "The Bible and Quakerism", Henry Cadbury. JEWELS, PLEASE! • Mrs~ Allred E. Longwell, chair-man of jewelry tor the Woman'. Club at the forthcoming Fall Mutual Exchange requests all club mem­bers to brlnC her their donations of Jewelry as quickly as possible In order that she can prepare thAm Cor the EXchaJlCe. giving SWarthmore residents a total ot four courts. It Is hoped, Dr. McCurdy said, that hoth Junior and senior High School may have tennis teams for hoth boys and girls next Spring •. The Home and School Board voted to contribute $30 toward the mathematics or science fair being arranged by Mr. Henderson. II was also announced that a school census will be conducted later In the year. JR. HIGH CORPS COUNCIL MEETS The Junior High School Corps chairman, class sponsors, class chairman and co ... chairman met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Lynn Klppax, 915 Westdale avenue, to review responsibilities and or­ganize duties for the year. Mrs. Klppax, Junior High School repre­sentative on the Board 01 'Home and School, presided. Those present were: Corps chairman, Elizabeth McKee, 9th; James M11ler, Sth, Nathan Bell, 7th; class sponsorR, Elizabeth Watts, 9; Charles Law, 8, and Mrs. Velma Lewis, 7. Class chairman and co-chalr­man were p,<.rs. Robert Haydenand Mrs. David Bennelt, fOr 9th grade; Mrs. Ray Winch and Mrs'. Gerald Gray, 8th gra~. Mrs. Pat Welsh, representated 7th grade tor Ihe chairman, Mrs. Edwin Jones, who was out oC town. Free chest x-rays are offered to all adults 18 years and over at the Borough Hall parking lot, Lafayette and Dartmouth avenu_es on Monday, September 24 Irom 2:30 to 5 p.m. and from· 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The Delaware County Tuberculosis and Health AssGCI· allon's mobUe x-ray unit will be In the Borough for this service, which Is supported by• the annual Christmas Seal campaign. The x-rays are free and con­fldenllal. Confidential reports are mailed to the individual x-rayed and to his doctor In three weeks. All adults living or working In the community are urged to take advantage of the saving and con­venience of this offer. J. Francis Mahoney, M. D., member of the Assoclallon's Chest x-ray In­terprellng Committee recom­mends chest x-rays every two years, age 18 to 30; every year, 30 to 40; every year for females over 40, and every six months for males over 40. As ~any as: 20 different chest· conditionS can be revealed through these examin­ations, ollen affording opportunity to prevent serious lllnesses. Clothing Is worn for the x-rays which take only a few minutes. Blouses must be without sequins and. the chest area Is to be clear of all melal objects. No previouE registration Is necessary. The SWarthmore Red Cross will be In charge of registrations at lite ulilf . according 10 the local branch chalrll}aD Mrs. Robert M. Fudge. Red Cross volunteers who will assist are Mmes. Robert M. Gro­gan' C. C. Shute, F. R. Lang, George Plowman, David Bingham and Martha ,Kelghton. In accordance with a directive from State Secretary 01 Health Dr. C. L. Wilbur, 'Jr., tuberculin testing of junior and senior high school students was begun last week In .charge of the School Physician Dr. J. Albright Jones. One hundred and 87 were tested and 40 more will be tested. OnIy the poslllve reactors among the students will be x-rayed on Mon­day at the school Irom 12:30 to 2 p.m. The teaching stafl 01 tbe school and all employees will also be x-rayed. School Nurse, Mrs. Marlon Pierce will assist at the school. SUperintendent of Schools Dr •. Harry W. Kingham and HighSchool Principal William M. Bush are In charge oC the Chost x-rays. Cooperating agencies In addition to the Tuberculosis and Health Assoctatlon are the Pennsylvania Department 01 Health, the Del­aware C~unty Medical Absoclation and the local health department. UZZELL TO SPEAK R. Stephen Uzzell, Jr., will speak In the American Legion Room 01 Borough Hall on Tuesday evening, September 25, at 8:30 p.m. His topiC will be .. A Nation that Hesitates Is Lost." There Is no charge and the meeting Is open to all Interested persons. Uzzell Is a graduate 01 the University of Pennsylvania, a member of the Americanism Com­mittee of the S01l8 of the American Revolullon, a veteran of World War n, a world traveler Bnd a student of foreign affairs. He has spoken at SWarthmore College. Additional Informallon about the m.etina which Is sponsored by the conservative Club may be secured by Call1ng Mrll. Sally G. Blllell, KI3-7557. SCRANTON VISIT The Swarthmore Council of Republican Women Is planning for the arrival In the Borough of Wl11lam Scranton, James Van Zandt and the entire slate of state candidates. Announcement Is made by Mrs. Paul B. Banks, president, that· the candidates will be here on Saturday afternoon, October 6. A rally Is being planned by local Republicans. Complete details will follow soan. UNITED FUND HEADS ORGANIZING TEAMS Mrs. Blmey K. Morse and Mrs. Ford F. Robinson, District di­rector and associate director of the United' Fund Campaign an­nounce 24 Captains for the drive which stsrIed preliminary work on September 19. They are: Mr. Leroy 11. H. Lare, Mrs. Gareld II. Gray, Mra. Franklin S. GUiesple, Mrs. Joel Bloom, Mrs. WUllam W. McClarln, Mrs. Nan R. Jones,· Mrs. W. II. Huey, Mrs. Gordon H. B. Bretschneider, Mrs. Ella Buck, Mrs. Charles J. Marlin, Miss Alma Daniels, Mrs. Charles E. Fischer. Mrs. Ralph Hayes, Mrs. Henry L. Harris, Mrs. Frank G. Keenen, Mrs. Raymond H. FellOWS, Mrs. W. Newton Ryerson, Mrs. William F. Lee, Jr., Miss Carol Ann Hetzel,. Mrs. Henry D. Bevan, Mrs. Samuel T. CarPenter, Mrs. LllltanSteclw, Miss Elizabeth walts and Mrs. Harry Grayson Smith. Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Robinson entertained .thelr captains at Mrs. Mor48fs borne on Harvard avenue Tuesday afternoon at tea when plans and Ideas for the campaign were exchanged. URGENT· REQUEST FOR USED BRACES, LIMBS Wllllam H. Ctsrk, 333 Havarford place, has beenappolntedoollector of used braces and artificial limbs for the use ot the World Rehahlll­IaUon Fund, Inc., a voluntary agency which works with CARE, Church World Service, Cathol~ Relief Services, the Amerlcan­Korean Foundation, the United Slates Dclpartment of Health, Ed­ucallon and Wellare, the Veterans Administration. Delaware .County United Cerebral Palsy Is making the coliecllon In this area. In this program according to Howard A. Rusk, M. D. director of the Institute of Physical Medi­cine and Rnhabllltatlon, New York, University and preSident of the World RehabllltstIon Fund, the de­vlaes are dlamanlled and paris used In assembling limbs and braces at the prescription of a physician. Supplies are shipped oniy to· countries where skUled brace and 11mb makers are aVail­able, to date the Philippines, Greece, Korea, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Costa Rica HaltI, etc. Used braces and artlflclalUmhe dlay be taken to the Clark home or a call to Mr. Clark, KI3-1855, w11l bring him In a prompt pick-up stop. To Sew a Fine Seam The Advanced Clothing Course olfered by Penn Stale University Extension will open the IIrst class Friday, September 21, from 1:30 to 3:30 at Trinity Church. Pre­requisites of tbe course are com­plellon 01 tbe cotton dress and the. slIlrtwaist dress. QUautled women who wisb to take advantage of the Course are asked to communicate with Mrs. Luehring, Kl 3-0'/9S. LIST FALL MUTUAL EXCHANGE CHAIRMEN Mrs. James H. Connor, cbaJr­man of the 1962 Fall Mutual Ex­change Sale, announces the 101- lowing cl\lbmember chairmen: Mrs. A. J. RI/.wson and Mrs. J~ W. Soule, checking, Mrs. A. S. Titus and Mrs. Lorene McCarter, sorting, Mrs. Harry W. Crowther, men's clothing; Mrs. R. M. Fudge, women's clothing; Mr$. J. A. Nat­vlg, boys' clothing, Mrs. William C. Melcher, girls' clothing, Mrs. John M. Patterson. children's clothing; Mrs. S. M. Viele, baby clothes; Mrs. Howard Jackson, evening clothesj Mrs. Wm. D. Jones and Mrs. R. A.. B oyle, hoIuso- . .' hold, Mrs. Gorton W. Brush, sweaters; Mrs, II E. Wells, sew­Ing. Also Mrs. H. C. Williams, clear­Ing; Mrs. David Bingham, settle­ment; Mrs. Norman Ntederrlter, poilce and telephone, Mrs. William Lamason and Mrs. RalphSilmmel, posters; Mrs. Peter E. Told, publicity, ¥rs. Robert A. Allison, dressIng room; Mrs. F. H. Andrew and Mrs. J. K. Doherty, cashiers, Mrs. Allred Longwell, jewelry; Alma Daniels and· Alice Marriott at the desk. Announced dates lor the Ex­change are October 2,3,4, and 5. Tuesday ts the day when goods for exchange Bre to be takep to the club, Wednesday and Thursday are sale days and Friday Is the lime of seUlement. RIDDLE AUXIUARY RECTS; AIDS TOMORROW'S FAIR The SWarthmore Branch of the Riddle Memorial Hospital Aux­iliary had Its tlrst meeting of the year on Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Bartine Stoner.' Mrs. Stoner, who has been President of the Auxiliary lor the first two years of Its eXistence, Introduced the officer s for the coming year. Tbey are Mrs. Pelzer Lynah, preSident; Mrs. Stuart Torrey, vice preSident; Mrs. William Campbell, treasurer; and Mrs. Richard Landis, secretary. Plans were completed lor the Country Fair which will be held this Saturday at the Rose Tree Hunt Club starting at 9 a.m. Pony rides and a children's zoo are the features of the Swarthmore Auxlllary, wllh animals coming from all parts of the County to delight children of all ages. Fair Chairman Mrs. WUllam Gaylord said the fair will feature a Horse Show to begin at 9 a.m., .. fashion show, helicopter rides, antique and classiC car show, an anllque fashion show featuring garments of anothar day, and a clothesline art exhibit featuring the work of area artists. New and e"clling this year wUl be Bell Telephone's Telstar demonstration hooth, plus many other Interesting booths of gadgets and lots 01 lood. There will be plenty of parking space. BoyScouts from Swarthmore and Media will spruce up the grounds In prepar­allon lor the event. NOVELTY SALE The Monday Sewing Group oC the SWarthmore Friends Meeting w11l hold an "Odde and Ends" sale on Tuesday,. September 25, at Whittier House, from 9 B. m. to 1 p.m. At 2:30p.m. Mrs. Dorothy Hallo­well and Oliver Tall will talk on designs and laces. Mrs. Hallowell, a member of the Gwynedd Meeting and a graduate of SWarthmore Collegs, will give the lalk on· Old Lace and show samples or real lace. Mr. Talt, 1\ member or the Swarthmore Meellng and an art connoisseur I wlU discuss DesiCn- •

---------- Page 10 ----------

• , , l1PEe~:r2s~ ~~~L:-I- ----'-~~~IM~;k~~;;;;~T~'~H;E~S~W~A;R;7t~~~A~N~r-____~ ;;;:------~--TlKa~~;S8J Se~m~121,1~2 ona S Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rounds tollOW1Dg an exciUng boat trip of BIRTh OD September 13. of Bryn Mawr avenue and their three weeks frOm Essington to Mrs. Hodges was the former Prof. and . Mrs. BJ.muel T. tbree sons, John, Jr., Hal, and Maine. Chartering a boat they Major Thomas A.Hodees.USMC, IMlss Bonnte 1.. Moxey, daughter Carpenter and daughter Shirley Chris, spent September 7, 8 and ~ .saIled up tbe coast stopping oU and Mrs. Hodees of Quantico, Va., Mr. and. Mrs. John d. Moxey, returned t!> their Ogden avenue in Washington, D. C. Mr. Rounds at various places of· interest. announce tbe birtb of their first of Westtown, formerly of home Septeinber 6 from a trip was attending the annual meeting Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Child. a .on, Thorn., Taylor to Japan. Mr. Carpenter, engaged of the Executive Councll of the Marblehead, Boothbay Harbor and ••••••••••••••• as a Consultant with the Head- Friends Committee on National viSiting friends on the way. On ._ ....... . quarters of· the Flfth Air Force Legislation as a representaUve of the second day out theyeDcounter_ at Fuchl, Japan, lett on July 7 the Peace Committee at the Phil- ed the hurricane and had to stop and was Joined by Mrs. Carpenter adelphia Yearly Meeting of off at Manasquan, N. J;, tor three and Shirley on August I. Among Friends. The group was preparing days due to very high waves. On their many travels· they visited Its legislative policy slatemenltor . their arrival at Sorrento, Me., Nikki, Kyoto, the Inland Sea, and 1963-1964. they Visited Mrs. Clarke'S mother on the return trip Hawaii and San The Rounds were house guests Mrs. Richard Byrd, and also her Francisco. In Toyko Shirley re- of Mr. and Mrs. James Kranklng brother-In-law and sisler. Mr. and newed her acquaintance with of Chevy Chase, Md., old friends Mrs. Boyer and children from Yorlko Tsuchlda, an American of Mrs. Rounds, who was from Los Angeles, CalU., and her Field Service exchange student at the Washington area hefore her brother Mr. Richard Byrdandfour Swarthmore High School In 1957 marriage. sons from Boston, Mass., who and 1958. Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Fehnel were also visiting their mother. Dr. and Mrs. James E. Ecken- and children Lynn and Gary of G"ayson Smith of Forest lane hoff and family have returned to Elm avenue returned on August caught a 65 pound white marlin their home at 207 South Chester 28 alter spending seven months near southeast Ocean City, Md., road on Septembe r 4 after spend- abroad where Dr. Fehnel was while deep sea fishing out of Cape Ing a year In England. Dr. involved In a program of science May, N. J.; Saturday. September Eckenhoff did Research at Queen and research at the Universtty of 8, with his father Harry G. Smith Victoria Hospital in East Grin- Cambridge on a National Science and friends. The fish was tagged stead and lectured at most of the Foundation Faculty Fellowship. and released. Mr. Smith had a Important Medical Schools In Before returning home they took large marlin on the Une too, but land. :;:ddle was In MUnich for the a hoat to Ostend and motored did not match his son's bandilng. year studying Medical illustrative through Belgium, Germany, Swit- Mrs. Birney K. Morse enter- Art.He received a Certificate zerland, Italy and France, spending talDed her bridge club at luncheon Proficiency In the German three days in Paris. WhUevlsltlng on her homeonHarvard language froin' the. University of the Cathedral In Chartres, they avenue. Munich. Bennie attended WhItgift were ver~ surprised to meet Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Logue of for two terms and received his and Mrs. Robert Walker ru.d three Yale avenue had as their guest colors In Rugby. During the S'Jm- daughters of Elm avenue. September 8, 9 Dr. MarionDoroof mer term he taught athletics and Mrs. Henry McCorkle and child- the POUtical science faculty of mathematics at a Prep school. ren Laura, Nina and Maynard of' Connecticut College for Women. Walter was made a prefect Park avenue have returned home Dr. Dero recently returned from his school for the summer term after spending two months at Orr's two years In Kenya and Tanganyika and received a school cup Island, Me. Mr. McCorkle spaced gathering materials tor II: forth­being "the most efficient anu.n,eu'-I his vacation so that he couId spend coming book on west African POU­ful." Roddy on Sports Day was occasional periods wlthhlstamlly. tics. given the Victor Ladorum for being Mr. and Mrs. Harold March of Miss Anne Mabbott of Harvard "the hest athlete in hIS form." North Chester road returned home avenue assumed her new poSition Both of these boys attended Bruns- recently alter spending the sum- as Director of Nurses' Residence. wick Boys Prep school. mer at their home In BraltIeboro, Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. George L. Weir Vt. on Septemher 17. She will reside and children George 12. Brian 9 Two former AFS exchange stu- at the Residence, except for oc-and Marsha 7 formerly of Downers dents Bruce Cratstey and John casional weekends. Grove, m., are temporarily re- Bond and two high school students Capt. and Mrs. Corhen C. Shute siding at 206 Harvardavenue.Mr. Louise Lichtenberg and Betsy of Maple avenue entertained their Weir Is eastern .district sales Rodgers. an AFS returnee just "ejacul*tion" club at dinner on manager Of the Futer Products back trom a summer In Flntand Saturday evening. Division of Johnson and Johnson entertalned the thre~ foreign el<- ENGAGEMENT Company. change students now living In The Colin Bell tamlly of Swarthmore and attending high Mr. and Mrs. Merritt H. avenUe visited the Francis Bouda scbool, Aata Fels of Sweden, GrlUlth of Concord road, Flshp.r's family In their new Takemlchi Hara of Japan, the AFS Corner, Chester announce the en­apartment In Zurich, Switzerland, students and Tekletslon Tewolde- gagement of their daughter, Bar­where Mr. Bouda is on an as- Berban of EthIopia, international bara Ann, to Mr. Robert Huntlng­slgnment for the ScoltPaperCom- Christian youth Exchange student, ton Bradford, son of Mr. and Mrs. pany. The Bells report that the on September 8 ataplcnlcinViUley Robert p. Bradiord of Moylan, view from their home Is breath- Forge Park. formerly of Swarthmore. taking looking across . Miss Virginia Rath ot Yale aV9- Miss Grl.tttth Is a· graduate of and down to the lake and nue returned on September 11 after Chester High School and Is a of Zurich. The Bells were just a five week trip to Germany and Secretary with the Bell Telephone In time 10 see Chris Bouda leave Sweden with her sister Miss Ger- Company of Pennsylvania In Media. for boarding school In Zug, not trude Rath at Farmington, Conn. Mr. Bradford, graduated from oar from Zurich. They drove a Volkswagen most Swarthmore High School and the Dr. and Mrs. John Chapman and of the time and visited 11 dU- University of the South, Sewanee, daughter Perry of Mt. Lebanon ferent branches of their famUy In Tenn., and Is a member of Alpha Pa., are occupying the J. ' Goettlngen, Mulhelm In the Ruhr Tau Omega. He Is engaged In Pennock home at 3 Whittier place. section, Solan near Bremen, Mun- h~r~e~aI~~~~~~~;;.;::;;;~!< Dr. Chapmar Is vlsitlngProfesBor ster and Sottru,!" Germany and of Political Science at Swarthmore ,their uncle Mr. Max Rath In Stockholm. SWeden. 'ON THE BRIDGE SHOP' CoHege for the first semester coming from the Unlverslty or Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clark Pittsburgh faculty. Dr. and Mrs. and chUdren Lyn, Marie Lee and Chapman are both alumni of Richard have returned ' to their Swarthmore College and Perry home on Strath Haven avenue attends 4th grade. 1 North Providence Rd. Vlallingford ADU.I' CUSTOM LAMP SHADES HAND PRINTED FABRICS AND WALLPAPERS 'Odds & Ends' SALE T ues-Sept. 25 9 am 1 pm WHITnER HOUSE Buffet Luncheons 11:30 to 2:30 Served Da ily BOTH HOT & COLD DISHES $1.25 BuRet Dinners Thursday 5 to 9 Sunday 3 to 8:30 . $2.15 THE WILD GOOSE Route J, Baltimore Pike (4 Mlle. West of Media) CLOSED ON MONDAYS F.r MAtAZlIE SlIIIRlnIO •• Col MI'. LLIYD r. HI"M .. KI '·2010 , Peggy MacNair - 0220 KI 3-1056 NO NEED TO BE RICH No need to wait for good carpet. New hlgh­speed machines. new face materials, new backing materials. make-for outstanding car­pet at low prices. Extended terms available. Your old carpet taken in trade. Samples shown In our store or In your home. (PAulson It.. CMf'~~! 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, ·P •• KI ngswood 3-6000 -"--..jV A ... '.... KNOWS C.rpe The Bouquet k 'SALON d'4 aitlla'f~ ~ ~.e""et. 9 Chester Road Call Swarthmore 6-0476 MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENGINE SCOPI GULF GAS & OIL WHEEL ALIG"MENT DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE U-tiAI.IL RENTALS V. E. ATZ. Mgr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Opposite Borough Parking Lot ........ d 1·04411 D.rt ••• , •• Id LIt.,.tte A" .... Closed Saturday at 12:30 P.M. FABULOUS FINDS - at the- FALL MUTUAL EXCHAIGE Bring Arlicle, on TUESDAY OCT. 2 - 9 A. M .. to J P. M. '-'ULO,~Y, ocr. 3 - 9 A. M. 8 P. 'u.....,~Y, ocr. 4 - 9 A. M.12 N,-,,-,, SeHiement FRIDAY, ocr. 5 - 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Swarthmore Woman's 01. 118 P.rk Avenue Swarthmore STERLING SILVER GIFTS Personalized (We're specializing iii personalizing , It's so practical and for-you-alone-ish !) • GIFTS KI3-1900 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD , OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS • t september 21, 1982 AT IDEA CENTER NEWS NOTES " Rev. and Mrs. D. Evor Roberts -Mrs. Helen M. Hall returDed and their family of Harvard avenue recenUy from an American spent seven weeks traveling Friends Service assignment as through the west, stopplhg first . Director of Davis House, Wash- to viall Dr. Roberts· mother, Mrs. Inglon, D. C., where she was the D. C. Roberts at Green Lake, summer replacement for Dr. and Wlsc. They contlnu~d by train to Mrs. Burns Chalmers. Davis the Grand Canyon. They went on House Ia privately endowed as a to vlslt Mrs. Roberts brother­temporary guest home for forelgu In-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. olf1clal visitors. It Is located On Hal G. Evarts, Jr., and family R street near Dupont 'l:lrele. Mrs. In LaJolla, Calif., and her mother Hall terms It a "beauUfuI res - Mrs. Clinton G. Abbott An Idence." Inverness, Calif. They visited Eligible to stay there are hold- Crater Lake, the Seattle World's ers of various honorary scholar- Falr, Victoria and Vancouver In ships from the United 'Slates British Columbia and Lake Louise, Health, Education and WeUareDe- returning home from Wisconsin by partment, the United Nations car. World Health Organization, the D .... and Mrs. David Rosen and Rockefeller, Ford and other foun- their four boys have returned to datlons. There are also research their homeInRuU~dgealterspend~ professors In the humanities and Ing a year In study and research at science, medical, social andnurs... the University of Glasgow, Scot­Ing fields. In' most cases their land. Dr. Rosen Is a member of visits to Washinglon marktrt"hdleleldr'l the mathematics Department of Introduction to lite In the Swarthmore College and held a States. NSF Science Faculty Fellowship Among the summer vlsltors while In Scotland. were men and women from Af - During the year the family made ghanlstan, Egypt, Zanzibar, New several Interestlng excursions Zealaild, Australia, Poland, Yugo- which Included visits to the High­slavla, Orange Free State British lands, North Wales, and parts of South Africa, as well as Great England. During the Easter recess Britain, SWeden, Norway, etc. Each they visited friends In Paris. The brought many new Ideas and yl!ar was rounded out With a trip opinions which were exchanged to Stockholm In August where Dr. during a dally, leisurely hreakfast Rosen attended the International and high tea at fl.e O'clock. congress of Mathematlclane. One of the highlights of the Mrs. James B. Douglab u, _._ summer was a tea for 20 Nigerian Swarthmore Apartments recently 'women leaders representing returned after spending the organizations In their own country summer months at her cottage as Voice of America, YWCA, Child at Cape May, N. J. She had as Health Associations, youth Help her recent guest for two weekS, Centers, etc. These women, in her slstef.. Mrs. J. Donald Gibson sp!.te of their bizarre native cos- of Media. Mrs. Samuel Dodd ot tunles, exhibited a poise, strength Swarthmore avenue and Mrs. Al­and quIet power which would be bert L. Hilles of Crest lane a credit to any nation, Mrs. Hall joined them for the past weekend. comments. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wendel and son John, 3 J/2, have moved Mr. James Patterson, son of from Milwaukee, Wise., to 301 Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson oC College avenue, the former home Amherst avenue started his studies of Mrs. Wendel's aunt Mrs. Gordon at Dickinson Law School,'Carllsle B. Enders (formerly Mrs. E!lza­Septemher 11. His wJte Is teaching I beth Garrahen). Mr. Wendel Is fourth grade In the Carlisle teaching' at the Wharton School schools. the of DICK FRANCHETTI - TELEVISION TELEVISION-HOME & AUTO RADIO-PHONOS U.H.F. COHVERTERSINsTALLeD ROCKL YN RD.!liIlIlIlIlIlIllKI 4_102811111111111_1'SPRI.NG-FIEL-D. ~- . LIONS CLUB SPRINGFIELD ADULT SCHOOL 10 Monday Nights - 8:06 P.M. SEPTEMBER 24 through NOVEMBER 26 Bridge - Beginners Bridge - Intermediate Business Law $ 9 Physical Fitness-Woman $ 7 $ 9 Russian - Beginners $10 $10 Sewing - All Levels $ 9 Golf $ 6 Small Boat Handlin g $ 5 Guitar - Beginners Investments $ 8 Speed Reading $20 $ 7 Typing - Beginners $ 9 Oil Painting $10 Typing - Intermediate $··ll Persuasive Soeal:ing Organ - Beginners $20 Ballroom Dancing- $ 8 Beginners Couple $10 REGISTRATION (apci INFORMA TrON) <if Springfield High SChool, Tuesday, September 1B, and Thu,sday, September 20, 1:30 to 9:00 ·P.M. Information: KI 3.4240 after 5:00 P.M. Rose V Nurseries, Inc. 684 SOUTH NEW,MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA _ Opposite Highmeadow - (between Dutton ·MiII Road and Knowlton Road) Telephone - TRemont 2.-7206 "Ask for ~en Palmer" HARDY CHRYSANTHEM EVERGREENS BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS PLANTS: Firethomr Cotoneasters Hollies \ PEAr 'MOSS, FERtILIZER and MULCHES ·POTTED STAR ROSES * and MINIATURE ROSES we DELIVER Open Paily Sundays 12 until until 5:30 5:30 P.M. P.M. THE SWARTHMOREAN Mr. and Mrs. Colin W. Bell and cbUdren, Jennifer, Alister and , Graham, spent six weeks this sum­mer visiting friends andreIatlves In several European countries, and doing extensive sightseeing. When It came time to return to Swarthmore August 28 the famlly split three ways ••• Jennifer and Graham, accompanledbytheiraunt Barbara~ returned home onsched­ule; Mr. Bell left for a month In Africa; Mrs. Bell and Alister remained an add1t1onal week In Switzerland whUe AUster had his appendix remo~ed In 'an ItalIan­Swiss clinic In Locarno. Alister recovered sufficiently to return to Swarthmore a sliort ulght's sleep ahead of the opening of school. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bovard and son Timothy of Henryelta, Okla., arrived Tuesday for a two week visit with Mrs. Bovard's parents Mr. and Mrs. F: Norton Landon of Wallingford. Comdr. and Mrs. HarryTransue of KenUleld, CalU., formerly of North Chester road, wlll arrive Monday for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kirkpatrick of Wallingford. Mrs. William E. Hetzel, Jr., of Thayer road, chairman Of the Trinity Church MoUday Fair, entertained the Booth Chairmen at coffee on themornlngofSeptemher 11. at her home. Mr. and Mrs. <).lburt M. Rosen­berg and their small daughters ElJle and Betsy ot Elm avenue returned on Tuesday trom spend­Ing the summer on a farm near Kutztown, Berks County. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and children CurtiS, Jeffrey and Gall moved last Thursday from 327 Riverview road to 520 Cedar lane, the home of the late Mrs. J. L. Van Tine. Mrs. M. G. Maguire, her daughter Mrs. Sinci. Ir Thomp­son and chiidren Dsvld a 9th grade pupil, Bruce In the 7th grade and Marjorie In the 5th grade, will move on September 29 to the Riverview road address. They have been residents ot Cor­nell avenue for the past year. Mr. John Rumsey returned to his home on Vassar &.venue last Friday· ·trom the. Sacred Heart Hospital and Is progressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. L"wls H. Elverson and family of Whittier place re­turned from Nantucket, Mass., where they spent the summer months, In time for school opening. Mr. and Mrs. irvin R. Mac­Elwee .. of Mt. Holyoke place re­turned home recently from a two weeks visit with their son .and daughter-In-law Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacElwee and family In Winchester, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C • Mateer of South Chester road have returned from their home In OCean City, J. J., where they had heen sPending the summer. • •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Do you figure you can never get $5-00 ahead? •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • · . •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •••••••••••••• • •• •• ••••••••••• ,..-...•-•- •-• . $5 weekly for 24 months . . . more tban does it in a Provident Tradesmens "Key" Savings Account! If you'd like $500, plus 3~% interest, to spend as you please or keep ~ reserve and build on ... then a '~Key" Savings Account is for you ... beginning now. Your own private goal may be $100, $500 or more. It takes only a small amount to get started and to keep your money grow­ing in a "Key" Savings Account. We pay 3~ % interest and we figure it monthly. Like to get that nest egg started? Then the sooner you open your "Key" Savings Ac­count, the better. It's the place where mon~y grows! . ("K~~';~"'~""~OI~ ::;:~~'~~~~";i';~';""} ........ ,~. . .......... . •••• "'.:Q. ••• .......................... PROVIDENT TRADESMENS Ba1lk a1ld Trllst Compa"y DELAWARE VALLEY'S KEY BANK /JdawaN" Countv O/liC('s: . Lima-LO 6·8300 (Drivc·ln & Parking); Media-LO 6·8a~)O . Spl"ingfield (Drive-In & Parking)-KI 3-243~: Swarlhmokn;-KI 3-14.11 Nether Providence-LO 6-830'.> (Drlvc-~n & Par mg) Abovt' office", open Friday PVf'nmgs Main Office: Broad and Chestnut Sts.~LOcusL 4-3000 . Member Federa: D~po1Jjl Insurance Corp*rnlimf ., Af('mwr Federal Re.~f.'r'Y :-'Ylitt'/H 3 OPEN HOUSE COInmuniy Arts Center 408 ROGERS LANE, WALLINGFORD SUNDA V, SEPTEMBER 23 CALL KI- 2 -5 P. M. REGISTRATION FOR FALL CUSSES Painting and Drawing Sculpture Language Music Dramatics Dancing \ LO 6 -1739 ~1/!..lUUI.JUUllUUUUUU<~XJ< 0 Q 0 0 Q Q 0 0 0 000 0 Q 0 0 Q 0 0 Q 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 0 0 0 Q Q

---------- Page 11 ----------

• PBj!e 4 THE SW'ARTHMOREAN f'UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A.T SWARTHMORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE T. TOLD. Publishers PhDne KlngswDDd 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor BARBARA B. KENT. Manasln, Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol Mary E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told THE SWARTHMOREAN The Do~c.. Clrcle . will meet ai tbe bOme' of Mrs. Joseph Layton, 405 Thayer road, at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. I The Ilrst OItlctal Board OCCIll'll Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. In the Chapel. ---- Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24. 1929. at Ibe Post OUlce at Swarthmore. Pa .• under the Act 01 March 3. 1879. FRIENDS MEETJNG NOTES The Monday SeWing Group will hold a sale from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 25. On sale will be "Odds and Ends", and many Items oUnterest to all. At 2:30 p.m •• two talks will be given on designs and laces. Spe'!i<erswll" be Mrs. Dorothy Hallowell and Oliver Talt, In a Lavender and Old Lace program. DEADLINE - WED. NESDAY 11 A.M. ~ .. •• ............ &!I. t!ENNA. 'j1RIDAY, 20. 1962 L' "All that is' necessary for the forces of evil to win The Adult Forum OPeDS ~n SUn-in the world is that enough good men do nothing". day, September 23 with a talk by . Edmund Burke John Moore on "The Bible as ·;:::::::~::~-::-::=-::::::::::;-::;-;-;;-::;:-~::;:;~;;-~::--::-;:;:~;--!_I HIstory." This is the Urst of a PRESBYTERIAN NOTES 10:00; Clrcle-2, Mrs. A. Morris series of four talks on the Bible Services of Morning WorsDlp Bowie chalrman, lor coffee at the to be given by the Forum on will occur at 9:15 and at 11 o'clock on Sunday. The Church SChool Teacher Tralnlng class wlll meet from 9:15 to 11. The Women's BlblG Class meet at 9:30; the lOth grade and pre-college groups at 10:30. In the afternoon, the Junior Dlgh choli meet at 4:30 an~ the senior high choir at 5 O'clock. New and -returning students at Swarthmore College will be wel­comed.. at the Worship services. A colfee hour, to which they are invited, will follow the 11 O'clock service -in the WQmen's' Associ-ation Room. I Morning Prayers wllJ beotfered on Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. On Wednesday the Spiritual Life Chalrmen's study group wUI meet at 9:30; the Bandage Group at CHURC.H SERVICE.S PRESBYTERIANC:HURCH . D. Evor Roberts, Minister Robert O. Browne, A. soc.Min i iter Minister 01 ChristiDn Education Sunday, September 23 9:15'imd 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship 9:15-11 :00 A.M.-churchSChool Teacher Training Classes 9:30 A.M.-Women's Bible Class .10:30 A.M.-10th Grade Grollll 10: 30 A.M.-Pre-College Group Tuesday, September 25 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Wednesday, September 26 10:00 A.M.-Bandage Group 9:30-11 :30 A.M.-Spiritual Life Study GrouP. METHODIST CHURCH home Of the chairman, 120 South September 23, 3D" October 7 and Chester road at 10 a.m.; and at 14. 8:15 p.m. Circle 13, Mrs. Donald Henderson chairman, wUl meet in the Women's Association Room of the church. The Couples' Club will gather for a cook-out at Junior House on Monday evening October I at 6:30. The Church School will open on october 7. Registration Is to be completed during September. '." ~l!THODISTNOTE;; Mr. Kulp will preach the .econd sermon In his series of sermons ,on Beliefs That Conquer tDls SUn­day at both the 8:30 arid 11:00 a.m. services Of Morning Worship. His subject this week Is "Flesb to Dwell Among Us." Immi!d1ately following the 11 a.m. service there will be a Coffee Hour for the Incoming freshman at Swarthmore College. TDIs will give the con­gregoUon an opportunity to meet them. , CHRISTIAN SCii!NCE NOTES What changing one's standpoint can mean In meeting today's chal­lenges, will be brought out at Chrlsttan ScleDce church services Sunday 111 the Lesson-Bermon on the subject of·"Metter." "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world" I Is the Golden Text from the Bible (I John 2) which keynotes the Lesson;..Sermon. One of the selections to be read from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" of which Mary Baker Eddy Is the author, states: "When understanding changes the standpoints of IUe and intelli­gence from a matertal to a spiritual baSiS, we shall galn the reality of LUe, the control of Soul over sense, and we shall perceive ChrlstllUl1ty. or Truth,ln Its divine Principle" (p.322): All are invited to attend the services at 11 a.m, In First Church of Christ, Scientist, 206 Park avenue. The Junior 111gh w1l1 meet at 7 p.m. Bunday In Fellowship Hall to be led by Linda Edney and Melanie Seymour In original drama and discussion of teenage prob-lems. Leiper Church Not •• The Senior IUgh Fellowship will Church School hours and Church also meet SUnday at ? p.m. Cheryl Service hours lOr the fall season Edney will lead the group In a are as fo\1ows: discussion of the Methodist youth Church School, 9:30 a.m.; Morn­Fellowship Fund. A social hour Ing Worship, 11 a.m. (Toddler's w!ll follow at her home. ~'¥Im open dnrlng tlds service); Tuesday at 8 p.m. there will Senior HIgh Youth Meeting, 6:30 be a Fall Workers' conference p.m.; Junior 111gh youth Meeting, for all church School teachers 7 p. m. and officers. In addition to plan- New membersorlentatlonclass­nlng for the fa\1 season, William es will be held on Sunday, Sep- . C. CO\1eDberg will speak on tember 23 and 30 at 9:30 a.m. HS-MATH AWARD Haltred Wertz, Methematlcs De­partment :oead, announced today that Swartbmore HIgh School has been awarded a certUicate by tile Mathematical AssoclatinnofAmer­ica for outstanding proficiency In the annual Methematlcs Contest for the secondary schools of the United states and Cana~. There were aboUt 170,000 par-' tlclpants enrolled In 5,300 schools. T}le engraved certificate Is award­ed on a regional basts, to each of the schools with scores In the first decile of all participating schools. WilHam Barus, now a 12th September· 21, 1882· Grade SbldeDt secured a place on the bOnOr rdU by r_n of havlni a. score oi 80 pointe or hlgller. Tile . members of Swarthmore's competing team were Charles Soule and Allen VanBlerkom, hoth of the class of 1962. Jean Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson of Dartmouth avenue left on SUnday 'for tbe College of Wooster, Wooster, 0., wbere she entered her sophom*ore year. Kay Tallmadge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tallmadge of Haverford place left on Monday to ,enter her freshman year at the Ul11verslty of Washington, Seattle, Wash. . Visit beautiful West Laurel Hill NOW· as a matter of prude:Q.t family planning A morning or afternoon spent viewing ite wondrous blend of natural and fonnalized elegance will be an experience both inter­.! sting and rewarding. Whether you, prefer memorials traditionally erect or level with the gro'.md, or, favor cremation over burial, West Laurel Hill can more than 8Iltisfy your aesthetic wish . . • all within your economy. Come any day between 9 and 4. Qy automobile on Belmont Avenye -.hove Philo. City Line. By P.T.C. Route 70 or E Bua to &edt St. & City Line local taxi .tand. By P.R.R. Nomatown Branch to Barmouth Station on lfI'Oundl; WEST LAUREL HILL ~ 215 Belmont Ave .. Bala.CynwYd. Po. MOhawk 4-1591 -rhe Rev. John C. K:;lp, Minister Charles Schi sler Minister of Music StewardsDlP Training In the Church These classes are designed to t-~--=== Sunday, September 23 8:30 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr. K ul p w ill preach. 11:00 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach 7:00 P.M.-Jr. and Sr. High Fellowships. TuesdDY, September 25 8:00 P.\1.-Fall Workers' Con­ference for Church School Staff. Wednesday, September 26 8:00 P.M.-·Official Board Meeting. ------------------~--- TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector Th .. Rev. George R. McKelvey Curate Sunday, September 23 _ (Trinity XIV) 8:00 A.M.-Holy Comm~nlon and >'lord. 9:30 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Church School 1\:~5 A.M.-Morning Prayer, ::iermon and Church School. 7:30 P.r.:.-Holy Communion Monday, Septemlier 24 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7: 15 P.M.-Evening Prayer Tuesday, Septem"'r 25 9: 15 }\.M.-Mornlng Prayer 7:15 P.M.-l1:venlng Prayer Wednesday, Septem"'r 26 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7:15 P.M.-EYenlng Prayer Thursday, Septem"'r 27 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7: 15 P.M.-Evening Prayer Friday, September 28 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer Soturday Septem"'r 29 (St. Michael and All Angell) 9:30, ,A .M.-HoJ,y Communion SchooL provide an Introduction to the The MirIam Circle wl\1 meet United presbyterian Church. Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. at the The deadline for Leiper Journal home of Mrs. William E. Harbison, ' announcemenls or articles Is SUn- 130.8 University avenue, Morton. day, September 23. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Circle 1 will meet at 11 a.m. OF FRIENDS . on Tuesday, September 25, and Sunday, September 23 9:45 A.M.-First-day School. 9:45 A.M.-Adult Forum. John Moore, speaker. 11 :00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship Children cared for in Whittie; House. Monday, September 24 All-Day Sewing fat AFSC Tuesday, September 25 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.-Odds and Ends Sale. Rushmore Room, Whittier House. 2:30 P.M.-Talks by Dorothy Hallowell and Oliver Tait. Wednesday, September 26 All-Day Quilting for AFSC FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Park Avenue below Harvard Sunday, September 23 ·11:00··A.M.-Sunday sChool II :do A.M.-The·Leason-Bermon will be "Matter.-" ' Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 P.M. Reading Room, 409 Dartmouth Avenue; open week-days except holidays, IIJ.5; Friday evening 7-9. --------~....-=:==:::====- LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 900 Fairview Rood The Rev. Jallles Barber, Minl.ter Sunda", s.ptember 23 9:30 A.M.-Church School 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship (Toddler's Room Open) ,. ~, Circle 2 at 8 p.m. places of meeting to be announced. The Deacons wl\1 meet at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 25. 'IN MEMORIUM Mosaics have been Installed on either side of the chancel of Trinity Church "to the glory of ' God and In memorl' of the man whose vlalon they tuum, George W. C. Wagner." The memortalls a gift to the church from Mr. Wagner's friends, business as­soclstes end family. The designs "ere created by the J. and R. Lamb Company In con­sultation with Mrs •. Wagner end the church vestry. The artist end craftsman who created the mOsalcs was Erwin R. Schuetzel,foremost artist In the Amberosl SChool of moslac craftsmen, Berlin, Ger­many who has worked In this country since 1928. DIABETIC CLINIC Area reSidents who are suffer­ng from diabetes or whose family has a history of the disease are InVltlkl to join the Taylor Hosi,ltal Diabetic Clll11c which convenes hl-monthly In the meeting room of the nurses' home. Orgenlzed In 1938 to bring re­llet to dlabetlc sufferers and pro, vide them with latest medication and Information, the clinic today t. .. a ~0WInc membership. , .Install autom,otic .' . HOUSE c:;\.HEATING! ;.: :", " ,--, :':. " '. ". . .,. • ";. ":::,' " . " . , " .':';: " ',' .:.,:...': :" Right now ':.~ ".:' ::': is the ideal "::;,:' .':'.( :' ". .' ','. .:::~c::: time to prepare for ".:,:.;,".::. :,'.': winter comfort by , " .:'j:,::.': installing automatic gas ,,~.,,:: , ./;:/ house heating . .in just about a" . ..:":" <:',:,::day's time, the h~ating system can·'::-::::·., .>: ': be installed and)ou're assured of ":(:. ::":> constant~ de~;nd~,ble warmth " ... :' /:; throughou/ the ~~'tire house ::::::'; ~ i\:,': for yea~s' t6 come:". What's ::,:,') ;::,:, " more, op~rating COSIS",compare : ::,',:' ?<" favc;irably with \oiher /;::.,} -:::;:. . ',,;" ';:.: ':;"'::', a~toinatic heating ';:>i~·:· '. '" .:/:.. .: ..... .. .. .. f f .. .. .... ..'.. :~ . .., ,'.';, ". ': ue 5. .';:>:'':- ". '" . . . .. .: :: .. ':~ . ,' ... ' . : ':::~~/{ :': '., . '.' '. . '.',.' :.: :/:}:";:: ... . ,-;.::. " . - . Gel more information ~n a~,~'~~'i~ gal IIouse "ea,'ng lIy calling your local plumbing or hea"ng contraclor or any of our suhurban offic ••. PHILADELPHIA, ELECTRIC COMPANY pale 6 COLLEGE CREATES S NEW POSITIONS New Memb.e r Added To Administrative Staff A recent realignment of ad­ministrative responsibilities at Swarthmore College has created !lve new positions and the ad. ditlon of one new member to the stal announced Dr. Courtney Smith, president of the college. The changes are etrectlve as of September 1. For many years the college has had coordinate Deans - a dean for men and a dean for women _ each of whom had both academic and nonacademic responsibilities for students. Under the new or­ganization Dr. SUsan P. Cobbs, formerly dean for women, Is dean and assumes the academic responsibilities previously hand­led by the coordinate deans. She is assisted by Dr. John M. Moore, associate dean and registrar. Nonacademic responsib11!tles for students will now be handled by a dean of women and a dean Of men - Barbara Pearson Lange and Robert A. Barr, Jr. Mrs. Lange has been dlrec'tor of dramatics at Swarthmore since 1946, and for the last year has also been an assistant dean of 'women. Mr. Barr has been as­sociated with the college as as­slstent dean for admissions since 1597. Both are alumni Of the COl­lege. The fourth new position Is that 01 dean of admiSSions, which Is filled by JOhn C. Hoy. Mr. HOy most recently was director of ad­missions for Lake. Forest College in lIllnols. He has also served as ",sslstant director of admissions at Wesleyan University; where he received the bachelor'S and master's degrees. Hewasdireetor 01 development at Morgan Park Academy In Chicago and taught history and English at the St. Louis Country Day School. He has been active In the Association of College Counselors and was a member of the accreditation com­mittee for the Independent Schools Association of the Central states. Dr. Gilmore Stott, formerly as­sociate dean and financial aid of­fleer, now serves as assistant to the president and deputy Anerlcan secretary of the Rhodes Scholar­ships. These new appointments fol lowed the naming 01 lormer Dean and Professor William C. H. Prentice to the presidency of Wheaton College In Massachusetts last spring. von de KAMP WITH ASTRONOMERS ABROAD Dr. Peter van de Kamp, chair­man of the Department of Astronomy and Director of the 'Sproul Observatory at Swarthmore, College, Is visiting In England aod the Netherlands, to confer with other astronomers on matters con­cerning the International As­tronomical Union. He wl!1 visit the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, England, during the week of Sep­tember 10, where he w!1l confer with R. v.d.R. Wooley, Astronomer Royal, and D., H. Sadler, Superin­tendent of H. M. Nautical Almanac Office. In the Netherlands, be will confer with A. Blaauw', professor of astronomy and Director 01 the Kapteyn Astronomical Laboratory. Dr. van de Kamp Is president 01 Commission 26 (Double Stars) of the International Astronomical Unft>n. Mr. Wooley Is vice presi­dent of tDls Commission. Mr.Sad­ler is executive secretary and Pro­lessor Blaauw Is president of Commission 33 (Structure and Dynamics of tbe Galactic system). NEIGHBOR TOUR An autumn guided tour of "YJs­torlc SpdngAeld" , for which tbere Is no charge will take place on Saturday, September 29. Anyone Int.erested may jOin It at tbeSpriog­field Township Building, powell road, In time to start at 10:30a-m. , THE SWARTHMOREAN September 21, 1962 Polic. , Fir. N.wsl-~==:iIi~fiBAllIiliiOON-lSTiBiIN'Z;rnUR~IC:UHIi~~~~~~ Joseph Hagg, 42 of Upper Darby Anthony M. Falrbanks, Yale ave-died, of a heart attack In a car nue, lett Wednesday afternoon from on Dartmouth avenue near Lofay- Maguire Air Force Base as an eUe avenue at 7:40 p.m. Monday. Official with NAA for Frankfurt Hogg became 1\1 while he and DIs NEWS Germany and will drIve from tbere wife were riding In the car of to Zurich, SwItzerland. James Thompson, Darby. They' On September 23, he will ny sought help and found Partolman alone In hie 35,000 cubic loot James Davis In the local police All seventh grade gIrls In- balloon In the International Races car• 0 av i sadm I nl s terde oxygen terested In learning about new In ZUrich representing the United and artificial respiration t o no cadett~ scouting will meet at States. ava II • H, o gg was pronounced d ea d Whittier House, Friends Meeting, As an NAA official he will also b yD.r Willi am RI'al . on the Swarthmore College check other At 8:20 a.m. Monday three cars campus, on Thursday, September were slightly damaged In a chaln 27 at 7 p.m. collision on South Chester road. There w!ll be one seventh grade . Police said all three were travel- Girl Scout Troop tDlS year under ing south when the first, driven the leadership of Mrs. William by James Smedley of Havertown, stanton and Mrs, Harry Draper. stopped to allow another car to Previous scouting I~ not .. equired. make a lett turn Into the Grey- Any seventh grade girl Is welcome lock Apartments driveway. The to JOin the troop. RUTH S. DUNCAN TEACHER Of pIANO , , .18E. • ••• E.'IT •• ' •• II."EIIIT' .F .EI.IILII.II 322 Rutgers Avenue Klnpwood 3-5663 COME TOMORROW CJJ to the ~ Riddle Memorial Hospital COUNTRY FAIR ROSE TREE HUNT CLUB SEPT. 22 - 9 A. M. RAIN OR SHINE car behind Smedley, drIven by At the first meeting plans wlJl Robert Duman of Drexel HIJI, was be outlined for the year, Including struck In the rear by that of C. R. arrangements for anearlyNovem-' Loughead of Thayer raod, lorclng ber camp-out, bsdge activities and Duman Into Smedley. The S",ed1ey work toward the first class badge. car was damaged In the rear, The first Swarthmore GlrlScout ~~ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~==:=~:::=:=: the Loughead car In the front and nelgbborhood meeting w!\J be held the Duman car in hoth front and on September 26, 1962 at I p.m. \! will be held at the home of the nelghhorhood chairman. Mrs. H S' CRQ·tt COUNTRY Donovan, 307 Elm avenue • •• JJ All adult scouts are invited, also RUNNERS I any new residents who are In- BEGIN 2ND YEAR terested In scouting wlJ\l be wel- Tuesday at Chester, the HIgh School Cross Country team begins its second season. Though little Is known about the Chester team, the local boys have been prepare Ing tlUlgently' for the race and those to fonow. The first home race wlll be on Friday with Nether Providence. After three weeks of practice the squad Is eager for the ap­proaching races. Five seniors, Including two varsity leiter win­ner s did not come out lor the team this year, but their places are being steadily contested. A strong first group of Rick Draper, Tim Jenkins, Fred Mattocks, Ron Snyder, and Doug Tolley is being pushed by Mat Johnson, Ron WeiSS, John Shigeoka, Frank Monoy, Mark Larsen, PDIl Zhookolf, Jim Con­wen. 'Steve Polgar, Tim McCaifrey, and Tim Tyson. U two or three of these hoys conUnue to show consistent im­ptovement, a reasonably success ... fUI season can be expected. Recent additions to the squad Include Baker Simmonns, Ek Gerner, Ron Wrege. Dave LeSlie, Dick Mc­comed. This year the com munlty Is fortunate In having almost all of the experienced leaders retain their troops. However, assistant leaders are needed for the Brownies, 5th grade and 8th grade troops. The Neighhorhood UnUorm Ex­chnnge Is looking Ibr any out­grown or unused girl scout and adult uniforms, Including hats, belts, pins, socks, etc; also equlp­ment, nags and flag stands. The Woman's Club exchange sale does not handle GlrlScout merchandise. Mrs. Donovan or any Girl Scout leader 'w!ll be grateful for do­natioDS by October I, 1962 for use tDls fall. Girl Scout troops, on all levels, are organizing now. Girls wlJ\ he noUfJed by their leaders concern­Ing time and place of the meet­Ings. IT new girls in the eom­munlty wlll call the Troop Orgon­izer, Mrs. John Magee, KI4.0204, they wUI be assigned to the proper troops. AT WASHINGTON MEET Kernan and Pete Weber. As soon Several residents oUhe Borough as they work out the early stages attended the annual meetings olthe of stiffness they are eJqlected to Amprlcan Political Science As­contribute to the overall strength soclallon In Washington, D. C.; of the team. September 5 through 8. J. Rowland The bOys were plessed to hear Pennock, WDlttler place, chalrman last week that the Swarthmore of the Political Science Depart­Citizens Athletic Committee his ment at Swarthmore college, was agreed to sponsor a Delaware the chairman of a session. As­County Cross Country meet on slstant Professor Charles Gilbert, November through the streets of Kenyon avenue, read a paper. Swarthmore. In connection with Professors Kenneth N. Waltz, this, a letter has been sent to Benjamin West avenue, DaVId G. the area's Cross Country coaches Smith, Walnut lane, John Chapman, to find out It there Is enough Whltller pillce, 01 the college de­Interest In such a meet. partment and John Logue, Yale Though Cross Country Is not avenue, of Villanova WAKE UP TO MUSICI NEW 1963 ~ CLOCK RADIOS QUALITY Smart new stylings . .. world famous Zenith radio performancel THE MUSIC BOX, INC. 10 Pork Avenue OPEN FRI. EVE. KI3-1460 ~ dJaIJ a.uJ !Je ~ %. . 'f. Ju,. dlloo. doG.. ! .L' 'JfJ1ud !Jette", t;.'He U U.SU " 4 rpJ .tIud ~su' OCimsta. ? HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW AUTOMATIC CAMERASli These are so easy to use. Every member of fbe family can now' get good photos. . ARGUS FUJICA ANSCO MINOLTA BALDA ZEISS ROLLEI THE CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP 4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmor.e ~' rI KI 3-4191 FRI 9 to 8:3? • a spectator sport, nls hoped that alGO attended. LH L3C3C3WWLJ members of the community will I-;~~~ _________ ~ ____ iiiii _ iiiiiiiiiiii ____ iiiiii ____ ;;;;; __ ;;_;;- be Interested In attending the home I meets which start at 3:30 behind the Conege Field House. , David Grugan, son of Mr. an" Mrs. Robert M. Grogan 01 West­minister avenue, returned to Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., last Tuesday for DIs seruor year. IUs twin sisters, Sara and Sandy had already re­turned to college, Sara to Colorkdo College. colorado Springs, and Sandy to' tbe University 01 Colorado, Boulder J colo •• they begin their sophom*ore year. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE· OF MARION E. WI~ LARD DECEASEn Late of the Borou&b of swarthmore, Delaware Coun\;y. Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to said Estate Q.uested to make having to without LORD. Avenue or to her BEATTY. 17 South Avenue Me,l!a, vania. WE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING ALTERATIONS. • PLEASE EXCUSE OUR APPEARANCE AND ANY INCONVENIENCE IT MAY CAUSE. WHEN COMPLETED WE HOPE TO SERVE YOU FASTER AND MORE EFFICIENTLY. THE ALTERATIONS -we hope- WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE WEEK IN SEPTEMBER. The 40'''. I ... A ••••• •• 5 5 • •• SsF. un 2 • POOD MA.KIT •• • 9 $ .a.a 4TH 4 • • p

---------- Page 12 ----------

• STEAKS-HOAGIES paK~:sWprnan DandSblrt.!.~~r.r=====~~~~~~~:::T~H~E~?=S~W==A=R::T:H~M::O:R::E:A~N~ ____ ~~ ______ ~ ______________ ~Se~p!~~m~be~k~2~1.~1~962 capt. and Mrs. Corben C. ShUte CL of Maple avenue returned Septern- . ASSIFI ED· ADS ber. 4 to Annapolis. Md •• lor his first-class year at the U. S. Naval Academy. Mrs. Shute ac­companied her son Edward when he returned last week to 'Severn School, Severna Park, Md., tor PERSONAL FOR SALE OTHER his second year. THE HOAGIE SHOP REQUEST FOR BIDS PERSONAL - Custom-made slip FOR SALE - Antiques, COuntry· furniture. rockers. side cbairs. ::halrs recaned and rerushed. Bullard. TllngSwood 3-2165. FOR SALE - Summer or winter DiMatteo's Fairview at Michigan sealed bids will be received In Council Chamber. Borough Hall SWarthmore. Pennsylvania, o~ October 8. 1962 at 7:30 P.M. Eas~em Daylight Saving TIme. for furn.shlng the labor, materials. equlpmegt and dOing the work of Temovlng, pruning and elevating trees on Borough streets In ac­cordance with specifications and data on bid sheet. both of which will be furnished by the under­covers. Pin filted In your home. "You supply material. I make them. WQlk guaranteed, prompt service. CLearbrook 9-6311. home near Spill Rock Lodge and SIll. stroudsburg. Living room, kitchen. two bedrooms and bath. Hot air heat (oil automatic). All modem conveniences. Wooded, small creek, Call MAdison 6-7589. " SWEENEY 6- CLYDE Established 1858 PERSONAL - Gilbert's Steam Wali scraping, remove punt over paper. Interior painting. George Gilbert. TRemont.4-7082. . FOR SALE - '56 Ford 29 East Fifth Street. Chester, Pa. signed. 1\ certified check for $100.00 payable to the Borough of Swarth­more shall accompany the bid and the successful bidder will be required to enter Into a contract and furnish bonds as required by law, the forms of which may be seen at the office of the under­signed. The Borough reserVes the right to waive any informalities In the bids received; to reject any or ali bids; to alvard the contract only to those experienced In this class of work; and to the bidder whose proposal is deemed to be the most advanlageous to the converlible. Magnificent tion, fully equipped. TRemont4-631I public interest. Ruth A.B. Townsend Borough SecretarY Swarthmore, Pa. ESTATE NOTICE EsrATE OF" MARY MEYER a/k/a MARY HORNER MEYER late of the Borough of Swarthmore LETTERS TF.5TAMENTARY o~ the labove Eatat e having been granted to tbe undersigned all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims to present the same. without delay. to Louise M. Homer. Executrix 5011 Chestnut street. Philadelphia 39. Pennsyl­vania or to her Attorneys Butier. Beatty. Greer & JOhnson 17 South Avenue Media. Penna. Mowltz and Kohlhas 1420 Walnut Street Phil­adelphia. Penna. 3T-10-5 - PERSON AL - Roofing, spouting. gutters. Recreation rooms a specialty. Ray J. Foster. GLobe 9-2713. PERSONAL - THOM SEREMBA. Upholstered furniture renovatell reasonable 35 yellrs experience. Chair bottoms repaired, $8. up. Upholstery and slip covers In your fabric or from our samples. 11 years of Swarthmore references. Free estimates. LUdlow 6-7592. PERSONAL - China and glass repaired. Parcbment paper lamp shades recovered. Miss I. P. Bunting, KIngswood 4-3492. PERSONAL - Auto driving In-strucllon. Appointed by the De­part. ient of Public Instruction to offer a course leading to full op­erating privl\eges at a!e 17. re­sulllng in lower il:aurance premium Edward F. Mau. 925 Edgmont Ave· nue. TRemont 2-4346. PERSONAL-Piano Teacher. Piano lessons in your. home. Consena .. tory Graduate. Beginners and Ad­vanced, POpUlar and Classical, Adults and Children. Mr. Levin, K1ngswood 3-3273. PERSONAL - .:':a.lterd.tloDs on eve' ning clothes and ~treet clothes KIngswood 3-6649. well 6-0274 or KIngswood • FOR SALE-GroundmushToomsoil. SAMUEL D. CLYDE - 1172.1915 Cali Ray tee*tsel. KIngswood 3-3575. J. EDWARD CLYDE FOR SALE _ Guitus -":Classic _ SAMUEL D. CLYDE, JR. Folk. Espana - Gagliano - Mar-. I ~~:!!!!~ tin. New and used Banjos. S. I. Rosenblatt, 818 Edgmont Avenue Chester, Pa. ) -;;::" ::-:-:-::-::--:--:---­FOR SALE - Assortment original Fire Marks. $15. up. New skis $25. Hi~b chair, nearly new, $10: Eight power binoculars, $i4. 16 Inch oscillating fan, $10. Aluminum lounge chair. $5. Telephone table. $4. Klngswood 3-0618. FOR SALE - Football equipment. larlSe sl~1 sturdy; maJorette boots. size !i'f.l. KIngswood 4,..0628. FOR SALE - Eight foot General Eiectric Refrigerator. $40. KIngs­wOOd 3-3819. 421 Dickinson Ave­nue. FOR SALE - bird houses to last a lifetime (~I~'S -~:~-bi;~';);1 CHESTER WINDOW OLEANING Call TRemont 6-2530 "Satisfying Service" OFFIIiE • RESIDEIOE - IIDU"I' • Exp.rt FI •• r Waxll, • J.ln.r S.rwloe • lop to •• H .... " •• I'nl: • R., •• Id Furlnlr. SII •• polid .n '"r H ... . • W.1I1 ... W .. d •• r' W'."I. • W. H.D, Ind RIIIII" Stor. S ..... Id Sorll.1 Serving Delaware County Over 47 Years Free &timates - Fully Insured KIngswood 3-1448 1 PERSONAL - French lessons WilLI native. experienced. conversation: AM BROOKS grammar. 934 Concord Avenue AP.h Drexel Hill. SUnset 9-2339. • es and Rubbish Removed Lawns Mowed. General Hauling I PERSONAL-Have your car washed come to the S. Crothers, Jrs. Plush Mill Road, WalIln.:rord. L,O well 6-4551. - TRemont 6-2530 FOR SALE - StroUer, smail crib In E. 23rd STREET complete. art tahle. Call KlngS- 17:-~II!!!!l!!!!""''''''''''''''I!!!!''''!!!!!I!!!!!!!.J wood 4-5685. " Harding Ave. Morton, Po. I ~~wO":,'r:~·48~~asonable. Call /;;;';;;:;;::::-;:---:~,..,-;".;... ---.. PERSONAL - Will rlnish oweaters with buttonholes. buttons and blocking. Greta Willis K1ngswood FO" SALE - Jewelry Repaired Ph. KI 3-4216 . n - Bendix automatic home ironer (Mangle). Best orfer EMIL SPIES takes. Call K1ngswood 4-5962. WATCHMAKER MoI"ry Ellen FLORIST South Chester K. 3-8093 SPECIAL PRICE ON EXTERIOR ED AINIS 800 Fairview Road FOR SALE-Boy's 24 inch bicycle. Formerly of F.e. Bode and Sons Call KIngswood 4-1823, Watcb and 128 Yale Ave 4-1714. • WANTED FOR SALE - Baby's stroller and Infantseat, $4. each Cali KIngs­wood 3-0828. FOR SALE - Small upright plano. Cali Kir)gswood 3-8397. FOR" Kl€liiT ." FOR RENT - Apartment In beauti-ful surroundings,large living room Ithree bedrooms, tile bath. dining room, kitchen. deck porch. garagE neat transp<!rtation. Adults. $120. _ LOwell 6-1879. FOR RENT - TWo student room: with private batb. 114 Cornell Avenue. Call K1ngswood 3-5267 evenings. • FOR RENT - Four room apartment second floor. Hardwood floors' hot water heat. three blocks tro~ downtown. Rent $80. including heal and water. Adults. SWeeney & Lukens. TRemont 6-7183. LOST - 7 spaulding golf iron on College Girls Hockey Field. Call Klngswood 3-2986. PIANOS WHY NOT IUY _ r ... 1It P'­froM .p ......... 01., :::1:8-' _, I t'. .n.. •. ....~ t~~ AoL. • .IIIa L ....... ------------ - WANTED - Medical Technician desires part or full time employ­mentln local Lab. Registered AMT. £~I Klngswood 3-0828". -JI","y-j,,- 1 PATTON ROOFIN~l ROOFING SPOuni&l i COMPANY 1 GUlTERS SIDING ! established 1873: Free Estimates ~. ~ .................... ~. . ~ ~ • 4 •• : MONTH! Y FINANCING ARRANGED , : Swarthmore, PQ. KI 4.022J : .aa1 ..... " t...::::1 dIlE__ • , • lock" Repair's Swarthmore. Pa: AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL KI4-3775 Louis {Lou} Oronzio THE BIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU SUNDA Y-8:45 a.m. .... =W=F.I.L.56~0=k.C .... _ ELNWOOD Conyalescent HOlle Baltimore Pike & Lincoln Ave. Swarthmore Established 1932 IQuiet, Restful Surroundings Excellent 24-Hour Nursing Care Klngswood 3-0272 FUEL OIL OIL BURNER S1!;RVICE BUDGET PLAN COAL VAN ALEN BROTHERS, INC. KJ 8-47U or LE 2-2440 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE APPRAISALS TROPICALS 255F CONCORD ROAD ....ton Shopping Cent, .. VI.lAGE GREEN Fr,sh and Salt Wat.r TROPICAL FISH Over 150 Varletl ... Delco'. Largest Selectlonl • Aquariums arad Aa:'POri •• • Outdoor Ponds and Tr:.picol Plant, . • Comptete Foads-Suppli •• VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS FOR A PLEASANT SURPRISE TROPICALS Phone TR 4-7500 .- Picture Framing ROGER RUS&'ELL Photographic Supplie. BrATE '" MONROE BTS. IIEDU lOwell 6-21 '6 OPKN PRIDAY BVENINOS Aluminum Siding Porch Enclos.,res Enameled white storm windows Insulation and Roofinl1 AD 1( ... B'_ .-II.t • - ..... Wfdf ..... rw. PENNA ROOFING A SIDIN'GCO. III ....... Pa. III ....... CUSTOM KITCHENS by H. D. Church 3 PARK AVE., SWARTHt.'DRE Klngswood .4.2727 Convalescent Home 2507 Chestnut st., Chester TReQlont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursing Care Aged, Senile, Chronic Convalescent> Men and Women Excellent Food - Spa .... 's Grounds Blue CrosS Honored Edward G. Cbip"M ads.. General Contractor BUILDERS 'Slnce ,,.. 'slfmat •• 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa. TRemollt 2-4759 TRemont 2.5689 September 21,"1962 NEWS NOTES daughler Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Mrs. Charles T. Deacon of Kupellan and children Ted. Davey Lafayelle avenue accompanied her and Diane of Chevy Chase Md. daughter Mrs. M. C. Durkee and They also entertained at a f~~ilY three children when they returned reunion and dinner party with their to their home In watertown, N. Y., cousin Mr. and Mrs. P. Sober after visiting here. Mrs. Deacon of Bywood; Ihe Sobers' Ihree sons­stayed with them for a week and in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. returned home Seplember 6 by John Parlsano and their daughters plane. Debbie. Wendy and Linda of Mr. and Mrs, Roberl K. Reeder Swarlhmorewood; Professor and and Iheir dsughler Miss Deborah Mrs. Angus Ross of London, Eng­Reeder of Harvard avenue have .. land; Mr. and Mrs. JullanBlanche returned to their home after a and their chlldren Jeffrey and summer's absence. From mid- Karen of Chicago. Ill. Karen was June 10 mid-July Ihey toured the baptized In the Methodisl Church United states. then returned· 10 on S)lnday. their summer home In Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Roberl Tidball N. J., to spend the balance of and children Bruce, a freshman the summer. at West Virginia University. Mor- Dr. and Mrs. waiter P. BlIl- gantown. W. Va.. Katie a Junior slein bave relurned to IMir home at SWarthmore High School and on Soulh Chester road after a John. a 5th grade sludent al Rul­trip to Anchorage. Ky., to visit gers Avenue have moved Into their their son-in-law and daughter Mr. new home at 539 Riverview road, and Mrs. Philip R. Ross, Jr., coming here from Canton, O. Mr. and children Nancy and Philip Tidball an Engineer wllh BaldWin­R .• ilL Lima-Hamilton Corporation has The correct address of Mr. and been transferred to this area. Mrs. Harold V. Morgan, former Rev •. Ralph SUndquist of South residents of Park avenue. ts 7593 Prlncelon avenue will leave on .Fallen Leaf lane, San Jose. Calif. September 23 for New York where June Lee Heckman, daughter he has enrolled as a graduate of Dr. and Mrs. George B. Heck- studenl al Columbia University man of Park avenue, returned on and Union Tlieological Seminary. Tuesday 10 Penn Slate University, Anlonica Fairbanks of Yaleave­University park. for her junior nue returned lasl week 10 West year. Liberly College. Va., where she Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Falr- will enter her senior year. Her banks and family of Yale avenue brother.· Michael Anthony Fair­returned recently after spending banks returned 10 West Chesler Ihe summer at their home In Deean Stale Teachers College where he City, N. J. will be a sophom*ore. Anolher sis- Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boyle ter. Lillian. has resumeq her of Amher~t avenue have returned studies at Swarthmore IlighSchool home after a week al Schwenks- after undergoillj: a serious knee ville. operation. Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Carruth Susan Williams. daughter of Dr. " and children Frank and Bill or and Mrs. Ned B. Williams of Elm avenue returned. hame on D~gwood lane, departed on' Sun­September 4. from Peacham, vt.. day for Cenlenary College for where they had been spending the Women, Hackettstown, N. J., where summer. ~ she will be a freshman. Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant Mrs. Williams accompanied SU­of South Chester road returraed san to school. from a week In New England vlslt- Mr. and Mrs. John Pallersm. of ing at Litlle Deer Island. Me •• Amherst avenue and their son Concord, Mass,. and attending Ihe John drove September 12 to Buck­Shakespearian Festival at Strat- hannon. West Va., where JaM ford. Conn. entered West Virginia Wesleyan Mrs. J. D. Jones of Fayette- on Thursday as a freshman. ville, N. C •• arrived yeslerday to" .. Mrs. J •. A. Pelroskas of Forest be the guest of Miss Muriel L. lane and children Sue, Jack and Mann at her home on Union avenue. James drove Betsy Petroskas to Mr. and Mrs. wllllamCraemer, West Lafayette, Ind •• on Augusl Sr., of Harvard avenue have re- 30 to enter her freshman year lurned home after a week al Slone al Purdue University. They re- Harbor. N. J. turned home September 4. Mr. &.nd Mrs. WllUamE. Hetzel, Mr. and Mrs. E. Laurence Jr., and daughter Carol have re- Conwell and family of Columbia turned to their home on Thayer avenue returned In early Septem­road after spending the summer' ber from Cape May, N. J., where. at Eagles Mere and their home they had been spending the sum­Tide Walers at Ocean City, N. J. mer. Mr. Conwell was vacationing Mrs. Donald P. Jones of the there last week and had ~ome Greylock Apartments and Mrs. friends for the weekend Including William lL Driehaus of Yale ave- Mr. William Ward, 4lh,ofWalling­nue arrived home Salurday after ford for Marlin fishing, and they driving Susan Driehaus 10Grinnell brought in a white marlin and a College. Iowa. 10 begin her Junior blue marlin. year. Enroute home they stopped Mr. and Mrs. James Patchell in Chicago, nt., to visit Mrs. of Parrish road. returned from Jones' son Larry. visiting In the Thousand Islands, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paulson of Quebec ar.d New Hampshire In time Park avenue had as Ihelr guests for their daughters Linda and Diana last weekend their son-in-law and to enter school. ~ ;I............:.."'~··'-~-~-':"---""~~-=-- !I! ;:; '1 ~ ·.~·~.,·...o..._," .. ~,~--::":,,,,~_-:,.;oS-~~-"'!1 :1 IT'S YOUR DECISION ":1I, Save some i" Savings account i Sove safely Spend all Other kind I Insured ($10.000) Speculote Uninsured Lower eamings Save elsewhere I' Good eomlngs (4%) III III,' 'I! 1:( 1J' iii il , II Save locolly Known monagement Say" NOW • Unkown management Later or never IT'S OUR DECISION To recommend to you the safer, more conservotlve plan for your savings, and to offer to you our friendly and personal service with Insured sovlngs paying 4% INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 411 E Stot. Street, Media ,. I: , I I I,:. 'I :1\ Dolly 9 to 4,30 F.ld., 6:30 to 8:30 Saturday :1 9 to 1 , \ THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 7 ESTATE NOTICF. ESTATE OF GWLADYS ELIZA· BETH CIANCI PUTNAM, DE-ESTATE NOTICE F.8TAT& OF ALLEN LEON PUTNAM, DECEASED. Eastlan Ce •• '.ry CEASED. _ Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to Ibe undersigned who requests all persons having claimS or demands against the estate or the decedent to make known the same. and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payme nt wllhout delay to AIlce P. WUletts, Executrix. 4 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Penn­sylvania. or her attorneys, Clark, Spahr. Eichman and Yardley, 1500 Walnut Street. Philadelphia 2. Pennsylvania. . 3T-!!-28 . Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to Ibe undersigned who requests all persons having claims or demands against tbe estate or the decedent to make known the' same, and all persons Indebted to the decedent to malte payment without delay to Alice P. Willetts, Executrix, 4 College Avenue. Swarthmore, Pann­sylvania, or her attorneys, Clark, spahr. Eichman and Yardley. 1500 Walnut Street, Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania. 3T-9-28 • A non·profit. mutual enter· prise for tbe benefit of fluid­lies residing In Swartbmore and neighboring communities. For Informallon as to lots ap­ply to ALBERT N. GARRETT President and BUsiness Mgr. 228 Garrett Ave. KI 3-0489 Swarthmore. Fa. FRESH 2 to 3·LB. Whole FRYING OR BROILING lb. CUT-UP CHICKENS PRICED SLIGHTLY HIGHER LEGS of LAMB • Whole or -lb. C NONE" Eilhr Half PRICED HIGHER Lamb Chops c~~s lb. 9ge c~:;s lb. $1°9 CHUCK POT ROAST "Sup!!r.Right" 6ge BONELESS lb. CROSS CUT ROAST "Super-Right" 7ge BONELESS lb. FRESH PICNIC SHOULDERS lb. 3ge FLOUNDER FILLET CAP'N JOHN'S l·lb. 55e FROZEN pkg. . i II I II IImlllm III 771111~5111111111111 I 111111_1111111 i 11111111 111111111111111111111 II U.S. NO. I, A·SIZE LOCAL WHITE NONE PRICED HIGHER POTATOES 1 0 ~!g 3ge CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS GRAPES" .1 611111111 111l8&" 111111111111111111111111111111111" CAMPBELL'S BEINS MAXWELL HOUSE SNIDER'S CATSUP INSTANT COFFEE NONE PRICED HIGHER 2 Ibs·2ge 4 1::~:. 4ge lfa~Z' $1.27 2 ~:;;:~~ 2ge FRESH EGGS SUNNYBROOK 2 MEDIUM SIZE DOZEN 9ge BAYER ASPIRIN ly~E~U~~~E7;~cl 100 tablets 4ge in bottle Hershey Inslanl Oacoal~~b~ 39c Hershey Ooeoa 1;~: 53" Hershey Syrup VlrAMIN 2~::" 49c Carolina Rice 1:. 21 c 2 ~~~ 41 c Tuna Fl'sh Chkken althe.S •• 9V • ...,._ 49C Chunk White can Grapefru'II SECTIONS 6 16-0 •• SI A&P BRAND cans TOMATOES 1962 NEW PACK LAST WEEK OF u.P's BIG 10e SALE AlP POTATOES w~~'~E~R 10NA CORN GOlOE::y~:EAM 16 oz. 16 oz. noz. 16 oz. 16 oz. SULTANA BAKED BEANS AlP SAUERKRAUT CHUN KING CHICKEN CLEANSER CHOW MEIN AJAX 25V2·oz. 65e can SAVE 3'12 21·oz. PER CAN cans 3ge LIQUID DETERGENT DETERGENT DYNAMO FAB regular 4ge giant 8ge bottle bottle ~7, giant 72e pkg. LIQUID DETERGENT BUBBLE SOAP VEL" SOAKY 22-oz. 62e 32·oz. 87e bottle bottle " 10.0z. plastic 5ge bottle PRE·FALL SALE OF MELLOWMOOD NYLONS I SAVE 30e I ON EACH 2 PAIR! LIQUID CLEANER AJAX ~10, 28-oz. 57e bottle DETERGENT VEL SAVE 5c 2 I;lrge 57e 'ER PKG boxes AIR FRESHENER FLORIENT ~10, SY200Z. &5e can ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1962 springfield Shopping Center- 601 Baltimore Pike

---------- Page 13 ----------

Pale 8 , THE SWARTHMORE,,\N September 21, 1982 SCHOOL BOARD IN REGULAR SESSION Local Alumni ,Aclive MRS. WALTER C. MlSIJI to make her bome. Sbe was a member OftheSwartb­more Metbod1st Church and had been fatrly active In the Women'" groups at Cburcb., AIrman ate Nelson' Rabin has beer. named September Airman 01 tile Month at OOs Air Force Base, Mass. The son 01 Mrs. Eleanor Rubin 01 S. Chester road, he Joined the United states Air Force In February, '61. Prior to hts asslllllment at Oils, Rubin grad­uated from Air Force technical school at Greenville Base, MIss., where he took personnel adminIs­tration. He has been assllllled to the otis Consolidated personnel se,ctlon since July, '61. He Is currently taking correspondence courses front the United states Armed Forces Institute, Uni­versity 01 Wisconsin. , GRANT MOHODISTS INTERIM REOUEST School Board President John Spencer made several apPOint­ments at the Board meeUng Sep­tember 1l.BoardSecretary Marlon Campbell was named to represent the Board on an association con­cerned with open space and public recreation. Dr. John Wigton will be alternate. These appointments came at the request of the Health and WeHare CouncU, Inc. Mrs. Campbell, Dr. Wigton, and Raymond Winch were named to a committee which wl11 review the present overall rules and regu­lations of the school district and recommend changes "and additions. Two such changes were approved at thIs meellng. One repeals the prohibItion 01 use of bundings lor religIous or private (non­publIc) purposes. The other re- In ,Centennial, Drive :~S:d :: t~~I: ~:~~:I~~I~~:::~~ I avoid Injustices whIch occasion­ally occur when one or two days attendance incurs a charge for a longer fC minimum" period under previous rules. The Board postponed action until next Tuesday's meeting on the application of the Swarthmore , Methodist Church lor use 01 the auditorium and one room of the high school for Sunday morning services durIng a slx-monthperlod when the church wl11 be und~r­gOing 'extensIve remodeling. The Board approved District payment or $450 lor the school year In order that a gIrl In the JunIor class might attend Spring­fIeld High School and receive a better rounded business education than Is available In Swarthmore's limited commercial classes. The Board accepted the resig­nation ot Frank Piccone who has becoine an elementary prIncipal In the lnterboro SchOOl System. Jeanne M. Molitor, University 01 Delaware graduate with additional courses at Harvard and Munich UniversIties, was raUfled as Piccone's successor as a sixth grade teacher. Miss MOlitor who lives In Secane, previously taught at the same level In California and North Carolina. At the Board's meeting on Sep­tember 18, decision was reached to permit the Methodist Church to use the school auditorium and one of the high school rooms as the church nursery for a perIod Irom October through March and to charge a lee to reimburse the School District for 'the expenses. The Board authorized Mrs. Joyzene Clark and Alex Cox to attend the Delaware County Guid­ance Councllors. ASSOCiation In­service programs on October 4 and 18, November 1 and 15 at the SCenic HI11 School and Prin­cipal Wl11lam Bush to attend a meeting 01 the Enlrance Boards on October 29 at Colum­b a University. EXPERIENC.E Home remedies can't be com~ pared with today's modern prescription drtlgs-your big­gest health value today, The directions on your prescrip­tion represent your Dodor's experience land knowledge or what's best for you or a loved one. See us for prompt com­pounding at fair prices. A G. CATHERMAN PHARMACIST 17 South Chester Road Swarthmore, Penna PARENTS TO MEET NINE NEW TEACHERS TUESDAY ! The annual SWarthmore High School "School Night lor parents" wl11 be held at the high school on TUesday, September 25. The program this year wUl aI­lord all parents an opportunIty to visit a~tuat classes at whtch time teachers wl11 outline their ob­jectives and plans for the year. A copy 01 each student's program ' wlli be sent home and parents will bring thIs schedule along lor the school program. Pa~ents wl11 be I asked to report to the Chlld'S1 homeroom at 7:30 and then Will follow a schedule of classes which will conclude at approxtmately 9:30. The school laculty Is par­ticularly anxious thIs year' that parents wlli take the opportunity of meeting teachers, especially the new members of the faculty In­cludIng Carolyn Baker and Mrs. ElaIne Sharpe 01 the English De­partment; Helen B. Payson, Mathe­matics Department; Mrs. Flora Johnson-Muller and ArthUr Wat­son, Languages; James Phillips, SCIence; Ruth Olsen, Mrs. Alice P. Wl11etts and Lawrence Devlin of the PhysIcal Education Depart­ment. FINE WALLPAPERS Matchi", fabrics & Paints ASAM. SCHUMACHER. IMPERIAL MURALS. SANITAS. PREPASTEO 00 IT YOURSELF SEUCT FOR PAPI!RHAN6ER w. Lend Out Sample Boob PENN WALLPAPER CO. 307 Baltlmor. Pk., Sprlngfl.ld 0- Wed. I F,I. 'til • , ..... FREE PARliNG KI "-4100 Mra. Dorothy Hepworth Maslin" widow ot Mr. Walter C. Maslin, died 00 Tuesday morning at ller home In the Colonial Court Apart­ments alter a brlel Illness. Born on July 15, 1896 In North Tonawallda, N. Y., she resided In Port Chester, N. Y., lor 38 years. She graduated Irom Buffato State College, Buflalo,.N. Y., In 1915 and had taught for many years In both public and private schools In New York State. Re­tiring In June a year ago from the Rye Country Day School, Rye, N. Y., she moved ID the Borough surviYil'l are a daughter, Mrs. David M. Field 01 315 Vassar avenue a son, Charles W. MasUn 01 339 Vasaar avenue, six grand­chtldren and a sister, Mrs. Robert H. Lloyd of North Tonawanda, N. Y. Funeral ServJ.ces and Interment will be today ,In Rye, N. Y. A Memorial Service wur be held on Wednesday, September 26, at 2 O'clock In the Swarthmore Methodist Church. Rev. John C. Kulp will officIate. -'-, Swift's Premium , BONELESS, IBEEF ASI 401 Dartmouth lYinue ;.1. _' .< --------*1< -ATII CAR, , IN CARElESS I -~------------------~ Contributed In the Intere.t of Highway Safety by the Following Merchants SWARTHMORE TOGGERY SHOP ,J. A. GREEN D. PATRICK WELSH THE SWARTHMOREAN PORTER H. WAITE, Inc. E. L. NOYES and CO. , PETER E. TOLD BAIRD and BIRD THEINGLENEUK PATTON ROOFING CO. THE BOUQUET PROVIDENT TRADESMENS BANK and TRUST CO, , 'sw AaTl~M·";a.B. COLLEGB UBRAR-Y: S\'fnrthr.1orecQ llegr IJ, bl'tl-:r~ Swarthmore ]'1' • .. SEP 28196l , lID CROSS SETS UP MONDAY THE, SWARTHMOREAN ALGERIAN ~nlEf SEWING ----- VOLUME 34 - NUMBE~ 39 Needlework Guild Calls New' Members 53rd Ingathering Set For November 8th The board 01 directors 01 the Swarthmore Branch of the Needle­work Gund 01 AmerIca met at the home 01 the presIdent, Mrs. Bruce D. Smith, for luncheon on September IS. Plans were made for the Annual Directors Meeting and collee on October 8 and lor the ingathering and Exhibit on November 13. Thts year's IngatherIng Will be the llIty -third for the Swarthmore guild. In 1909 five dIrectors col­lected aDd distributed 121 new articles 01 clothing; last year 65 directors collected more than 3,400 new garments and articles of household linen whtch were dis­trIbuted to IS local charItable agencies. In addition, last year, the guild was able to purchase boys' winter trousers and double bed sheets to meet a specHtc need of the Com­munity Nursing Service. The board also sent a contribution to' an emergency lund lor help In the New Jersey coastal' area alter the storm In early March. The week of October 1 to 6 Is National Needlework Gund Mem­bershtp Week. Swarthmore direc­tors will concentrate theIr ellorts on new members to uGive the NeIghborly Way - GIve N. G. A." The glft ot two or more new articles (or money to purchase needed Items) Is the only member­ship requirement. For luformatlon about the local Needlework GUild, Interested per­sons may call any member of the board: Mrs. William F. Lee, Mrs. J. Roy Snape, Mrs. Charles LIncoln, Mrs. A. David M. Speers, Mrs •. Edmund Jones, Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., Mrs. Sewell Hodge and Mrs. Robert Turner~ RED CROSS SEEKS SEAMSTRESSES Volunteers Needed For Algerian Relief The Swarthmore Branch of the AmerIcan Red Cross Is in urgent need of volunteer seam stresses for Algerian RepatrIation ReUel gar­ments to be sent to Algerta as fast as completed. The Red Cross has been ad­minIstering Algerian reUef, fur­nIshing lood and emergency medIcal supplies. The Philadelphia Chapter Is one 01 flv2 East Coast chapters to be asslgued the emergency task 01 completing thousands of djellabahs - the one­pIece, hooded wool sllpover which Is the clothIng worn. They are needed acutely as winter ap­proaches in the mountainous areas. Philadelphia Red Cross has re­ceIved material purchased by National Red Cross headquarters to make 5,000 garments. Pro­lesslonal cutters are cutting three nIghts a week at Red Cross head­quarters; volunteers package two cut garments In a unit. The local, branch's original asslllllment Is 50 djellabahs. Weekly Red cross Sewing Will begin on Monday and continue each Monday Irom 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Whittier House, FrIends Meet­Ing. Anyone and everyone who sews- Is asked to contribute one hour or more to this humanitarIan project. Mrs. Arthur B. Kent Is the Red Cross Chalrl1)an 01 emergency production. She Is try­Ing to arrange for additional sew­ing hourn In the Borough. She may be called at KI 3-4084 for ad­ditional Informatlon. SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1962 $4.00 PER YEAR 9 SItS Merit Semi-Finalists PrIncipal William M. Bush of Swarthmore HighSchool announced yesterday that nIne 01 the school'S students have been named SemI­finalists In the 1962-63 Merit Scholarshtp compeUtion. He SaId they became SemI­finalists through their outstanding performance On the National Merit Scholarship QualifyIng Test, the first step In the eighth annual Merit Program. The stUdents cited for high achievement are: Wl\1lam Barus, Gall Donovan, George Herschel, Michael Kelcy, Graham Patterson, Diane Ren­shaw, Eltzabeth Rodgers, Patton Steuber, William Ryerson. SERVICE SET FOR MRS. A. B. REAVIS A memorial service for Mrs. Mildred Barker Reavis, nee Thomas, will ,?e held In the Swarth­more PresbyterIan C;:hurch at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Inlerment will be In the family burIal plot In East­lawn cemetery. Mrs. Reavis died Tuesday morning In "aylor Hospllal where she had been taken by ambulance upon suflerlng a stroke at her home, 625 University place at 5 p.m. Suoday. She was the Widow of 'Andrew Bryant ReaviS, west­inghouse patent aUorney whn died in 1951. Born In Washlnglon, D. C. on 'December 9, 1893, she was grad­uated from a teacher's college there and aUended George WJ.Sh­Inglon University. She taught In Washington public schools unlll her marriage in 1916. Coming ID Swarthmore in 1926 she and her husband lived at 139 Rutgers ave­nue for three years before build­ing the University place house. A leader at Swarthmore's first Brownie troop she also had been a member of the local Woman's Club and a dIrector of the Needle­work Guild. She was a member at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. SUrviving are a daughter Genevieve (Mrs. Ralph) Stimmel and a granddaughter, AnnStlmmel. The family, requests that any frIends Inclined to make floral tributes Instead send contrlbotlons to the University Of PennsylvanIa department of rehabllltaUon. PUBLIC LIBRARIAN RESIGNS POST FIfAl BUDGEJ so AT S 11, 34111 DIrectors 01 the Swarthmore Public Library met In special meeting Monday night In Council Room, Borough Hall. , MIred H. Marsh, treasurer of the board, presented expendliures during the library'S IIscal year, July I, 1961 to July 1, 1962, totaling $17,341.21, with a balance forward 01 $959.73. Mr. Marsh sald there are still, 01 necessity, unpaid bnls whtch leaves the library wtlb alicounts payable~ Marsh also submItted a llnal budget 01 $17,341.21 which the board adopted lor the current fiscal year. The resignation 01 Mary Ann Huoslcker, the library'S head librarian lor the past two years, was accepted by the board with deep appreciation lor her service and with regret. Miss Hunsicker's resignation Is eUectlve January I, 1963. The LlbraryPractlcesCom­mlttee of the board, Rlldolf !Ursch cbalrman, Is now IntervIewing ap­plicants. Tile next regular meeting of the dlreclDrs will be held on Mondal evening, OclDber 29. EXCHANGE CLAIMS 'BUSIEST SPOT' Woman's Club 'Mutual' To Open Tuesday A. M. Mrs. James Connor and Co­Chairmen Mrs. Franklin Andrew, Mrs. J. Kenneth Doherty of next week's Muwa! Exchange afe prophesying that the Woman's Club on Park avenue will be the busiest spot In this area on Tuesday. By 9 a.m. on October 2, some 50 members of the Woman's Club 01 Swarthmore will assemble at the club where tables and racks have already been set up by James Morgan the club custodian and the commIttee. Before they' have taken their asslgued posts, the widely assorted articles from many Borough homes Will begin assembling In the hands of householders to be "checkedin" the moment the club doors swing open at the stroke of 9. The march of about-to-be-exchanged posses­sIons will continue at a steady pace until the closing hour of 3 p.m., when the task 01 sorting, hanging, displaying and "ordering" t!le club wlll continue until all Is In read­Iness for Wednesday, October 3, the first sale day. Another group 01 c1ubmembers wl!1 reach the club well before the Wednesday opening hour 01 9 a.m. butbythenallneoff'seekers" will have formed (this "first come, first served" group has been ob­' served to stretch down the Woman's Club sidewalk and along Park avenue for a dIstance), ready lor tho rush of dIscovery when the doors open. Observers have said that the tales of former bar­gains have a lure equal to the rumor of the dIscovery of gold. Experience has proved that dis­cover es wlll continue to be made until the doors close at 8 p.m. Wednesday night. Then once agaIn, the loyal clubinembers wI11 work like beavers to straighten and ready the clubhouse for the Thurs­day morning'S 9 a.m. until Noon sale when finds missed due to Wednesday's crowded :-acks wID be pounced upon by returning or new shoppers. Promplly at noon, the cashiers will withdraw to complete the painstaklog llgurlng whtch enables the Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. HQperation Settlement' to move smoothly and efficiently. Requiem Mass Sung For Harry Toole Requiem mass for Harry S. Toole was 'sung at 10 a.m. Wed­nesday in Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, Fairview road. Mr. Toole died SUnday mornIng In Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia alter a short Illness. He lived In the Swarthmore Apartments. Betore mOving there five years ago he had lived at 626 Strath 'Haven avenue for 20 years. Born In Bangor, Me., Decembe:r 23, 1892, he attended the UnI­versity 01 Matne and was grad­uated Irom Massachusetts Institute of Technology In 1917. He became a chemical engineer and retired In 1957 arter 35 years wIth the duPont Company. He was a member 01 the University Club 01 Bullalo. Surviving besides hIs Widow Maybelle, lorm~rly of Mount Jewett, Pa. whom he married 42 years ago, are a son, Robert R. LeWiston, N. Y.: two brothers, T. Edmund and Chrlstop!ler o( Cambridge, Mass.; three Sisters, Agnes and Frances of Cambrlclge, and Mrs. Helen Buckley of New York; and two grandchildren. Interment will take place today In Mt. Pleasant cemetery, Bangor. FRIENDS RAllY TO AID TOMMY LINTON'S FAMILY Tommy Linton, the victim of an automobile accident on Saturday afternoon, remains on the critical list at Taylor Hospital. A k1nder­gartener, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Linton 01 335 Park avenue. UNITED FUND DRIVE UNDERWAY IN BORO Friends are asked not to call the house, and those who are con­cerned about hIs condition are asked to call the Llnton's neIgh­bors, or the Methodist Church, KI4-3121. Although the ImmedIate problem of nurses has been met with the help of John C. Kulp, pastor of the Methodist Church, baby sitters are needed from 9 to 3 weekdays. Those who would like to Bl'slst In this way may call Mrs. Peter B. Murray (KI 4-1335), who Is arrangtng the schedule. MRS. E. G. MOORE DIES AT 101 Mrs. Elizabeth Gilpin Moore, the borough's oldest resldent,dled Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eugene M. Finnegan, 112 Park avenue. She was 101. Mrs. Moore, the Widow of William Ellsworth Moore, was born In Phtladelphia September 7, 1861. She came to Swarthmore In 1881 With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilpin, who purchased the larm located In the southern section 01 the borough, and whtch was later known as the Gra.nge. For many years she made her home at the northwest corner of Cornell anc;l Harvard avenues, moving to her daughter's home two years ago. She was a dIrect descendent of Isaac, Gilpin whose parents, Joseph and Hannah Glover GilpIn, came to this country In 1695 and seltled In Chester County. She was secretary 01 the South Eastern Branch of the Red Cross in the FIrst World War; a cbarter member and early treasurer of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore; a member of the first choir of the Swarthmore PresbyterIan Church; president of the Woman's BIble Class, and the oldest member of the church. BesIdes her daughter, she ts survIved by five grandchildren, eIght great grandchildren, and four, great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 10:30 Thursday In the Presbyterian Church. Private Interment fol­lowed at the New Garden MeeUng House Cemetery. LOCAL REPUBLICANS TO OPEN HDORS. Local Republicans are makIng final plans for the vtslt of the Scranton - Van Zandt slate 01 candidates to the Borough on October 6. An Inlormal rally Will be held at the Greylock Apartment Bulldlng, 117 Chester road, where Mr. Scranton will cut the ribbon tl) officially open the Swarthmore Republican headquarters. All are invited to meet the state candidates and to Inspect the headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. Paul a Banks of Harvard avenue will serve luncheon to the candidates belore the ceremonies. The guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. William Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. James Van Zandt, Mr. and Mrs. Wnllam Mnllkeri and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mifflin" A cavalcalie will deliver the guests 01 honor to the head­quarters at 1 p.m. Mrs. Donald R. Aikens, chair­man Invites all residents who want to partiCipate In operating the headquarters to call KI 4-4090 aiter Monday, October 1. Captains, . Volunteers Enlisted For Campaign Twenty-lour captains and a multitude of volu'nteers opened the 1963 version of the 1963 United Campaign In Swarthmore this week. Official openIng lor the county will be the parade In Media tOnight. Mrs. Birney K. Morse, district director, ami her associate Mrs. Ford F. Robinson, urge Swarth­more residents to gIve through the volunteers In their area. The list Is given below: Sectlon A: Mr. Leroy It It Lare (Captain), Mrs. Harry M. Tarnoll, Mrs. James S. WylUe and Mrs. Leroy It It Lare. Sectlon B: Mrs. Gareld R. Gray (Captain), Mrs. Charles A. Ander­son, Mrs. David Ward, Mrs. Edward K. Cratsley, Mrs. Paul MUler, Mrs. A. V. Seaman, Mrs. H. M. Bunting, Jr., Mrs. John L. Good, Mrs. John Hawley and Mrs. R. S. Bennett. SectIon C: Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie (Captain), Mrs. J. ROy Snape, Miss H. L. McLain, Mrs. W. Craemer, Mrs. A. A. VanAlen, Mrs. Nancy G. Storlaz~I, Mrs. R. C. VanRavenswaay, Mrs. (Continued on Page 'I) BOOK FAIR SET • FOR OCT. 16-18 "Exploring with Books" wUl be the theme 01 the Annu!'l Book Fair to be held on Wednesday, Thursday, ",lid Friday, October 17, 18, and 19, In the upper grades' AIl­Purpose Room at the Swarthmore­Rutledge Elementary School. The fair Is sponsored by the Parents' Councn and represents Its major fund raising project. The committee chaIrmen met recently at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Scott to coordinate plans lor the fair. There Will be a selection 01 over,600 books which will be on order, as well as a gut table, a magazine table, and a Chrlstams card table. Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Rlcbard Restrepo, and Mrs. John K. Walsh are the co-chairmenforthls year's fair. Committee chairmen. are: Mrs. Albert Hansen Jr., pre­falrj Mrs. WIlUam H. Clark, Mrs. Davis Hopson, and Mrs. Raymond Winch, fair-days; Mrs. James Ferguson, finance; Mrs. Richard Eckenroth, Christmas cards; Mrs. Royal Scott, magazines; Mrs. John P. Trevaskls, distrIbUtion; Mrs. FranklIn C. Southworth, publicIty; Mrs. James co*keley, Mrs. Allon Wehr, and Mrs. R. It VInIng, art. The siXth graders, under the supervision of their -art teachers, Mrs. Laura Dechnlk and James Gainor, are drawing posters and bundlng a mobile as part 01 the decorations for the faIr. Some ot the posters will be used to publicize the lair at local stores. The hours of the laIr have been changed from prevIous years. They will be from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and (rom 7 to 9 p.m. on all three days. ARCHERS INVITED An opportunity for archery In­struction will be offered again this fall to Swarthmoreans, young and old, who: I} have theIr own equIpment, ,and 2} shoot only at desIgnated instruction hours. During October the times wlll be Wednesdays and Thursdays at 4 p.m., beginning next week. Nov­ember shooting days will be set later. Interested archers are Invited to call VirginIa Rath, KI 3 -460S.

---------- Page 14 ----------

I • 2 / PERSONALS Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee 01 Mt. Holyoke place lell on Tuesday lor Phoenix, Ariz., to atlend a board meeting of the Nallonal Federation of Republican Women. On SUnday she wllJ leave lor EnCino, CaW., to visit her son­In- law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Throckmorton and lamlly for a week. Mrs. MacElwee will return In Ume to attend the State COnference of the N.S.D.A.R., In Philadelphia on October 9 and 10. Mrs. MaCElwee serves as Penn­sylvania state chairman of pro­gram for the D. A.R. Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Baldwin of Morgan circle returned home recently after a two-month vacation. Mr. Baldwin conducted a 19-day cruise to Alaska for 85 PresbyterIans from 16 states, vlsltlng Lake LOuise and Banff on the trip back. Before return­Ing home they stopped off In Northern Minnesota where they JOined their son and daughter­In- law Rev. and Mrs. James Baldwin and famlly.for a vacation and then a further stop at Water. town, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Warnes accompanied their daughter Abi­gail when she returned last week­end to the Bouve-Boston School for her sophom*ore year. They spent the weekend Sightseeing In and around the Boston area unt11 school opened on Tuesday when Mr. and Mrs. Warnes returned to their home on Woodbrook road. Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of South Princeton avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue have returned home after seven weeks abroad. Arriv­ing In Norway the y took a bus trip through the country from one side to the other; this was followed by a 12-dsy cruise to the North Cape and back. They then went over to stockholm and from there to Copenhagen, taking a four dsy bus trip through Denmark. In Holland they stayed in Amsterdam for a few dsys and in The Hague where they visited former Swarth­moreans Mr. and Mrs_ WUliam Scarborough, and were their dinner guests. Sailing from Rotterdam on September 8, they arrived home on September 17. Ind., to v1s11 Mrs. Banta'sbrotber­In- law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Paul Couger and another sister Mrs. Foster Fudge. HE SWARTHMOREAN Mr. and Mrs. D. W. R. Morgan returned ·to their home on S<rath Haven avenue Wednesday of last week, following a three-month stay In Eagles Mere. Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy P'!terson, Mr. O. H. Paddlson, Mr. David' Bowler and Mr. Buchannan Harrar attended a dinner In Harrisburg Thursday night (Sept. 20) which was addressed by .p resident John F. Kennedy. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park avenue spent the weekend In Ballimore, Md., as the guests of their dsughter Miss Polly Told. James Estey of Ogden avenue Is among a group of 370 new students at Lawrence College, Appleton, WiS., who ar rived last week for five dsys of orientation before the beginning of classes. SUzan Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brodie E. Crawford of North Swarthmore avenue, Is a member of the freshman class at Bouve-Boston School, Medford, Mass. SUzan will undertake a four­year program leading to a degree In physical education. Mrs. Russell H. Kent and ber daughter Miss Barbara B. Kent of Dartmouth avenue arrived home Saturday following a two week vacation at Bass Rocks, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen, Jr., of Drew avenue were In New London, Conn., last weekend to attend the service of dedication for the new chancel at the First Bapllst Church. The service was followed by a reception and lunch­eon. The new communion set was dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Hansen's lather, the Rev. Chester H. Howe, former pastor of the church. Mrs. Robert D. Paton of Devon, England, Is the house guest for three months of her brother-In law andslsler-In-Iaw Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gordon McConechy, former Swarthmoreans now llvtng in Media. She plans to sail In October for Australia to make her home with her daughters In Sydney. Mrs. McConechy and Mrs. Paton have had several trips to New York, Washington and Atlanllc City. Mrs. McConechy had a fare­well dinner party on Sundsy, and a tea on Wednesday. Many of the guests were from the Australasian Club In Philadelphia. Mr: and Mrs. G. West Cochrane and children moved last week Irom 540 RiverView road to their new home at 404 Rutgers avenue, former home of Mr. and M,·o.1 William L. Scarborough. Mr. -and Mrs. Earl G. GOUld of Powell-, Wyo., announce the en­gagement of their daughter, Grace Elizabeth, to Richard Charles Brandt, son of Dr. and Mrs. Richard a Brandt of Walnut lane. A summer wedding Is planned. Miss Gould attended Montana State University and graduated from Scripps College. She will enter the University of lllinois Law School. . Mr. Brandt graduated from the California Inslltute of Technology and Is a National Science Founda­tion Fellow at the University of IIlIInols. ---- Miss Joanne Randall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Walter Randall, Jr., of ftThe Studio House," Rose Valley, . has chosen December 22 tor her marriage to Mr. James Winsmore Harper, son of Mr. Jnd Mrs. James L Harper of "Shadowood," Media. MlssSandra Randall will be maid of honor for her sister. The bridesmaids wlli be the Misses Barbara Louise Greer of Rose Valley, Lutle Delano Stelle of Wallingford, Barbara Elizabeth Shields Of Erie, Virginia Morgan of Pittsburgh, and Jean Edwards Reynolds of Oswego, ~ Y. Elizabeth Williams B a k e r, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.. Baker of Wallingford, will be the flower girl. Mr. RObert C. Harper will be best man for his brother. The ushers will Include the Messrs. E. Dickson McOwan, Jr., of Hart~ lord, Conn., Drake Stelle' of Wallingford, Ronald S. Rakaseder of Darien, Conn., William S. Moore of New York City, uncle of MIss Randall, and Ric hard D. Goman 01 Wallingford. The ceremony will take place at 6 p,m., In Trinity Church, Swarthmore. A rec~pllon will fol­low at the Merion Tribute House. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilbur Hoot of 2445 Turner rpad, WlI10w Grove, announce the arrival of their setond son, JooatbenStewart Hoot, on Saturday, September .ll.2, In the Abington Hospital. The young man Is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L Hoot . Of Lafayette avenue,. and 01 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stewart of Ham- September 28, 1962 of the Western Caroline Islands, formerly of Swarthmore, announce the . arrival of a daughter, Martha Llmel SwaY\lO, who weighed seven and a half pounds when she was born on Monday, September 17, at Koror, Palau. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Carter of Lansdowne. The paternal grand­parenls are Mr. and Mrs. Norman mond, Ind. . W. SWayue of Newtown. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Bouquet UTY SALON 9 Chester Road•l more 6-0476 ~ ........ . ************************ MOTOR TUNE-UP with ENCINE SCOPE GULF GAS & OIL WHEEL ALIGNMENT DYNAMIC WHEEL BALANCE U-HAUL RENTALS V. E. ATZ, Mgr. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Oppo.ite Borough Parking Lot ......... a·04411 D.rt .... '" Ind Laf.,.'t. AYIIHI Closed Saturday ot 12:30 P.M. WAKE UP TO MUSICI NEW 1963 CLOCK RADIOS Smart new stylings • .. world famous Zenith radio performancel THE MUSIC BOX, INC. 10 Park Avenue IT'S HERE! QUALITY Mr. and Mrs. Milan W. Garrett of North Princeton avenue have returned home after a three-month absence. The first month was spent In Oak Ridge, Tenn., where Mr. Garrett was a consultant to the Atomic Energy Commission. The other two months they spent at their St'I'lmer horne on Rainy Lake, Nor'thern Mlnu. SUsie Hosford of Dickinson ave­nue Is recuperating from fractured left arm sufrered In fall September 15. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace GoWing of Parrjsh road accompanied their daughter SUe on her return Sep­tember 21 to Denison University, Granville, 0., where she eliter.ed .her Junior year. Indian summer October - delighlful autumn days in the sunny salt ~ir. Beachlront sundecks. evening entertainment. New Ocean Winlf with T V and private terraces. Twin beds with bath Irom $13 Mod. Am., $7.50 European each person. Ask _lIput Inclusive Plan. Owner· shill'management • Josiah White & Sons. Ltd. Ph. 609· 345·1211, in N.Y. MU 2-4849. 00 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Shively and son Bruce, 3 years of age, who formerly resided in the Ben­jamin West House, have moved to 311 Cornell avenue, the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ventner who have left for the Canary Islands. Mr, and Mrs. WilHam C. H. Prentice and Children, formerly of 406 Walnut lane, have moved to 28 East Main street, Norton, Mass. Mr. Prentice is now presi- Mrs. George Heckman 01 Park avenue returned home September 16 after clOSing the family home at Haven Beach, N. J.,_ where they ,/lad enjoyed the summer. marlborough 13lenbeim E. KAUFFMAN dent of Wheaton College. "[ClU!>EI(E]EPIN13 ur. and Mrs. CHfford Banta of IIGGot $3.50 for 2 Years ON THE BOARDWALK ATLI.NllC CITY Parrish road returned on Tuesdsy Price aEfstteers Psparekn.d iCngo lo.t ~Ee nrsauumtem heorm aet I:.:: I';~~~-:-:;~;::::::::::~;,::::::::::::!;:::::~~ ll!JDl111II"1II"1II1"1111II"llIIlIIlIIlIIiiI""IIIIIIII"""1II1]! : Buffet Luncheons ; ~ 11:30 to 2:30 ~ ~ Served Daily ~ ~BOTH HOT & COLD DISHES ~ : BUff!,'!nen I i_== Thursday 5 to 9 :_~== Sunday 3 ·to 8:30 5 a I $2.75 I i rHE WILD GOOSE ! ~ ~ ~ Route 1, Baltimore Pike ~ 5 E Ii (4 Miles West of Media) !i ~ CLOSED ON MONDAYS J= 1fI11111111Wi111I1HIIIIUIIUIUlHUlIIIIIUQlUINIIIUIIltl FABULOUS FINDS - ot the FALL MUTUAL EXCHANGE Bring Article, on TUESDAY ocr. 2 - 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. L~lLJn.Y, ocr: 3 9 A. M. 8 P. Y, ocr_ 4 - 9 A. M. 12 Nvvl Settlement FRIDAY, ocr. 5 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Swarlllmore Womu'. O'n I r 8 '.,k Avenue Swarthmore sewr• ng aul us.ea the professionals now for the Home Sewing Set. Needle Stllck? Do as the professional sewing gals do ... Use the 1l~ ~'" with .the NEEDL-GRIP . . . slip the gl'ipper over Needle-tip, Push-Pull - Needle's through! Perfect for sewing fabrics, buttons, leather etc. AND ... for use as a PUSHER ON REAL TOUGH JOBS ..• Use "NIMBLE THIMBLE" in revers~ ... GIFTS 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS • Septe mber 28, 1962 THE SWARTHMOREAN Page 3 , , • Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe Corva;r Monza Club Coupe Chevy n Nova 400 Sport Coupe - will be on display in o~r showroom , • You Are Cordiall, 'nvited , . Refreshmelts and Fayors for EveI'JOl8 , • • •• • • • evro et I South Ohastar Road Swarthmore, 'alia. Klngswood 3-8130

---------- Page 15 ----------

4 THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARllWtORE, PENNA. PETER E. TOLD. MARJORIE T. TOLD. publlsbers Phone Klngswood 3-0900 PETER E. TOLD. Editor BARBARA,B. KENT. Managing Editor Rosalie D. Peirsol MIllY E. Palmer Marjorie T. Told Entered as Second Class Matter. January 24.1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act of March 3. 18'9. THE SW ARTHM'OREAN MRS. JAMES l DAVIS , . DIES IN MELBOURNEr Mrs. Frances DaviS, wife of James E. Davia formerly of Am­herst avenue, died Tuesday n1Ibt In Melbourne, Fla., where tbey had been reSiding for the last ten years. They had resided In Swarthmore 'for about 30 years. Mr. Davis had been a professor at Drexel before retirement. Mrs. Davis graduated from the DEADLINE - WEDNESDAY 11 A.M. Unlverslly of WisconSin, Madison, Wisc. While Uving in SWarthmore sbe was a member of tbe SWarth­l-_ S:W:.:..:.:A::.R:..:T:.:H::.M:::O=R:.::E::.•:. .:.P..:.E=-N_N_A_'..:,._F_R_ID_A_Y_. S_E_P_TE__MB_ E_ R_2_8_. 1_9_6_2_-l,' more Presbyterian Church and the "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to ,win Woman's Club. in the world Is that enough good men do nothing". In ,addition ,to her husband she is Survived by two sons, John J.. _____. :.... _____- :-______E d_ m_ U_n_d_B_u_r_k_e_-' of New Jersey and James for-merly of New Jersey now back PRESBYTERIAN NOTES In Florida and three grandchildren. Morning Worship will be held at 9:15 and 11 a.m. SUnday morning. Teacher Training classes will meet from '9:15 to 11. The ninth grade class will begin sessions at 9: 15 Sunday, meeting In the Hearth Room. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Martin are leaders. The Women's Bible class meets at 9:30. The lOth grade and P,re­College classes will meet at 10:30. The Couples Club will meet a~ 6:30 Monday evenlng. The Missions and Benevolences Committee will meet at 7:45 Mon­day. Mornlng Prayers are held at 9 O'clock Tuesdays. The Board of Deacons meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday. The, Spiritual Life Chairmen's study group WIll meet at 9:30 a. m. Wednesday. The Sewing and Bandage groups will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Luncheon Will be served by Circle 7. Mrs. Warren Hatch, chairman. The Thursday Mornlng stu,dy group will begtn on October 4 from 10 unill 11 :30 and will be beld In the Women' 5 Association Room. METHODIST NOTES SUnday mornlng, ':29 a.m. at Smedley Park, the Methodist Men will have their first breakfast meeting of the fall season. Clyde Cowart is scheduled to speak to the group. in case of bad weather the breakfast will be held in Fel· lowshlp 1Ial1. Mr. Kulp wl11 preach the third in his series of sermons on the Apostles Creed. HIs subject thts week at both the 8:30 and 11 a.m. services of worship Is "Vlctim and Victor." Both the Junlor and Senlor IUgh Fellowships will meet SUnday evening at 7 p. m. On Monday evenlng at ':45 p.m. the W.S.C.s. Bible Study group under the leadership of Mrs. Elinor Snyder WIll resume lis regular Monday evenlng meetings. The book 'of Acts will be the first tHUR SERVICES portion or the scripture to be ~===~:-:::=::: H studied thts fall. . PRESBYTERIAN CHURC The W.S.C.S. Executive Board D. evor Roberts, Minister WIll mest Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. RobertO;,~:~c.:~7;~:~iE:.:~~~:!:t The Commission on Chrl,stlan A service for family' and friends will be held Monday at 11 a. m. In' Arlington Cemetery, Washing­ton, D. C. It has been requested that Dowers be omitted. Mr. Davis plans to return for a few d .. ys with his son John, 1405 Marlon avenue, Westvllle, N. J. AFS STU[)ENT MEET American Field Service students and their host famllles, American returnees, committee members, school advisors and all Interested In the AFS program In a three­county area, met saturday at the Octorora Area Junlor-Senlor !Ugh School for a get-acqUainted bar­becue chicken dinner. Asta Fels from Sweden and Take Harlot Japan attended from Swarthmore, along with Mr. and W. Alfred Smith and Beverly, and Betsy Rodgers an AFS re­turnee from a summer in Finland. Alex Cox, guidance counselor at the high school, arranged for other Interested students to at­tend - Tek Berhan uf Ethiopia, SUsan Carroll, Lou Hay, Flavia Fox, and Ronnle Diamond. MlnLster Christian Social concerns wlll meet at 8 NEWS NOTES Sunday, September 30 ...... Wednesday In the Parlor. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed of 9:15-11:00 A.M.-Cbnrch Dr. Alfred IL WIlUams will speak North Cbester road will entertain Teacher Traluing Classes aa the study book "Compassion their bridge club at dlaner satur- 9:15 and 11:00 A.M.·-Mornlng and Community." day evening. The club will make Worship special observance of the 25th 9:15 A.M.-9th Grade Cl3.ljs CHRISTIAN SCIENCE NOTES 9:30 A.M • .,..Women·s Bible \.il'''''~1 Wedding AnnIversary of Dr. and 10:30 A.M.-10th Grade Group "Reality" wUl be the subject of Mrs. Herberi Johnson of Rose 10:30 A.M.-Pre-College Group the Lesson-Bermon at Christian Tree. Mond«;ly, October 1 Science church services Souday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Borer and 6:30 P.M.-Couples Club Paul's advice to the PI!IlIPPtans their one-year-old son Teddy Tuesday, October 2 is Included In the Scriptural read- moved on September 15 to 600 9:00 A.M.-Morning Prayers Ings. Parrish road, coming here from Wednesday, October 3 An Invitation Is extended to all Petersburg, Va., where they had 9:30 A.M.-Spiritual Life study to attend the services at 11 a.m. been for the past year and a halt Group In First Church of Christ, ,with the U. S. Army. Mrs. Borer 10:00 A.M.';"'Bandage Group Scientist. 206 Park avenue. will be remembered as the former Thursday, October 4 I-_____ - __ -::-:-:-:==~I Any Ryerson of Elm avenue. Mr. 10:00 A.M.-Bible Study Group THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY and Mrs. Raymond E. Nelson who OF FRIENDS moved to Summit, N. J., earUer METHODIST CHURCH Sunday Septemb er 30 this year, were the former resl- The Rev. John C. Kulp, Minister 9:45 A.M.-Adult F'orum. F.vlerel~d dents ot the Parrish road address. Charles Schisler Hunt. speaker. TopiC "Bible Mrs. Henry T. Gayley of Elm Minister of Music, as Literature." avenue accompanied her daugh- Sunday, September 30 9:45 A.M.-Flrst-day School ter Nancy when she returned to 8:30 A.M.-Mr. Kulp will preach 1:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship Vassar • College, Poug:h:<aepsle, 11:00 A.M.-Mr. ;{'II" will p'rertch Monday, October 1 N. Y. Wednesday to begin her 7:01 "'.:.I.-:'r. 'l,}U Jr. lilt, All-Day Sewing for AFSC sophom*ore year. l"ellowshlps Wednesdoy, October 3 I,londay, October 1 All-Day Quilting for AFSC . September 28, 1962 COLLEGE GARNET SPECIAL RADIO SERIES DICKINSON TOMORROW BEGINS SUNDAY A.M. Rated a one-point pre-pme A speelal group Of procrams favorite,' tbe SWartbmore College on tbe subject, "Should Re1tgioo football team opens Its 1962 season 'Heal?" will be broadcast over Saturday agalnst the DI<:klIll8Ol'l statton 'VIL, beglnnlna SUnday at College Red Devlls at Carlisle. 8:40 a.m., as part of the new Runners-up In the Middle AUaiitic Cbrlsttan Science radio series, Conference Southern College 01- "Tbe Bible Speaks to You," vision race 1sst year, the lltUe The programs will be broadcast Quakers will be, out to repeat their on successive SUlldays In .. series 23-18 opening day victory over, endlna ,October 14. , of year. 'ON THE BRIDGE SHOP' 1 North Providence Rd. Vlallingford ARM. CUSTOM LAMP SHADES HAND PRINTED FABRICS AND,WALLPAPERS . Peggy MacNair 565 - 0220 ,. K,I . 3-7056 WANTED: Crossing Guard for -"oming & afternoon at S. Chester Rd. & Strath Hawn Aves. CALL KI 3-0123 or APPLES & PEACHES CORN, TOMATOES, PUM~K'NS DRIED FLORAL MATERIAL LI NVI LLA ORCHARDS "Tile Fa"" WitA eAe o..tal7""'" B_n I)lt~ons: From Sw.rthmore $Oath Oft hltlmor ... Pil. 'a Cluy""e". _ Tara i ....... lout. 35Z tow_ref Chut .... Drfn IV!. 2 mU .. , turn tlt"hf·.06 Knowlton Rb.d for \\ mile.. , , , Open 10A.M.-B P.M. Daily & Sunday Special purchase COMMERCIAL QUALITY CARPET Suitable for stoirs, halls, offices, stores, apartment build­ings, and other places of hard'wear. Ideal for homes. All wool pile, solids and tweeds, 'up to 200 square yards of a color, much less in same colors. Telephone inquires invited. We bring samples to your home or office, or Clime to our store. Your old carpet taken in trade_ Terms. 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. KI ngsWOQd 3-6000 KNOWS 7:45 P.M.-W.S.C.S Bible study -------- TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. Layton P. Zimmer, Rector FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Park Avenue belo'" Harvard Sunday, September 30 WE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING ALTERATIONS. The Rev. George R. McKelvey Curate Sun.Jay, September 3B (Trinity XV) 8:00 .... M.-Iklly CommunIon and Word 9:30 A.M.-Morning Prayer and Church School 11:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer, Ser­mon and Church School. The Mistratlon o'f Holy Baptism. Monday, October 1 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer Tuesday, October 2 9: 15 A.M.-Morning Prayer Wednesday, October 3 7:00 A.M.-Holy Communlon 9:15 A.M.-Mornlr.g Prayer 7: 15 P.M.-Evening Prayer Thursday, October <4 9: 15 A.M.~Mornlng Prayer 7:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer Friday, October 5 9:15 A.M.-Morning Prayer 1:15 P.M.-Evening Prayer 11 :Oo-Sunday School 11:00 A.H I-The Lesson Sermon will be ''Reality.'' Wednesday eveuing meeting each week, 8 P.M. Reading Room. 409 Dartmouth Avenue, open week-days except holidays, 10-5; Friday evening 7-9. ~-~-~--------------- \VESLEY A.M.E. CHURCH The Rev. C.H. Fountain Mini ster The Rev. Lewis Bundick Assoc. Minister 10:00 A.M.-Church School 11:~O A.M.-Morning Worship LEIPER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 900 Fairview Rood The Rev. Jame. Barber, Minister Sunday, September 30 9:30 A.M.-Churcb School 11:00 A.M.-Mornlng Worship (Toddler's Room Open) . a PLEASE EXCUSE OUR APPEARANCE AND ANY INCONVENIENCE IT MAY CAUSE. WHEN COMPLETED WE HOPE TO SERVE YOU FASTER AND MORE EFFICIENTLY. THE ALTERATIONS -we hope- WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE 4TH WEEK IN SEPTEMBER. The •4 01 Daill I II L's I • a a a a a • . .0. • a POOIt MAIIeIT aa a • 4-~-~p s u-naP UOS. ' a . , " , . THE SW ARTBMOREAN 28.,1982 SRi ElW6ED ACTIVITIES SCOPE The SWarthmore jlecreal10n an­nounces that the following activi­ties WIll be sponsored tlds year: For tbe school year .Canteen. , Badminton. Volleyball, Basketball and Square Dancing; for the sum­mer, Biseball, Summer Club, Nature Club, Art, Crafts, Dra­matics, Basketball,canteen.Square Dancing and Tennis. This year the Association will coordinate all 01 their sponsored activities. and 'Rill offer the ser­vice of coordlnatlna all recre­ational programs In the Borough .. f Swarthmore. The SWarthmC)re RecreatiOn As­sociation was incorporated in 1940 under the" Non .proflt Corporation Law." The purposes tor Which the Cor­poratlon was formed are "To pro­vide and supervise recreational facilities for residents of the Borough of SWarthmore. '1'1'0 afford instruction in, and supervision of. handlcralts, and other useful and recreational activities. "TO BollcU and receive do­naUons of money and services tor any of the above purposes, In ad­dition to approplate charges for membership and use of any of the said facilities and equipment." In recent years the Association has heen broadening Its scope to Include recreatl()nal actLvltles tor all ages. Members Of the Swarthmore Recreation Board are Griffin Townes. president; Mrs. Wtlfred B. Brown, vice president; Rodner Miller. treasurer; Lucian W. Bur ~ nett, asslstant treasurer; Mrs. DIna McCurdy, recording secre­tary; Mrs. Joseph P. Remington. correspondence se~retary; Mrs. John A. Gersbach, Edward W. Coslett, Jr., Mrs. VlncentP. Schy­ler, Thomas Chew. John F. Sey­ferth. The recently appointed director Is Donald A. Henderson. ,PICNIC TOMClRROW As an answer' to all those Trinity parIShIoners who "never have a chance to see him' or her except on SUnday morning", the Fellowship COrrlmlttee of Trinity Church will hold a picnic to­morrow, stantng at 2 p.m. at the Old Millin Rose Vallo>y. All parishioners are Invited to eat hot dogs alld Ice cream, join In the tug -of -war, and participate in the soft ball game. Small child­ren will be supervised with plan­ned activities, and the may merely relax, and actually Bee 4~hlm or her." MUSICAL,OPEN HOUSE FOR TOWN & GOWN The Fourth Annual Town and Gown Musical Open House will be held on Friday, October 5, at 8 o'clock in the Pearson Theatre, at the college. The program will' be Haydn's "The Creation", for orchestra, chorus and soloists. Peter Gram SWing wUl conduct. The Swarthmore College depart­lIIent of musi< invites all singers ~ ,instrumentalists In the area to ,.n!cijipaijtej·jiiiijiiiij Polici & Flrl NIWS Tommy 'Linton, I1ve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Linton, 335 Park avenue, remslneci In a coma thts week following braIn surgery In Taylor Hospital where he was taken by MIlmont ambulance after being struck by a car in front of 32S Park avenue at 1:49 Saturday afternoon. Miss Le<,nol,e Wpntz ot Hickory lane, W:i.li1ngtord, driver of the car, was held under her own re­cognizance pending outcome of in­juries. POlice assisted with two ambu­lance calls Sunday. Frank Mareli1 of Wilmington was taken to Taylor Hospital with a- broken leg sus­ta ned while playtng soccer at the college. Mrs. A. B. Reavis of University place, was taken to Taylor Hospital on SUnday after suffering a stroke. Her death oc­cured on Tuesday. While SWarthmore was holding pep rames on Friday and defeat- 1ng Medla'stootball team Saturday, -several vacant homes were entered and ransacked. The Spencer home at 394 Riverview avenue was en­tered through an unlocked door between 3:15 and 6:30 Fri­day'and $1.50 in cash taken from a bureau. The Loughead home at 415 Thayer road was entered by thieves who broke a cellar window. The Norman Nederlter home at 629 Fairview road was entered through an unlocked door Satur­day morning an? $16 was taken from bureaus. P. ATHLETIC ASS'N SETS ANNUAL MEETING The Nether Providence Athletic Association WIll hold Its annual meeting and election of officers Sunday at 8 p.m. at the Provident T radesmens Bank and Trust Com­pany' Beatty road. Media. AARP TO H,EAR TALK ON DRUG PRICES Drug prices w1ll be discussed at the next meeting oUhe Delaware County chapter of the American Association of Retired Persons by' Charles K. Gorby, M.D. The meeting w1ll be on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in Upper Darby. Mr. Kevin Cadigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robeoi J. Cadigan of Elm avenue, wUI leave on SUnday for Oxford Unlverslty to study modern English history. Mr. Cad­igan. who has been studying at Michigan State University, Is In his third year of graduate work. I::ally Wadleigh, accompanled by her parents Mr. and Mrs. David R. Wadleigh of Forest lane, left September 12 for Orono. Me., where she entered the Unlver­slly of Mnine as a freshman. PKiMD'~ JERRY BORSHARD teacher of JAZZ, POPULAR& CLASSICAL PIANO • Student. of AIL Apa ~Iey Nurseries, Inc. 1M t«Nmt HeW MIDDLETOWN ROAD, MEDIA _ GJllClsite Highmeadow - (beic_ DlJuo. IlUI Road and KnowltoD Road) T,' ,; •• - TRemont 2-7206 "Ask for 3en palmer" EVERGREENS PLANTS: fiu.fJl, ~,HoI.s PElT MOSS, FERlIIZIR Jftd MUIQI6 .POTTED STAR ROSES • and MINIATURE ROSES we DEUVER Open Dolly Sundoys 12 , unli I 5:30 P.M. until 5:30 P.M. has been L lint To Speak On 'BIlle As liIeralure' P. E. Names Rincliffe The board Of directors of the Pblladelphla Electric Company an­nounted TUesday the election or R. G. R1ncl!ffe, Strath Haven ave­nu~,. as cbairman of the boar~ will continue as executive bead of the company. gperryi'st::-. -:'Jo::hn=-, ':;da::u:::gh=ter otMr. and Mrs. John st. John of Moylan, lett last week for her freshman Everett L.Hunt, dean and pro­fessor of Enallsh literature emeritus at Swarthmore College, wUl speak on the subject "The Bible as Literature". at the Adult Forum In the Friends' Meeting House, on Sunday, at' 9:45 a.m. at Stete University. Dean Hunt laught at Cornell Unlverslty before joining the faculty of swarthmore College in ,1925. He served first as professor of rhetoric and oratory. then he taught English Literature, and later was appointed d~an. Thls is the second In a series of four forums on the Bible; the two remalnlng topics are: "The Bible as Religion," Dan Wilson; "The Bible and Quaker­ism," Henry Cadbury. Members of the communlty are cordially invited to attend the forums. ZEISS CONTAREX THE UNIQUE SINGLE LENS REREX CAMERA This system is designed for the person who appreciates the fine things in life. Inter- • ...... angeable lenses from 21 mm to 200mm, bellows, . roscopic adapter and in­Irl'hangeable backs. Betsy McKeag of Parrtsh road has returned to Lake Erie College. Painesville, O. Betsy was one of the returnlng sophom*ores Invited to participate in the Orientation Program for the Inco,mlD8 fresh­men. Before returning to college Betsy had a summer Job In Phil­adelphia and spent a vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George McKeag and brother Ian at West Harwich. Cape Cod. Stop in - See all these items • In our store. Richard Brink. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brink otPark avenue, celebrated his third birthday last Monday afternoon with a party'for nlne of his little playmates. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fairbanks had as their recent guest their nlece Miss Camllla King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William IL King of Mobile, Ala •• who hall returned September 6 from three months In Europe ;where she studied music In Switzerland. Camilla is the daughter of the former Miss Camilla Fnirbanks who Is well known In SWarthmore. Also a recent guest at the Fairbanks hom,! was Mr. A. U. Fairbanks, of Menlo' Park, CalU., brother of Mr. Fairbanks. tpJ" ~ fOWl, ca7H~ ~ ""'" wdllHGlBe 401"8 IfUlHe'l tN£ tpJ"lI-~ Shop tI.,ltete tpJ" tpd tpJ"'" IHOIfSlf'd. ~ '</N~ tI.s 4R/uJice. cIoe4. 'HJJt emJ. wiJJ, the dale. ••. ••. J. . Cynthia Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Regtnald Roberts of Westminster avenue began nursing training at the Hospital of the University of PennsylvaniaonSep­tember 5, the day after she re­turned from a five week trip to Europe. THE CAMERA & HOBBY SHOP '4-6 Park Avenue, Swarthmore KI 3-4191 FRI 9 to 8:30 m ' ........................ 1111 .... " ..... 111111111111 ...... 111'" ........... 11." .. 11 .. 111111111111111111111111111111" 11'"111111111 GI r.B ALDW·j·N· 'COMES TO DELAWARE COUNTY!! I ~.IUIIlIl .. IIIIIUlllllllllnIlIIlIlIlIIlIIlIlUI ... IIII1 .. " .. IIIIIIII1.,IIIII;.1I1I1111111 .......... ''' ... 11 ...... 111111 ... ''''"11''' .... 111111 ...... 11' ..... lI.n" ""'II,a 2622 WEST CHESTER PIKE. next to Post OHice. DELAWARE VALLEY DISTRIBUTORS BROOMALL phone EL 3-0222 .. IUILT aT BALDWIN GRAND PIANOS SPINETS AND CONSOLES STUDIO PIANOS BALDWIN ORGANS FOR Baldwin PIANOS AND ORGANS YOU ARE CORDIALLY,INYITED TO OUR OPEN HOUSE. INSPECT OUR COMPLETE UNE OF PIANOS AND ORGANS. OPEN EVENINGS EXCEPT SATURDAYS 2622 West Chester Pike, Broomall 1720 Chestnut St. Philadelphia ""',V PIANO CO. Woodbury - Maple Shade, N.J.; I

---------- Page 16 ----------

• 6 TB SWARTHIlOREAN September 28. 1982 IN APPRECIATION Mr. Cresson Prichard of Michi­gan avenue wishes to acknowledge Wilh thanks the many kind re" membranpes and best Wishes dur­Ing his 1(1;18y stay at Taylor Hos­pital tor a gall bladder operation. REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received In CouncH Chamber, Borough Hall, Swarthmore, Penosylvania, on October 8, 1962 al 7:30 P.M. Easlem Dayllghl Saving TIme for furnishing the labor, materials, equipment and doing Ihe work of lemoving,· pruning and elevating trees on Borough streets in ac­cordance with specifications IIIId data On bid sheet, bolh of whlch will be furnished by Ihe under­signed. A certified check for $100.00 payable to the Borough of Swarth­more shall accompany the bid and the successful bidder w1l1 be required to enler Into a contract and furnish bonds as required by law, the forms of which may be seen at the office of the under­signed. The Borough reserves the right to waive any Informalities In the bids received; to reject any or all bids; to award the contract only to those ~xperlenced In this class of work~ and to the bidder whose proposal Is deemed 10 be the most adVantageous to the public interest. Ruth A. ·B. Townsend Borough Secretary Swarthmore, Pa. ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF MARY MEYER a/k/a MARY HORNER MEYER late of the Borough of SWarthmore. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estat e having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estale are requested to make payment, and those having claims til present the same, wltbout delay, to Louise M. ,Homer, Executrix 5011 Chestnut Street, PhIladelphla 39, Pennsyl­vania or to her Attorneys Butler. Beatty, Greer & Johnson 17 South Avenue Media. Penna. Mowllz and Kohlhas 1420 Walnut Street Pbll­adelphia, penna. 3T-IO-5 KIngswood 3-1448 1 As~~L~~~b~!~~!~ed I CLASSIFIED ADS • FOR RENT FOR RENT - RuUpdge - Morten. Modem, living-room, dinelte, kitchen, two bedrooms. Many large closets, tile bath, 011 heat, water. garage, $71. Thlrd fioor, near PaR. Adults. L. Gammon, Api. B, 933 Mitchell Avenue. Morton. KIngswood 4-2553. FOR RENT - Large, desirable room In quiet home for buSiness or protessional man. Phone week­ends or arter 6 P.M. KIngswood 3-5806. FOR RENT - Swartlunore. Un­furnished apartment, four rooma and bath. Call Kings wood 3-4857' arter 6 P.M. FOR RENT - Garage available. Call KIngswood 3-0279 morning or evening. FOR RENT - One half block trom stall on. very nice apartment. LI v­Ing, room. bedroom, tile bath. kllchen , -dinette. KIngswood 3-3811. PERSONAL PERSONAL - Carpentry jobbing, recreatiou rooms, book cases, porches. L. J. Donnelly, KIngs­wood 4-3781. PERSONAL-Plano luning special- FOR SALE FOR SALE - Phllco Hendlx auto­matic 'washer, practically new. Please call KIngswoOd 3-7557. FOR SALE - Anllques, Country fuml!ure, rockers, side chairs. !::halrs recaned and rerusbed. Bullard, I<TDgswood 3-2165. FOR SALE - CUstom made wooden bird feeders. No metal plasllc to Injure eyes or feet birds. The S. Crothers, Jrs., Plush Mill Road, Wallingford. .L Owell 6-4551. FOR SALE - Spinet Plano. A very lovely plano, gnod tone and ap­pearance. bench and included. Will sacrifice, must move 11. A. L. Parker, LOwell 6-3555. FOR SALE - Llltle used Simmons Daybed, $70. small tank type canister vacuum cleaner, $15. Large steamer trunk, $5. Other household lIems. KIngswocd 3-2391. • FOR SALE - Light gray single bed. complete. chest of drawers and cedar chest; drop leaf light wood table. LOwell 6-2196. FOR SALE-Groundmusbroomsoll. Call Ray tee*tsel. KIng.wood 3-3575. ' FOR SALE - Guitars - Classic - ,ist, minor repairing. Qualified member Piano Technicians' ~IIHd. ten yeons. Leaman. KIngswood 3-5755. Folk. Espana - Gagliano - Mar­tin. New and used Banjos. S. Rosenblatl, 818 Edgmont Avenue, PERSONAL - Cuslom-made slip Chester, Pa. covers. Pin filted In your home. .' ___ ",..,~==----_ You supply: material. I make· them. WAN TED guaranteed, prompt semce. CLearbrook 9-5311. PERSONAL - Gilbert's Steam Wall scraping, remove, Ilnint over paper. interior' painting. George Gilbert. TRemonb ·4-7082. PERSONAL - Roofing, spouting, gutters. Recreation rooms a­specialty. Ray J. Foster. GLGbI! 9-2713. li'ERSONAL - THOM SEREMBA." Upholstered furniture renovaleli reasonable 35 years experience. Chair bottoms repaired, $8. up. Upholstery and slip covers in your fabric or from our samples. 11 years of Swarthmore references. Free estlmates •. INdlow 6-7592. WANTED - Accurale, lIterat. ty plst desires work at home. IBM electric, carbon rlbbon.KIngswood 4-5473. WANTED - Used and antique ful'- niture. Dishes, COins, stamps and guns. LUdlow 6-0574, LEhigh '2-5664. WANTED - Pracllcal nurse de-sires pOSition, relief or full lime. Hospital experience, Swarthmore references. Call TRemont 4-3226, between 7 and 9 P .1.-1. Lawns Mowed. General Hauling I , Harding Ave. Morton, Po.: PERSONAL - China and glass • repaired. Parclunenl paper lamp Mn, Ellen FLORIST South Chester KI 3.8093 EIPERT "110 TUllia lid RE.AIRlla 47 y ..... of &porien .. with All Mo." A, L, PARlER LOw.11 8-311&& STAMPS AND COINS BOUGHT AND SOLD Fordes's Pet And Hobby Shop 627 Baltimore Pike Springfield, P a. K14-0121 West Side of A & p leeeo"l$eet~1:!I :i Jack Prichard ~ PAINTING C !i) INTERIOR & EXTERIOR C :() " Free Estimatp.s Klngswood 3~8761 AIR CONDITIONERS AMANA CARRIER CHRYSLER GENERAL ELECTRIC $159.95 up FACTORY AUTHORIZED Sales and Service Pap.r Bag. for All Cleane .. Raymond J. Dawson 210 W •• t State St., Medlo Open Evening. 7:30 - 9 P.M. ( Wed. & Sat. evening') shades recovered., Miss I. P. Bunting, KIngswood 4-3492. PERSONAL - Auto driving In-struction. Appointed by Ihe Da­park; ent at Public Instruction to offer a 'course leading 10 full op­erating privlleges at age 17, re­sulting in lower insurance premiuJlh. EdwarJ F. Mau, 925 r:dgmont Ave' ,nue. TRemont 2,_-4;:3:.:4:::6~. ___ _ PFRSONAL - ART CLASSFS now tormlng In Swarthmore for child­ren after school and Saturdays by well-knowo ortis!. Reasonable fees. Please phone Hallas Ke~yon, Klngswood 3-3189. PERSONAL - Vim finish sweaters with butlonholes, buttons and blocking. Greta Willis, KIngswood ... WANTED - Two bedroom apartment for Mother and 11 year old daugh­ler. Near school and train. Call KIngswood 3-7042. WANTED -EXPERIENCEDHDUSE' KEEPER - COOK. For elderly couple. Preter live In; age 40-55. Planrdng and preparation of meals, light laundry, no heavy cleaning. Comfortable apa:tment; small mod­em home. Recent references re­quired. Write P. O. Box 52, Swarth­more, Pa.. WA"ITED - Good homes tor three one month old kittens. Two male, one temale. KIng"wood 3-7062. WANTED - Woman desires part time W9rk. No washing or Ircnlng. Office cleaning. Good references. TRemont 2-5750. PERroNAL - :,lter.J.t1ons on·eve , ______ ----------- nlng clothes and ~treet clothes IV ANTED - Baby-sitting by mature Klngswood 3-6649. woman. Day or night. KIngswood ~::::::::::::::::=_ ___ 1~3---63-1-4.----------------- __L_O_ST_ -A_ ND_ F_O_UN_D_ _ 1 WwAoNrTkE. DS o-meW oemxapne rdieensciree, s wpialnlitnryg LOST - Mal e tlg er cat lone year ,to lea_rn. T_Remo_nt _7-5_75_0._ ___ old. Child's pet KIngswood WANTED - Homes for six-six week _4_-_1_0_36_. ___________ , old killens. Three black. two LOST - Sunday, silver filigree vln .. hlte and one gray. Kings wood 4-3088. ' with blUe stone gift of grand­daughter. KIngswood 3-4645. WANTED - Transportallon to VII­-, ·...:..---.:....-..;...:....-..;,.,--~I, lanova Urdverslty from Swarth more LOST - Six month old gray killen, by young girl. Starts work at 9 orange on back. Long-hair flufIY A. M. If pOSSible, return' trip at 5 tall. KIngswood 3-8718. P.M. KIngswood 3-2367. LOST - Boy's ~lack-white Her- WANTED _ Baby-siller competent; cules English bike. almost ne". rellable. Four or five afternoons, Saturday's game. Broken cable. Monday through Friday. Klngswood Klngswood 3-4522. 3-6445. FOUND- Bifocals In brown leather case Tuesday. Call for at Swarlh­marean Orrtce. "I Saw It In The Sworthmorean" -.,w , "._. 4, • , i PATION ROOFINGi ~ COMPANY i ',.f established 1873 ,: , WANTED - Handy man with truck desires pari time woik. TRemont' 4-1030 arter 4 P.M. WAt\TED - Two or three room partially furnished apartment by local Art leacher, sullable for small art classea. Please phone Hallas Kenyon, KIngswood 3-3189. ROOFING SPOUTNS-' GUTTERS SIDING Free Estimates • • ,I. ,: ,, ~ I • ! MONTHLY FINANCING ARRANGED t : Swarthmorej PR. , KI 4-0221; ~ .............. 23 U ' !!ftHI ._. A STEAKS-HOAGIES OTHER THE HOAGIE SHOP DiMatteo's Fairview at Michigan E.S TATE NOTI-CE Gralg Young accomparded byhls ESTATE OF MARION E. " .... ·,parents Mr. and Mrs. RalphYoung LARD. DECEASEU Lale of Of Cedar lane left the week ot CBoouronutgyh, Poefn nSswylavrlalnuinao.r e, Delaware September 7 for Clarkson College, Letters Teslamentary on the Potsdam, N. Y., to enter his fresh­above Estate ba-.1og been granted mane year. - to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate are re­quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the wUhout delay, 10: LORD, Execultlx Avenue Swarthmore, or 10 her Attorneys: BEA'crY. GREER & 17 Avenue Media, CHESTER WINDOW CLEAR.R. Cal/ TRemont 6·2530 "Satisfying Service" OFFIIE - RESIDEIIE • IIDUSTRY • Expert Flo"r WlIla, • .. aaltor Servia. • Tap to BaHo .. Hal.1, • Ru,. lid Furnltur. Sba .. paaed In Yoar Ha ... • Will. and Woodwork Wa.lled • We Hln, and Ramlve Star. Salb and Sar.a.s Serving Delaware County Over 47 Years Free Estimates ,- Fully Insured TRemont 6-2530 123 E, 23rd STREET Jewelry Repaired Ph. KI 3-4216 EMIL SPIES WATCHMAKER Fonnerly of F .C. Bode and Sons IFlne Walch and 128 Yale Ave. lock Repairs Swartlunore. Pa. AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL KI4-3775 Louis (Lou) Oronzio THE BIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU SUNDAY-8:45 a.m. WFIL. 560 kc ELNWOOD Con,alescent Home Balllmore Pike & Lincoln Ave. Swartlunore Established 1932 QUiet, Restful Surroundings With Excellent 24-Hour Nursing Care Klngswood 3-0272 "- -~-~-- FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICE BUDGET PLAN COAL VAN ALEN BROTHERS, INC. KI 8-4742 or LE 2-2440 'UlEIS'I'S Funeral Home Phone LOwell ~3400 ..O.y.~. .........y. .u... .... .B.K.P.. ...,. ... .. TROPICALS 2S5F CONCORD ROAD Aston Shopping Cent., VILLAGE GREEN Fre,h and Sedt Water TROPICAL FISH Over 150 Varieties Delco'. Largast Selectlo,,1 • Aquarium. and Aceesaor'" • Outdoor Ponds and Tropical Plant. • tompt .. e Foods-Suppli" VISIT OUR' SHOWROOMS FOR A PLEASANT SURPRISJ TROPICALS Phone TR 4.7500 Picture Framing ROGER RUSSELL Photographic SupplJes BrATB .. MONROB BT8. MEDIA LOwell 6-2t76 OPEN PRIDAY BVENINGS Aluminum Siding Porch Enclosure. Ena'!l,eled white storm window", Insulation and Roofing JlU V_ R_ I.,. ...~. . .._ _ ...... WfdI Oose n .... PENNA. ROOFING 4 SmINGt=O. 1II __ a, P •• CUSTOM KITCHENS by H. D. Church 3 PARK AVE., SWARTlWDRE KI swood 4-2727 =-'"""' Convalescent Home 2507 Chootnut st. ,Chester TRemont 2-5373 24-Hour Nursing Care Aged. Senile. Chronic Convalescen~ Men and Women Ex~ent Food - Spaclws Grounds Blue Croas Honored En .......... " . ..., Genettl{ Oontl'(lctol BUILDERS 'Slnce 1920' 'ree , ...... ate. 1401 Ridley Avenue Chester. Pa. lit_ant 2-4759 lit_ant 2.5689 , September 28. 1962 THE SWARTHMOR~AN . Pa~1! 7 . A F S VISITORS CITE CONTRASTS UNITED RJND VOLUNTEERS (Continued from Page 1) swarthmore High school, tbe swarthmore community, and their host famUies are tasl becoming acquainted with Ihe two new Amer­Ican Field Service Foreign Ex­change students, Asta Fels from sweden, wbo' Is living with the W. Alfred Smith. tamlly on Am­herst Ave., and Takemichl. Hara from Japan, who lives this year wUh the E. E. Wrege family on Cedar lane. Bartlne stoner. Mrs. Harold Featherstone, Mrs. John Seybold, Mrs. Charles GHberl and Mrs. Robert Adams. Secllon D: Mrs. Joel Bloom (Captain), Mrs. J. A. C. Faller, Mrs. JaM Kuc, Mrs. William Golz, Mr". Belden Tucker, Mrs. Horace B. Passmore, Mrs. F .. "ed MiChel, Mrs. Eml Horlkawa, Mrs. Sidney Diamond and Mrs. Larry Starer. A~ta Is from a small town, Ostard-Ljungby, In the province of Skane, in the southern part of Sweden, where her mother Dr. Gudula Fels Is a dentist. Thls part of Sweden Is very near Den­mark. She lives only an hour away from Copenhagen. Asta Is aUend­Lng Swarthmore HIgh School With her American 4 I sister", Beverly Smith, where she Is studying 'American Literature, A!1lerlcan History, Latin, French, and typing. She has studied English for six lyears and In these classes learned a great deal about the United ,States. Arter two more years of high school In Sweden, when she returns home, she hopes to study medicine at the Urdverslty of MUnich In Germany. She ar- . rived In SWarthmore a month ago after crossing the' Atlantic with 800 olher AFS students going to live with families In all parts of the Urdted States. Since then she has become a part of the Smith famUy, enjoying a week Of swimming and relaxing with them at Cape Cod. She loves shop­ping In Philadelphia and looking at all the books and records, both classical and jazz. Her special Interests are art, poetry and music. She likes sports and Is looking forward to playing field hockey, a new game for her. The girls are looking forward to having her on the basket ball team. One of the thlngs she Is constantly explaining to her Amerlcantrtends hl thai "there are Swedish people with black hair." Takemlchl Hara ("Take" to his friends) Is In the mlddie at a famHy of five chlldren. He has two older brothers, and one younger sister and one younger brother. HIs father works for the Japanses Telephone and Tele­graph Company and the famHy lives In the town of Setakamachl, In the prOvince of Takuoka, a farm town at 30,000 people. He Is In the 12th grade with his American jjbrother", Bill wrege, studying American HIstory, World History, 'advanced physics, English, typing, and gym. He also has had six years at English In his Japanes~ school. HTake" is luoking forward to the school acllvltles and playing his clarinet In the hlgh school band. He and Asta have both been Impressed by Ihe American stu­dents parllclpatlon In the class­room. Tn Ihelr respecllve schools there is not so much tree give and lake of discussion. As Asta expressed it, she flUkes being closer to the teacher." They are both happy to find the freedom and frlendilness they already feel to­ward the school and Its teachers. Both Japanese and Swedish schools have few outside clubs or actlvllles and they are both looking forward ~o parllclpating In school acllvl­ties. Sectlon E: Mrs. William W. .McClarin (Captain), Mrs. P. L. Whltaker, Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Sr., Mrs. Joseph M. Irwin, Miss Adeline ~trouse, Miss Sarah Cald· well. Mrs. William P. Ashton. Mrs. George B. Koelle, Mrs. WIlliam C. Fischer, Mrs. David Smith, Mrs. David Bowler and Mrs. Earle Edwards. Section F: Mrs. Nan R. Jones (Captain), Mrs. Spencer Hewes, Mrs. J. lL Tibbetts, Mrs. Warren Lulz, Miss Alice Marriott, Mrs. Robert Detweiler, Mrs. Richard J. Restrepo, Miss Louise Howe, Mrs. Ruth Malone, and Mrs. MarILyn Muir. Section G: Mrs. W. R. Huey (Captain), Mrs. F. S. Chambers, Jr., Mrs. Harry Crowther, Mrs. John Spencer, Mrs. JohnB. ROxby. Mrs. Howard Jackson, Mrs. Buck­ley Shane, Mrs. David Field, Mrs. Aaron Fine, Mrs. Russell Snyder, Mrs. WHfred B. Brown, Mrs. David Narberth, Mrs. George Krenlkoff, Mrs. W. L. Church and Mrs. Marshall Schmidt. Sec lion H: Mrs. Gordon Ii B. Bretschneider (Captain), Mrs. John Seyterth, Miss Alice Pennock, Mrs. Edylhe Jones, Mrs. W. T. Salom, Mrs. Carl de Moll, Mrs. Jerome J. Fussell, Mrs. L. W. Jenkins, Mrs. Macarlo Santos, Mrs. Philip G. Crompton and Mrs. Robert Brink. Section I: Colonial Court, Mrs. Ella Buck (Captain) and Mrs. John Kaetzel. . Section J: Mrs. Charles J. Marlin (Captain), Mrs. John Ii Derickson, Jr., Mrs. B. W. Stradley, Mrs. Walter D. Taft, Jr.. Mrs. D. J. Bennett, Mrs. Quentin C. Weaver, Mrs. Marlin P. Nelson, Mrs. James Livingston, Mrs. Ell Wismer and Mrs. A. Myrvln DeLapp. Section K: Greylock Apt. Miss Alma Dardels (Captain), Mrs. M. C. Hyalt and Mrs. DonaidP. Jones. Section L: Swarthmore Apt. Mrs. Charles E. Fischer (Captain), Mrs. Cecil D. Howard, Mrs. R. S. Latimer, Miss Olive perry and Mrs. O. M. Hook. Section M: Mrs. Ralph Hayes (Caplaln), Mrs. Henry Hoot, Mrs. Ella Beagle and Mrs. R. R. Sundquist. Dartmouth House Mrs. HenryL. Harris (Captain), Mrs. Walter Lu­casse, Mrs. Gordon L. Wahls, Mrs. Irving Lachmann, Mrs. David McCahan, Miss Barbara Kent and Mrs. George Whltacre. Section N: 'Buslness Section. Mrs. Frank G. Keenen (Caplaln). Mrs. Robert Hopkins, Miss Mary Ellen Beddow and Mrs. Esther Taylor. Section 0: Mrs. Raymond Ii FelLowS (captain), Miss Florence Brooks, Mrs. Irwin Galbreath, Mrs. George A. Hansell, Jr., Mrs. John A. Price, and Mrs. WUlIam C. Rowland. Section P: Mrs. W. Newton Ryerson (Captain), Mrs. Carl Barus, Mrs. Louis Dennett, Mr:. Joseph Donovan, Mrs. J. . 'Dougherty, Mr. C. S. Garrett, I Mrs. C. S. Garrett, Mrs. Grant Hebble, Mrs. John M. Moore and Mrs. FranciS Ses.lons. Section Q: Mra. William F. Lee, Jr., (captain), Mrs. H. W. Brink­mann, Mrs. Phillip W. Carruth, Mrs. Raymond C. Lasslat, Mrs. Edwin R. Schmidt, ,Jr., Mrs. LOuis J. ServaiS and Mrs. Clair Wllco •• Section R: Miss carol Ann Hetzel (Captaln), Mrs. Loren Forman Mrs. F. H. Forsylhe, Mr. RI~hard Halg, Mrs. J. R. Laylon, Mrs. John McWilliams and Mrs. WULlam L. TUrnex· DanIel G. Hoffman, Mrs. G. A. I E. "S:'"T ATE' N.O''I1 CE M1l1s MrS. ArlhUr Robinson, Mrs. F.sTATE OF ALLEN LEON , PUTNAM, DECEASED. R. J. Shuba, Mrs. Neal Thurman Letters Testamentary on the and MM. George Wagner. above eslate have been granted 10 gecllon U:SWarthmore-RuUedge Ibe undersigned who requesta all School District. Mrs. Lillian persons having claims or demands Steclw and Miss Elizabeth Watts. against the estete of the decedealnlt to make known the same. and Section V! Mrs. Harry Grayson peraorTB Indebted to the decedent Smith (Caplaln), Mrs. Charles to make payment without delay 10 Brooks, Mrs. Edward coslett,Jr., Alice, P. W1I1etts, Executrix, 4 Mrs William G1l1 Jr., Mrs. College Avenue, Swarllunore, Penn- • I sylvania, or her attorneys, Clark, Francis Plowman. Mr. H. Grayson Spshr, Elclunan and Yardley, 1500 Smith, Jr .. and Mrs. John M. B. Walnut Street, PhUadelphla' 2, Ward. Pennsylyanla. 3T-9-28 ESTATE NOTlCF.· '. : " ESTATE OF'GWLADY8,ElJZAJ' BETH CIANCI PUTNAM, DEl­CEASED. Letters Testamentary on Ib, above estate bave been granted w Ibe undersigned who requests all persons bavInc claims or demanfllr, against the eslate. of Ute decedeil~ to make known the same, and all peraons Indebted to tM decedODt to make payme nt without delay ':10 AlIce P. Willette, Executrix, 4 College Avenu"e. SwBrlhmore, Penn­Sylvania. or her attorneys, Clark.­sPshr, Eiclunan and Yardley, 1500 WSinut street, Phlladelpbla 2, Pennsylvania. 3T-9--28 "SUPER-RIGHT" SHORT SHANK, FULLY COOKED 12 TO 16-POUND SMO SHANK PORTION Same Slice. Removed lb. DHAMS c BUTT PORTION Some Slice. Removed lb. c Shank Half Ham lb. 43e Ham Slices C~~'iR lb. 88e NONE PRICED HIGHER Bull Half Ham Whole Hams Ib·53e Ib·41e U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED, 5 to 12.pounll Oven.Read, TURKEYS Ib,39C BRAZILIAN ROCK 4 TO 8-0UNCE LOBSTER TAILS lb. $1.49 NONE PRICED HIGHER Steak Cod :'::~~ Ib.33c GROUND BEEF, FRESHLY GROUND lb. 45e 3 lb $1 29 WHEN PURCHASED IN I. • pt(G5. of 3-1b,. or MORE TOKAY NONE PRICED HIGHER GRAPES Ib.l0C GOLDEN NONE PRICED HIGHER BANANAS Ib.12C • BANaUET 01 MOlTON READY-TQ.EAT FROZEN CREAM PIES STR~~~~R~~~g:~cUJiATE pks. 39c AUNT JEMIMA P~:~KE ;~:: 18c 2 pl:~. 34e LOG CABIN SYRUP 15~~ 11:;;'~~ 25C I S~~E 12b";~~ 47° APPLE DIE JANE PARKER I SAVE IOc I l·lb., 8-oz. 39c • . SPECIAl, PRICEI. ,pie CREST TOOTHPASTE REGULARLY 83c family 57c size tube Ma rcarl•n e Mlelrtaocltl . 2 1·lb. 61c I~dei 'h ·i~!·n 43c p.,I. .Iell.(l 4~!: 41c 2 !i:'.~: 39c Simoniz ~~~L ...;.~ 95c Decaf INSTANT COFFEE SAVE 10< 89 5-0 •• lar C S.O.S. Pads 18 P~" SIc DETERGENT LIQUID DETERGENT LIQUID DETERGENT SURF LUX WISK SAVE7c 2 large 53c 12 .... , 35e SAVE Be per box boxes 54e 2 pint 79C bottl. 22-01:. bot. cans SAVE ISe 64c Ilant bole quart con 72c CONDENSED DETERGENT WITH DISH CLOTH ALL RINSO BLUE , SILVERDUST SAVE 5c 34C SAVE 10c 6!Jc 24-oz. box giant box SAVE 5, 2 large 59c ON EACH ~t6lc SAVE S, ON 2 I .... 51c BOlt boxes EAC;:H lOX box., DETERGENT DETERGENT TABLETS LIQUID DETERGENT FLUFFY ALL VIM SWAN 3 b~~ 7ge 2-lb.,8-o1. 67C box 22..... 62e 32 ..... 87e bottl. battle CLEANER W/AMMONIA REGULAR SIZE SOAP BATH SIZE SOAP HANDY ANDY LIFEBUOY LIFEBUOY SAVE 10c 57c 28-01. boHle 3 bars 34c 2 bars 33C REGULAR SIZE SOAP BATH SIZE SOAP AEROSOL BOMB LUX LUX AIRWICK 4 bars 3gc SAVE 6c 2 bars 24C can 75C SHORTENING CLEANSER DOG FOOD . , SPRY AJAX THRIVO Asia Is Impressed by the number of cars and that the driving sge Is 16. II Is 18 In Sweden. "Take" likes "Qur good roads." He says "It is like living In a forest In Swarthmore, you have so many trees." They both feel that teen­agers are more or less the same everywhere. uTake" read about the American Field Service pro­gram In a magazine, whlle Asia heard a former AFS student speak at her school. Each became In­terested and applle~ to come to the Unlled Stales, as they both feel the AF~ program of family living is a wonderful way to further world understanding. Swarthmore Is happy to welcome Asta and "Take." Those students and parents wbo have already met them al school and In their homes recommend getting to know these two young people as a pleasant eXperience to be shared by every- Section S: Mrs. Henry D. Bevan ,(Caplaln), Mrs. J. Roy CarroLl, Mrs. D. W. McIntire, Mrs. Daniel S. Morse, Mrs. R. Blair Price. Mrs. Paul J. Rutan, Miss Peggy Thayer, Mrs. H. W" Weaver and Mrs. Robert Richardson. 2·lb., l0-0z. 85c 22c1a-n0s1 . 39c 6 16-01. 69C can SAVE 3c PER CAN cans AU PRICES EffECTlVI' THROUGH SATURDAY. SEPTEMIER 29th. 1962 m • springfield Shopping Center • 601 laltlmore Pike 0l1[li in tbe Section T: Mrs. Samuel T., Carpenter (Captain), Mrs. J. Paul Mrs. ,

---------- Page 17 ----------

• I I. ~Et.8e~8" SHS ·WILl VISIT . ~ ", RIDLEY PARK SAT •. DEFEAT MEDIA BY 2-1 • 6 VICTORY The 1962 Garnet Football team swept to a 21-6 victory over the Media Mustangs Saturday morning on Rutgers field, and their mettle Showed as they recovered from an . early 6-0 deficit to dominate the game throughout the remaining 40 minutes. . A 65-yard Media swing pass on their thIrd paly of the game brought the stands to their feet with ap­prehension and also gave a nerve­rattllng jolt to the new Garnet team which had only two battle, veterans in their line-up in Jay Thompson at center and co­captain Rick Filler at guard. But the team responded under t~e spirited leadership of Co':'captalns Hoge and Filler, and fought back aggressively, controlUng the game from there on. The first sCQre of the Garnet was made by quarterback Dick McCurdy from the one-yard Une when he called a play at the .Une of scrimmage to take advantage of a Media hole at center. Carl Gersbach, alternating with Ron Hoge at fullback, skirted left end and slashed Into the end zone for the extra point which put SWarth­more ahead 7 -6. The second touchdown was scored by Ron HQge in the second quarter fol­lowing the .recovery of another Mustang fumble. Fullback Gers­bach . again crashed over at left end for the second extra point to 'put SWarthmore out In front 14-6. The final TD came In the last quarter 'when Swarthmore took possession at mid-field. A roll­out pass by McCurdy to BUI Spencer failed in its first attempt but was repeated success(ully and Spencer carried to the 5 -1ard line. From this point Carl Gersbach skirted lert end for the TD and then repeatetl the same play for the extra point to give the home team a 21-6 victory. The final play of the game was a rouser as. . ~Ine backer Rus Jones inter­cepted .a pass on hIs own 30 and raced to the 3-yard Une· as the final whistle blew. .. At the team physiCian's last report, none of the three injured Media players suffered more than minor bruises. It is hoped that .In the 10: 15 game tomorrow with Ridley Park that Swartnmore wUI be 100%, with particular emphasis on Ron Hoge and George Welsh. , ··~he Junior Varsity traveled to . Media Monday for their Junior Varsity game and captured a 16-0 victory. Young Friends Will Meet Sunday Night The Senior High Young Friends Fellowship of Swarthmore Meet­ing w1l1 hold Its first meeting this Sunday. September 30, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. All interested 10th, lIth, and 12th graders are wel­come. The topIc for this week will be a discussion of goals and achieve­ments: What contrIbutes to the greatness of certain countries and people? Supper wllI be served promptly at 5:30 In Whittier House, fol­lowed by the discussion. All new members are encouraged to come. JI~~ Daffodils, etc. ~ J Top Size - Top Qualify CLEARANCEI ;:t LARGE AZALW The Kerns' Garden 325 N. FAIRVIEW ROAD WOQDLYN. f~. fit •••••• ! ••• ,. Cub Pack Pow-Wow Tonight at Dusk Old'Umers of Swarthmore CUb Pack 112 will pow-wow around' the giant COUDcll Bonfire tonight on the College meadow, beg1rln1ng at dusk. Those who would'become Cubs are also Invited to be there, to be introduced to the Pack,and to join in the singing and festlV­lUes. AU are reminded to bring flashlights. The pack moves forward this year under the leadership of the new chairman, Arthur W. Collins of 'School lane, and of new Cub­master Robert L. Lamberson, also of School lane. Other committee members Include: J. D. Reeves, secretarYiHoward Kulp,treasurerj Ed Heller, as­sistant cubmaster; and Ed Libbin, Bm Macauley, Jack CushIng, Ro­land Colt, Gregory Dlaz, Pete Hopson, and Dale Knob. The enUre pack and members . of the committee wish to express their gratitude for "the fine guidance and d1llgent efforts" of the reUringchalrman,ArdenJohn­son of Drew avenue, and outgoing cubmaster, Bartine Stoner of Cor­nell aven-ue-. ---- Program Saturday Honors Thos. Mann Nobel pr1~e winning novelist Thomas Mann will be com­memorated with Sl special program at SWarthmore College Saturday afternoon tmder the sponsorship of SWarth~ore, Bryn Mawr, and Haverford COlleges. Through t~e generosity of Caroline Newton of Daylesford, Professor Victor Lange of ,the Institute for Ad­vanced Studies at Princeton, and the Ju1l1lard Quartet w1l1 make up the two-part program. Professor Lange will speak on "'Thomas Mann as a Critic of ms Age" at 2 p.m. in the Friends Meeting House. The Ju1l1lard Quartet will perform selections by Beethoven at 3:30 p.m. in ClothIer Memorial. Admission to both events is by ticket only. This is the third Thomas Mann Commemorative program made possible byMlssNewton. The other two were held at Bryn Mawr and Haverford four and two years ago respectively. Miss Newton was for many years a close friend of Thomas Mann. Concurrent with the· Com­memorallon Is a Thomas Mann . exhibition in the Wllcox Gallery of the College's Arts Center. The exhibition features unpublished lelters of the author and German edlUons. of hIs novels. .THE SWARTHMdRE~N JRS. TO INITIATE WORKSHOP SERIES Tuesday eYening, October 2, the Swarthmore Junior Woman's Club wll11nitlate its workshop program at . the homes of Mrs. J. Rodgers Davis, poS~um . Hollow toad, Wallingford, and' Mrs. Charles IL Keyes, Green Valley road, Wallingford. These first of several home workshops devoted to fun and Christmas preparation will pro­vide the opportunity, inspiration and know-how for aspiring Mrs • Santa Clauses to get a headstart 1ri the hol1day rush by mak1ng'!y guts for thetr husbands (Ues), mothers-in-law (aprons) and Children (hand puppets), as well as cheerful decorations for the home and Christmas tree. . Fine Arts Chairman Mrs. Keyes and Home Life Chairman Mrs, Davis are working in close con­cert this year to expand the work­shop concept which has proven to be most successful In the past three years. The workshop is disigned to encourage the Indi­vidual to pursue her own particular Interest or talent and to become acquainted with Similarly inclined members. Daytime workshops, complete with babysltters, w1ll be tried thIs year and two have been planned for learning how to make nut and cone wreaths. With Sufficient en­couragement, morning workshops w1l1 continue atter Christmas In such areas as furniture ref1n1sh­ing, embroidery, baking, braiding . and hookl:ng rugs, picture framing and making lampshades. To com­plete the Christmas preparations, there w1ll be workshop night at I the clubhouse December 18 when the special talent of gift wrapping 'w1ll be demonstrated. . Prospective Members AU yoting women of the area who are interested in joining the club are urged to call either Mem­bership Chairman, Renee'Ffrench, KI 3-3779, or Nancy Agler, Lo 6-6152. Installation of new mem­bers wlll take place (jctober 16. ENTERTAINS Edward James, a r~sident of North Swarthmore avenue and a member of Swarthmore Friends Meeting, entertained the Friends at the Hickman House' in West Chester Tuesday evening with his slides of India, Italy and the Holy Land • Susan Seely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Seely of Bryn 1Aawr avenue returned September 16 to the UniversUyofllUnols. Ur-bana, m., for her senior year. Mr., and Mrs. WnUam Earl Gloria Pelt-sol of Lafayetteave- Stauffer and children Terry Eliza- nue returned September 20 atter beth and Tracy Hanna of Lancaster spending 10 days with her grand­spent a recent weekend with Mrs. mother Mrs. Alexander M. Dryden Stauffer's parents Mr. and Mrs. at Barnegat, N. J., and left on John R. Hanna of Riverview road. September 22 by plane to begin her , , September 28 ... 1962 Mrs. Robert W. Bernhardt teU Mrs. FraDk McFadden, a local clown several steps tbls week In mercbaDt, Is a patient in Fitz­ODe of ' the department stores and gerald-Mercy HOSPital broke ber COllarbone. She Is re- h::;;:;;:;:;:;:;:::;:;;:~::=:=:~~=:==r c'Jperat1nc at her home on South TRIlBY OIJRCH P""" PrlDceton avenue. I .... Mrs. Jan E. 'Ellison was eiven TOMORROW _ 2 P.M. a "surprise" houseviarntiit· on Friday evening by a group of he' .. · 01.D MILL IN ROSE VALLEY friends In her new home on Dart- mouth avenue. Minlmu",Oonatlon 25 •.p erson < ROBERTS in MEDIA Corll,e r of State St. & South Ave. , HEADQUARTERS SMALL WEEKLY FOR , Royal W~r Lenox Rfnfridg. Franconi. 1inA1n <:rystal .".----- PAYMENTS ON CHINA OUR CLUB PROGRAMS NO BUDGer OR CARRYING CHARGES LO 6-0981 JEweLRY & WATCH REPAIRS OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. Install ,autom,otic -=--__ ___ .' . HOUSE -t. HEATINGI o. • .0". .' • 1:. ':'. .. .: . .:..:. • •.0 :'-. ':..0..., • .. . .. '... .. ........... .... .. ... " .. ...: .. .. : . is the ideal····::· .:.:.:::~: ';...' .~ .".. .:~.~:.::: time to prepare for .:.::;.:~:.:. ."~. \.". winter co~fort by . ., ... :'. .. eo:, :.0 .. ! •• ....:. -:."'.. : installing aut.o matic gas .:..: .... "..: ., /. \..... : house heating . ..i.. n just about a \:.. ... :..'... :·'-:.::::day's time, the h.~6ting system can\/:· .. .; .. <:: be installed and: ~~~'re assured of .. :(;. .::": ~ .. f constant, de~~n~6ple warmth ::: ... :~ .. ~.:: ... :-0" ". .' ' ...... :: : :-:.': throughouf the ~n·t.ire house : .... ::.< : ~': : ~ for year~· ~o co~.e~··" What's : :::.:.-) ~:.~:.>: :.. more, op~i~~ting co~.ts··:compar~ .:.~.~.:} :.<~):. fav?r~bly with \o;~er ::/::~~/ .:.::.::.:.:.... au:to~atic hea~ing :.: ::::.:': "::::>:~':. ':. :. fuels. :: "::.:-;.:.~:;.~~": • .. .. •• .. :-: 0'· ....... -. .. .. .. eo •••• ., . .. : .... :.::. .."' ... '," .. .. • : '•. : .':'. ., .,:.:: ... . ..' ".. .,: :.:: :.=.: .. .. ~: .. ., - ". : ..... : .. ::.~ ...... .. '-;-.:: - Get more information ~n (J~t~'~~ti~ ,gas house heating by calling your local plumbing or heating contractor . or any of our suburban offices. Dr. Hallock C. Campbell of sophom*ore year at Michigan Slate PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Vassar avenue returned last week University, LanSing" Mich. ' from a business trip to Portland, r--------.;..;....-----t---------~------------_____ _ Me., and w1ll give a speech and attend meetl~gs in Albany, N. Y., next Monday and Tuesday. i'CHEAP'DRUGS" COST MOST Less effective medicines may cost less than the potent new fines prescribed by your Doc­tor ... but you probably will need more of them to get well. New drugs usually do the job the first time, costing less in total. Bring your Doc­tor's prescription to us for precise compounding, without delay. Uniformly fair prices. A O. CATHERMAN PHABMACIST 17 South Chester Road Swarthmore, Penno. Weekelld Special, SWIFT'S PREMIUM BUTTERBALL It cosh no more to enjoy til. Best at • ~ • The 401 "ILLb •• '. A ..... FOOD MARKIT I ' " .'

---------- Page 18 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Page 8 SHS WILL VISIT RIDLEY PARK SAT. DEfEAT MBHA BY 21 - 6 VICTORY The 1962 Garnet Football team swept to a 21-6 victory over the Media Mustangs Saturday morning on Rutgers field, and their mettle showed as they recovered from an early 6-0 deficit to dominate the game throughout the remaining 40 minutes. A 65-yard Media swIng pass on their third paly oUhe game brought the stands to their feet with ap­prehension and also gave a nerve­rattling jolt to the new Garnet team which had only two battle, veterans in their line-up in Jay Thompson at center and co­captaIn Rick Filler at guard. But the team responded under the spirited leadership of Co-captains: lIoge and FUler, and fought back aggressively, controllIng the game from there on. The fIrst score of the Garnet was made by quarterback Dick McCurdy from the one-yard line when he called a play at the .line of scrimmage to take advantage of a Media hole at center. Carl Gersbach, alternaUng with Ron Hoge at fullback, skirted left end and slashed into the end zone for Cub Pack Pow-Wow Tonight at Dusk Old' timers of Swarthmore Cub Pack 112 w1l1 pow-wow around the giant Councn Bonfire tOnight on the College meadow, beginning at dusk. Those who would ·become Cubs are also invited to be there, to be introduced to the Pack, and to join in the singing and festiv­ities. All are remInded to brIng flashlights. The pack moves forward this year under the leadership of the new chalrman, Arthur W. ColUns of School lane, and of new Cub­master Robert L. Lamberson, also of School lane. Other committee members include: J. D. Reeves, secretary; Howard Kulp, treasurer; Ed Heller, as­sistant cubmaster; and Ed Libbin, Blll Macauley, Jack Cushing, Ro­land Colt, Gregory Dlaz, Pete Hopson, and Dale Knob. The enUre pack and members of the committee wish to express their gratitude for "the flne guidance and diligent efforts" of the retlrIngchairman, Arden John­son of Drew avenue, and outgoing cubmaster, Bartine stoner ofCor­nell aven-u-e.- ------_.- Program Saturday Honors Thos. Mann the extra point which put Swarth- Nobel prize winning novelist more ahead 7-6. The second Thomas Mann will be com­touchdown was scored by Ron memorated with a special program Hoge in the second quarter fol- at Swarthmore College Saturday lowing the .recovery of another afternoon under the sponsorship Mustang fumble. Fullback Gers- of Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, and bach· again crashed over at left Haverford Colleges. Through the end for the second extra point to generosity of Caroline Newton of put Swarthmore out In front 14-6. Daylesford, Professor Victor The final TD came In the last Lange of the Institute for Ad­quarter when Swarthmore took vanced Studies at Princeton, and possessIon at mid-field. A ro11- the Ju1l1iard Quartet will make out pass by McCurdy to Bill up the two-part program. Spencer failed in its first attempt Professor Lange will speak on but was repeated successfully and "Thomas Mann as a Critic of His Spencer carried to the 5-1ard line. Age" at 2 p.m. in the Friends From this point Carl Gersbach . Meeting House. The Ju1lliard skirted left end for the TD and Quartet will perform selections by then repeated the same play for Beethoven at 3:30 p.m. in Clothier the extra point to give the home I MemorIal. Admission to both team a 21-6 victory. The final events Is by ticket only. play of the game was a rouser This is the third Thomas Mann as . line backer Rus Jones inter- Commemorative program made cepted a pass on his own 30 and possible by Miss Newton. The other raced to the 3 -yard line as the two were held at Bryn Mawr and final whistle blew. Haverford four and two years ago At the team physiCian's last report, none of the three injured Media players suffered more than mInor bruises. It Is hoped ihat in the 10:15 game tomorrow with Ridley Park that Swartllmore will be 100%, with particular emphasis on Ron Hoge and George Welsh. respectively. MIss Newton was for many years a close friend of Thomas Mann. Concurrent with the· Com­memoration is a Thomas Mann exhibltion In the WlIcox Gallery of the College's Arts Center. The exhibition features unpublished letters of the author and German editions of his novels. THE SW ARTHMOREAN JRS. TO INITIATE WORKSHOP SERIES Tuesday evening, October 2, the Swarthmore Junior Woman'S Club w1ll initiate its workshop program at the homes of Mrs. J. Rodgers DaViS, Possum Hollow toad, Wallingford, and Mrs. Charles H. Keyes, Green Valley road, Wa1l1ngford. These first of several home workshops devoted to Cun and Christmas preparation w1l1 pro­vide the opportunity, Inspiration and know-how for aspiring Mrs. Santa Clauses to get a headstart In the hollday rush by makillg gay gifts for their husbands (Ues), mothers-in-law (aprons) and Children (hand puppets), as well as cheerful decorations for the home and ChrIstmas tree. Fine Arts Chairman Mrs. Keyes and Home Life Chairman Mrs. Davis are working in close con­cert this year to expand the work­shop concept which has proven to be most successful in the past three years. The workshop Is dlsigned to encourage the indi­vIdual to pursue her own particular Interest or talent and to become acquainted with Similarly inclined members. Daytime workshops, complete with babysitters, w1l1 be trIed this year and two have been planned for learning how to make nut and cone wreaths. With Sufficient en­couragement, morning workshops will continue after Christmas in such areas as furniture refinIsh­ing, embroidery, baking, braiding .and hooking rugs, picture framing and making lamps hades. To com­plete the Christmas preparations, there will be workshop night at I the clubhouse December 18 when the special talent of gift wrapping 'will be demonstrated. Prospective Members All young wornen of the area who are interested in joining the club are urged to call either Mem­bersldp Chairman, Renee'Ffrench, KI 3 -3779, or Nancy Agler, Lo 6-6152. Installation of new mem­bers w1ll take place October 16. ENTERTAINS Edward Jamefli, a resident of North Swarthmore avenue and a member of Swarthmore Friends Meeting, entertained the Friends at the Hickman House In West Chester Tuesday evening with his slides of India, Italy and the Holy Land. Susan Seely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Seely of Bryn ~hwr av~nue returned September 16 to the Unlversltyof I1l1nois, Ur- The JunIor Varslty traveled to . Media Monday for their JunIor Varsity game and captured a 16-0 Victory. bana, 111., for her senior year. Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Earl Gloria Peirsol of Lafayette ave- Stauffer and chlldren Terry El1za- nue returned September 20 after beth and Tracy Hanna of Lancaster spending 10 days with her grand­spent a recent weekend with Mrs. mother Mrs. Alexander M. Dryden Stauffer's parents Mr. and Mrs. at Barnegat, N. J., and left on John R. Hanna of Riverview road. September 22 by plane tobeginher Young Friends Will Meet Sunday Night Dr. Hallock C. Campbell of sophom*ore year at Michigan State September 29 .. 1962 Mrs. Robert W. Bernhardt fell down several steps this week in one of 'the department stores and Mrs. Frank McFadden, a local merchant, Is a patient in Fitz­gerald- Mercy Hospital TRiNnY CHURCH PICNIC broke her collarbone. She is re- ~=============t' cuperaUng at her home on South Princeton avenue. Mrs. Jan E •. Ellison was given a "surprise" housewarm1tig on Friday evening by a group of her friends in her new home on Dart­TOMORROW - 2 P.M. mouth avenue. OLD MILL IN ROSE VALLEY Minimum Donation 25, person ROBERTS in MEDIA Corner of State St. & South Ave. HEADQUARTERS SMAll WEEKLY FOR.r.. .-.--~-l PAYMENTS ON Royal Worcester CHINA OUR CLUB lenox PROGRAMS Rfntridg8' Franconia Tiffin Crydal NO BUDGET OR CARRYING CHARGES ~"' _____ ....Il LO 6.0981 JEWl:LRY & WATCH REPAIRS OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. Install ,automatic .- HOUSE ··:·::.HEATINGI .. ' .'. .:. .:: .. .,.'.. . .. '-:', . ..- .. t o ':-' . '. .' . Right now is the ideal • ,-a ...... ,0 '," .- "0 .. ' ": . . ',' ' .. .. .. ..."..'.,. . . ', ' .. -, .. 0' • " .' . " time to prepare for ,- .... winter co~fort by installing automatic gas .., . . . ... . .. , '. -. :.-. >~. house heating. /11 just about a '.: >'~'. :.-:. :.::day's time, the h~ating system can··.:·<· .. , .. . . ". . . . .. be installed and you're assured of ':.: ::. .". .. . constant, de~e'ndri.ble warmth .: ...... :. . ', . · .,-.. . · ...-..' . ' · . .... .. ' - '0 - .... :' .. ,', . . -. : .', . . '.' ... ' . ",", .. ... : ..... throughou/ the ~~'tire house .... :~ for years.' ,t6 co~e:.-". W hat's more, op~·ra.ting cos.ts ·.compare fav?r~bly with ":ot~er a~t. o~atic hea~ing . .. ",' ',' .... '. ,':. :,' .-.: ...' ...' . . .. :. ~. fuels. : ; .. . . . .. " .= ~. :,': ~':' 0' '.' ., . " :. : .. '.' . .,'',.' ,- '. .. '" .. 0, . : ,', .: -: ..... . .. .. ': . Get more information on automat;c. gas house heating by calli.lg your local plumbing or hearing contractor or any of our suburban offices. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY The SenIor High Young Friends Fellowship of Swarthmore Meet­ing wilt hold its first meeting thIs Sunday, September 30, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. All interested 10th Vassar avenue returned last week University. LanSing, Mich. from a business trip to Portland, t----..,.;..~--..:.:.:..-----+-------------______________ _ Me., and w1l1 give a speech and attend meetings in Albany, N. Y., , 11th, and 12th graders are wel-come. The topic fIJr this week will be a discussion of goals and achieve­ments: What contributes to the greatness of certain cOllntries and people? Supper will be served promptly at 5;30 in Whittier House, fol­lowed by the discussion. All new members are enco~lraged tocome. dI~h_~ :;;r~ Daffodils, ek. ~*~ J Top Size - Top Quality CLEARANCE! ): LARGE AZALEAS The Kerns' Garden 325 N. FAIRVIEW ROAD WOODLYN, ~A. ~~!tli~~!~~.~ next Monday and Tuesday. "CHEAP DRUGS" COST MOST -~ J---:~ - ~ Less effective medicines may cost less than the potent new ones prescribed by your Doc. tor ... but you probably will need more of them to get well. New drugs usually do the job the first time, costing less in total. Bring your Doc­tor's prescription to us for precise compounding, without delay. Uniformly fair prices. A. G. CATHERMAN PHARMACIST 17 South Chester Road I Swarthmore, Penna. 1,. Weekend Special, SWIFT'S PREMIUM BUTTERBALL It costs no more to enjoy 'he Best at ••• The • 401 D .. llu .... A ... ue FOOD MARKET

The Swarthmorean, 1962-09 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)


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A library collection refers to a diverse range of materials curated to meet the needs of a community and to support a library's mission. It includes general and subject-specific materials, as well as special collections with rare and historically valuable items, all managed to stay relevant and in good condition.

What are the contents of a digital library? ›

The content of a digital library includes virtually any kind of electronic media (Text, image, graphics, video, etc.), licensed databases of journals, articles and abstracts and description of physical collections. services, password to consortium or other collaboration from commercial organizations.

What items are in the digital library? ›

Information content of a digital library, depending on the media type it contain, may include a combination of structured / unstructured text, numerical data, scanned images, graphics, audio and video recordings and other multimedia content.

What are special collections in libraries? ›

Special areas can include rare books, genealogy materials, archives, local history, theses, and books from local authors. The selection of materials for these special areas should be consistent with the institution's mission, policy, and history, as well as the user's needs.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.