Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (2024)


Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (1)


Dr. Paola Cuevas

Veterinarian, MVZ

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Pork isn’t an ingredient in dog food that is completely unheard of, but it is much less common than others. If you check the back label of your dog food, you might see pork as an ingredient somewhere in the list. However, most of the time, other common protein sources, like beef and chicken, fill pet food labels everywhere.

Pork usually takes a backseat as the main protein source, but that’s slowly starting to change. The lack of pork in pet food might not make much sense considering how often we humans eat pork at home. But what gives with pork not being in dog food? We will take a look at why that might be.

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (2)

Top 5 Reasons Why There Is No Pork in Dog Food

1. Pork Fat Is Hard for Dogs to Digest

Some dogs can have a lot of trouble digesting pork, especially pork fat. Pork is exceptionally high in fat, so unless it’s separated, it creates a lot of muck in the diet, leading to eventual health issues in some dogs.

Pork fat can also cause gastrointestinal upset, so be sure to trim any pieces from boiled chunks at home before giving them to your dog.

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (3)

2. Undercooked Pork Can Cause Illness

Even though most dog food companies cook the food extensively before production, that is not always the case. With raw and fresh dog food options, it is especially challenging to incorporate meat such as pork.

Uncooked pork contains several parasites, contributing to the disease trichinosis.

Signs of trichinosis include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Anorexia
  • Myalgia

Immediate treatment is necessary to prevent eggs in the intestinal tract and muscles.

3. Potential Implications of Religious Upset

Even though this reason is not incredibly likely, serving pork in certain parts of the world can be challenging. If a large dog food company operates a worldwide chain, the inclusion of pork might significantly impact its customer base in certain parts of the globe.

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (4)

4. Ordering Pork from Other Countries Can be Dangerous

Because pork often contains parasites and other bacteria, sourcing the ingredients can be tricky. Companies must work extra hard to ensure that the meat they order is quality and issue-free.

5. Humans Love Pork

Think about it—bacon, ham, pulled pork sandwiches. Humans absolutely love eating pork. Because it tends to be more expensive for pet food companies to buy, they generally go with a less expensive meal like beef, chicken, or fish. That’s why you see these ingredients dominating the market.

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (5)

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (6)

Actual Facts About Dogs and Pork

So, not that you know why dog food companies haven’t chosen pork as their go-to protein, but what are the actual facts? Here are a few.

Is Pork Healthy for Dogs?

Pork can be a very healthy selection for dogs. In addition to its wonderful protein, pork has various other health benefits.

Pork is often used as a protein in novel recipes for dogs that are allergic to other protein sources because it isn’t used in most popular formulas. Certain commercial dog foods do contain pork as the main protein source. Most of these are premium dog foods and specialized diets.

Let’s talk about the fantastic health benefits of pork.

Thiamine is a B vitamin essential to meat-eating animals—including humans. In pork, thiamine is actually higher than in red meats like lamb or beef.

  • Novel Protein

Since pork is rarely used in most commercial dog foods, it can work against common allergies. If your dog is having issues with common proteins like beef, chicken, or fish, pork can be an excellent novel protein to introduce to the system.

  • Essential Vitamins

Pork has both vitamin B12 and vitamin B6. Each of these components assists in blood formation and brain function.

  • Niacin

Proper niacin intake is necessary for nervous tissue maintenance, healthy skin, and gastrointestinal tract functions.

  • Iron

Iron helps with tons of your dog’s regular bodily functions. It helps the gastrointestinal tract, immune function, and energy levels.

  • Zinc

Pork contains a fair amount of zinc, which boosts immune health and reduces inflammation in the body.

  • Phosphorus

Phosphorus is an incredible component that plays a huge role in bone and teeth health. It’s also totally necessary for your dog’s body, aiding in the growth and maintenance of cells and tissues.

  • Selenium

Selenium plays a role in thyroid metabolism to keep things running smoothly.

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (7)

Do Any Dog Foods Contain Pork?

Not only do dog food companies sometimes select pork as the main protein source, but most are also pretty high-end quality brands.

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (8)

What Brands and Recipes Offer Pork?

Some fabulous pork recipe recommendations, straight from us!

All of these recipes are premium, highly revered diets that have chosen pork as their main source of protein. We think they deserve consideration if you’re thinking of switching to the other white meat.

Should You Feed Your Dog Pork?

Feeding your dog pork is a personal choice. If you feel a diet switch could enhance your dog’s daily living, you can always speak with your vet about options.

Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (9)


Now you can be sure that pork isn’t all that unheard of anymore in dog nutrition. It has its benefits. But if it isn’t prepared correctly, it equally raises concerns. Just remember, if you feed your dog cooked pork, ensure it’s seasoning-free and fully cooked.

Also, there are several top-notch dog food recipes on the web that use pork as the main ingredient. If you want to try out the recipes, look at each brand to see what works best for your dog. And as always, ask your vet for advice if you need a professional opinion.

  • Related Read:

Featured Image Credit: NeydtStock, Shutterstock


  • Top 5 Reasons Why There Is No Pork in Dog Food
    • 1. Pork Fat Is Hard for Dogs to Digest
    • 2. Undercooked Pork Can Cause Illness
    • 3. Potential Implications of Religious Upset
    • 4. Ordering Pork from Other Countries Can be Dangerous
    • 5. Humans Love Pork
  • Actual Facts About Dogs and Pork
    • Is Pork Healthy for Dogs?
    • Do Any Dog Foods Contain Pork?
    • What Brands and Recipes Offer Pork?
    • Should You Feed Your Dog Pork?
  • Conclusion
Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster (2024)


Why Is There No Pork in Dog Food? 5 Vet-Reviewed Reasons – Dogster? ›

Pork is exceptionally high in fat, so unless it's separated, it creates a lot of muck in the diet, leading to eventual health issues in some dogs. Pork fat can also cause gastrointestinal upset, so be sure to trim any pieces from boiled chunks at home before giving them to your dog.

Why is there no pork in dog food? ›

Processed pork is classed as Grade 1 carcinogen in humans so when you consider how much more vulnerable our dogs are going to be if fed quantities of processed meats (or high levels of raw excretory organs with the accumulated toxins found in the kidneys and liver of pigs), the risks are even greater.

Why can't dogs have pork? ›

It is not recommended for dogs to eat raw pork. Raw or undercooked pork meat might contain trichinella parasites which can infect both dogs and humans, and there's also the risk of contamination with a range of harmful bacteria. For these reasons, it's always best to cook pork before handing it over to your dog.

Is there a dog food made with pork? ›

Every can of ACANA® Premium Chunks is crafted thoughtfully from start to finish. Our Pork Recipe in Bone Broth is crafted with 85%* animal ingredients in the form of premium chunks of pork. It's also balanced with 15%* visible fruit and vegetables in a savory bone broth base your dog will love.

How digestible is pork for dogs? ›

Pork is a good source of protein and other essential nutrients that dogs need to maintain good health. However, dogs can have trouble digesting fatty meats, such as pork, which can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Is pork in dog food bad for dogs? ›

Next, dogs shouldn't be eating the fat of pork. Many pork products are high in fat, and some have sections of fat that remain on them even after they're cooked. This fat is highly difficult for dogs to digest, and can lead to stomach upset, particularly due to inflammation and irritation in the pancreas.

Which is better for dogs pork or beef? ›

Pork. Lean pork provides all nine essential amino acids that dogs need in an easily-digestible form. In fact, even just a small amount of pork provides over half of the recommended daily allowances for different nutrients that dogs need!

Why can't dogs eat cooked pork? ›

Pork Bones

Cooked bones become drier and brittle, making them more likely to splinter. These bone splinters can obstruct or even rupture your dog's delicate digestive tract. Raw bones are less likely to break, but they are more likely to damage your dog's teeth as they chew.

Why you shouldn't eat pork? ›

Eating pork products, which are loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is a good way to increase your chances of developing diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.

Why is pork bad for you? ›

Pork contains high amounts of saturated fat and omega-6 fatty acids like linoleic acid. These fats can demonstrably worsen the effects of alcohol abuse and cause fatty liver disease. It can worsen liver health and lead to cirrhosis. The exact way pork affects the liver is still unclear and requires more research.

What meat should dogs not eat? ›

Feeding your dog fatty foods, like hot dogs, bacon, ribs, or fried chicken, can upset your dog's stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea. It can also lead to pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas. Some breeds, like Miniature Schnauzers and Yorkshire Terriers, may be more prone to pancreatitis.

What meat is best for dogs? ›

Some of the better options for lean meat cuts are chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef such as sirloin or flank steak, and pork tenderloin. These kinds of cuts can be boiled, baked, or grilled, but you'll want to avoid adding seasonings or other ingredients that might be harmful to your dog.

Does Purina have pork? ›

So, let's bring some greater clarity to help you understand what's in a Purina pet food product. In a Purina pet food product you will find the right combination of these ingredients: ANIMAL-based ingredients: for example, chicken, beef, pork, lamb, salmon, tuna fish…– sources of high-quality protein.

Why does my dog have diarrhea after eating pork? ›

As uncooked pork can contain the parasite trichinella spiralis larvae, you should only feed your dog cooked pork. Symptoms of a trichinella spiralis infection include vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, lethargy and stiffness; although sometimes dogs may not show symptoms.

How much pork can a dog eat daily? ›

Plain cooked pork could be given in small quantities without major issues. Still, large amounts of pork should be avoided as it is a rich meat and could potentially cause gastrointestinal issues. If you want to feed your dog pork, start with a small amount at first to make sure they can tolerate it.

What foods are toxic to dogs? ›

Toxic treats
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Apple seeds.
  • Apricot pits.
  • Avocados.
  • Cherry pits.
  • Candy (particularly chocolate—which is toxic to dogs, cats, and ferrets—and any candy containing the toxic sweetener Xylitol)
  • Chives.
  • Coffee (grounds, beans, and chocolate-covered espresso beans)

Why don't they put pork in cat food? ›

Pork is a food high in sodium and fat, meaning that if consumed often, it can lead to health issues like obesity or blocked arteries. Because of the sodium, it can impact your cat's liver, kidneys, and heart.

Are many dogs allergic to pork? ›

Pork (2%) – Alongside beef and chicken, pork is a common dog food ingredient, but the incidence of allergic reactions in dogs is much lower. Fish (2%) – Freshwater fish like salmon are high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and a good alternative to mammal proteins.

Are dogs likely to be allergic to pork? ›

Dogs are most commonly allergic to the following foods (in descending order): beef, dairy, wheat, egg, chicken, lamb/mutton, soy, pork, rabbit, and fish. Rabbit and fish are by far less common food allergens than the others.

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