The 10 Best Games Of All Time on The Nintendo Wii U (2024)

Nintendo Wii U games, admittedly, are sparse. However, what the Wii U titles lack in quantity more than makeup for in quality. Today, we examine the very best software releases on the Nintendo Wii U and pick our favorite 10. So, if you’re a proud owner of a Nintendo Wii U, strap in and dust off the retro console. We’re about to go on a nostalgia trip.

Which Nintendo Wii U Games are the Best Of All Time?

Nintendo’s legacy of innovation and fun at the forefront continues to this day. The Nintendo Wii U is part of that legacy, providing many memorable games that stick with players for a long time. We’re proud to say Nintendo’s retro gaming is ironclad; check out their fantastic games on the Game Boy Advance as proof.

Well, we’re not gonna waste your time by blabbering on and on about how the Nintendo Wii U couldn’t succeed because of the lack of games. It’s not a secret anymore, and even Nintendo acknowledged this fact.

However, what’s admirable here is that instead of pushing the corporate agenda and dolling out just another gimmick, Nintendo did a complete 180, which turned their fortunes around. Simply put, the Wii U is the precursor to their hit console, the Nintendo Switch. Getting back to the Nintendo Wii U, let’s cut right to the chase and list our favorite 10 games. It’s a fairly extensive line-up, so let’s go!

10. Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE – Part Fire Emblem, Mostly Shin Megami Tensei, Results in A Brilliant Fusion

The 10 Best Games Of All Time on The Nintendo Wii U (1)

We’re jumping into a time capsule as the debut entry of our list of excellent Nintendo Wii U games mashes two retro franchises. Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE is a wonderous amalgamation of Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem. The game design has an urban setting instead of a mythical or fantasy one, so that alone makes it a standout. Also, the game’s thematic element is the power of music.

It’s got the cringe of the anime-style games, but you know what you’re in for when you play Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. The exploration is fairly linear but doesn’t detract from the enjoyment, as you’ll love exploring the depiction of Tokyo. There are loads of treasures to find when exploring locations like Shibuya. However, there is another plane of existence where the supernatural exists, the Idolasphere.

The perspective shifts drastically in the Idolasphere, as players will enter tactical combat against enemies. The amount of depth in battles is surprising. Players must unlock new and powerful attacks by leveling up and performing unity techniques. The stronger the bond between teammates, the more powerful their attack techniques become. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is one of the most fun Fire Emblem games on the Nintendo Wii U.

9. Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water – The Chilling Ambiance and Spooky Vibes is a Must-Play for Horror Buffs

The 10 Best Games Of All Time on The Nintendo Wii U (2)

For this next spot on our list of amazing Nintendo Wii U games, we’ve got a horror title, Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water. You’ve got your Resident Evils, and you’ve got your Silent Hills, but when it comes to delivering true scares, Fatal Frame is no slouch. This particular installment ups the ante significantly. Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water brings back the haunting ambiance synonymous with the series.

The players take control of three protagonists, each with a unique perspective and backstory that ties into the plot. Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water adds a layer to the traditional gameplay formula by incorporating a wetness meter. If a character’s wetness level rises, they will suffer high damage, and the hostile ghosts will appear more frequently. To balance this problem, the higher wetness greatly increases the damage output of the Camera Obscura.

Oh, did we mention the only weapon that can hurt spirits is a camera? Yep, if you’re a scaredy cat, you might wanna steer clear of Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water on the Nintendo Wii U, or other terrifying horror games for that matter. The game’s enemy variety will always keep players guessing and horrified. Overall, if you’ve not played Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water, it’s definitely worth your time.

8. Mario Kart 8 – Leave Your Opponenents in the Dust in this Thrilling Nintendo Wii U Racing Game

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Aside from looking stellar on the Nintendo Wii U, this next game on our list is a racer that’s loads of fun. Mario Kart 8 is proof that you don’t need realistic visuals or accurate depictions of branded cars common in most racing games to have mass appeal. The game embraces its cartoonish lineage and ever-green, upbeat aesthetic. The result is a game that’s surpassed 8 Million sales.

Anyway, the gameplay of Mario Kart 8 follows the trend of the series, except there’s more refinement. Also, the colorful cast of characters have distinct vehicle designs that suit their style. The learning curve in this Nintendo Wii U racing game isn’t that steep. It’s one of the more accessible titles around, kind of like the best Oculus Rift games for kids. The race courses are diverse and contain more than a few surprises.

At its core, Mario Kart 8’s most compelling feat is retaining its competitive element but still remaining fun for everyone. The power-ups allow players to get a boost to jump ahead of the rival racers or derail them. The animations and sound design are top-notch, matching Mario’s fun-loving vibe. You can’t go wrong with Mario Kart 8; it’s one of the best racing games ever on the Nintendo Wii U.

7. Xenoblade Chronicles X – The Mesmerizing World Will Draw You in, and the Satisfying Gameplay Will Make You Stay

The 10 Best Games Of All Time on The Nintendo Wii U (4)

For the next choice of enjoyable Nintendo Wii U games list, we’re diving into JRPG territory with Xenoblade Chronicles X. The game is a treat for JRPG connoisseurs and fans of open-world style games like Fallout. The gameplay is divided into exploration and combat, and both are equally compelling aspects of Xenoblade Chronicles X. To distinguish itself from other JRPGS, Xenoblade Chronicles X embraces sci-fi plot themes.

The story revolves around humanity’s survival on space vessels, one of them central to the plot crash lands on a foreign planet Mira. From there, players can customize their character to their heart’s content. Everything from appearance, gender, clothing, and accessories, to skillsets and specialization is tweakable. Players then go about exploring Mira and discovering its many wonders.

The anime-esque art style theme is part of the charm of Xenoblade Chronicles X. The combat and attack animation add a visual flare that enhances the enjoyment of this Nintendo Wii U game. Later on, when mechs are available to players, the traversal and combat feel like a delightful experience. We’re high on Xenoblade Chronicles X and consider it a modern-day masterpiece of a JRPG.

6. Splatoon – Soothe Your Mind in this Delightfully Charming Shooter With Plenty Of Heart

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To cap off our list of brilliant Nintendo Wii U games, we have the colorfully vibrant shooting game, Splatoon. Talk about a game that’s a system seller and a hit with every demographic; you’re looking at it in Splatoon. The over-the-top zany antics of the characters, the Inklings, not only feel hilarious but also endearing. Splatoon’s not just style; it’s also got a ton of substance to back it up.

Splatoon allows players to sneak into puddles of matching colors of their character. This is done by shooting the ground and walls around them with the character’s weapons. This creates a layer of tactical shooting during the gameplay. Splatoon’s comical tone goes really well with the gameplay presentation, especially the various co-op and multiplayer modes. The third-person shooting feels incredibly satisfying.

The characters in Splatoon have squid forms on top of their humanoid ones. When planning a strike against the opponent team, switching back and forth is a skill that’s vital to ensuring victory. Splatoon’s replay value is enormous, and the best part is it’s a Nintendo Wii U game that you won’t ever tire of playing. If you like similar gaming suggestions, check out our list of fantastic shooters on Switch.

5. Super Metroid – Another Homerun for the Classic Franchise With A Timeless Remaster

The 10 Best Games Of All Time on The Nintendo Wii U (6)

The Metroid games always have a special place on most gaming lists, and ours is no different. Super Metroid on the Nintendo Wii U is one the most compelling, timeless, and all-around enjoyable games of all time. It’s by no means an easy game to master, but therein lies the appeal. Super Metroid upholds the classic Metroidvania formula and adds to it.

The gameplay follows a non-linear structure where Samus Aran, the series protagonist, must explore a series of levels. Each one has unique elements like area-specific enemies and puzzles while also hiding loads of secrets to find. Super Metroid introduces fascinating features that make use of the hardware of Nintendo Wii U, making the game feel more special.

The 2D side-scrolling DNA of Metroid remains intact in Super Metroid, but there is an inclusion of a game map. Players can freely look at Samus’s inventory screen, and the firing angles are no longer static. The enemies and combat encounters are intense, with many of them requiring players to master the traversal and timing. Super Metroid is part of the timeless Nintendo Wii U games; for similar classics, check out the top NES games of all time.

4. Bayonetta 2 – The Saucy Heroine Returns in Grand Fashion in this Stylish Action Game on the Nintendo Wii U

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For the next pick on our list of excellent Nintendo Wii U games, we have a no-brainer, Bayonetta 2. The incomparable Umbra Witch returns in all her sultry allure and rapid-paced stylish combat. The game’s existence is proof that Nintendo’s family-friendly image isn’t the extent of its offerings. Players can look for plenty of mature titles on Nintendo systems, including games for adults.

If the first game was a testing of the waters for Bayonetta gameplay-wise, then Platinum Games outdid themselves in Bayonetta 2. The game is a huge step up from its predecessor, with even more absurd and outlandish magical attacks. The gameplay allows players to cut loose and go ham on enemies. The visual of Bayonetta making everything look like child’s play as she struts about slaying demonic fools is top-notch.

Bayonetta 2 is all dependent on the player’s reflexes with the controls. Dodging at the last second generates the Witch Time mode, where everything comes to a crawl. During this time, Bayonetta can deliver a walloping beatdown that demons and rogue angelic creatures will remember for a long time. Plain and simple, Bayonetta 2 is one of the most fun and enjoyable Nintendo Wii U games ever.

3. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – The Definitive Version of An Already Compelling Masterpiece

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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate snatches the coveted number 3 position on our list of top-tier Nintendo Wii U games. Players must rely on perseverance and dedication to excel at this highly engrossing game. Not only is there a complex learning curve, but the game strays from typical hunting games. You don’t just slay a creature and are done; no, you must put in the grind of the hunt to succeed.

The gameplay of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has dozens of colossal monsters, each with deadly physical features. Players get three cracks at a creature; if they fail the third time, the mission fails. However, there’s an upside to this, meaning if you call in friends to join you, you can team up to hunt together. This will make the gameplay experience more enjoyable but also make the hunt somewhat manageable.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is ripe with content for players to discover. The weapons and skills will upgrade only if you manage to hunt and harvest the creatures. Crafting isn’t just optional; it’s essential to staying alive in the field in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Players will be hard-pressed to find games on the Nintendo Wii U that make use of co-op as fine as Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate does.

2. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild – The Nintendo Wii U’s Biggest Hit Game is Our Runner-Up Choice

The 10 Best Games Of All Time on The Nintendo Wii U (9)

For the runner-up spot on our list of excellent Nintendo Wii U games, we have The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. The gameplay, presentation, and the truly open-world structure of the title give this gem a majestic vibe. It’s the purest example of true freedom in gaming.

The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild captivates us with its mystifying aura. The game’s combat feels radically different from previous entries and makes use of the Nintendo Wii U functionality quite well. On top of the dungeons that players can tackle in any order, the narrative is also non-linear. Meaning you don’t have to finish a quest to unlock the next one.

The combat in The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild feels superb. The game’s immersion is truly on a level beyond most games, depicting a hint of realism with the fantasy aspect. Things like lightning latching toward swords and shields during thunderstorms create new dynamics in the gameplay. The game’s open-world layout without any markers gives us Skyrim vibes; check out our friend’s Max level guide of Skyrim.

1. Darksiders 2 – Death’s Tale Eclipses Other Nintendo Wii U Games for First Place

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So for the final entry on our list of amazing Nintendo Wii U games, we’re going with Darksiders 2. The only video game series that depicts the fearsome horsem*n of the apocalypse in a heroic light. Darksiders 2 is everything we imagined and so much more, and we love this series to Death. Ironic since the protagonist of Darksiders 2 is none other than the pale horseman himself, Death!

The depiction of the personification of Death in Darksiders 2 is outstanding. He comes across as sassy, charming, witty, and above all, heroic. Death sets out to erase the crime his brother War is accused of by restoring humanity’s souls.

The gameplay of Darksiders 2 is an amalgamation of the greatest hits from the best single-player adventure games on PS4. The platforming, highly engaging combat that relies on dodging and striking, RPG mechanics for progression, and loot system that grants unique gear and weapons all feel incredible. Plus you get to ride a horse, what more do you want?

Final Thoughts on the Best Wii U Games of All Time

Well, that takes care of that; our list of top-tier Nintendo Wii U games comes to an end. So, what do you think? Quite the shocker, eh? Especially for the top spot. Well, that’s us, full of surprises. Express your rage or admiration and any and all critique in the comments below. We eagerly anticipate your feedback and any insight for overlooked games that we’re pretty sure missed.

In the meantime, if you’re still wanting a fix for retro gaming with a Nintendo flavor, here’s our collection of top SNES games. It’s got an assortment of games to choose from with diverse genres to boot, like today’s top Nintendo Wii U games list. Well, that’s it for today; we’re signing off for the week; remember to stay safe and take care! Until next time, happy gaming, everybody!

The 10 Best Games Of All Time on The Nintendo Wii U (2024)
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